Search in sources :

Example 6 with ValueNamePair

use of org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class MLookup method getData.

//	getData
	 *	Return data as Array containing Value/KeyNamePair
	 *  @param mandatory if not mandatory, an additional empty value is inserted
	 *  @param onlyValidated only validated
	 *  @param onlyActive only active
	 * 	@param temporary force load for temporary display
	 *  @return list
public ArrayList<Object> getData(boolean mandatory, boolean onlyValidated, boolean onlyActive, boolean temporary) {
    //	create list
    ArrayList<Object> list = getData(onlyValidated, true);
    //  Remove inactive choices
    if (onlyActive && m_hasInactive) {
        //  list from the back
        for (int i = list.size(); i > 0; i--) {
            Object o = list.get(i - 1);
            if (o != null) {
                String s = o.toString();
                if (s.startsWith(INACTIVE_S) && s.endsWith(INACTIVE_E))
                    list.remove(i - 1);
    //	Add Optional (empty) selection
    if (!mandatory) {
        NamePair p = null;
        if (m_info.KeyColumn != null && m_info.KeyColumn.endsWith("_ID"))
            p = new KeyNamePair(-1, "");
            p = new ValueNamePair("", "");
        list.add(0, p);
    return list;
Also used : NamePair(org.compiere.util.NamePair) ValueNamePair(org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair) KeyNamePair(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair) KeyNamePair(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair) ValueNamePair(org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair)

Example 7 with ValueNamePair

use of org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class MLookup method getDirect.

	 *	Get Data Direct from Table.
	 *  @param key key
	 *  @param saveInCache save in cache for r/w
	 * 	@param cacheLocal cache locally for r/o
	 *  @return value
public NamePair getDirect(Object key, boolean saveInCache, boolean cacheLocal) {
    //	Nothing to query
    if (key == null || m_info.QueryDirect == null || m_info.QueryDirect.length() == 0)
        return null;
    if (key.equals(m_directNullKey))
        return null;
    NamePair directValue = null;
    if (//	Lookup cache
    m_lookupDirect != null) {
        directValue = (NamePair) m_lookupDirect.get(key);
        if (directValue != null)
            return directValue;
    log.finer(m_info.KeyColumn + ": " + key + ", SaveInCache=" + saveInCache + ",Local=" + cacheLocal);
    boolean isNumber = m_info.KeyColumn.endsWith("_ID");
    try {
        //	SELECT Key, Value, Name FROM ...
        PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(m_info.QueryDirect, null);
        if (isNumber)
            pstmt.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(key.toString()));
            pstmt.setString(1, key.toString());
        ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
        if ( {
            String name = rs.getString(3);
            if (isNumber) {
                int keyValue = rs.getInt(1);
                KeyNamePair p = new KeyNamePair(keyValue, name);
                if (//	save if
                    m_lookup.put(new Integer(keyValue), p);
                directValue = p;
            } else {
                String value = rs.getString(2);
                ValueNamePair p = new ValueNamePair(value, name);
                if (//	save if
                    m_lookup.put(value, p);
                directValue = p;
            if (
                log.log(Level.SEVERE, m_info.KeyColumn + ": Not unique (first returned) for " + key + " SQL=" + m_info.QueryDirect);
        } else {
            m_directNullKey = key;
            directValue = null;
        if (CLogMgt.isLevelFinest())
            log.finest(m_info.KeyColumn + ": " + directValue + " - " + m_info);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, m_info.KeyColumn + ": SQL=" + m_info.QueryDirect + "; Key=" + key, e);
        directValue = null;
    //	Cache Local if not added to R/W cache
    if (cacheLocal && !saveInCache && directValue != null) {
        if (m_lookupDirect == null)
            m_lookupDirect = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
        m_lookupDirect.put(key, directValue);
    m_hasInactive = true;
    return directValue;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) NamePair(org.compiere.util.NamePair) ValueNamePair(org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair) KeyNamePair(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) KeyNamePair(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair) ValueNamePair(org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException)

Example 8 with ValueNamePair

use of org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class LayoutEngine method layoutTable.

