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Example 96 with ExecutionContext

use of org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.

the class FKMapStore method remove.

 * Method to remove an entry from the map.
 * @param op ObjectProvider for the map.
 * @param key Key of the entry to remove.
 * @return The value that was removed.
public V remove(ObjectProvider op, Object key, Object oldValue) {
    ExecutionContext ec = op.getExecutionContext();
    if (keyFieldNumber >= 0) {
        // Key stored in value
        if (oldValue != null) {
            boolean deletingValue = false;
            ObjectProvider valueOP = ec.findObjectProvider(oldValue);
            if (ownerMemberMetaData.getMap().isDependentValue()) {
                // Delete the value if it is dependent
                deletingValue = true;
            } else if (ownerMapping.isNullable()) {
                // Null the owner FK
                if (ownerFieldNumber >= 0) {
                    // Update the field in the value
                    Object oldOwner = valueOP.provideField(ownerFieldNumber);
                    valueOP.replaceFieldMakeDirty(ownerFieldNumber, null);
                    if (ec.getManageRelations()) {
                        ec.getRelationshipManager(valueOP).relationChange(ownerFieldNumber, oldOwner, null);
                } else {
                    // Update the external FK in the value in the datastore
                    updateValueFkInternal(op, oldValue, null);
            } else {
                // Not nullable, so must delete since no other way of removing from map
                deletingValue = true;
            if (ownerMemberMetaData.getMap().isDependentKey()) {
                // Delete the key since it is dependent
                if (!deletingValue) {
                    // Null FK in value to key
                    if (keyMapping.isNullable()) {
                        valueOP.replaceFieldMakeDirty(keyFieldNumber, null);
                        if (ec.getManageRelations()) {
                            ec.getRelationshipManager(valueOP).relationChange(keyFieldNumber, key, null);
                ObjectProvider keyOP = ec.findObjectProvider(key);
    } else {
        // Value stored in key
        if (key != null) {
            boolean deletingKey = false;
            ObjectProvider keyOP = ec.findObjectProvider(key);
            if (ownerMemberMetaData.getMap().isDependentKey()) {
                // Delete the key if it is dependent
                deletingKey = true;
            } else if (ownerMapping.isNullable()) {
                // Null the owner FK
                if (ownerFieldNumber >= 0) {
                    // Update the field in the key
                    Object oldOwner = keyOP.provideField(ownerFieldNumber);
                    keyOP.replaceFieldMakeDirty(ownerFieldNumber, null);
                    if (ec.getManageRelations()) {
                        ec.getRelationshipManager(keyOP).relationChange(ownerFieldNumber, oldOwner, null);
                } else {
                    // Update the external FK in the key in the datastore
                    updateKeyFkInternal(op, key, null);
            } else {
                // Not nullable, so must delete since no other way of removing from map
                deletingKey = true;
            if (ownerMemberMetaData.getMap().isDependentValue()) {
                // Delete the value since it is dependent
                if (!deletingKey) {
                    // Null FK in key to value
                    if (valueMapping.isNullable()) {
                        keyOP.replaceFieldMakeDirty(valueFieldNumber, null);
                        if (ec.getManageRelations()) {
                            ec.getRelationshipManager(keyOP).relationChange(valueFieldNumber, oldValue, null);
                ObjectProvider valOP = ec.findObjectProvider(oldValue);
    return (V) oldValue;
Also used : ExecutionContext(org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext) ObjectProvider(org.datanucleus.state.ObjectProvider)

Example 97 with ExecutionContext

use of org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.

the class FKMapStore method removeValue.

 * Utility to remove a value from the Map.
 * @param op ObjectProvider for the map.
 * @param key Key of the object
 * @param oldValue Value to remove
private void removeValue(ObjectProvider op, Object key, Object oldValue) {
    ExecutionContext ec = op.getExecutionContext();
    // Null out the key and owner fields if they are nullable
    if (keyMapping.isNullable()) {
        ObjectProvider vsm = ec.findObjectProvider(oldValue);
        // Null the key field
        vsm.replaceFieldMakeDirty(keyFieldNumber, null);
        if (ec.getManageRelations()) {
            ec.getRelationshipManager(vsm).relationChange(keyFieldNumber, key, null);
        // Null the owner field
        if (ownerFieldNumber >= 0) {
            Object oldOwner = vsm.provideField(ownerFieldNumber);
            vsm.replaceFieldMakeDirty(ownerFieldNumber, null);
            if (ec.getManageRelations()) {
                ec.getRelationshipManager(vsm).relationChange(ownerFieldNumber, oldOwner, null);
        } else {
            updateValueFk(op, oldValue, null);
    } else // otherwise just delete the item
Also used : ExecutionContext(org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext) ObjectProvider(org.datanucleus.state.ObjectProvider)

Example 98 with ExecutionContext

use of org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.

the class FKMapStore method put.

