use of org.datanucleus.query.compiler.JDOQLCompiler in project tests by datanucleus.
the class JDOQLCompilerTest method testResultGroupingForMethods.
* Test use of result clauses, and presence in grouping.
public void testResultGroupingForMethods() {
JavaQueryCompiler compiler = null;
try {
compiler = new JDOQLCompiler(nucCtx, nucCtx.getClassLoaderResolver(null), null, Person.class, null, null, null, null, "birthDate.getYear() AS YEAR", "birthDate.getYear()", null, null, null, null);
compiler.compile(null, null);
} catch (NucleusUserException ne) {
NucleusLogger.GENERAL.error(">> Exception in compile()", ne);
fail("Compile of query with grouping and result clause using method and alias failed : " + ne.getMessage());
try {
compiler = new JDOQLCompiler(nucCtx, nucCtx.getClassLoaderResolver(null), null, Person.class, null, null, null, null, "birthDate.getYear()/10", "birthDate.getYear()/10", null, null, null, null);
compiler.compile(null, null);
} catch (NucleusUserException ne) {
NucleusLogger.GENERAL.error(">> Exception in compile()", ne);
fail("Compile of query with grouping and result clause using method and alias failed : " + ne.getMessage());
use of org.datanucleus.query.compiler.JDOQLCompiler in project tests by datanucleus.
the class JDOQLCompilerTest method testFilterWithStringLiteralStartsWith.
* Tests for "StringLiteral.startsWith(var)" in filter.
public void testFilterWithStringLiteralStartsWith() {
JavaQueryCompiler compiler = null;
QueryCompilation compilation = null;
try {
compiler = new JDOQLCompiler(nucCtx, nucCtx.getClassLoaderResolver(null), null, Product.class, null, "\"SomeString\".startsWith(name)", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
compilation = compiler.compile(new HashMap(), null);
} catch (NucleusException ne) {
NucleusLogger.QUERY.error("Exception thrown during compilation", ne);
fail("compilation of filter with valid field threw exception : " + ne.getMessage());
Expression expr = compilation.getExprFilter();
assertTrue("Filter should be InvokeExpression but is " + expr, expr instanceof InvokeExpression);
InvokeExpression invExpr = (InvokeExpression) expr;
assertTrue("InvokeExpression should have been invoked on Literal but wasnt", invExpr.getLeft() instanceof Literal);
assertEquals("Value of literal is wrong", "SomeString", ((Literal) invExpr.getLeft()).getLiteral());
assertEquals("Name of invoked method was wrong", "startsWith", invExpr.getOperation());
assertEquals("Number of parameters is wrong", 1, invExpr.getArguments().size());
Object param1 = invExpr.getArguments().get(0);
assertTrue("Parameter1 to startsWith() is of wrong type : " + param1, param1 instanceof PrimaryExpression);
PrimaryExpression param1Expr = (PrimaryExpression) param1;
assertEquals("Parameter1 expression has incorrect number of tuples", 1, param1Expr.getTuples().size());
assertEquals("Parameter1 expression 'id' is incorrect", "name", param1Expr.getId());
use of org.datanucleus.query.compiler.JDOQLCompiler in project tests by datanucleus.
the class JDOQLCompilerTest method testQueryCompilationSerializable.
* Test for serialisability of QueryCompilation.
