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Example 16 with ExamModel

use of org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamModel in project cpsolver by UniTime.

the class MistaTables method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
        DataProperties config = new DataProperties();
        Table[] tables = new Table[] { new Problems(), new Rooms() };
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
            File file = new File(args[i]);
  "Loading " + file);
            ExamModel model = new ExamModel(config);
            Assignment<Exam, ExamPlacement> assignment = new DefaultSingleAssignment<Exam, ExamPlacement>();
            model.load(new SAXReader().read(file), assignment);
            String name = file.getName();
            if (name.contains("."))
                name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf('.'));
            for (Table table : tables) table.add(name, model);
        }"Saving tables...");
        File output = new File("tables");
        for (Table table : tables);"All done.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sLog.error(e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : ExamModel(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamModel) SAXReader( DataProperties(org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties) IOException( ExamPlacement(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamPlacement) DefaultSingleAssignment(org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.DefaultSingleAssignment) File( Exam(org.cpsolver.exam.model.Exam)

Example 17 with ExamModel

use of org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamModel in project cpsolver by UniTime.

the class ExamTabuSearch method selectValue.

     * Value selection
public ExamPlacement selectValue(Solution<Exam, ExamPlacement> solution, Exam exam) {
    if (iFirstIteration < 0)
        iFirstIteration = solution.getIteration();
    TabuList tabu = getContext(solution.getAssignment());
    long idle = solution.getIteration() - Math.max(iFirstIteration, solution.getBestIteration());
    if (idle > iMaxIdleIterations) {
        sLog.debug("  [tabu]    max idle iterations reached");
        iFirstIteration = -1;
        if (tabu.size() > 0)
        return null;
    if (tabu.size() > 0 && iTabuMaxSize > iTabuMinSize) {
        if (idle == 0) {
        } else if (idle % (iMaxIdleIterations / (iTabuMaxSize - iTabuMinSize)) == 0) {
            tabu.resize(Math.min(iTabuMaxSize, tabu.size() + 1));
    ExamModel model = (ExamModel) solution.getModel();
    Assignment<Exam, ExamPlacement> assignment = solution.getAssignment();
    double bestEval = 0.0;
    List<ExamPlacement> best = null;
    ExamPlacement assigned = assignment.getValue(exam);
    // double assignedVal =
    // (assigned==null?-iConflictWeight:iValueWeight*assigned.toDouble());
    double assignedVal = (assigned == null ? iConflictWeight : iValueWeight * assigned.toDouble(assignment));
    for (ExamPeriodPlacement period : exam.getPeriodPlacements()) {
        Set<ExamRoomPlacement> rooms = exam.findBestAvailableRooms(assignment, period);
        if (rooms == null)
            rooms = exam.findRoomsRandom(assignment, period, false);
        if (rooms == null) {
  "Exam " + exam.getName() + " has no rooms for period " + period);
        ExamPlacement value = new ExamPlacement(exam, period, rooms);
        if (value.equals(assigned))
        Set<ExamPlacement> conflicts = model.conflictValues(assignment, value);
        double eval = iValueWeight * value.toDouble(assignment) - assignedVal;
        for (ExamPlacement conflict : conflicts) {
            eval -= iValueWeight * conflict.toDouble(assignment);
            eval += iConflictWeight * (1.0 + (iStat == null ? 0.0 : iStat.countRemovals(solution.getIteration(), conflict, value)));
        if (tabu.size() > 0 && tabu.contains(exam.getId() + ":" + value.getPeriod().getIndex())) {
            int un = model.variables().size() - assignment.nrAssignedVariables() - (assigned == null ? 0 : 1);
            if (un > model.getBestUnassignedVariables())
            if (un == model.getBestUnassignedVariables() && model.getTotalValue(assignment) + eval >= solution.getBestValue())
        if (best == null || bestEval > eval) {
            if (best == null)
                best = new ArrayList<ExamPlacement>();
            bestEval = eval;
        } else if (bestEval == eval) {
    if (best == null)
        return null;
    ExamPlacement bestVal = ToolBox.random(best);
    if (sLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
        Set<ExamPlacement> conflicts = model.conflictValues(assignment, bestVal);
        double wconf = (iStat == null ? 0.0 : iStat.countRemovals(solution.getIteration(), conflicts, bestVal));
        sLog.debug("  [tabu] " + bestVal + " (" + (assignment.getValue(bestVal.variable()) == null ? "" : "was=" + assignment.getValue(bestVal.variable()) + ", ") + "val=" + bestEval + (conflicts.isEmpty() ? "" : ", conf=" + (wconf + conflicts.size()) + "/" + conflicts) + ")");
    if (tabu.size() > 0)
        tabu.add(exam.getId() + ":" + bestVal.getPeriod().getIndex());
    return bestVal;
Also used : ExamModel(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamModel) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ExamRoomPlacement(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamRoomPlacement) ExamPlacement(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamPlacement) ExamPeriodPlacement(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamPeriodPlacement) Exam(org.cpsolver.exam.model.Exam)

