Search in sources :

Example 16 with Human

use of org.concord.energy3d.model.Human in project energy3d by concord-consortium.

the class HeatLoad method computeEnergyToday.

public void computeEnergyToday(final Calendar today) {
    today.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
    today.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
    today.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
    if (EnergyPanel.getInstance().getCityComboBox().getSelectedItem().equals("")) {
    final int timeStep = Scene.getInstance().getTimeStep();
    final double[] outsideTemperatureRange = Weather.computeOutsideTemperature(today, (String) EnergyPanel.getInstance().getCityComboBox().getSelectedItem());
    // System.out.println(today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) + ", " + outsideTemperatureRange[0] + ", " + outsideTemperatureRange[1]);
    int iMinute = 0;
    for (int minute = 0; minute < SolarRadiation.MINUTES_OF_DAY; minute += timeStep) {
        iMinute = minute / timeStep;
        final double outsideTemperature = Weather.getInstance().getOutsideTemperatureAtMinute(outsideTemperatureRange[1], outsideTemperatureRange[0], minute);
        final double groundTemperature = Scene.getInstance().getGround().getTemperatureMinuteOfDay(today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR), minute, 0.5 * (outsideTemperatureRange[1] - outsideTemperatureRange[0]));
        for (final HousePart part : Scene.getInstance().getParts()) {
            if (part instanceof Human || part instanceof Tree || part instanceof Floor || (part instanceof SolarCollector && !(part instanceof Sensor))) {
            final double insideTemperature = (part instanceof Foundation ? (Foundation) part : part.getTopContainer()).getThermostat().getTemperature(today.get(Calendar.MONTH), today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - Calendar.SUNDAY, minute / 60);
            final float absorption = part instanceof Window ? 0 : 1 - part.getAlbedo();
            if (part instanceof Roof) {
                // need to compute piece by piece for a roof because sun affects outside temperature of roof part
                final Roof roof = (Roof) part;
                for (final Spatial child : roof.getRoofPartsRoot().getChildren()) {
                    if (child.getSceneHints().getCullHint() != CullHint.Always) {
                        final Mesh mesh = (Mesh) ((Node) child).getChild(6);
                        final double[] solarPotential = SolarRadiation.getInstance().getSolarPotential(mesh);
                        final double solarHeat = solarPotential != null ? solarPotential[iMinute] * absorption / roof.getVolumetricHeatCapacity() : 0;
                        final double deltaT = insideTemperature - (outsideTemperature + solarHeat);
                        if (part.isDrawCompleted()) {
                            final double uValue = getUValue(part);
                            if (Util.isZero(uValue)) {
                            double heatloss = roof.getAreaWithoutOverhang(mesh) * uValue * deltaT / 1000.0 / 60 * timeStep;
                            // if the lowest outside temperature is high enough, there is no need to turn on the heater hence no heat loss
                            if (heatloss > 0 && outsideTemperatureRange[0] >= LOWEST_TEMPERATURE_OF_WARM_DAY) {
                                heatloss = 0;
                            roof.getHeatLoss()[iMinute] += heatloss;
                            final double[] heatLossArray = SolarRadiation.getInstance().getHeatLoss(mesh);
                            if (heatLossArray != null) {
                                heatLossArray[iMinute] += heatloss;
            } else if (part instanceof Foundation) {
                final Foundation foundation = (Foundation) part;
                final double deltaT = insideTemperature - groundTemperature;
                if (foundation.isDrawCompleted()) {
                    final double uValue = getUValue(part);
                    if (Util.isZero(uValue)) {
                    final Building building = new Building(foundation);
                    double area;
                    if (building.isWallComplete()) {
                        area = building.getArea();
                    } else {
                        area = foundation.getArea();
                    final double heatloss = area * uValue * deltaT / 1000.0 / 60 * timeStep;
                    // if (iMinute % 4 == 0) System.out.println((int) (iMinute / 4) + "=" + outsideTemperature + ", " + groundTemperature + ", " + deltaT + ", " + heatloss);
                    foundation.getHeatLoss()[iMinute] += heatloss;
            } else {
                double deltaT = insideTemperature - outsideTemperature;
                if (part instanceof Thermal) {
                    // direct solar heating raises the outside temperature
                    deltaT -= part.getSolarPotential()[iMinute] * absorption / ((Thermal) part).getVolumetricHeatCapacity();
                if (part.isDrawCompleted()) {
                    final double uValue = getUValue(part);
                    if (Util.isZero(uValue)) {
                    double heatloss = part.getArea() * uValue * deltaT / 1000.0 / 60 * timeStep;
                    // if outside is warm enough, there is no need to turn on the heater hence no heat loss
                    if (heatloss > 0 && outsideTemperatureRange[0] >= LOWEST_TEMPERATURE_OF_WARM_DAY) {
                        heatloss = 0;
                    part.getHeatLoss()[iMinute] += heatloss;
Also used : Human(org.concord.energy3d.model.Human) Window(org.concord.energy3d.model.Window) Building(org.concord.energy3d.model.Building) Floor(org.concord.energy3d.model.Floor) Mesh(com.ardor3d.scenegraph.Mesh) CullHint(com.ardor3d.scenegraph.hint.CullHint) Roof(org.concord.energy3d.model.Roof) Spatial(com.ardor3d.scenegraph.Spatial) SolarCollector(org.concord.energy3d.model.SolarCollector) Tree(org.concord.energy3d.model.Tree) Foundation(org.concord.energy3d.model.Foundation) HousePart(org.concord.energy3d.model.HousePart) Sensor(org.concord.energy3d.model.Sensor) Thermal(org.concord.energy3d.model.Thermal)

