use of org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class MathAbsMethod method getExpression.
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see, java.util.List)
public SQLExpression getExpression(SQLStatement stmt, SQLExpression ignore, List<SQLExpression> args) {
if (args == null || args.size() == 0) {
throw new NucleusUserException("Cannot invoke Math.abs without an argument");
SQLExpression expr = args.get(0);
if (expr == null) {
return new NullLiteral(stmt, null, null, null);
} else if (expr instanceof SQLLiteral) {
if (expr instanceof ByteLiteral) {
int originalValue = ((BigInteger) ((ByteLiteral) expr).getValue()).intValue();
BigInteger absValue = new BigInteger(String.valueOf(Math.abs(originalValue)));
return new ByteLiteral(stmt, expr.getJavaTypeMapping(), absValue, null);
} else if (expr instanceof IntegerLiteral) {
int originalValue = ((Number) ((IntegerLiteral) expr).getValue()).intValue();
Integer absValue = Integer.valueOf(Math.abs(originalValue));
return new IntegerLiteral(stmt, expr.getJavaTypeMapping(), absValue, null);
} else if (expr instanceof FloatingPointLiteral) {
double originalValue = ((BigDecimal) ((FloatingPointLiteral) expr).getValue()).doubleValue();
Double absValue = new Double(Math.abs(originalValue));
return new FloatingPointLiteral(stmt, expr.getJavaTypeMapping(), absValue, null);
throw new IllegalExpressionOperationException("Math.abs()", expr);
} else {
// Relay to the equivalent "abs(expr)" function
SQLExpressionFactory exprFactory = stmt.getSQLExpressionFactory();
return exprFactory.invokeMethod(stmt, null, "abs", null, args);
use of org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class MathAsinMethod method getExpression.
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see, java.util.List)
public SQLExpression getExpression(SQLStatement stmt, SQLExpression ignore, List<SQLExpression> args) {
if (args == null || args.size() == 0) {
throw new NucleusUserException("Cannot invoke Math.asin without an argument");
SQLExpression expr = args.get(0);
if (expr == null) {
return new NullLiteral(stmt, null, null, null);
} else if (expr instanceof SQLLiteral) {
if (expr instanceof ByteLiteral) {
int originalValue = ((BigInteger) ((ByteLiteral) expr).getValue()).intValue();
BigInteger absValue = new BigInteger(String.valueOf(Math.asin(originalValue)));
return new ByteLiteral(stmt, expr.getJavaTypeMapping(), absValue, null);
} else if (expr instanceof IntegerLiteral) {
int originalValue = ((Number) ((IntegerLiteral) expr).getValue()).intValue();
Double absValue = new Double(Math.asin(originalValue));
return new FloatingPointLiteral(stmt, expr.getJavaTypeMapping(), absValue, null);
} else if (expr instanceof FloatingPointLiteral) {
double originalValue = ((BigDecimal) ((FloatingPointLiteral) expr).getValue()).doubleValue();
Double absValue = new Double(Math.asin(originalValue));
return new FloatingPointLiteral(stmt, expr.getJavaTypeMapping(), absValue, null);
throw new IllegalExpressionOperationException("Math.asin()", expr);
} else {
// Relay to the equivalent "asin(expr)" function
SQLExpressionFactory exprFactory = stmt.getSQLExpressionFactory();
return exprFactory.invokeMethod(stmt, null, "asin", null, args);
use of org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class ObjectExpression method is.
* An "is" (instanceOf) expression, providing a BooleanExpression whether this expression is an instanceof the provided type.
