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Example 21 with Subpart

use of org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Subpart in project cpsolver by UniTime.

the class PriorityStudentWeights method getWeightMultiplicative.

public double getWeightMultiplicative(Assignment<Request, Enrollment> assignment, Enrollment enrollment) {
    double weight = getBaseWeight(assignment, enrollment);
    if (enrollment.isCourseRequest() && iNoTimeFactor != 0.0) {
        int noTimeSections = 0, total = 0;
        for (Section section : enrollment.getSections()) {
            if (!section.hasTime())
        if (noTimeSections > 0)
            weight *= (1.0 - iNoTimeFactor * noTimeSections / total);
    if (enrollment.isCourseRequest() && iOnlineFactor != 0.0) {
        int onlineSections = 0, total = 0;
        for (Section section : enrollment.getSections()) {
            if (section.isOnline())
        if (onlineSections > 0)
            weight *= (1.0 - iOnlineFactor * onlineSections / total);
    if (enrollment.isCourseRequest() && iPastFactor != 0.0) {
        int pastSections = 0, total = 0;
        for (Section section : enrollment.getSections()) {
            if (section.isPast())
        if (pastSections > 0)
            weight *= (1.0 - iPastFactor * pastSections / total);
    if (enrollment.getTruePriority() < enrollment.getPriority()) {
        weight *= (1.0 - iReservationNotFollowedFactor);
    if (enrollment.isCourseRequest() && iBalancingFactor != 0.0) {
        double configUsed = enrollment.getConfig().getEnrollmentTotalWeight(assignment, enrollment.getRequest()) + enrollment.getRequest().getWeight();
        double disbalanced = 0;
        double total = 0;
        for (Section section : enrollment.getSections()) {
            Subpart subpart = section.getSubpart();
            if (subpart.getSections().size() <= 1)
            double used = section.getEnrollmentTotalWeight(assignment, enrollment.getRequest()) + enrollment.getRequest().getWeight();
            // sections have limits -> desired size is section limit x (total enrollment / total limit)
            // unlimited sections -> desired size is total enrollment / number of sections
            double desired = (subpart.getLimit() > 0 ? section.getLimit() * (configUsed / subpart.getLimit()) : configUsed / subpart.getSections().size());
            if (used > desired)
                disbalanced += Math.min(enrollment.getRequest().getWeight(), used - desired) / enrollment.getRequest().getWeight();
                disbalanced -= Math.min(enrollment.getRequest().getWeight(), desired - used) / enrollment.getRequest().getWeight();
        if (disbalanced > 0)
            weight *= (1.0 - disbalanced / total * iBalancingFactor);
    if (iMPP) {
        double difference = getDifference(enrollment);
        if (difference > 0.0)
            weight *= (1.0 - difference * iPerturbationFactor);
    if (iSelectionFactor != 0.0) {
        double selection = getSelection(enrollment);
        if (selection > 0.0)
            weight *= (1.0 - selection * iSelectionFactor);
    if (enrollment.isCourseRequest() && iGroupFactor != 0.0) {
        double sameGroup = 0.0;
        int groupCount = 0;
        for (RequestGroup g : ((CourseRequest) enrollment.getRequest()).getRequestGroups()) {
            if (g.getCourse().equals(enrollment.getCourse())) {
                sameGroup += g.getEnrollmentSpread(assignment, enrollment, iGroupBestRatio, iGroupFillRatio);
        if (groupCount > 0) {
            double difference = 1.0 - sameGroup / groupCount;
            weight *= (1.0 - difference * iGroupFactor);
    return round(weight);
Also used : CourseRequest(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.CourseRequest) Subpart(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Subpart) RequestGroup(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.RequestGroup) Section(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Section)

Example 22 with Subpart

use of org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Subpart in project cpsolver by UniTime.

the class PriorityStudentWeights method getWeightAdditive.