//	getColor
	 * 	Layout Table.
	 *	Convert PrintData into TableElement
	 *  @param format format to use
	 *  @param printData data to use
	 *  @param xOffset X Axis - offset (start of table) i.e. indentation
	 *  @return TableElement
private PrintElement layoutTable(MPrintFormat format, PrintData printData, int xOffset) { + " - " + printData.getName());
    MPrintTableFormat tf = format.getTableFormat();
    //	Initial Values
    HashMap<Point, Font> rowColFont = new HashMap<Point, Font>();
    MPrintFont printFont = MPrintFont.get(format.getAD_PrintFont_ID());
    rowColFont.put(new Point(TableElement.ALL, TableElement.ALL), printFont.getFont());
    rowColFont.put(new Point(TableElement.HEADER_ROW, TableElement.ALL), tf.getHeader_Font());
    HashMap<Point, Color> rowColColor = new HashMap<Point, Color>();
    MPrintColor printColor = MPrintColor.get(getCtx(), format.getAD_PrintColor_ID());
    rowColColor.put(new Point(TableElement.ALL, TableElement.ALL), printColor.getColor());
    rowColColor.put(new Point(TableElement.HEADER_ROW, TableElement.ALL), tf.getHeaderFG_Color());
    HashMap<Point, Color> rowColBackground = new HashMap<Point, Color>();
    rowColBackground.put(new Point(TableElement.HEADER_ROW, TableElement.ALL), tf.getHeaderBG_Color());
    //	Sizes
    boolean multiLineHeader = tf.isMultiLineHeader();
    int pageNoStart = m_pageNo;
    int repeatedColumns = 1;
    Rectangle firstPage = new Rectangle(m_content);
    firstPage.x += xOffset;
    firstPage.width -= xOffset;
    int yOffset = (int) m_position[AREA_CONTENT].y - m_content.y;
    firstPage.y += yOffset;
    firstPage.height -= yOffset;
    Rectangle nextPages = new Rectangle(m_content);
    nextPages.x += xOffset;
    nextPages.width -= xOffset;
    //	Column count
    int columnCount = 0;
    for (int c = 0; c < format.getItemCount(); c++) {
        if (format.getItem(c).isPrinted())
    //	System.out.println("Cols=" + cols);
    //	Header & Column Setup
    ValueNamePair[] columnHeader = new ValueNamePair[columnCount];
    int[] columnMaxWidth = new int[columnCount];
    int[] columnMaxHeight = new int[columnCount];
    boolean[] fixedWidth = new boolean[columnCount];
    boolean[] colSuppressRepeats = new boolean[columnCount];
    String[] columnJustification = new String[columnCount];
    HashMap<Integer, Integer> additionalLines = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    int col = 0;
    for (int c = 0; c < format.getItemCount(); c++) {
        MPrintFormatItem item = format.getItem(c);
        if (item.isPrinted()) {
            if (item.isNextLine() && item.getBelowColumn() != 0) {
                additionalLines.put(new Integer(col), new Integer(item.getBelowColumn() - 1));
                if (!item.isSuppressNull()) {
                    //	display size will be set to 0 in TableElement
            columnHeader[col] = new ValueNamePair(item.getColumnName(), item.getPrintName(format.getLanguage()));
            columnMaxWidth[col] = item.getMaxWidth();
            fixedWidth[col] = (columnMaxWidth[col] != 0 && item.isFixedWidth());
            colSuppressRepeats[col] = item.isSuppressRepeats();
            if (item.isSuppressNull()) {
                if (columnMaxWidth[col] == 0)
                    //	indication suppress if Null
                    columnMaxWidth[col] = -1;
                    columnMaxWidth[col] *= -1;
            columnMaxHeight[col] = item.getMaxHeight();
            if (item.isHeightOneLine())
                columnMaxHeight[col] = -1;
            columnJustification[col] = item.getFieldAlignmentType();
            if (columnJustification[col] == null || columnJustification[col].equals(MPrintFormatItem.FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_Default))