* @param expr The expression representing the type
* @param not Whether the operator is "!instanceof"
* @return Whether this expression is an instance of the provided type
public BooleanExpression is(SQLExpression expr, boolean not) {
RDBMSStoreManager storeMgr = stmt.getRDBMSManager();
ClassLoaderResolver clr = stmt.getClassLoaderResolver();
// Extract instanceOf type
String instanceofClassName = null;
SQLExpression classExpr = expr;
if (expr instanceof TypeConverterLiteral) {
// For some reason the user has input "TYPE(field) = :param" and param is a type-converted value
classExpr = ((TypeConverterLiteral) expr).getDelegate();
if (classExpr instanceof StringLiteral) {
instanceofClassName = (String) ((StringLiteral) classExpr).getValue();
} else if (classExpr instanceof CollectionLiteral) {
// "a instanceof (b1,b2,b3)"
CollectionLiteral typesLiteral = (CollectionLiteral) classExpr;
Collection values = (Collection) typesLiteral.getValue();
if (values.size() == 1) {
Object value = values.iterator().next();
String valueStr = null;
if (value instanceof Class) {
valueStr = ((Class) value).getCanonicalName();
} else if (value instanceof String) {
valueStr = (String) value;
} else {
throw new NucleusUserException("Do not support CollectionLiteral of element type " + value.getClass().getName());
return is(new StringLiteral(stmt, typesLiteral.getJavaTypeMapping(), valueStr, typesLiteral.getParameterName()), not);
List<BooleanExpression> listExp = new LinkedList<>();
for (Object value : values) {
String valueStr = null;
if (value instanceof Class) {
valueStr = ((Class) value).getCanonicalName();
} else if (value instanceof String) {
valueStr = (String) value;
} else {
throw new NucleusUserException("Do not support CollectionLiteral of element type " + value.getClass().getName());
listExp.add(is(new StringLiteral(stmt, typesLiteral.getJavaTypeMapping(), valueStr, typesLiteral.getParameterName()), false));
BooleanExpression result = null;
for (BooleanExpression sqlExpression : listExp) {
result = result == null ? sqlExpression : result.ior(sqlExpression);
if (result != null) {
return not ? result.not() : result;
} else {
throw new NucleusUserException("Do not currently support `instanceof` with class expression of type " + classExpr);
Class type = null;
try {
type = stmt.getQueryGenerator().resolveClass(instanceofClassName);
} catch (ClassNotResolvedException cnre) {
type = null;
if (type == null) {
throw new NucleusUserException(Localiser.msg("037016", instanceofClassName));
// Extract type of member and check obvious conditions
SQLExpressionFactory exprFactory = stmt.getSQLExpressionFactory();
Class memberType = clr.classForName(mapping.getType());
if (!memberType.isAssignableFrom(type) && !type.isAssignableFrom(memberType)) {
// Member type and instanceof type are totally incompatible, so just return false
JavaTypeMapping m = exprFactory.getMappingForType(boolean.class, true);
return exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, true).eq(exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, not));
} else if (memberType == type) {
// instanceof type is the same as the member type therefore must comply (can't store supertypes)
JavaTypeMapping m = exprFactory.getMappingForType(boolean.class, true);
return exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, true).eq(exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, !not));
if (mapping instanceof EmbeddedMapping) {
// Don't support embedded instanceof expressions
AbstractClassMetaData fieldCmd = storeMgr.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(mapping.getType(), clr);
if (fieldCmd.hasDiscriminatorStrategy()) {
// Embedded field with inheritance so add discriminator restriction
JavaTypeMapping discMapping = ((EmbeddedMapping) mapping).getDiscriminatorMapping();
AbstractClassMetaData typeCmd = storeMgr.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(type, clr);
SQLExpression discExpr = stmt.getSQLExpressionFactory().newExpression(stmt, table, discMapping);
SQLExpression discValExpr = stmt.getSQLExpressionFactory().newLiteral(stmt, discMapping, typeCmd.getDiscriminatorValue());
BooleanExpression typeExpr = (not ? : discExpr.eq(discValExpr));
Iterator<String> subclassIter = storeMgr.getSubClassesForClass(type.getName(), true, clr).iterator();
while (subclassIter.hasNext()) {
String subclassName =;
AbstractClassMetaData subtypeCmd = storeMgr.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(subclassName, clr);
Object subtypeDiscVal = subtypeCmd.getDiscriminatorValue();
discValExpr = stmt.getSQLExpressionFactory().newLiteral(stmt, discMapping, subtypeDiscVal);
BooleanExpression subtypeExpr = (not ? : discExpr.eq(discValExpr));
if (not) {
typeExpr = typeExpr.and(subtypeExpr);
} else {
typeExpr = typeExpr.ior(subtypeExpr);
return typeExpr;
JavaTypeMapping m = exprFactory.getMappingForType(boolean.class, true);
return exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, true).eq(exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, not));
} else if (mapping instanceof PersistableMapping || mapping instanceof ReferenceMapping) {
// Field has its own table, so join to it
AbstractClassMetaData memberCmd = storeMgr.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(mapping.getType(), clr);
DatastoreClass memberTable = null;
if (memberCmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE) {
// Field is a PC class that uses "subclass-table" inheritance strategy (and so has multiple possible tables to join to)
AbstractClassMetaData[] cmds = storeMgr.getClassesManagingTableForClass(memberCmd, clr);
if (cmds != null) {
// TODO Allow for all possible tables. Can we do an OR of the tables ? How ?