public double getWeightAdditive(Assignment<Request, Enrollment> assignment, Enrollment enrollment) {
    double base = getBaseWeight(assignment, enrollment);
    double weight = 0.0;
    if (enrollment.isCourseRequest() && iNoTimeFactor != 0.0) {
        int noTimeSections = 0, total = 0;
        for (Section section : enrollment.getSections()) {
            if (!section.hasTime())
        if (noTimeSections > 0)
            weight += iNoTimeFactor * noTimeSections / total;
    if (enrollment.isCourseRequest() && iOnlineFactor != 0.0) {
        int onlineSections = 0, total = 0;
        for (Section section : enrollment.getSections()) {
            if (section.isOnline())
        if (onlineSections > 0)
            weight += iOnlineFactor * onlineSections / total;
    if (enrollment.isCourseRequest() && iPastFactor != 0.0) {
        int pastSections = 0, total = 0;
        for (Section section : enrollment.getSections()) {
            if (section.isPast())
        if (pastSections > 0)
            weight += iPastFactor * pastSections / total;
    if (enrollment.getTruePriority() < enrollment.getPriority()) {
        weight += iReservationNotFollowedFactor;
    if (enrollment.isCourseRequest() && iBalancingFactor != 0.0) {
        double configUsed = enrollment.getConfig().getEnrollmentTotalWeight(assignment, enrollment.getRequest()) + enrollment.getRequest().getWeight();
        double disbalanced = 0;
        double total = 0;
        for (Section section : enrollment.getSections()) {
            Subpart subpart = section.getSubpart();
            if (subpart.getSections().size() <= 1)
            double used = section.getEnrollmentTotalWeight(assignment, enrollment.getRequest()) + enrollment.getRequest().getWeight();
            // sections have limits -> desired size is section limit x (total enrollment / total limit)
            // unlimited sections -> desired size is total enrollment / number of sections
            double desired = (subpart.getLimit() > 0 ? section.getLimit() * (configUsed / subpart.getLimit()) : configUsed / subpart.getSections().size());
            if (used > desired)
                disbalanced += Math.min(enrollment.getRequest().getWeight(), used - desired) / enrollment.getRequest().getWeight();
                disbalanced -= Math.min(enrollment.getRequest().getWeight(), desired - used) / enrollment.getRequest().getWeight();
        if (disbalanced > 0)
            weight += disbalanced / total * iBalancingFactor;
    if (iMPP) {
        double difference = getDifference(enrollment);
        if (difference > 0.0)
            weight += difference * iPerturbationFactor;
    if (iSelectionFactor != 0.0) {
        double selection = getSelection(enrollment);
        if (selection > 0.0)
            weight += selection * iSelectionFactor;
    if (enrollment.isCourseRequest() && iGroupFactor != 0.0) {
        double sameGroup = 0.0;
        int groupCount = 0;
        for (RequestGroup g : ((CourseRequest) enrollment.getRequest()).getRequestGroups()) {
            if (g.getCourse().equals(enrollment.getCourse())) {
                sameGroup += g.getEnrollmentSpread(assignment, enrollment, iGroupBestRatio, iGroupFillRatio);
        if (groupCount > 0) {
            double difference = 1.0 - sameGroup / groupCount;
            weight += difference * iGroupFactor;
    return round(base * (1.0 - weight));
Also used : CourseRequest(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.CourseRequest) Subpart(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Subpart) RequestGroup(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.RequestGroup) Section(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Section)

Example 23 with Subpart

use of org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Subpart in project cpsolver by UniTime.

the class RequestGroupTable method create.

public CSVFile create(Assignment<Request, Enrollment> assignment, DataProperties properties) {
    boolean useAmPm = properties.getPropertyBoolean("useAmPm", true);
    CSVFile csv = new CSVFile();
    csv.setHeader(new CSVFile.CSVField[] { new CSVFile.CSVField("Group"), new CSVFile.CSVField("Course"), new CSVFile.CSVField("Total\nSpread"), new CSVFile.CSVField("Group\nEnrollment"), new CSVFile.CSVField("Class"), new CSVFile.CSVField("Meeting Time"), new CSVFile.CSVField("Class\nSpread"), new CSVFile.CSVField("Class\nEnrollment"), new CSVFile.CSVField("Class\nLimit") });
    TreeSet<RequestGroup> groups = new TreeSet<RequestGroup>(new Comparator<RequestGroup>() {