Example 18 with ExamModel

use of org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamModel in project cpsolver by UniTime.

the class ExamUnassignedVariableSelection method selectVariable.

/** Variable selection */
public Exam selectVariable(Solution<Exam, ExamPlacement> solution) {
    ExamModel model = (ExamModel) solution.getModel();
    Assignment<Exam, ExamPlacement> assignment = solution.getAssignment();
    if (model.variables().size() == assignment.nrAssignedVariables())
        return null;
    if (iRandomSelection) {
        int idx = ToolBox.random(model.variables().size() - assignment.nrAssignedVariables());
        for (Exam v : model.variables()) {
            if (assignment.getValue(v) != null)
            if (idx == 0)
                return v;
    Exam variable = null;
    for (Exam v : model.variables()) {
        if (assignment.getValue(v) != null)
        if (variable == null || v.compareTo(variable) < 0)
            variable = v;
    return variable;
Also used : ExamPlacement(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamPlacement) ExamModel(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamModel) Exam(org.cpsolver.exam.model.Exam)

Example 19 with ExamModel

use of org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamModel in project cpsolver by UniTime.

the class ExamPeriodSwapMove method selectNeighbour.

     * Select an exam randomly,
     * select an available period randomly (if it is not assigned), 
     * use rooms if possible, select rooms using {@link Exam#findBestAvailableRooms(Assignment, ExamPeriodPlacement)} if not (exam is unassigned, a room is not available or used).
public Neighbour<Exam, ExamPlacement> selectNeighbour(Solution<Exam, ExamPlacement> solution) {
    ExamModel model = (ExamModel) solution.getModel();
    Assignment<Exam, ExamPlacement> assignment = solution.getAssignment();
    Exam x1 = ToolBox.random(model.variables());
    ExamPlacement v1 = assignment.getValue(x1);
    if (v1 == null)
        return null;
    int x = ToolBox.random(model.variables().size());
    for (int v = 0; v < model.variables().size(); v++) {
        Exam x2 = model.variables().get((v + x) % (model.variables().size()));
        ExamPlacement v2 = assignment.getValue(x2);
        if (x1.equals(x2) || v2 == null)
        ExamPeriodPlacement p1 = x1.getPeriodPlacement(v2.getPeriod());
        ExamPeriodPlacement p2 = x2.getPeriodPlacement(v1.getPeriod());
        if (p1 == null || p2 == null)
        if (iCheckStudentConflicts && (x1.countStudentConflicts(assignment, p1) > 0 || x2.countStudentConflicts(assignment, p2) > 0))
        if (iCheckDistributionConstraints) {
            Map<Exam, ExamPlacement> placements = new HashMap<Exam, ExamPlacement>();
            placements.put(x1, new ExamPlacement(x1, p1, new HashSet<ExamRoomPlacement>()));
            placements.put(x2, new ExamPlacement(x2, p2, new HashSet<ExamRoomPlacement>()));
            if (!checkDistributionConstraints(assignment, x1, p1, placements) || !checkDistributionConstraints(assignment, x2, p2, placements))
        Set<ExamPlacement> conflicts = new HashSet<ExamPlacement>();
        Map<Exam, ExamPlacement> placements = new HashMap<Exam, ExamPlacement>();
        Set<ExamRoomPlacement> r1 = findBestAvailableRooms(assignment, x1, p1, conflicts, placements);
        if (r1 == null)
        placements.put(x1, new ExamPlacement(x1, p1, r1));
        Set<ExamRoomPlacement> r2 = findBestAvailableRooms(assignment, x2, p2, conflicts, placements);
        if (r2 == null)
        return new LazySwap<Exam, ExamPlacement>(new ExamPlacement(x1, p1, r1), new ExamPlacement(x2, p2, r2));
    return null;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ExamModel(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamModel) ExamDistributionConstraint(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamDistributionConstraint) LazySwap(org.cpsolver.ifs.model.LazySwap) ExamRoomPlacement(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamRoomPlacement) ExamPlacement(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamPlacement) ExamPeriodPlacement(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamPeriodPlacement) Exam(org.cpsolver.exam.model.Exam) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 20 with ExamModel