Example 17 with Human

use of org.concord.energy3d.model.Human in project energy3d by concord-consortium.

the class BuildingCost method showPieChart.

void showPieChart() {
    final HousePart selectedPart = SceneManager.getInstance().getSelectedPart();
    final Foundation selectedBuilding;
    if (selectedPart == null || selectedPart instanceof Tree || selectedPart instanceof Human) {
        selectedBuilding = null;
    } else if (selectedPart instanceof Foundation) {
        selectedBuilding = (Foundation) selectedPart;
    } else {
        selectedBuilding = selectedPart.getTopContainer();
    String details = "";
    int count = 0;
    for (final HousePart p : Scene.getInstance().getParts()) {
        if (p instanceof Foundation) {
            if (selectedBuilding == null) {
                final Foundation foundation = (Foundation) p;
                details += "$" + (int) getCostByFoundation(foundation) + " (" + foundation.getId() + ") | ";
    if (selectedBuilding == null) {
        if (count > 0) {
            details = details.substring(0, details.length() - 2);
    double wallSum = 0;
    double floorSum = 0;
    double windowSum = 0;
    double roofSum = 0;
    double foundationSum = 0;
    double doorSum = 0;
    double solarPanelSum = 0;
    double treeSum = 0;
    String info;
    if (selectedBuilding != null) {
        info = "Building #" + selectedBuilding.getId();
        foundationSum = getPartCost(selectedBuilding);
        for (final HousePart p : Scene.getInstance().getParts()) {
            if (p.getTopContainer() == selectedBuilding) {
                if (p instanceof Wall) {
                    wallSum += getPartCost(p);
                } else if (p instanceof Floor) {
                    floorSum += getPartCost(p);
                } else if (p instanceof Window) {
                    windowSum += getPartCost(p);
                } else if (p instanceof Roof) {
                    roofSum += getPartCost(p);
                } else if (p instanceof Door) {
                    doorSum += getPartCost(p);
                } else if (p instanceof SolarPanel || p instanceof Rack) {
                    solarPanelSum += getPartCost(p);
            if (count <= 1) {
                if (p instanceof Tree && !p.getLockEdit()) {
                    treeSum += getPartCost(p);
    } else {
        info = count + " buildings";
        for (final HousePart p : Scene.getInstance().getParts()) {
            if (p instanceof Wall) {
                wallSum += getPartCost(p);
            } else if (p instanceof Floor) {
                floorSum += getPartCost(p);
            } else if (p instanceof Window) {
                windowSum += getPartCost(p);
            } else if (p instanceof Roof) {
                roofSum += getPartCost(p);
            } else if (p instanceof Foundation) {
                foundationSum += getPartCost(p);
            } else if (p instanceof Door) {
                doorSum += getPartCost(p);
            } else if (p instanceof SolarPanel || p instanceof Rack) {
                solarPanelSum += getPartCost(p);
            } else if (p instanceof Tree && !p.getLockEdit()) {
                treeSum += getPartCost(p);
    final double[] data = new double[] { wallSum, windowSum, roofSum, foundationSum, floorSum, doorSum, solarPanelSum, treeSum };
    // show them in a popup window
    final PieChart pie = new PieChart(data, BuildingCostGraph.colors, BuildingCostGraph.legends, "$", info, count > 1 ? details : null, true);
    final JDialog dialog = new JDialog(MainFrame.getInstance(), "Project Costs by Category", true);
    dialog.getContentPane().add(pie, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    final JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
    final JButton buttonItemize = new JButton("Itemize");
    buttonItemize.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {
    final JButton buttonClose = new JButton("Close");
    buttonClose.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {
    dialog.getContentPane().add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
Also used : Human(org.concord.energy3d.model.Human) Window(org.concord.energy3d.model.Window) Floor(org.concord.energy3d.model.Floor) JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) Wall(org.concord.energy3d.model.Wall) FlowLayout(java.awt.FlowLayout) ActionEvent(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) JButton(javax.swing.JButton) Door(org.concord.energy3d.model.Door) Rack(org.concord.energy3d.model.Rack) Roof(org.concord.energy3d.model.Roof) ActionListener(java.awt.event.ActionListener) SolarPanel(org.concord.energy3d.model.SolarPanel) Tree(org.concord.energy3d.model.Tree) Foundation(org.concord.energy3d.model.Foundation) HousePart(org.concord.energy3d.model.HousePart) JDialog(javax.swing.JDialog)

Example 18 with Human

use of org.concord.energy3d.model.Human in project energy3d by concord-consortium.

the class BuildingCost method showItemizedCost.

public void showItemizedCost() {
    final JDialog dialog = new JDialog(MainFrame.getInstance(), "Itemized Construction Cost", true);
    final JPanel contentPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    final JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    contentPane.add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    final HousePart selectedPart = SceneManager.getInstance().getSelectedPart();
    Foundation foundation = null;
    if (selectedPart instanceof Foundation) {
        foundation = (Foundation) selectedPart;
    final String[] header = new String[] { "ID", "Type", "Cost" };
    final int m = header.length;
    final List<HousePart> parts = Scene.getInstance().getParts();
    int n = 0;
    int foundationCount = 0;
    for (final HousePart p : parts) {
        if (p instanceof Foundation) {
    for (final HousePart p : parts) {
        if ((p instanceof Human) || (foundationCount > 1 && p instanceof Tree)) {
        if (p == foundation || p.getTopContainer() == foundation) {
    final Object[][] column = new Object[n][m];
    int i = 0;
    for (final HousePart p : parts) {
        if ((p instanceof Human) || (foundationCount > 1 && p instanceof Tree)) {
        if (p == foundation || p.getTopContainer() == foundation) {
            column[i][0] = p.getId();
            String partName = p.toString().substring(0, p.toString().indexOf(')') + 1);
            final int beg = partName.indexOf("(");
            if (beg != -1) {
                partName = partName.substring(0, beg);
            column[i][1] = partName;
            column[i][2] = "$" + getPartCost(p);
    final JTable table = new JTable(column, header);
    table.setModel(new DefaultTableModel(column, header) {

        public boolean isCellEditable(final int row, final int col) {
            return false;
    panel.add(new JScrollPane(table), BorderLayout.CENTER);
    final JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
    contentPane.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    final JButton button = new JButton("Close");
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {
    dialog.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {

