use of org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Student in project cpsolver by UniTime.
the class Test method saveOutputCSV.
public static void saveOutputCSV(Solution<Lecture, Placement> s, File file) {
try {
DecimalFormat dx = new DecimalFormat("000");
PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(file));
TimetableModel m = (TimetableModel) s.getModel();
int firstDaySlot = m.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.FirstDaySlot", Constants.DAY_SLOTS_FIRST);
int lastDaySlot = m.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.LastDaySlot", Constants.DAY_SLOTS_LAST);
int firstWorkDay = m.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.FirstWorkDay", 0);
int lastWorkDay = m.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.LastWorkDay", Constants.NR_DAYS_WEEK - 1);
Assignment<Lecture, Placement> a = s.getAssignment();
int idx = 1;
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Assigned variables," + a.nrAssignedVariables());
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Time [sec]," + sDoubleFormat.format(s.getBestTime()));
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Hard student conflicts," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(StudentHardConflict.class).getValue(a)));
if (m.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.UseDistanceConstraints", true))
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Distance student conf.," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(StudentDistanceConflict.class).getValue(a)));
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Student conflicts," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(StudentConflict.class).getValue(a)));
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Committed student conflicts," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(StudentCommittedConflict.class).getValue(a)));
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " All Student conflicts," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(StudentConflict.class).getValue(a) + m.getCriterion(StudentCommittedConflict.class).getValue(a)));
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Time preferences," + sDoubleFormat.format(m.getCriterion(TimePreferences.class).getValue(a)));
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Room preferences," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(RoomPreferences.class).getValue(a)));
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Useless half-hours," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(UselessHalfHours.class).getValue(a)));
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Broken time patterns," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(BrokenTimePatterns.class).getValue(a)));
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Too big room," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(TooBigRooms.class).getValue(a)));
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Distribution preferences," + sDoubleFormat.format(m.getCriterion(DistributionPreferences.class).getValue(a)));
if (m.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.UseDistanceConstraints", true))
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Back-to-back instructor pref.," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(BackToBackInstructorPreferences.class).getValue(a)));
if (m.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.DeptBalancing", true)) {
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Dept. balancing penalty," + sDoubleFormat.format(m.getCriterion(DepartmentBalancingPenalty.class).getValue(a)));
w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Same subpart balancing penalty," + sDoubleFormat.format(m.getCriterion(SameSubpartBalancingPenalty.class).getValue(a)));
if (m.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.MPP", false)) {
Map<String, Double> mppInfo = ((UniversalPerturbationsCounter) ((Perturbations) m.getCriterion(Perturbations.class)).getPerturbationsCounter()).getCompactInfo(a, m, false, false);
int pidx = 51;
w.println("000." + dx.format(pidx++) + " Perturbation penalty," + sDoubleFormat.format(m.getCriterion(Perturbations.class).getValue(a)));
w.println("000." + dx.format(pidx++) + " Additional perturbations," + m.perturbVariables(a).size());
int nrPert = 0, nrStudentPert = 0;
for (Lecture lecture : m.variables()) {
if (lecture.getInitialAssignment() != null)
nrStudentPert += lecture.classLimit(a);
w.println("000." + dx.format(pidx++) + " Given perturbations," + nrPert);
w.println("000." + dx.format(pidx++) + " Given student perturbations," + nrStudentPert);
for (String key : new TreeSet<String>(mppInfo.keySet())) {
Double value = mppInfo.get(key);
w.println("000." + dx.format(pidx++) + " " + key + "," + sDoubleFormat.format(value));
HashSet<Student> students = new HashSet<Student>();
int enrls = 0;
int minRoomPref = 0, maxRoomPref = 0;
int minGrPref = 0, maxGrPref = 0;
int minTimePref = 0, maxTimePref = 0;