 * Method to put an item in the Map.
 * @param op ObjectProvider for the map.
 * @param newKey The key to store the value against
 * @param newValue The value to store.
 * @return The value stored.
public V put(final ObjectProvider op, final K newKey, V newValue) {
    ExecutionContext ec = op.getExecutionContext();
    if (keyFieldNumber >= 0) {
        validateKeyForWriting(op, newKey);
        validateValueType(ec.getClassLoaderResolver(), newValue);
    } else {
        validateKeyType(ec.getClassLoaderResolver(), newKey);
        validateValueForWriting(op, newValue);
    // Check if there is an existing value for this key
    V oldValue = get(op, newKey);
    if (oldValue != newValue) {
        if (valueCmd != null) {
            if (oldValue != null && !oldValue.equals(newValue)) {
                // Key is stored in the value and the value has changed so remove the old value
                removeValue(op, newKey, oldValue);
            final Object newOwner = op.getObject();
            if (ec.getApiAdapter().isPersistent(newValue)) {
                     * The new value is already persistent.
                     * "Put" the new value in the map by updating its owner and key
                     * fields to the appropriate values.  This is done with the same
                     * methods the PC itself would use if the application code
                     * modified the fields.  It should result in no actual database
                     * activity if the fields were already set to the right values.
                if (ec != ec.getApiAdapter().getExecutionContext(newValue)) {
                    throw new NucleusUserException(Localiser.msg("RDBMS.SCO.Map.WriteValueInvalidWithDifferentPM"), ec.getApiAdapter().getIdForObject(newValue));
                ObjectProvider vsm = ec.findObjectProvider(newValue);
                // Ensure the current owner field is loaded, and replace with new value
                if (ownerFieldNumber >= 0) {
                    Object oldOwner = vsm.provideField(ownerFieldNumber);
                    vsm.replaceFieldMakeDirty(ownerFieldNumber, newOwner);
                    if (ec.getManageRelations()) {
                        ec.getRelationshipManager(vsm).relationChange(ownerFieldNumber, oldOwner, newOwner);
                } else {
                    updateValueFk(op, newValue, newOwner);
                // Ensure the current key field is loaded, and replace with new value
                Object oldKey = vsm.provideField(keyFieldNumber);
                vsm.replaceFieldMakeDirty(keyFieldNumber, newKey);
                if (ec.getManageRelations()) {
                    ec.getRelationshipManager(vsm).relationChange(keyFieldNumber, oldKey, newKey);
            } else {
                     * The new value is not yet persistent.
                     * Update its owner and key fields to the appropriate values and
                     * *then* make it persistent.  Making the changes before DB
                     * insertion avoids an unnecessary UPDATE allows the owner
                     * and/or key fields to be non-nullable.
                ec.persistObjectInternal(newValue, new FieldValues() {

                    public void fetchFields(ObjectProvider vsm) {
                        if (ownerFieldNumber >= 0) {
                            vsm.replaceFieldMakeDirty(ownerFieldNumber, newOwner);
                        vsm.replaceFieldMakeDirty(keyFieldNumber, newKey);
                        JavaTypeMapping externalFKMapping = valueTable.getExternalMapping(ownerMemberMetaData, MappingType.EXTERNAL_FK);
                        if (externalFKMapping != null) {
                            // Set the owner in the value object where appropriate
                            vsm.setAssociatedValue(externalFKMapping, op.getObject());