        public void windowClosing(final WindowEvent e) {
    if (windowLocation.x > 0 && windowLocation.y > 0) {
    } else {
Also used : Human(org.concord.energy3d.model.Human) JScrollPane(javax.swing.JScrollPane) JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) FlowLayout(java.awt.FlowLayout) ActionEvent(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) DefaultTableModel(javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel) JButton(javax.swing.JButton) WindowAdapter(java.awt.event.WindowAdapter) BorderLayout(java.awt.BorderLayout) ActionListener(java.awt.event.ActionListener) JTable(javax.swing.JTable) WindowEvent(java.awt.event.WindowEvent) Tree(org.concord.energy3d.model.Tree) Foundation(org.concord.energy3d.model.Foundation) JDialog(javax.swing.JDialog) HousePart(org.concord.energy3d.model.HousePart)

Example 19 with Human

use of org.concord.energy3d.model.Human in project energy3d by concord-consortium.

the class CspProjectCost method showPieChart.

void showPieChart() {
    final HousePart selectedPart = SceneManager.getInstance().getSelectedPart();
    final Foundation selectedFoundation;
    if (selectedPart == null || selectedPart instanceof Tree || selectedPart instanceof Human) {
        selectedFoundation = null;
    } else if (selectedPart instanceof Foundation) {
        selectedFoundation = (Foundation) selectedPart;
    } else {
        selectedFoundation = selectedPart.getTopContainer();
    String details = "";
    int count = 0;
    for (final HousePart p : Scene.getInstance().getParts()) {
        if (p instanceof Foundation) {
            final Foundation foundation = (Foundation) p;
            if (!foundation.hasSolarReceiver()) {
                if (selectedFoundation == null) {
                    double receiverSum = 0;
                    final List<Mirror> mirrors = foundation.getHeliostats();
                    if (!mirrors.isEmpty()) {
                        final ArrayList<Foundation> towers = new ArrayList<Foundation>();
                        for (final Mirror m : mirrors) {
                            if (m.getReceiver() != null) {
                                if (!towers.contains(m.getReceiver())) {
                        if (!towers.isEmpty()) {
                            for (final Foundation tower : towers) {
                                receiverSum += getPartCost(tower);
                    } else {
                        final List<FresnelReflector> reflectors = foundation.getFresnelReflectors();
                        if (!reflectors.isEmpty()) {
                            final ArrayList<Foundation> absorbers = new ArrayList<Foundation>();
                            for (final FresnelReflector r : reflectors) {
                                if (r.getReceiver() != null) {
                                    if (!absorbers.contains(r.getReceiver())) {
                            if (!absorbers.isEmpty()) {
                                for (final Foundation absorber : absorbers) {
                                    receiverSum += getPartCost(absorber);
                    details += "$" + (int) (getCostByFoundation(foundation) + receiverSum) + " (" + foundation.getId() + ") | ";
    if (selectedFoundation == null) {
        if (count > 0) {
            details = details.substring(0, details.length() - 2);
    double landSum = 0;
    double collectorSum = 0;
    double receiverSum = 0;
    String info;
    if (selectedFoundation != null) {
        info = "Zone #" + selectedFoundation.getId();
        if (selectedFoundation.hasSolarReceiver()) {
            receiverSum = getPartCost(selectedFoundation);
        } else {