                //	when generated sets correct alignment
                columnJustification[col] = MPrintFormatItem.FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_LeadingLeft;
            //	Column Fonts
            if (item.getAD_PrintFont_ID() != 0 && item.getAD_PrintFont_ID() != format.getAD_PrintFont_ID()) {
                MPrintFont font = MPrintFont.get(item.getAD_PrintFont_ID());
                rowColFont.put(new Point(TableElement.ALL, col), font.getFont());
            if (item.getAD_PrintColor_ID() != 0 && item.getAD_PrintColor_ID() != format.getAD_PrintColor_ID()) {
                MPrintColor color = MPrintColor.get(getCtx(), item.getAD_PrintColor_ID());
                rowColColor.put(new Point(TableElement.ALL, col), color.getColor());
    //	The Data
    int rows = printData.getRowCount();
    //	System.out.println("Rows=" + rows);
    Object[][] data = new Object[rows][columnCount];
    KeyNamePair[] pk = new KeyNamePair[rows];
    String pkColumnName = null;
    ArrayList<Integer> functionRows = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    ArrayList<Integer> pageBreak = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    //	for all rows
    for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
        //	System.out.println("row=" + row);
        if (printData.isFunctionRow()) {
            functionRows.add(new Integer(row));
            rowColFont.put(new Point(row, TableElement.ALL), tf.getFunct_Font());
            rowColColor.put(new Point(row, TableElement.ALL), tf.getFunctFG_Color());
            rowColBackground.put(new Point(row, TableElement.ALL), tf.getFunctBG_Color());
            if (printData.isPageBreak()) {
                pageBreak.add(new Integer(row));
                log.finer("PageBreak row=" + row);
        } else //	Summary/Line Levels for Finanial Reports
            int levelNo = printData.getLineLevelNo();
            if (levelNo != 0) {
                if (levelNo < 0)
                    levelNo = -levelNo;
                Font base = printFont.getFont();
                if (levelNo == 1)
                    rowColFont.put(new Point(row, TableElement.ALL), new Font(base.getName(), Font.ITALIC, base.getSize() - levelNo));
                else if (levelNo == 2)
                    rowColFont.put(new Point(row, TableElement.ALL), new Font(base.getName(), Font.PLAIN, base.getSize() - levelNo));
        //	for all columns
        col = 0;
        for (int c = 0; c < format.getItemCount(); c++) {
            MPrintFormatItem item = format.getItem(c);
            Object dataElement = null;
            if (//	Text Columns
            item.isPrinted()) {
                if (item.isTypeImage()) {
                    if (item.isImageField())
                        data[row][col] = createImageElement(item);
                    else if (item.isImageIsAttached())
                        data[row][col] = ImageElement.get(item.get_ID());
                        data[row][col] = ImageElement.get(item.getImageURL());
                    // Image layout - teo_sarca, [ 1673548 ]
                    if (data[row][col] != null)
                        ((ImageElement) data[row][col]).layout(item.getMaxWidth(), item.getMaxHeight(), false, item.getFieldAlignmentType());
                } else if (item.isBarcode()) {
                    Object obj = null;
                    if (// teo_sarca, [ 1673542 ]
                    item.getAD_Column_ID() > 0)
                        obj = printData.getNode(new Integer(item.getAD_Column_ID()));
                    if (obj == null)
                    else if (obj instanceof PrintDataElement) {
                        PrintDataElement pde = (PrintDataElement) obj;