int worstInstrPref = 0;
HashSet<Constraint<Lecture, Placement>> used = new HashSet<Constraint<Lecture, Placement>>();
for (Lecture lecture : m.variables()) {
enrls += (lecture.students() == null ? 0 : lecture.students().size());
int[] minMaxRoomPref = lecture.getMinMaxRoomPreference();
maxRoomPref += minMaxRoomPref[1] - minMaxRoomPref[0];
double[] minMaxTimePref = lecture.getMinMaxTimePreference();
maxTimePref += minMaxTimePref[1] - minMaxTimePref[0];
for (Constraint<Lecture, Placement> c : lecture.constraints()) {
if (!used.add(c))
if (c instanceof InstructorConstraint) {
InstructorConstraint ic = (InstructorConstraint) c;
worstInstrPref += ic.getWorstPreference();
if (c instanceof GroupConstraint) {
GroupConstraint gc = (GroupConstraint) c;
if (gc.isHard())
maxGrPref += Math.abs(gc.getPreference()) * (1 + (gc.variables().size() * (gc.variables().size() - 1)) / 2);
int totalCommitedPlacements = 0;
for (Student student : students) {
if (student.getCommitedPlacements() != null)
totalCommitedPlacements += student.getCommitedPlacements().size();
HashMap<Long, List<Lecture>> subs = new HashMap<Long, List<Lecture>>();
for (Lecture lecture : m.variables()) {
if (lecture.isCommitted() || lecture.getScheduler() == null)
List<Lecture> vars = subs.get(lecture.getScheduler());
if (vars == null) {
vars = new ArrayList<Lecture>();
subs.put(lecture.getScheduler(), vars);
int bidx = 101;
w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Assigned variables max," + m.variables().size());
w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Student enrollments," + enrls);
w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Student commited enrollments," + totalCommitedPlacements);
w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " All student enrollments," + (enrls + totalCommitedPlacements));
w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Time preferences min," + minTimePref);
w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Time preferences max," + maxTimePref);
w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Room preferences min," + minRoomPref);
w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Room preferences max," + maxRoomPref);
w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Useless half-hours max," + (Constants.sPreferenceLevelStronglyDiscouraged * m.getRoomConstraints().size() * (lastDaySlot - firstDaySlot + 1) * (lastWorkDay - firstWorkDay + 1)));
w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Too big room max," + (Constants.sPreferenceLevelStronglyDiscouraged * m.variables().size()));
w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Distribution preferences min," + minGrPref);
w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Distribution preferences max," + maxGrPref);
w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Back-to-back instructor pref max," + worstInstrPref);
for (Long scheduler : new TreeSet<Long>(subs.keySet())) {
List<Lecture> vars = subs.get(scheduler);
idx = 001;
bidx = 101;
int nrAssg = 0;
enrls = 0;
int roomPref = 0;
minRoomPref = 0;
maxRoomPref = 0;
double timePref = 0;
minTimePref = 0;
maxTimePref = 0;
double grPref = 0;
minGrPref = 0;
maxGrPref = 0;
long allSC = 0, hardSC = 0, distSC = 0;
int instPref = 0;
worstInstrPref = 0;
int spreadPen = 0, deptSpreadPen = 0;
int tooBigRooms = 0;
int rcs = 0, uselessSlots = 0;
used = new HashSet<Constraint<Lecture, Placement>>();
for (Lecture lecture : vars) {
if (lecture.isCommitted())
enrls += lecture.students().size();
Placement placement = a.getValue(lecture);
if (placement != null) {
int[] minMaxRoomPref = lecture.getMinMaxRoomPreference();
minRoomPref += minMaxRoomPref[0];
maxRoomPref += minMaxRoomPref[1];
double[] minMaxTimePref = lecture.getMinMaxTimePreference();
minTimePref += minMaxTimePref[0];
maxTimePref += minMaxTimePref[1];
if (placement != null) {
roomPref += placement.getRoomPreference();
timePref += placement.getTimeLocation().getNormalizedPreference();
tooBigRooms += TooBigRooms.getTooBigRoomPreference(placement);
for (Constraint<Lecture, Placement> c : lecture.constraints()) {
if (!used.add(c))
if (c instanceof InstructorConstraint) {
InstructorConstraint ic = (InstructorConstraint) c;
instPref += ic.getPreference(a);
worstInstrPref += ic.getWorstPreference();
if (c instanceof DepartmentSpreadConstraint) {
DepartmentSpreadConstraint dsc = (DepartmentSpreadConstraint) c;
deptSpreadPen += dsc.getPenalty(a);
} else if (c instanceof SpreadConstraint) {
SpreadConstraint sc = (SpreadConstraint) c;
spreadPen += sc.getPenalty(a);
if (c instanceof GroupConstraint) {
GroupConstraint gc = (GroupConstraint) c;
if (gc.isHard())
minGrPref -= Math.abs(gc.getPreference());
maxGrPref += 0;
grPref += Math.min(0, gc.getCurrentPreference(a));
// minGrPref += Math.min(gc.getPreference(), 0);
// maxGrPref += Math.max(gc.getPreference(), 0);
// grPref += gc.getCurrentPreference();
if (c instanceof JenrlConstraint) {
JenrlConstraint jc = (JenrlConstraint) c;