if (cmds.length > 1) {
NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn(Localiser.msg("037006", mapping.getMemberMetaData().getFullFieldName(), cmds[0].getFullClassName()));
memberTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(cmds[0].getFullClassName(), clr);
} else {
// No subclasses with tables to join to, so throw a user error
throw new NucleusUserException(Localiser.msg("037005", mapping.getMemberMetaData().getFullFieldName()));
} else {
// Class of the field will have its own table
memberTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapping.getType(), clr);
DiscriminatorMetaData dismd = memberTable.getDiscriminatorMetaData();
DiscriminatorMapping discMapping = (DiscriminatorMapping) memberTable.getSurrogateMapping(SurrogateColumnType.DISCRIMINATOR, false);
if (discMapping != null) {
SQLTable targetSqlTbl = null;
if (mapping.getTable() != memberTable) {
// FK is on source table so inner join to target table (holding the discriminator)
targetSqlTbl = stmt.getTable(memberTable, null);
if (targetSqlTbl == null) {
targetSqlTbl = stmt.join(JoinType.INNER_JOIN, getSQLTable(), mapping, memberTable, null, memberTable.getIdMapping(), null, null);
} else {
// FK is on target side and already joined
targetSqlTbl = SQLStatementHelper.getSQLTableForMappingOfTable(stmt, getSQLTable(), discMapping);
// Add restrict to discriminator for the instanceOf type and subclasses
SQLTable discSqlTbl = targetSqlTbl;
BooleanExpression discExpr = null;
if (!Modifier.isAbstract(type.getModifiers())) {
discExpr = SQLStatementHelper.getExpressionForDiscriminatorForClass(stmt, type.getName(), dismd, discMapping, discSqlTbl, clr);
Iterator<String> subclassIter = storeMgr.getSubClassesForClass(type.getName(), true, clr).iterator();
boolean multiplePossibles = false;
while (subclassIter.hasNext()) {
String subclassName =;
Class subclass = clr.classForName(subclassName);
if (Modifier.isAbstract(subclass.getModifiers())) {
BooleanExpression discExprSub = SQLStatementHelper.getExpressionForDiscriminatorForClass(stmt, subclassName, dismd, discMapping, discSqlTbl, clr);
if (discExpr != null) {
multiplePossibles = true;
discExpr = discExpr.ior(discExprSub);
} else {
discExpr = discExprSub;
if (multiplePossibles && discExpr != null) {
return ((not && discExpr != null) ? discExpr.not() : discExpr);
// No discriminator, so the following is likely incomplete.
// Join to member table
DatastoreClass table = null;
if (memberCmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE) {
// Field is a PC class that uses "subclass-table" inheritance strategy (and so has multiple possible tables to join to)
AbstractClassMetaData[] cmds = storeMgr.getClassesManagingTableForClass(memberCmd, clr);
if (cmds != null) {
// TODO Allow for all possible tables. Can we do an OR of the tables ? How ?
if (cmds.length > 1) {
NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn(Localiser.msg("037006", mapping.getMemberMetaData().getFullFieldName(), cmds[0].getFullClassName()));
table = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(cmds[0].getFullClassName(), clr);
} else {
// No subclasses with tables to join to, so throw a user error
throw new NucleusUserException(Localiser.msg("037005", mapping.getMemberMetaData().getFullFieldName()));
} else {
// Class of the field will have its own table
table = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapping.getType(), clr);
if (table.managesClass(type.getName())) {
// This type is managed in this table so must be an instance TODO Is this correct, what if member is using discrim?
JavaTypeMapping m = exprFactory.getMappingForType(boolean.class, true);
return exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, true).eq(exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, !not));
if (table == stmt.getPrimaryTable().getTable()) {
// This is member table, so just need to restrict to the instanceof type now
JavaTypeMapping m = exprFactory.getMappingForType(boolean.class, true);
if (stmt instanceof SelectStatement) {
SelectStatement selectStmt = (SelectStatement) stmt;
if (selectStmt.getNumberOfUnions() == 0) {
// No UNIONs so just check the main statement and return according to whether it is allowed
Class mainCandidateCls = clr.classForName(stmt.getCandidateClassName());
if (type.isAssignableFrom(mainCandidateCls) == not) {
SQLExpression returnExpr = exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, true).eq(exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, false));
return (BooleanExpression) returnExpr;
SQLExpression returnExpr = exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, true).eq(exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, true));
return (BooleanExpression) returnExpr;
NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn("TYPE/INSTANCEOF operator for class=" + memberCmd.getFullClassName() + " on table=" + memberTable + " for type=" + instanceofClassName + " but there is no discriminator and using UNIONs. Any subsequent handling is likely incorrect TODO");
// a). we have unions for the member, so restrict to just the applicable unions
// Note that this is only really valid is wanting "a instanceof SUB1".