                    public void fetchNonLoadedFields(ObjectProvider op) {

                    public FetchPlan getFetchPlanForLoading() {
                        return null;
                }, ObjectProvider.PC);
        } else {
            // Value is stored in the key
            final Object newOwner = op.getObject();
            if (ec.getApiAdapter().isPersistent(newKey)) {
                     * The new key is already persistent.
                     * "Put" the new key in the map by updating its owner and value
                     * fields to the appropriate values. This is done with the same
                     * methods the PC itself would use if the application code
                     * modified the fields. It should result in no actual database
                     * activity if the fields were already set to the right values.
                if (ec != ec.getApiAdapter().getExecutionContext(newKey)) {
                    throw new NucleusUserException(Localiser.msg("056060"), ec.getApiAdapter().getIdForObject(newKey));
                ObjectProvider valOP = ec.findObjectProvider(newKey);
                // Ensure the current owner field is loaded, and replace with new key
                if (ownerFieldNumber >= 0) {
                    Object oldOwner = valOP.provideField(ownerFieldNumber);
                    valOP.replaceFieldMakeDirty(ownerFieldNumber, newOwner);
                    if (ec.getManageRelations()) {
                        ec.getRelationshipManager(valOP).relationChange(ownerFieldNumber, oldOwner, newOwner);
                } else {
                    updateKeyFk(op, newKey, newOwner);
                // Ensure the current value field is loaded, and replace with new value
                // TODO Should we update the local variable ?
                oldValue = (V) valOP.provideField(valueFieldNumber);
                valOP.replaceFieldMakeDirty(valueFieldNumber, newValue);
                if (ec.getManageRelations()) {
                    ec.getRelationshipManager(valOP).relationChange(valueFieldNumber, oldValue, newValue);
            } else {
                     * The new key is not yet persistent.
                     * Update its owner and key fields to the appropriate values and
                     * *then* make it persistent.  Making the changes before DB
                     * insertion avoids an unnecessary UPDATE allows the owner
                     * and/or key fields to be non-nullable.
                final Object newValueObj = newValue;
                ec.persistObjectInternal(newKey, new FieldValues() {

                    public void fetchFields(ObjectProvider vsm) {
                        if (ownerFieldNumber >= 0) {
                            vsm.replaceFieldMakeDirty(ownerFieldNumber, newOwner);
                        vsm.replaceFieldMakeDirty(valueFieldNumber, newValueObj);
                        JavaTypeMapping externalFKMapping = valueTable.getExternalMapping(ownerMemberMetaData, MappingType.EXTERNAL_FK);
                        if (externalFKMapping != null) {
                            // Set the owner in the value object where appropriate
                            vsm.setAssociatedValue(externalFKMapping, op.getObject());

                    public void fetchNonLoadedFields(ObjectProvider op) {

                    public FetchPlan getFetchPlanForLoading() {
                        return null;
                }, ObjectProvider.PC);
            /*if (ownerFieldNumber < 0)
                        // TODO Think about removing this since we set the associated owner here
                        updateKeyFk(sm, newKey, newOwner);
    // TODO Cater for key being PC and having delete-dependent
    if (ownerMemberMetaData.getMap().isDependentValue() && oldValue != null) {
        // Delete the old value if it is no longer contained and is dependent
        if (!containsValue(op, oldValue)) {
    return oldValue;
Also used : ExecutionContext(org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext) JavaTypeMapping( NucleusUserException(org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException) ObjectProvider(org.datanucleus.state.ObjectProvider) FieldValues( FetchPlan(org.datanucleus.FetchPlan)

Example 99 with ExecutionContext

use of org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.

the class FKSetStore method updateElementFk.