        public int compare(RequestGroup g1, RequestGroup g2) {
            int cmp = g1.getName().compareTo(g2.getName());
            if (cmp != 0)
                return cmp;
            cmp = g1.getCourse().getName().compareTo(g2.getCourse().getName());
            if (cmp != 0)
                return cmp;
            if (g1.getId() < g2.getId())
                return -1;
            if (g1.getId() > g2.getId())
                return 1;
            return (g1.getCourse().getId() < g2.getCourse().getId() ? -1 : g1.getCourse().getId() > g2.getCourse().getId() ? 1 : 0);
    for (Offering offering : iModel.getOfferings()) for (Course course : offering.getCourses()) groups.addAll(course.getRequestGroups());
    for (RequestGroup group : groups) {
        double groupEnrollment = group.getEnrollmentWeight(assignment, null);
        double groupSpread = group.getAverageSpread(assignment);
        for (Config config : group.getCourse().getOffering().getConfigs()) for (Subpart subpart : config.getSubparts()) for (Section section : subpart.getSections()) {
            double s = group.getSectionWeight(assignment, section, null);
            if (s > 0.00001) {
                csv.addLine(new CSVFile.CSVField[] { new CSVFile.CSVField(group.getName()), new CSVFile.CSVField(group.getCourse().getName()), new CSVFile.CSVField(sDF.format(100.0 * groupSpread)), new CSVFile.CSVField(Math.round(groupEnrollment)), new CSVFile.CSVField(section.getSubpart().getName() + " " + section.getName(group.getCourse().getId())), new CSVFile.CSVField(section.getTime() == null ? "" : section.getTime().getDayHeader() + " " + section.getTime().getStartTimeHeader(useAmPm) + " - " + section.getTime().getEndTimeHeader(useAmPm)), new CSVFile.CSVField(sDF.format(100.0 * group.getSectionSpread(assignment, section))), new CSVFile.CSVField(Math.round(group.getSectionWeight(assignment, section, null))), new CSVFile.CSVField(section.getLimit()) });
    return csv;
Also used : CSVFile(org.cpsolver.ifs.util.CSVFile) Config(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Config) Offering(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Offering) Section(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Section) RequestGroup(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.RequestGroup) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) Subpart(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Subpart) Course(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Course)

Example 24 with Subpart

use of org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Subpart in project cpsolver by UniTime.

the class Reservation method getLimitCapNoCache.

 * Compute limit cap (maximum number of students that can get into the offering using this reservation)
private double getLimitCapNoCache() {
    // no config -> can be unlimited
    if (getConfigs().isEmpty())
        return -1;
    // can assign over limit -> no cap
    if (canAssignOverLimit())
        return -1;
    double cap = 0;
    if (areRestrictionsInclusive()) {
        // for each config
        for (Config config : getConfigs()) {
            // config cap
            double configCap = config.getLimit();
            for (Map.Entry<Subpart, Set<Section>> entry : getSections().entrySet()) {
                if (!config.equals(entry.getKey().getConfig()))
                Set<Section> sections = entry.getValue();
                // subpart cap
                double subpartCap = 0;
                for (Section section : sections) subpartCap = add(subpartCap, section.getLimit());
                // minimize
                configCap = min(configCap, subpartCap);
            // add config cap
            cap = add(cap, configCap);
    } else {
        // for each config
        for (Config config : getConfigs()) cap = add(cap, config.getLimit());
        // for each subpart
        for (Map.Entry<Subpart, Set<Section>> entry : getSections().entrySet()) {
            Set<Section> sections = entry.getValue();
            // subpart cap
            double subpartCap = 0;
            for (Section section : sections) subpartCap = add(subpartCap, section.getLimit());
            cap = add(cap, subpartCap);
    return cap;
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Config(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Config) Subpart(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Subpart) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) Section(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Section)

Example 25 with Subpart

use of org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Subpart in project cpsolver by UniTime.

the class OriginalStudentWeights method main.

