use of org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver in project tests by datanucleus.
the class SchemaHandlerTest method testColumnRetrieval.
* Test of the retrieval of columns.
public void testColumnRetrieval() {
addClassesToSchema(new Class[] { SchemaClass1.class, SchemaClass2.class });
PersistenceManager pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();
RDBMSStoreManager databaseMgr = (RDBMSStoreManager) storeMgr;
StoreSchemaHandler handler = databaseMgr.getSchemaHandler();
ClassLoaderResolver clr = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getClassLoaderResolver(null);
Connection con = (Connection) databaseMgr.getConnectionManager().getConnection(((JDOPersistenceManager) pm).getExecutionContext()).getConnection();
// Retrieve and check the table for SchemaClass1
DatastoreClass table1 = databaseMgr.getDatastoreClass(SchemaClass1.class.getName(), clr);
RDBMSTableInfo tableInfo1 = (RDBMSTableInfo) handler.getSchemaData(con, "columns", new Object[] { table1 });
assertNotNull("TableInfo from getColumns is NULL!", tableInfo1);
assertEquals("Number of columns for table " + table1 + " is wrong", 4, tableInfo1.getNumberOfChildren());
Iterator colsIter = tableInfo1.getChildren().iterator();
Collection colNamesPresent = new HashSet();
while (colsIter.hasNext()) {
RDBMSColumnInfo colInfo = (RDBMSColumnInfo);
String colInfoName = colInfo.getColumnName().toUpperCase();
if (colInfoName.equals("TABLE1_ID1") || colInfoName.equals("TABLE1_ID2") || colInfoName.equals("NAME") || colInfoName.equals("OTHER_ID")) {
assertTrue("Some columns expected were not present in the datastore table : " + StringUtils.collectionToString(colNamesPresent), colNamesPresent.size() == 0);
// Retrieve and check the table for SchemaClass2
DatastoreClass table2 = databaseMgr.getDatastoreClass(SchemaClass2.class.getName(), clr);
RDBMSTableInfo tableInfo2 = (RDBMSTableInfo) handler.getSchemaData(con, "columns", new Object[] { table2 });
assertEquals("Number of columns for table " + table2 + " is wrong", 3, tableInfo2.getNumberOfChildren());
colsIter = tableInfo2.getChildren().iterator();
while (colsIter.hasNext()) {
RDBMSColumnInfo colInfo = (RDBMSColumnInfo);
String colInfoName = colInfo.getColumnName().toUpperCase();
if (colInfoName.equals("TABLE2_ID")) {
if (colInfoName.equals("NAME")) {
assertEquals("Length of column " + colInfo.getColumnName() + " has incorrect length", 20, colInfo.getColumnSize());
if (colInfoName.equals("VALUE")) {
assertTrue("Some columns expected were not present in the datastore table : " + StringUtils.collectionToString(colNamesPresent), colNamesPresent.size() == 0);
// Now check retrieval of a column for a table
RDBMSColumnInfo colInfo = (RDBMSColumnInfo) handler.getSchemaData(con, "column", new Object[] { table2, "VALUE" });
if (colInfo == null) {
colInfo = (RDBMSColumnInfo) handler.getSchemaData(con, "column", new Object[] { table2, "value" });
assertNotNull("Column VALUE for table " + table2 + " was not found", colInfo);
assertEquals("Column name is wrong", "VALUE", colInfo.getColumnName().toUpperCase());
use of org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver in project tests by datanucleus.
the class SchemaHandlerTest method testPrimaryKeyRetrieval.
* Test of the retrieval of PKs.
