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Example 6 with STextualDS

use of org.corpus_tools.salt.common.STextualDS in project ANNIS by korpling.

the class GridComponent method computeTokenRow.

private Row computeTokenRow(List<SNode> tokens, SDocumentGraph graph, LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<Row>> rowsByAnnotation, long startIndex, AtomicInteger tokenOffsetForText) {
    /* we will only add tokens of one texts which is mentioned by any
      included annotation. */
    Set<String> validTextIDs = new HashSet<>();
    if (enforcedText == null) {
        Iterator<ArrayList<Row>> itAllRows = rowsByAnnotation.values().iterator();
        while (itAllRows.hasNext()) {
            ArrayList<Row> rowsForAnnotation =;
            for (Row r : rowsForAnnotation) {
         * we want to show all token if no valid text was found and we have only one
         * text and the first one if there are more than one text.
        List<STextualDS> allTexts = graph.getTextualDSs();
        if (validTextIDs.isEmpty() && allTexts != null && (allTexts.size() == 1 || allTexts.size() == 2)) {
    } else {
    Row tokenRow = new Row();
    for (SNode t : tokens) {
        // get the Salt ID of the STextualDS of this token
        STextualDS tokenText = CommonHelper.getTextualDSForNode(t, graph);
        // only add token if text ID matches the valid one
        if (tokenText != null && validTextIDs.contains(tokenText.getId())) {
            RelannisNodeFeature feat = (RelannisNodeFeature) t.getFeature(AnnisConstants.ANNIS_NS, AnnisConstants.FEAT_RELANNIS_NODE).getValue();
            long idxLeft = feat.getLeftToken() - startIndex;
            long idxRight = feat.getRightToken() - startIndex;
            if (tokenOffsetForText.get() < 0) {
                // set the token offset by assuming the first idx must be zero
                tokenOffsetForText.set(Math.abs((int) idxLeft));
            String text = extractTextForToken(t, segmentationName);
            GridEvent event = new GridEvent(t.getId(), (int) idxLeft, (int) idxRight, text);
            // check if the token is a matched node
            Long match = isCoveredTokenMarked() ? markCoveredTokens(input.getMarkedAndCovered(), t) : tokenMatch(t);
    return tokenRow;
Also used : RelannisNodeFeature(annis.model.RelannisNodeFeature) SNode(org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SNode) GridEvent(annis.gui.widgets.grid.GridEvent) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) STextualDS(org.corpus_tools.salt.common.STextualDS) Row(annis.gui.widgets.grid.Row) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 7 with STextualDS

use of org.corpus_tools.salt.common.STextualDS in project ANNIS by korpling.

the class KWICVisualizer method createComponent.

public KWICInterface createComponent(VisualizerInput visInput, VisualizationToggle visToggle) {
    MediaController mediaController = VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(MediaController.class);
    PDFController pdfController = VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(PDFController.class);
    List<STextualDS> texts = visInput.getDocument().getDocumentGraph().getTextualDSs();
    // having the KWIC nested in a panel can slow down rendering
    if (texts.size() == 1) {
        // directly return the single non-nested KWIC panel
        return new KWICComponent(visInput, mediaController, pdfController, texts.get(0));
    } else {
        // return a more complicated implementation which can handle several texts
        return new KWICMultipleTextComponent(visInput, mediaController, pdfController);
Also used : MediaController( PDFController( STextualDS(org.corpus_tools.salt.common.STextualDS)

Example 8 with STextualDS

use of org.corpus_tools.salt.common.STextualDS in project ANNIS by korpling.

the class TimelineReconstructor method createTokenFromSOrder.

private void createTokenFromSOrder() {
    Map<String, SSpan> rootNodes = new HashMap<>();
    // also add nodes that are are marked as start by ANNIS even if they don't have an outgoing order rel
    for (SSpan n : graph.getSpans()) {
        SFeature feat = n.getFeature(AnnisConstants.ANNIS_NS, AnnisConstants.FEAT_FIRST_NODE_SEGMENTATION_CHAIN);
        if (feat != null && feat.getValue_STEXT() != null) {
            rootNodes.put(feat.getValue_STEXT(), n);
        } else {
            // check if there is no incoming SOrderRelation but an outgoing
            boolean isRoot = true;
            for (SRelation<?, ?> inRel : n.getInRelations()) {
                if (inRel instanceof SOrderRelation) {
                    isRoot = false;
            if (isRoot) {
                for (SRelation<?, ?> outRel : n.getOutRelations()) {
                    if (outRel instanceof SOrderRelation) {
                        rootNodes.put(((SOrderRelation) outRel).getType(), n);
    // convert all root nodes to spans
    for (Map.Entry<String, SSpan> rootEntry : rootNodes.entrySet()) {
        SNode root = rootEntry.getValue();
        String orderName = rootEntry.getKey();
        convertSpanToToken((SSpan) root, orderName);
    // traverse through all SOrderRelations in order
    graph.traverse(new LinkedList<SNode>(rootNodes.values()), GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE.TOP_DOWN_DEPTH_FIRST, "TimeReconstructSOrderRelations", new GraphTraverseHandler() {

        public void nodeReached(GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE traversalType, String traversalId, SNode currNode, SRelation relation, SNode fromNode, long order) {
            if (relation instanceof SOrderRelation && currNode instanceof SSpan) {
                String orderName = ((SOrderRelation) relation).getType();
                if (fromNode != null) {
                    // add a space to the text
                    StringBuilder t = textDataByName.get(orderName);
                    if (t != null) {
                        t.append(" ");
                convertSpanToToken((SSpan) currNode, orderName);

        public void nodeLeft(GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE traversalType, String traversalId, SNode currNode, SRelation relation, SNode fromNode, long order) {

        public boolean checkConstraint(GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE traversalType, String traversalId, SRelation relation, SNode currNode, long order) {
            if (relation == null || relation instanceof SOrderRelation) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
    // update the text of the TextualDSs
    for (Map.Entry<String, StringBuilder> textDataEntry : textDataByName.entrySet()) {
        STextualDS textDS = textsByName.get(textDataEntry.getKey());
        if (textDS != null) {
Also used : SNode(org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SNode) SSpan(org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SSpan) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE(org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SGraph.GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE) GraphTraverseHandler(org.corpus_tools.salt.core.GraphTraverseHandler) SRelation(org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SRelation) STextualDS(org.corpus_tools.salt.common.STextualDS) SOrderRelation(org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SOrderRelation) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) SFeature(org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SFeature)


STextualDS (org.corpus_tools.salt.common.STextualDS)8 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 SToken (org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SToken)4 SNode (org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SNode)4 SDocumentGraph (org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SDocumentGraph)3 SAnnotation (org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SAnnotation)3 SFeature (org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SFeature)3 SRelation (org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SRelation)3 DataSourceSequence (org.corpus_tools.salt.util.DataSourceSequence)3 RelannisNodeFeature (annis.model.RelannisNodeFeature)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 GridEvent (annis.gui.widgets.grid.GridEvent)1 Row (annis.gui.widgets.grid.Row)1 MediaController ( PDFController ( Node ( Body ( Doctype ( Head (