use of org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamModel in project cpsolver by UniTime.

the class ExamTimeMove method selectNeighbour.

     * Select an exam randomly,
     * select an available period randomly (if it is not assigned), 
     * use rooms if possible, select rooms using {@link Exam#findBestAvailableRooms(Assignment, ExamPeriodPlacement)} if not (exam is unassigned, a room is not available or used).
public Neighbour<Exam, ExamPlacement> selectNeighbour(Solution<Exam, ExamPlacement> solution) {
    ExamModel model = (ExamModel) solution.getModel();
    Assignment<Exam, ExamPlacement> assignment = solution.getAssignment();
    ExamRoomSharing sharing = model.getRoomSharing();
    Exam exam = ToolBox.random(model.variables());
    ExamPlacement placement = assignment.getValue(exam);
    int px = ToolBox.random(exam.getPeriodPlacements().size());
    for (int p = 0; p < exam.getPeriodPlacements().size(); p++) {
        ExamPeriodPlacement period = exam.getPeriodPlacements().get((p + px) % exam.getPeriodPlacements().size());
        if (placement != null && placement.getPeriod().equals(period))
        if (iCheckStudentConflicts && exam.countStudentConflicts(assignment, period) > 0)
        if (iCheckDistributionConstraints && !exam.checkDistributionConstraints(assignment, period))
        if (placement != null) {
            boolean ok = true;
            if (sharing != null && placement.getRoomPlacements().size() == 1) {
                ExamRoomPlacement room = placement.getRoomPlacements().iterator().next();
                ok = room.isAvailable(period.getPeriod()) && !sharing.inConflict(exam, room.getRoom().getPlacements(assignment, period.getPeriod()), room.getRoom());
            } else {
                for (Iterator<ExamRoomPlacement> i = placement.getRoomPlacements().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
                    ExamRoomPlacement room =;
                    if (!room.isAvailable(period.getPeriod()) || !room.getRoom().getPlacements(assignment, period.getPeriod()).isEmpty()) {
                        ok = false;
            if (ok)
                return new ExamSimpleNeighbour(assignment, new ExamPlacement(exam, period, placement.getRoomPlacements()));
        Set<ExamRoomPlacement> rooms = exam.findBestAvailableRooms(assignment, period);
        if (rooms == null)
        return new ExamSimpleNeighbour(assignment, new ExamPlacement(exam, period, rooms));
    return null;
Also used : ExamRoomSharing(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamRoomSharing) ExamRoomPlacement(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamRoomPlacement) ExamPlacement(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamPlacement) ExamModel(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamModel) ExamPeriodPlacement(org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamPeriodPlacement) Exam(org.cpsolver.exam.model.Exam)


ExamModel (org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamModel)21 Exam (org.cpsolver.exam.model.Exam)20 ExamPlacement (org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamPlacement)13 Set (java.util.Set)9 ExamRoomPlacement (org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamRoomPlacement)9 ExamPeriodPlacement (org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamPeriodPlacement)8 ExamInstructor (org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamInstructor)6 ExamPeriod (org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamPeriod)6 ExamStudent (org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamStudent)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 IOException ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 File ( DecimalFormat (java.text.DecimalFormat)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 ExamRoomSharing (org.cpsolver.exam.model.ExamRoomSharing)2 ExamStudentConflictsPerExam (org.cpsolver.exam.reports.ExamStudentConflictsPerExam)2 Assignment (org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.Assignment)2 FileInputStream ( FileWriter (