            landSum = getPartCost(selectedFoundation);
            final List<Mirror> mirrors = selectedFoundation.getHeliostats();
            if (!mirrors.isEmpty()) {
                final ArrayList<Foundation> towers = new ArrayList<Foundation>();
                for (final Mirror m : mirrors) {
                    if (m.getReceiver() != null) {
                        if (!towers.contains(m.getReceiver())) {
                if (!towers.isEmpty()) {
                    for (final Foundation tower : towers) {
                        receiverSum += getPartCost(tower);
            } else {
                final List<FresnelReflector> reflectors = selectedFoundation.getFresnelReflectors();
                if (!reflectors.isEmpty()) {
                    final ArrayList<Foundation> absorbers = new ArrayList<Foundation>();
                    for (final FresnelReflector r : reflectors) {
                        if (r.getReceiver() != null) {
                            if (!absorbers.contains(r.getReceiver())) {
                    if (!absorbers.isEmpty()) {
                        for (final Foundation absorber : absorbers) {
                            receiverSum += getPartCost(absorber);
        for (final HousePart p : Scene.getInstance().getParts()) {
            if (p.getTopContainer() == selectedFoundation) {
                if (p instanceof SolarCollector) {
                    // assuming that sensor doesn't cost anything
                    collectorSum += getPartCost(p);
    } else {
        info = count + " zones";
        for (final HousePart p : Scene.getInstance().getParts()) {
            if (p instanceof Foundation) {
                final Foundation f = (Foundation) p;
                if (f.hasSolarReceiver()) {
                    receiverSum += getPartCost(p);
                } else {
                    landSum += getPartCost(p);
            } else if (p instanceof SolarCollector) {
                collectorSum += getPartCost(p);
    double[] data;
    String[] legends;
    if (Util.isZero(receiverSum)) {
        data = new double[] { landSum, collectorSum };
        legends = new String[] { "Land (" + Scene.getInstance().getCspCustomPrice().getLifespan() + " years)", "Collectors" };
    } else {
        data = new double[] { landSum, collectorSum, receiverSum };
        legends = new String[] { "Land (" + Scene.getInstance().getCspCustomPrice().getLifespan() + " years)", "Collectors", "Receivers" };
    // show them in a popup window
    final PieChart pie = new PieChart(data, CspProjectCostGraph.colors, legends, "$", info, count > 1 ? details : null, true);
    final JDialog dialog = new JDialog(MainFrame.getInstance(), "Project Costs by Category", true);
    dialog.getContentPane().add(pie, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    final JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
    final JButton buttonClose = new JButton("Close");
    buttonClose.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {
    dialog.getContentPane().add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
Also used : Human(org.concord.energy3d.model.Human) JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) FresnelReflector(org.concord.energy3d.model.FresnelReflector) FlowLayout(java.awt.FlowLayout) ActionEvent(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JButton(javax.swing.JButton) ActionListener(java.awt.event.ActionListener) SolarCollector(org.concord.energy3d.model.SolarCollector) Tree(org.concord.energy3d.model.Tree) Foundation(org.concord.energy3d.model.Foundation) Mirror(org.concord.energy3d.model.Mirror) HousePart(org.concord.energy3d.model.HousePart) JDialog(javax.swing.JDialog)