public void testPrimaryKeyRetrieval() {
addClassesToSchema(new Class[] { SchemaClass1.class, SchemaClass2.class });
PersistenceManager pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();
RDBMSStoreManager databaseMgr = (RDBMSStoreManager) storeMgr;
// Retrieve the table for SchemaClass1
ClassLoaderResolver clr = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getClassLoaderResolver(null);
DatastoreClass table1 = databaseMgr.getDatastoreClass(SchemaClass1.class.getName(), clr);
DatastoreClass table2 = databaseMgr.getDatastoreClass(SchemaClass2.class.getName(), clr);
// Check for the FK using the schema handler
StoreSchemaHandler handler = databaseMgr.getSchemaHandler();
Connection con = (Connection) databaseMgr.getConnectionManager().getConnection(((JDOPersistenceManager) pm).getExecutionContext()).getConnection();
RDBMSTablePKInfo pkInfo1 = (RDBMSTablePKInfo) handler.getSchemaData(con, "primary-keys", new Object[] { table1 });
RDBMSTablePKInfo pkInfo2 = (RDBMSTablePKInfo) handler.getSchemaData(con, "primary-keys", new Object[] { table2 });
// Expecting 2 PK columns for SchemaClass1
// TODO Enable checks on the PK name (when JDBC drivers return it correctly)
assertEquals("Number of PKs for table " + table1 + " is wrong", 2, pkInfo1.getNumberOfChildren());
PrimaryKeyInfo pk = (PrimaryKeyInfo) pkInfo1.getChild(0);
assertEquals("Column Name is wrong", "TABLE1_ID1", ((String) pk.getProperty("column_name")).toUpperCase());
// assertEquals("PK Name is wrong", "TABLE1_PK", pk.getProperty("pk_name"));
pk = (PrimaryKeyInfo) pkInfo1.getChild(1);
assertEquals("Column Name is wrong", "TABLE1_ID2", ((String) pk.getProperty("column_name")).toUpperCase());
// assertEquals("PK Name is wrong", "TABLE1_PK", pk.getProperty("pk_name"));
// Expecting 1 PK column for SchemaClass
assertEquals("Number of PKs for table " + table1 + " is wrong", 1, pkInfo2.getNumberOfChildren());
pk = (PrimaryKeyInfo) pkInfo2.getChild(0);
assertEquals("Column Name is wrong", "TABLE2_ID", ((String) pk.getProperty("column_name")).toUpperCase());
// assertEquals("PK Name is wrong", "TABLE2_PK", pk.getProperty("pk_name"));
use of org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver in project tests by datanucleus.
the class ConvertersTest method testUseOfPersistentConverter.
* Test the use of "@Persistent(converter="...")" annotation on a field.
public void testUseOfPersistentConverter() {
try {
PersistenceNucleusContext nucCtx = ((JDOPersistenceManagerFactory) pmf).getNucleusContext();
ClassLoaderResolver clr = nucCtx.getClassLoaderResolver(null);
AbstractClassMetaData cmd = nucCtx.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(PersonWithConverters.class, clr);
// Check the converter is registered with metadata
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = cmd.getMetaDataForMember("myBool1");
String converterName = mmd.getValueForExtension("type-converter-name");
assertEquals("org.datanucleus.samples.converters.Boolean10Converter", converterName);
// Check the correct mapping is chosen for this field
RDBMSStoreManager storeMgr = (RDBMSStoreManager) nucCtx.getStoreManager();
DatastoreClass tbl = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(PersonWithConverters.class.getName(), clr);
JavaTypeMapping mapping = tbl.getMemberMapping(mmd);
assertTrue(mapping instanceof TypeConverterMapping);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception during test", e);
fail("Exception was thrown : " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
use of org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver in project tests by datanucleus.
the class ConvertersTest method testUseOfConvert.
* Test the use of "@Convert" annotation on a field.
public void testUseOfConvert() {
try {
PersistenceNucleusContext nucCtx = ((JDOPersistenceManagerFactory) pmf).getNucleusContext();
ClassLoaderResolver clr = nucCtx.getClassLoaderResolver(null);
AbstractClassMetaData cmd = nucCtx.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(PersonWithConverters.class, clr);
// Check the converter is registered with metadata
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = cmd.getMetaDataForMember("myBool2");
String converterName = mmd.getValueForExtension("type-converter-name");
assertEquals("org.datanucleus.samples.converters.BooleanYNConverter", converterName);
// Check the correct mapping is chosen for this field
RDBMSStoreManager storeMgr = (RDBMSStoreManager) nucCtx.getStoreManager();
DatastoreClass tbl = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(PersonWithConverters.class.getName(), clr);
JavaTypeMapping mapping = tbl.getMemberMapping(mmd);
assertTrue(mapping instanceof TypeConverterMapping);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception during test", e);
fail("Exception was thrown : " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
use of org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver in project tests by datanucleus.
the class IdentifierFactoryTest method testDataNucleus2.