 * Utility to update a foreign-key (and distinguisher) in the element in the case of a unidirectional 1-N relationship.
 * @param ownerOP ObjectProvider for the owner
 * @param element The element to update
 * @param owner The owner object to set in the FK
 * @return Whether it was performed successfully
private boolean updateElementFk(ObjectProvider ownerOP, Object element, Object owner) {
    if (element == null) {
        return false;
    validateElementForWriting(ownerOP.getExecutionContext(), element, null);
    boolean retval;
    ExecutionContext ec = ownerOP.getExecutionContext();
    String stmt = getUpdateFkStmt(element);
    try {
        ManagedConnection mconn = storeMgr.getConnectionManager().getConnection(ec);
        SQLController sqlControl = storeMgr.getSQLController();
        try {
            PreparedStatement ps = sqlControl.getStatementForUpdate(mconn, stmt, false);
            try {
                ComponentInfo elemInfo = getComponentInfoForElement(element);
                JavaTypeMapping ownerMapping = elemInfo.getOwnerMapping();
                JavaTypeMapping elemMapping = elemInfo.getDatastoreClass().getIdMapping();
                int jdbcPosition = 1;
                if (owner == null) {
                    ownerMapping.setObject(ec, ps, MappingHelper.getMappingIndices(jdbcPosition, ownerMapping), null, ownerOP, ownerMemberMetaData.getAbsoluteFieldNumber());
                } else {
                    ownerMapping.setObject(ec, ps, MappingHelper.getMappingIndices(jdbcPosition, ownerMapping), ownerOP.getObject(), ownerOP, ownerMemberMetaData.getAbsoluteFieldNumber());
                jdbcPosition += ownerMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings();
                if (relationDiscriminatorMapping != null) {
                    jdbcPosition = BackingStoreHelper.populateRelationDiscriminatorInStatement(ec, ps, jdbcPosition, this);
                jdbcPosition = BackingStoreHelper.populateElementForWhereClauseInStatement(ec, ps, element, jdbcPosition, elemMapping);
                sqlControl.executeStatementUpdate(ec, mconn, stmt, ps, true);
                retval = true;
            } finally {
                sqlControl.closeStatement(mconn, ps);
        } finally {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new NucleusDataStoreException(Localiser.msg("056027", stmt), e);
    return retval;
Also used : NucleusDataStoreException(org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusDataStoreException) ExecutionContext(org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext) JavaTypeMapping( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ManagedConnection( PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) SQLController(

Example 100 with ExecutionContext

use of org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.

the class FKSetStore method add.

 * Method to add an object to the relationship at the collection end.
 * @param ownerOP ObjectProvider for the owner.
 * @param element Element to be added
 * @return Success indicator
public boolean add(final ObjectProvider ownerOP, E element, int size) {
    if (element == null) {
        // Sets allow no duplicates
        throw new NucleusUserException(Localiser.msg("056039"));
    // Make sure that the element is persisted in the datastore (reachability)
    final Object newOwner = ownerOP.getObject();
    final ExecutionContext ec = ownerOP.getExecutionContext();
    // Find the (element) table storing the FK back to the owner
    boolean isPersistentInterface = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().isPersistentInterface(elementType);
    DatastoreClass elementTable = null;
    if (isPersistentInterface) {
        elementTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getImplementationNameForPersistentInterface(elementType), clr);
    } else {
        Class elementTypeCls = clr.classForName(elementType);
        if (elementTypeCls.isInterface()) {
            // Set<interface> so use type of element passed in and get its table
            elementTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(element.getClass().getName(), clr);
        } else {
            // Use table for element type
            elementTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(elementType, clr);
    if (elementTable == null) {
        // "subclass-table", persisted into table of other class
        AbstractClassMetaData[] managingCmds = storeMgr.getClassesManagingTableForClass(elementCmd, clr);
        if (managingCmds != null && managingCmds.length > 0) {
            // Find which of these subclasses is appropriate for this element
            for (int i = 0; i < managingCmds.length; i++) {
                Class tblCls = clr.classForName(managingCmds[i].getFullClassName());
                if (tblCls.isAssignableFrom(element.getClass())) {
                    elementTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(managingCmds[i].getFullClassName(), clr);
    final DatastoreClass elementTbl = elementTable;
    boolean inserted = validateElementForWriting(ec, element, new FieldValues() {