Example 20 with Human

use of org.concord.energy3d.model.Human in project energy3d by concord-consortium.

the class MainPanel method getRotateButton.

public JButton getRotateButton() {
    if (rotateButton == null) {
        rotateButton = new JButton();
        if (Config.isMac()) {
            // for some reason, the newer version of Mac draws border for JButton (but not JToggleButton)
        rotateButton.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("icons/rotate_cw.png")));
        rotateButton.setToolTipText("<html>Rotate in the clockwise direction (change azimuth).<br>Hold down the Ctrl key and press this button for counter-clockwise rotation.<br>Hold down the Shift key while pressing this button to rotate more slowly.<br>If a component is selected, rotate around its center. Otherwise rotate everything around the origin.</html>");
        rotateButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {

            private volatile boolean mousePressed = false;

            public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent e) {
                mousePressed = true;
                final HousePart selectedPart = SceneManager.getInstance().getSelectedPart();
                if (selectedPart == null || selectedPart instanceof Tree || selectedPart instanceof Human) {
                    int count = 0;
                    HousePart hp = null;
                    for (final HousePart x : Scene.getInstance().getParts()) {
                        if (x instanceof Foundation) {
                            hp = x;
                    if (count == 1) {
                        // if there is only one building, automatically select it to ensure that we always rotate around its center
                new Thread("Energy3D Continuous Rotation") {

                    private int count;

                    private ChangeAzimuthCommand c;

                    public void run() {
                        final HousePart part = SceneManager.getInstance().getSelectedPart();
                        if (part != null) {
                            c = new ChangeAzimuthCommand(part);
                        while (mousePressed) {
                            SceneManager.getTaskManager().update(new Callable<Object>() {