// It fails when we want to do "a instanceof SUB1 || a instanceof SUB2"
// TODO What if this "OP_IS" is in the SELECT clause??? Need to update QueryToSQLMapper.compileResult
Class mainCandidateCls = clr.classForName(stmt.getCandidateClassName());
if (type.isAssignableFrom(mainCandidateCls) == not) {
SQLExpression unionClauseExpr = exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, true).eq(exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, false));
stmt.whereAnd((BooleanExpression) unionClauseExpr, false);
List<SelectStatement> unionStmts = selectStmt.getUnions();
for (SelectStatement unionStmt : unionStmts) {
Class unionCandidateCls = clr.classForName(unionStmt.getCandidateClassName());
if (type.isAssignableFrom(unionCandidateCls) == not) {
SQLExpression unionClauseExpr = exprFactory.newLiteral(unionStmt, m, true).eq(exprFactory.newLiteral(unionStmt, m, false));
// TODO Avoid using whereAnd
unionStmt.whereAnd((BooleanExpression) unionClauseExpr, false);
// Just return true since we applied the condition direct to the unions
SQLExpression returnExpr = exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, true).eq(exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, true));
return (BooleanExpression) returnExpr;
// b). The member table doesn't manage the instanceof type, so do inner join to
// the table of the instanceof to impose the instanceof condition
DatastoreClass instanceofTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(type.getName(), clr);
stmt.join(JoinType.INNER_JOIN, this.table, this.table.getTable().getIdMapping(), instanceofTable, null, instanceofTable.getIdMapping(), null, this.table.getGroupName());
return exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, true).eq(exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, !not));
// Do inner join to this table to impose the instanceOf
DatastoreClass instanceofTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(type.getName(), clr);
stmt.join(JoinType.INNER_JOIN, this.table, this.table.getTable().getIdMapping(), instanceofTable, null, instanceofTable.getIdMapping(), null, this.table.getGroupName());
JavaTypeMapping m = exprFactory.getMappingForType(boolean.class, true);
return exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, true).eq(exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, !not));
} else {
// TODO Implement instanceof for other types
throw new NucleusException("Dont currently support " + this + " instanceof " + type.getName());
use of org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class ObjectExpression method cast.
* Cast operator. Called when the query contains "(type)obj" where "obj" is this object.
* @param expr Expression representing the type to cast to
* @return Scalar expression representing the cast object.
public SQLExpression cast(SQLExpression expr) {
RDBMSStoreManager storeMgr = stmt.getRDBMSManager();
ClassLoaderResolver clr = stmt.getClassLoaderResolver();
// Extract cast type
String castClassName = (String) ((StringLiteral) expr).getValue();
Class type = null;
try {
type = stmt.getQueryGenerator().resolveClass(castClassName);
} catch (ClassNotResolvedException cnre) {
type = null;
if (type == null) {
throw new NucleusUserException(Localiser.msg("037017", castClassName));
// Extract type of this object and check obvious conditions
SQLExpressionFactory exprFactory = stmt.getSQLExpressionFactory();
Class memberType = clr.classForName(mapping.getType());
if (!memberType.isAssignableFrom(type) && !type.isAssignableFrom(memberType)) {
// object type and cast type are totally incompatible, so just return false
JavaTypeMapping m = exprFactory.getMappingForType(boolean.class, true);
return exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, false).eq(exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, true));
} else if (memberType == type) {
// Just return this expression since it is already castable
return this;
if (mapping instanceof EmbeddedMapping) {
// Don't support embedded casts
JavaTypeMapping m = exprFactory.getMappingForType(boolean.class, true);
return exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, false).eq(exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, true));
} else if (mapping instanceof ReferenceMapping) {
// This expression will be for the table containing the reference so need to join now
ReferenceMapping refMapping = (ReferenceMapping) mapping;
if (refMapping.getMappingStrategy() != ReferenceMapping.PER_IMPLEMENTATION_MAPPING) {
throw new NucleusUserException("Impossible to do cast of interface to " + type.getName() + " since interface is persisted as embedded String." + " Use per-implementation mapping to allow this query");
JavaTypeMapping[] implMappings = refMapping.getJavaTypeMapping();
for (int i = 0; i < implMappings.length; i++) {
Class implType = clr.classForName(implMappings[i].getType());
if (type.isAssignableFrom(implType)) {