        public void fetchFields(ObjectProvider elementOP) {
            if (elementTbl != null) {
                JavaTypeMapping externalFKMapping = elementTbl.getExternalMapping(ownerMemberMetaData, MappingType.EXTERNAL_FK);
                if (externalFKMapping != null) {
                    // The element has an external FK mapping so set the value it needs to use in the INSERT
                    elementOP.setAssociatedValue(externalFKMapping, ownerOP.getObject());
                if (relationDiscriminatorMapping != null) {
                    // Element type has a shared FK so set the discriminator value for this relation
                    elementOP.setAssociatedValue(relationDiscriminatorMapping, relationDiscriminatorValue);
            int fieldNumInElement = getFieldNumberInElementForBidirectional(elementOP);
            if (fieldNumInElement >= 0) {
                // TODO Move this into RelationshipManager
                // Managed Relations : 1-N bidir, so make sure owner is correct at persist
                Object currentOwner = elementOP.provideField(fieldNumInElement);
                if (currentOwner == null) {
                    // No owner, so correct it
          "056037", ownerOP.getObjectAsPrintable(), ownerMemberMetaData.getFullFieldName(), StringUtils.toJVMIDString(elementOP.getObject())));
                    elementOP.replaceFieldMakeDirty(fieldNumInElement, newOwner);
                } else if (currentOwner != newOwner) {
                    // Check for owner change
                    Object ownerId1 = ec.getApiAdapter().getIdForObject(currentOwner);
                    Object ownerId2 = ec.getApiAdapter().getIdForObject(newOwner);
                    if (ownerId1 != null && ownerId2 != null && ownerId1.equals(ownerId2)) {
                        // Must be attaching
                        if (!ec.getApiAdapter().isDetached(newOwner)) {
                            // Attaching, so make sure we set to the attached owner
                            elementOP.replaceField(fieldNumInElement, newOwner);
                    } else if (ownerOP.getReferencedPC() == null) {
                        // Not being attached so must be inconsistent owner, so throw exception
                        throw new NucleusUserException(Localiser.msg("056038", ownerOP.getObjectAsPrintable(), ownerMemberMetaData.getFullFieldName(), StringUtils.toJVMIDString(elementOP.getObject()), StringUtils.toJVMIDString(currentOwner)));

        public void fetchNonLoadedFields(ObjectProvider op) {

        public FetchPlan getFetchPlanForLoading() {
            return null;
    if (inserted) {
        // Element has just been persisted so the FK will be set
        return true;
    // Element was already persistent so make sure the FK is in place
    // TODO This is really "ManagedRelationships" so needs to go in RelationshipManager
    ObjectProvider elementOP = ec.findObjectProvider(element);
    if (elementOP == null) {
        // Element is likely being attached and this is the detached element; lookup the attached element via the id
        Object elementId = ec.getApiAdapter().getIdForObject(element);
        if (elementId != null) {
            element = (E) ec.findObject(elementId, false, false, element.getClass().getName());
            if (element != null) {
                elementOP = ec.findObjectProvider(element);
    int fieldNumInElement = getFieldNumberInElementForBidirectional(elementOP);
    if (fieldNumInElement >= 0 && elementOP != null) {
        // Managed Relations : 1-N bidir, so update the owner of the element
        // Ensure is loaded
        Object oldOwner = elementOP.provideField(fieldNumInElement);
        if (oldOwner != newOwner) {
            if (NucleusLogger.PERSISTENCE.isDebugEnabled()) {
                NucleusLogger.PERSISTENCE.debug(Localiser.msg("055009", ownerOP.getObjectAsPrintable(), ownerMemberMetaData.getFullFieldName(), StringUtils.toJVMIDString(element)));
            elementOP.replaceFieldMakeDirty(fieldNumInElement, newOwner);
            if (ec.getManageRelations()) {
                // Managed Relationships - add the change we've made here to be analysed at flush
                RelationshipManager relationshipManager = ec.getRelationshipManager(elementOP);
                relationshipManager.relationChange(fieldNumInElement, oldOwner, newOwner);
                if (ec.isFlushing()) {
                    // When already flushing process the changes right away to make them effective during the current flush
            if (ec.isFlushing()) {
        return oldOwner != newOwner;
    // 1-N unidir so update the FK if not set to be contained in the set
    boolean contained = contains(ownerOP, element);
    return (contained ? false : updateElementFk(ownerOP, element, newOwner));
Also used : JavaTypeMapping( NucleusUserException(org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException) FetchPlan(org.datanucleus.FetchPlan) AbstractClassMetaData(org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData) ExecutionContext(org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext) RelationshipManager(org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManager) DatastoreClass( ObjectProvider(org.datanucleus.state.ObjectProvider) DatastoreClass( FieldValues(


ExecutionContext (org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext)178 ObjectProvider (org.datanucleus.state.ObjectProvider)85 NucleusDataStoreException (org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusDataStoreException)73 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)66 ManagedConnection ( SQLController ( PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)62 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)56 MappedDatastoreException ( ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)26 AbstractMemberMetaData (org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData)26 StatementMappingIndex ( Map (java.util.Map)23 JavaTypeMapping ( Collection (java.util.Collection)18 ClassLoaderResolver (org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver)18 StatementClassMapping ( DatastoreClass ( SCOCollectionIterator ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)15