                        // Get the PrintDataElement string value - teo_sarca [ 1673505 ]
                        String value = null;
                        Object o = pde.getValue();
                        if (o == null)
                            value = "";
                        if (o instanceof KeyNamePair)
                            value = ((KeyNamePair) o).getID();
                            value = o.toString();
                        BarcodeElement element = new BarcodeElement(value, item);
                        if (element.isValid())
                            data[row][col] = element;
                    if (data[row][col] != null)
                        ((BarcodeElement) data[row][col]).layout(item.getMaxWidth(), item.getMaxHeight(), false, item.getFieldAlignmentType());
                } else if (item.isTypeText()) {
                    data[row][col] = item.getPrintName(format.getLanguage());
                } else if (item.isTypeField()) {
                    Object obj = null;
                    if (// teo_sarca, [ 1673542 ]
                    item.getAD_Column_ID() > 0)
                        obj = printData.getNode(new Integer(item.getAD_Column_ID()));
                    if (obj == null)
                    else if (obj instanceof PrintDataElement) {
                        PrintDataElement pde = (PrintDataElement) obj;
                        if (pde.isID() || pde.isYesNo())
                            dataElement = pde.getValue();
                            dataElement = pde.getValueDisplay(format.getLanguage());
                    } else
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Element not PrintDataElement " + obj.getClass());
                    //	System.out.println("  row=" + row + ",col=" + col + " - " + item.getAD_Column_ID() + " => " + dataElement);
                    data[row][col] = dataElement;
                } else if (item.isTypePrintFormat()) {
                    m_currPage.addElement(includeFormat(item, printData));
                } else // item.isTypeBox() or isTypePrintFormat()
                    log.warning("Unsupported: " + (item.isTypeBox() ? "Box" : "PrintFormat") + " in Table: " + item);
        //	printed
        //	for all columns
        PrintDataElement pde = printData.getPKey();
        if (//	for FunctionRows
        pde != null) {
            pk[row] = (KeyNamePair) pde.getValue();
            if (pkColumnName == null)
                pkColumnName = pde.getColumnName();
    //	else
    //		System.out.println("No PK " + printData);
    //	for all rows
    TableElement table = new TableElement(columnHeader, columnMaxWidth, columnMaxHeight, columnJustification, fixedWidth, functionRows, multiLineHeader, data, pk, pkColumnName, pageNoStart, firstPage, nextPages, repeatedColumns, additionalLines, rowColFont, rowColColor, rowColBackground, tf, pageBreak, colSuppressRepeats);
    table.layout(0, 0, false, MPrintFormatItem.FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_LeadingLeft);
    if (m_tableElement == null)
        m_tableElement = table;
    return table;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MPrintFont(org.compiere.print.MPrintFont) Font(java.awt.Font) ValueNamePair(org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair) Color(java.awt.Color) MPrintColor(org.compiere.print.MPrintColor) MPrintFont(org.compiere.print.MPrintFont) MPrintFormatItem(org.compiere.print.MPrintFormatItem) Point(java.awt.Point) Point(java.awt.Point) PrintDataElement(org.compiere.print.PrintDataElement) MPrintTableFormat(org.compiere.print.MPrintTableFormat) MPrintColor(org.compiere.print.MPrintColor) KeyNamePair(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair)