                                public Object call() throws Exception {
                                    if (part == null) {
                                    } else {
                                        if (part instanceof Foundation) {
                                            SceneManager.getInstance().rotateFoundation(rotationAngle, true);
                                        } else if (part instanceof SolarPanel) {
                                            final SolarPanel solarPanel = (SolarPanel) part;
                                            solarPanel.setRelativeAzimuth(solarPanel.getRelativeAzimuth() + Math.toDegrees(rotationAngle));
                                        } else if (part instanceof Rack) {
                                            final Rack rack = (Rack) part;
                                            rack.setRelativeAzimuth(rack.getRelativeAzimuth() + Math.toDegrees(rotationAngle));
                                        } else if (part instanceof Mirror) {
                                            final Mirror mirror = (Mirror) part;
                                            mirror.setRelativeAzimuth(mirror.getRelativeAzimuth() + Math.toDegrees(rotationAngle));
                                    EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

                                        public void run() {
                                    return null;
                            final int partCount = Scene.getInstance().getParts().size();
                            try {
                                // give it enough time for the above call to complete (the more parts it has, the more time it needs)
                                Thread.sleep(200 + partCount * 5);
                            } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
                        // undo only after the thread ends
                        if (part == null) {
                            SceneManager.getInstance().getUndoManager().addEdit(new RotateBuildingCommand(null, rotationAngle * count));
                        } else {
                            if (part instanceof Foundation) {
                                SceneManager.getInstance().getUndoManager().addEdit(new RotateBuildingCommand((Foundation) part, rotationAngle * count));
                            } else if (part instanceof SolarPanel || part instanceof Rack || part instanceof Mirror) {
                                if (c != null) {

            public void mouseReleased(final MouseEvent e) {
                mousePressed = false;
    return rotateButton;
Also used : Human(org.concord.energy3d.model.Human) ImageIcon(javax.swing.ImageIcon) RotateBuildingCommand(org.concord.energy3d.undo.RotateBuildingCommand) MouseEvent(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) JButton(javax.swing.JButton) MouseAdapter(java.awt.event.MouseAdapter) ChangeAzimuthCommand(org.concord.energy3d.undo.ChangeAzimuthCommand) BadLocationException(javax.swing.text.BadLocationException) Rack(org.concord.energy3d.model.Rack) SolarPanel(org.concord.energy3d.model.SolarPanel) Tree(org.concord.energy3d.model.Tree) Foundation(org.concord.energy3d.model.Foundation) Mirror(org.concord.energy3d.model.Mirror) HousePart(org.concord.energy3d.model.HousePart)


Human (org.concord.energy3d.model.Human)22 HousePart (org.concord.energy3d.model.HousePart)20 Foundation (org.concord.energy3d.model.Foundation)19 Tree (org.concord.energy3d.model.Tree)19 Window (org.concord.energy3d.model.Window)8 Vector3 (com.ardor3d.math.Vector3)6 Rack (org.concord.energy3d.model.Rack)6 SolarCollector (org.concord.energy3d.model.SolarCollector)6 SolarPanel (org.concord.energy3d.model.SolarPanel)6 ReadOnlyVector3 (com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3)5 ActionEvent (java.awt.event.ActionEvent)5 ActionListener (java.awt.event.ActionListener)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 List (java.util.List)5 JButton (javax.swing.JButton)5 Mirror (org.concord.energy3d.model.Mirror)5 Roof (org.concord.energy3d.model.Roof)5 Wall (org.concord.energy3d.model.Wall)5 FlowLayout (java.awt.FlowLayout)4 JDialog (javax.swing.JDialog)4