if (!jc.isInConflict(a) || !jc.isOfTheSameProblem())
Lecture l1 = jc.first();
Lecture l2 = jc.second();
allSC += jc.getJenrl();
if (l1.areStudentConflictsHard(l2))
hardSC += jc.getJenrl();
Placement p1 = a.getValue(l1);
Placement p2 = a.getValue(l2);
if (!p1.getTimeLocation().hasIntersection(p2.getTimeLocation()))
distSC += jc.getJenrl();
if (c instanceof RoomConstraint) {
RoomConstraint rc = (RoomConstraint) c;
uselessSlots += UselessHalfHours.countUselessSlotsHalfHours(rc.getContext(a)) + BrokenTimePatterns.countUselessSlotsBrokenTimePatterns(rc.getContext(a));
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Assigned variables," + nrAssg);
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Assigned variables max," + vars.size());
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Hard student conflicts," + hardSC);
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Student enrollments," + enrls);
if (m.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.UseDistanceConstraints", true))
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Distance student conf.," + distSC);
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Student conflicts," + allSC);
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Time preferences," + timePref);
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Time preferences min," + minTimePref);
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Time preferences max," + maxTimePref);
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Room preferences," + roomPref);
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Room preferences min," + minRoomPref);
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Room preferences max," + maxRoomPref);
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Useless half-hours," + uselessSlots);
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Useless half-hours max," + (Constants.sPreferenceLevelStronglyDiscouraged * rcs * (lastDaySlot - firstDaySlot + 1) * (lastWorkDay - firstWorkDay + 1)));
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Too big room," + tooBigRooms);
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Too big room max," + (Constants.sPreferenceLevelStronglyDiscouraged * vars.size()));
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Distribution preferences," + grPref);
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Distribution preferences min," + minGrPref);
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Distribution preferences max," + maxGrPref);
if (m.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.UseDistanceConstraints", true))
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Back-to-back instructor pref," + instPref);
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Back-to-back instructor pref max," + worstInstrPref);
if (m.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.DeptBalancing", true)) {
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Department balancing penalty," + sDoubleFormat.format((deptSpreadPen) / 12.0));
w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Same subpart balancing penalty," + sDoubleFormat.format((spreadPen) / 12.0));
} catch ( io) {
sLogger.error(io.getMessage(), io);
use of org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Student in project cpsolver by UniTime.
the class StudentSwapSectioning method group.
* Student group weight of a solution
public static double group(TimetableModel model) {
double ret = 0;
for (StudentGroup group : model.getStudentGroups()) {
Map<Long, Match> match = new HashMap<Long, Match>();
Set<Long> offeringIds = new HashSet<Long>();
for (Student student : group.getStudents()) for (Lecture lecture : student.getLectures()) {
Match m = match.get(lecture.getSchedulingSubpartId());
if (m == null) {
m = new Match(group, lecture.getConfiguration());
match.put(lecture.getSchedulingSubpartId(), m);
double value = 0.0;
for (Match m : match.values()) value += m.value();
ret += value / offeringIds.size();
return ret;
use of org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Student in project cpsolver by UniTime.
the class StudentSwapSectioning method gp.
* Student group percentage of a solution subset
public static double gp(TimetableModel model, Collection<Lecture> variables) {
if (model.getStudentGroups().isEmpty())
return 0.0;
double ret = 0;
int count = 0;
for (StudentGroup group : model.getStudentGroups()) {
Map<Long, Match> match = new HashMap<Long, Match>();
Set<Long> offeringIds = new HashSet<Long>();
for (Student student : group.getStudents()) for (Lecture lecture : student.getLectures()) {
if (variables != null && !variables.contains(lecture))
Match m = match.get(lecture.getSchedulingSubpartId());
if (m == null) {
m = new Match(group, lecture.getConfiguration());
match.put(lecture.getSchedulingSubpartId(), m);
if (match.isEmpty())
double value = 0.0;
for (Match m : match.values()) value += m.value();
ret += value / offeringIds.size();
return 100.0 * ret / count;