 * Test case -- run to see the weights for a few courses
 * @param args program arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
    OriginalStudentWeights pw = new OriginalStudentWeights(new DataProperties());
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.000");
    Student s = new Student(0l);
    new CourseRequest(1l, 0, false, s, ToolBox.toList(new Course(1, "A", "1", new Offering(0, "A")), new Course(1, "A", "2", new Offering(0, "A")), new Course(1, "A", "3", new Offering(0, "A"))), false, null);
    new CourseRequest(2l, 1, false, s, ToolBox.toList(new Course(1, "B", "1", new Offering(0, "B")), new Course(1, "B", "2", new Offering(0, "B")), new Course(1, "B", "3", new Offering(0, "B"))), false, null);
    new CourseRequest(3l, 2, false, s, ToolBox.toList(new Course(1, "C", "1", new Offering(0, "C")), new Course(1, "C", "2", new Offering(0, "C")), new Course(1, "C", "3", new Offering(0, "C"))), false, null);
    new CourseRequest(4l, 3, false, s, ToolBox.toList(new Course(1, "D", "1", new Offering(0, "D")), new Course(1, "D", "2", new Offering(0, "D")), new Course(1, "D", "3", new Offering(0, "D"))), false, null);
    new CourseRequest(5l, 4, false, s, ToolBox.toList(new Course(1, "E", "1", new Offering(0, "E")), new Course(1, "E", "2", new Offering(0, "E")), new Course(1, "E", "3", new Offering(0, "E"))), false, null);
    new CourseRequest(6l, 5, true, s, ToolBox.toList(new Course(1, "F", "1", new Offering(0, "F")), new Course(1, "F", "2", new Offering(0, "F")), new Course(1, "F", "3", new Offering(0, "F"))), false, null);
    new CourseRequest(7l, 6, true, s, ToolBox.toList(new Course(1, "G", "1", new Offering(0, "G")), new Course(1, "G", "2", new Offering(0, "G")), new Course(1, "G", "3", new Offering(0, "G"))), false, null);
    Assignment<Request, Enrollment> assignment = new DefaultSingleAssignment<Request, Enrollment>();
    Placement p = new Placement(null, new TimeLocation(1, 90, 12, 0, 0, null, null, new BitSet(), 10), new ArrayList<RoomLocation>());
    for (Request r : s.getRequests()) {
        CourseRequest cr = (CourseRequest) r;
        double[] w = new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
        for (int i = 0; i < cr.getCourses().size(); i++) {
            Config cfg = new Config(0l, -1, "", cr.getCourses().get(i).getOffering());
            Set<SctAssignment> sections = new HashSet<SctAssignment>();
            sections.add(new Section(0, 1, "x", new Subpart(0, "Lec", "Lec", cfg, null), p, null));
            Enrollment e = new Enrollment(cr, i, cfg, sections, assignment);
            w[i] = pw.getWeight(assignment, e, null, null);
        System.out.println(cr + ": " + df.format(w[0]) + "  " + df.format(w[1]) + "  " + df.format(w[2]));
    System.out.println("With one distance conflict:");
    for (Request r : s.getRequests()) {
        CourseRequest cr = (CourseRequest) r;
        double[] w = new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
        for (int i = 0; i < cr.getCourses().size(); i++) {
            Config cfg = new Config(0l, -1, "", cr.getCourses().get(i).getOffering());
            Set<SctAssignment> sections = new HashSet<SctAssignment>();
            sections.add(new Section(0, 1, "x", new Subpart(0, "Lec", "Lec", cfg, null), p, null));
            Enrollment e = new Enrollment(cr, i, cfg, sections, assignment);
            Set<DistanceConflict.Conflict> dc = new HashSet<DistanceConflict.Conflict>();
            dc.add(new DistanceConflict.Conflict(s, e, (Section) sections.iterator().next(), e, (Section) sections.iterator().next()));
            w[i] = pw.getWeight(assignment, e, dc, null);
        System.out.println(cr + ": " + df.format(w[0]) + "  " + df.format(w[1]) + "  " + df.format(w[2]));
    System.out.println("With two distance conflicts:");
    for (Request r : s.getRequests()) {
        CourseRequest cr = (CourseRequest) r;
        double[] w = new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
        for (int i = 0; i < cr.getCourses().size(); i++) {
            Config cfg = new Config(0l, -1, "", cr.getCourses().get(i).getOffering());
            Set<SctAssignment> sections = new HashSet<SctAssignment>();
            sections.add(new Section(0, 1, "x", new Subpart(0, "Lec", "Lec", cfg, null), p, null));
            Enrollment e = new Enrollment(cr, i, cfg, sections, assignment);