* Tests for DNIdentifierFactory
public void testDataNucleus2() {
RDBMSStoreManager srm = (RDBMSStoreManager) storeMgr;
IdentifierFactory idFactory = srm.getIdentifierFactory();
ClassLoaderResolver clr = new ClassLoaderResolverImpl();
// Table identifiers
// a). generated name shorter than max length
DatastoreIdentifier id = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, "MyClass");
assertTrue("newIdentifier(TABLE, String) has generated an incorrect name : " + id.getName(), "MYCLASS".equalsIgnoreCase(id.getName()));
// b). specified name shorter than max length
id = idFactory.newTableIdentifier("MY_TABLE_NAME");
assertTrue("newDatastoreContainerIdentifier(String) has returned an incorrect name when should have used the supplied name " + id.getName(), "MY_TABLE_NAME".equalsIgnoreCase(id.getName()));
// c). name specified via ClassMetaData
AbstractClassMetaData managerCMD = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass("", clr);
id = idFactory.newTableIdentifier(managerCMD);
assertTrue("newDatastoreContainerIdentifier(clr, ClassMetaData) has returned an incorrect generated name " + id.getName(), "MANAGER".equalsIgnoreCase(id.getName()));
// d). name specified via ClassMetaData
AbstractMemberMetaData fmd = managerCMD.getMetaDataForMember("subordinates");
id = idFactory.newTableIdentifier(fmd);
assertTrue("newDatastoreContainerIdentifier(clr, AbstractMemberMetaData) has returned an incorrect generated name " + id.getName(), "MANAGER_SUBORDINATES".equalsIgnoreCase(id.getName()));
// Column identifiers
// a). generated name shorter than max length
id = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.COLUMN, "myField");
assertTrue("newIdentifier(COLUMN, String) has generated an incorrect name : " + id.getName(), "MYFIELD".equalsIgnoreCase(id.getName()));
// b). specified name shorter than max length
id = idFactory.newColumnIdentifier("MYCOLUMNNAME");
assertTrue("newColumnIdentifier(String) has returned an incorrect name when should have used the supplied name " + id.getName(), "MYCOLUMNNAME".equalsIgnoreCase(id.getName()));
// c). Discriminator column identifier
id = idFactory.newDiscriminatorFieldIdentifier();
assertTrue("newDiscriminatorFieldIdentifier() has returned an incorrect name : " + id.getName(), "DISCRIMINATOR".equalsIgnoreCase(id.getName()));
// d). Version column identifier
id = idFactory.newVersionFieldIdentifier();
assertTrue("newVersionFieldIdentifier() has returned an incorrect name : " + id.getName(), "VERSION".equalsIgnoreCase(id.getName()));
// e). Index (ordering) column identifier
id = idFactory.newIndexFieldIdentifier(fmd);
assertTrue("newIndexFieldIdentifier() has returned an incorrect name : " + id.getName(), "IDX".equalsIgnoreCase(id.getName()));
// f). Adapter Index column identifier
id = idFactory.newAdapterIndexFieldIdentifier();
assertTrue("newAdapterIndexFieldIdentifier() has returned an incorrect name : " + id.getName(), "IDX".equalsIgnoreCase(id.getName()));
AbstractMemberMetaData[] relatedMmds = fmd.getRelatedMemberMetaData(clr);
// g). join table owner column identifier (1-N bi JoinTable)
DatastoreIdentifier destId = idFactory.newColumnIdentifier("MANAGER_ID");
id = idFactory.newJoinTableFieldIdentifier(fmd, relatedMmds != null ? relatedMmds[0] : null, destId, false, FieldRole.ROLE_OWNER);
assertTrue("newJoinTableFieldIdentifier(OWNER) has returned an incorrect generated name " + id.getName(), "MANAGER_ID_OID".equalsIgnoreCase(id.getName()));
// h). join table element column identifier (1-N bi JoinTable)
destId = idFactory.newColumnIdentifier("EMPLOYEE_ID");
id = idFactory.newJoinTableFieldIdentifier(fmd, relatedMmds != null ? relatedMmds[0] : null, destId, false, FieldRole.ROLE_COLLECTION_ELEMENT);
assertTrue("newJoinTableFieldIdentifier(ELEMENT) has returned an incorrect generated name " + id.getName(), "EMPLOYEE_ID_EID".equalsIgnoreCase(id.getName()));
// i). FK owner column identifier (1-N bi FK)
AbstractMemberMetaData deptsFMD = managerCMD.getMetaDataForMember("departments");
AbstractMemberMetaData[] deptsRelatedMmds = deptsFMD.getRelatedMemberMetaData(clr);
destId = idFactory.newColumnIdentifier("MANAGER_ID");
id = idFactory.newForeignKeyFieldIdentifier(deptsFMD, deptsRelatedMmds != null ? deptsRelatedMmds[0] : null, destId, false, FieldRole.ROLE_OWNER);
assertTrue("newForeignKeyFieldIdentifier(OWNER) has returned an incorrect generated name " + id.getName(), "MANAGER_MANAGER_ID_OID".equalsIgnoreCase(id.getName()));
// Primary key identifiers
// Index identifiers
// Foreign key identifiers
// Candidate key identifiers
// Sequence identifiers