DatastoreClass castTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(type.getName(), clr);
SQLTable castSqlTbl = stmt.join(JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN, table, implMappings[i], refMapping, castTable, null, castTable.getIdMapping(), null, null, null, true, null);
return exprFactory.newExpression(stmt, castSqlTbl, castTable.getIdMapping());
// No implementation matching this cast type, so return false
NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn("Unable to process cast of interface field to " + type.getName() + " since it has no implementations that match that type");
JavaTypeMapping m = exprFactory.getMappingForType(boolean.class, true);
return exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, false).eq(exprFactory.newLiteral(stmt, m, true));
} else if (mapping instanceof PersistableMapping) {
// Check if there is already the cast table in the current table group
DatastoreClass castTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(type.getName(), clr);
SQLTable castSqlTbl = stmt.getTable(castTable, table.getGroupName());
if (castSqlTbl == null) {
// Join not present, so join to the cast table
castSqlTbl = stmt.join(JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN, table, table.getTable().getIdMapping(), castTable, null, castTable.getIdMapping(), null, table.getGroupName());
if (castSqlTbl == table) {
AbstractClassMetaData castCmd = storeMgr.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(type, clr);
if (castCmd.hasDiscriminatorStrategy()) {
// TODO How do we handle this? If this is part of the filter then need to hang a BooleanExpression off the ObjectExpression and apply later.
// If this is part of the result, do we just return null when this is not the right type?
NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn(">> Currently do not support adding restriction on discriminator for table=" + table + " to " + type);
// Return an expression based on the cast table
return exprFactory.newExpression(stmt, castSqlTbl, castTable.getIdMapping());
} else {
// TODO Handle other casts
// TODO Implement cast (left outer join to table of type, then return new ObjectExpression)
throw new NucleusUserException("Dont currently support ObjectExpression.cast(" + type + ")");
use of org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class CoalesceFunction method getExpression.
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see, java.util.List)
public SQLExpression getExpression(SQLStatement stmt, SQLExpression expr, List<SQLExpression> args) {
if (expr == null) {
// Find expression type that this handles - all expressions need to be consistent in our implementation
Class exprType = null;
Class cls = null;
int clsLevel = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
SQLExpression argExpr = args.get(i);
if (exprType == null) {
if (argExpr instanceof NumericExpression) {
exprType = NumericExpression.class;
cls = Integer.class;
} else if (argExpr instanceof StringExpression) {
exprType = StringExpression.class;
cls = String.class;
} else if (argExpr instanceof TemporalExpression) {
exprType = TemporalExpression.class;
cls = argExpr.getJavaTypeMapping().getJavaType();
} else {
exprType = argExpr.getClass();
cls = argExpr.getJavaTypeMapping().getJavaType();
} else {
if (!exprType.isAssignableFrom(argExpr.getClass())) {
throw new NucleusUserException("COALESCE invocation first argument of type " + exprType.getName() + " yet subsequent argument of type " + argExpr.getClass().getName());
if (exprType == NumericExpression.class) {
// Priority order is Double, Float, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Long, Integer
Class argType = argExpr.getJavaTypeMapping().getJavaType();
if (clsLevel < 5 && (argType == double.class || argType == Double.class)) {
cls = Double.class;
clsLevel = 5;
} else if (clsLevel < 4 && (argType == float.class || argType == Float.class)) {
cls = Float.class;
clsLevel = 4;
} else if (clsLevel < 3 && argType == BigDecimal.class) {
cls = BigDecimal.class;
clsLevel = 3;
} else if (clsLevel < 2 && argType == BigInteger.class) {
cls = BigInteger.class;
clsLevel = 2;
} else if (clsLevel < 1 && (argType == long.class || argType == Long.class)) {
cls = Long.class;
clsLevel = 1;
SQLExpressionFactory exprFactory = stmt.getSQLExpressionFactory();
if (exprType == NumericExpression.class) {
return new NumericExpression(stmt, exprFactory.getMappingForType(cls, true), "COALESCE", args);
} else if (exprType == StringExpression.class) {
return new StringExpression(stmt, exprFactory.getMappingForType(cls, true), "COALESCE", args);
} else if (exprType == TemporalExpression.class) {
return new TemporalExpression(stmt, exprFactory.getMappingForType(cls, true), "COALESCE", args);
} else {
return new ObjectExpression(stmt, exprFactory.getMappingForType(cls, true), "COALESCE", args);
throw new NucleusException(Localiser.msg("060002", "COALESCE", expr));