Example 9 with ValueNamePair

use of org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class LayoutEngine method createFieldElement.

//	createStringElement
	 * 	Create Field Element
	 * 	@param item Format Item
	 * 	@param maxWidth max width
	 * 	@param FieldAlignmentType alignment type (MPrintFormatItem.FIELD_ALIGN_*)
	 * 	@param isForm true if document
	 * 	@return Print Element or null if nothing to print
private PrintElement createFieldElement(MPrintFormatItem item, int maxWidth, String FieldAlignmentType, boolean isForm) {
    //	Get Data
    Object obj = m_data.getNode(new Integer(item.getAD_Column_ID()));
    if (obj == null)
        return null;
    else if (obj instanceof PrintDataElement)
    else {
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Element not PrintDataElement " + obj.getClass());
        return null;
    //	Convert DataElement to String
    PrintDataElement data = (PrintDataElement) obj;
    if (data.isNull() && item.isSuppressNull())
        return null;
    String stringContent = data.getValueDisplay(m_format.getLanguage());
    if ((stringContent == null || stringContent.length() == 0) && item.isSuppressNull())
        return null;
    //	non-string
    Object content = stringContent;
    if (data.getValue() instanceof Boolean)
        content = data.getValue();
    //	Convert AmtInWords Content to alpha
    if (item.getColumnName().equals("AmtInWords")) {
        log.fine("AmtInWords: " + stringContent);
        stringContent = Msg.getAmtInWords(m_format.getLanguage(), stringContent);
        content = stringContent;
    //	Label
    String label = item.getPrintName(m_format.getLanguage());
    String labelSuffix = item.getPrintNameSuffix(m_format.getLanguage());
    //	ID Type
    NamePair ID = null;
    if (data.isID()) {
        //	Record_ID/ColumnName
        Object value = data.getValue();
        if (value instanceof KeyNamePair)
            ID = new KeyNamePair(((KeyNamePair) value).getKey(), item.getColumnName());
        else if (value instanceof ValueNamePair)
            ID = new ValueNamePair(((ValueNamePair) value).getValue(), item.getColumnName());
    } else if (MPrintFormatItem.FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_Default.equals(FieldAlignmentType)) {
        if (data.isNumeric())
            FieldAlignmentType = MPrintFormatItem.FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_TrailingRight;
            FieldAlignmentType = MPrintFormatItem.FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_LeadingLeft;
    //	Get Color/ Font
    //	default
    Color color = getColor();
    if (ID != null && !isForm)
        //	link color/underline handeled in PrintElement classes
    else if (item.getAD_PrintColor_ID() != 0 && m_printColor.get_ID() != item.getAD_PrintColor_ID()) {
        MPrintColor c = MPrintColor.get(getCtx(), item.getAD_PrintColor_ID());
        if (c.getColor() != null)
            color = c.getColor();
    //	default
    Font font = m_printFont.getFont();
    if (item.getAD_PrintFont_ID() != 0 && m_printFont.get_ID() != item.getAD_PrintFont_ID()) {
        MPrintFont f = MPrintFont.get(item.getAD_PrintFont_ID());
        if (f.getFont() != null)
            font = f.getFont();
    //	Create String, HTML or Location
    PrintElement e = null;
    if (data.getDisplayType() == DisplayType.Location) {
        e = new LocationElement(m_printCtx, ((KeyNamePair) ID).getKey(), font, color, item.isHeightOneLine(), label, labelSuffix, m_format.getLanguage().getAD_Language());
        e.layout(maxWidth, item.getMaxHeight(), item.isHeightOneLine(), FieldAlignmentType);
    } else {
        if (HTMLElement.isHTML(stringContent))
            e = new HTMLElement(stringContent);
            e = new StringElement(content, font, color, isForm ? null : ID, label, labelSuffix);
        e.layout(maxWidth, item.getMaxHeight(), item.isHeightOneLine(), FieldAlignmentType);
    return e;
Also used : Color(java.awt.Color) MPrintColor(org.compiere.print.MPrintColor) NamePair(org.compiere.util.NamePair) ValueNamePair(org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair) KeyNamePair(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair) MPrintFont(org.compiere.print.MPrintFont) MPrintFont(org.compiere.print.MPrintFont) Font(java.awt.Font) PrintDataElement(org.compiere.print.PrintDataElement) MPrintColor(org.compiere.print.MPrintColor) KeyNamePair(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair) ValueNamePair(org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair)

Example 10 with ValueNamePair

use of org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class VPayPrint method cmd_EFT.

//  cmd_export
	 *  Create EFT payment
private void cmd_EFT() {
    ValueNamePair pp = (ValueNamePair) fPaymentRule.getSelectedItem();
    if (pp == null)
    String PaymentRule = pp.getValue();;
    if (!getChecks(PaymentRule))
Also used : ValueNamePair(org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair)


ValueNamePair (org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair)109 KeyNamePair (org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair)35 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)22 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)22 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)20 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)19 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)9 GridField (org.compiere.model.GridField)7 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)5 MetalLookAndFeel (javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel)5 MetalTheme (javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTheme)5 MInvoice (org.compiere.model.MInvoice)5 MLookup (org.compiere.model.MLookup)5 MLookupInfo (org.compiere.model.MLookupInfo)5 HRPayPrint (org.eevolution.service.HRPayPrint)5 DefaultComboBoxModel (javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel)4 ListItem (org.adempiere.webui.component.ListItem)4 MCashLine (org.compiere.model.MCashLine)4 AdempiereUserError (org.compiere.util.AdempiereUserError)4 NamePair (org.compiere.util.NamePair)4