            Set<DistanceConflict.Conflict> dc = new HashSet<DistanceConflict.Conflict>();
            dc.add(new DistanceConflict.Conflict(s, e, (Section) sections.iterator().next(), e, (Section) sections.iterator().next()));
            dc.add(new DistanceConflict.Conflict(s, e, (Section) sections.iterator().next(), e, new Section(1, 1, "x", new Subpart(0, "Lec", "Lec", cfg, null), p, null)));
            w[i] = pw.getWeight(assignment, e, dc, null);
        System.out.println(cr + ": " + df.format(w[0]) + "  " + df.format(w[1]) + "  " + df.format(w[2]));
    System.out.println("With 25% time overlapping conflicts:");
    for (Request r : s.getRequests()) {
        CourseRequest cr = (CourseRequest) r;
        double[] w = new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
        for (int i = 0; i < cr.getCourses().size(); i++) {
            Config cfg = new Config(0l, -1, "", cr.getCourses().get(i).getOffering());
            Set<SctAssignment> sections = new HashSet<SctAssignment>();
            sections.add(new Section(0, 1, "x", new Subpart(0, "Lec", "Lec", cfg, null), p, null));
            Enrollment e = new Enrollment(cr, i, cfg, sections, assignment);
            Set<TimeOverlapsCounter.Conflict> toc = new HashSet<TimeOverlapsCounter.Conflict>();
            toc.add(new TimeOverlapsCounter.Conflict(s, 3, e, sections.iterator().next(), e, sections.iterator().next()));
            w[i] = pw.getWeight(assignment, e, null, toc);
        System.out.println(cr + ": " + df.format(w[0]) + "  " + df.format(w[1]) + "  " + df.format(w[2]));
Also used : TimeLocation(org.cpsolver.coursett.model.TimeLocation) Config(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Config) DecimalFormat(java.text.DecimalFormat) DistanceConflict(org.cpsolver.studentsct.extension.DistanceConflict) DataProperties(org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties) Placement(org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Placement) Enrollment(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Enrollment) Course(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Course) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) RoomLocation(org.cpsolver.coursett.model.RoomLocation) Request(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Request) CourseRequest(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.CourseRequest) BitSet(java.util.BitSet) Student(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Student) Offering(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Offering) Section(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Section) TimeOverlapsCounter(org.cpsolver.studentsct.extension.TimeOverlapsCounter) CourseRequest(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.CourseRequest) DistanceConflict(org.cpsolver.studentsct.extension.DistanceConflict) Subpart(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Subpart) DefaultSingleAssignment(org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.DefaultSingleAssignment) SctAssignment(org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.SctAssignment)


Subpart (org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Subpart)44 Section (org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Section)40 Config (org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Config)23 CourseRequest (org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.CourseRequest)22 Offering (org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Offering)16 Course (org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Course)13 Request (org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Request)13 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)12 Set (java.util.Set)12 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)10 Enrollment (org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Enrollment)10 Map (java.util.Map)8 Element (org.dom4j.Element)7 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 FreeTimeRequest (org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.FreeTimeRequest)6 Student (org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Student)6 BitSet (java.util.BitSet)5 DistanceConflict (org.cpsolver.studentsct.extension.DistanceConflict)5 StudentQuality (org.cpsolver.studentsct.extension.StudentQuality)5 TimeOverlapsCounter (org.cpsolver.studentsct.extension.TimeOverlapsCounter)5