public void testQueryCompilationSerializable() {
// Test use of implicit variable in filter
JavaQueryCompiler compiler = null;
QueryCompilation compilation = null;
try {
compiler = new JDOQLCompiler(nucCtx, nucCtx.getClassLoaderResolver(null), null, Product.class, null, "name == param1", null, null, null, null, null, "java.lang.String param1", null, null);
compilation = compiler.compile(null, null);
} catch (NucleusUserException ne) {
// TODO Debatable if this should throw a JDOUserException since the "notaField" is not bound, nor typed
NucleusLogger.QUERY.error("Exception thrown during compilation", ne);
fail("compilation of filter with valid field threw exception : " + ne.getMessage());
try {
try {
// Serialise the Expression
FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream("compilation.ser");
ObjectOutputStream os = new ObjectOutputStream(fileStream);
} catch (Exception e) {
NucleusLogger.GENERAL.error(">> Exception in serialise", e);
fail("Failed to serialise " + StringUtils.toJVMIDString(compilation));
try {
// Deserialise the Expression
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("compilation.ser");
ObjectInputStream oInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(fileInputStream);
Object obj = oInputStream.readObject();
if (obj instanceof QueryCompilation) {
QueryCompilation compilation1 = (QueryCompilation) obj;
Expression expr1 = compilation1.getExprFilter();
assertTrue("Compiled expression should have been DyadicExpression but wasnt", expr1 instanceof DyadicExpression);
DyadicExpression dyExpr1 = (DyadicExpression) expr1;
assertTrue("Compiled left expression should be PrimaryExpression but isnt", dyExpr1.getLeft() instanceof PrimaryExpression);
assertTrue("Compiled right expression should be ParameterExpression but isnt", dyExpr1.getRight() instanceof ParameterExpression);
PrimaryExpression left1 = (PrimaryExpression) dyExpr1.getLeft();
assertEquals("Primary expression name is wrong", left1.getId(), "name");
ParameterExpression right1 = (ParameterExpression) dyExpr1.getRight();
assertEquals("ParameterExpression has wrong value", "param1", right1.getId());
} else {
fail("Deserialised object is " + obj.getClass().getName() + " not QueryCompilation");
} catch (Exception e) {
NucleusLogger.GENERAL.error(">> Exception in deserialise", e);
fail("Failed to deserialise " + StringUtils.toJVMIDString(compilation));
} finally {
// Delete the file
File file = new File("compilation.ser");
if (file.exists()) {
use of org.datanucleus.query.compiler.JDOQLCompiler in project tests by datanucleus.
the class JDOQLCompilerTest method testFilterImplicitParameter.
* Test for use of an implicit parameter in the filter.
public void testFilterImplicitParameter() {
// Test use of implicit variable in filter
JavaQueryCompiler compiler = null;
QueryCompilation compilation = null;
try {
compiler = new JDOQLCompiler(nucCtx, nucCtx.getClassLoaderResolver(null), null, Product.class, null, "name == :param1", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
compilation = compiler.compile(null, null);
} catch (NucleusUserException ne) {
// TODO Debatable if this should throw a JDOUserException since the "notaField" is not bound, nor typed
NucleusLogger.QUERY.error("Exception thrown during compilation", ne);
fail("compilation of filter with valid field threw exception : " + ne.getMessage());
Expression expr = compilation.getExprFilter();
assertTrue("Compiled expression should have been DyadicExpression but wasnt", expr instanceof DyadicExpression);
DyadicExpression dyExpr = (DyadicExpression) expr;
assertTrue("Compiled left expression should be PrimaryExpression but isnt", dyExpr.getLeft() instanceof PrimaryExpression);
assertTrue("Compiled right expression should be ParameterExpression but isnt", dyExpr.getRight() instanceof ParameterExpression);
PrimaryExpression left = (PrimaryExpression) dyExpr.getLeft();
assertEquals("Primary expression name is wrong", left.getId(), "name");
ParameterExpression right = (ParameterExpression) dyExpr.getRight();
assertEquals("ParameterExpression has wrong value", "param1", right.getId());
use of org.datanucleus.query.compiler.JDOQLCompiler in project tests by datanucleus.
the class JDOQLEvaluatorTest method testFilterMapContainsKeyNonPC.
* Test of filter with mapField.containsKey(nonPC).
public void testFilterMapContainsKeyNonPC() {
PersistenceManager pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();
Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction();
try {
// Create some instances to query over
List<MapHolder> instances = new ArrayList<>();
MapHolder holder1 = new MapHolder("First");
MapHolder holder2 = new MapHolder("Second");
MapHolder holder3 = new MapHolder("Third");
holder1.getJoinMapNonNon().put("First", "First Element");
holder2.getJoinMapNonNon().put("First", "First Element");
holder2.getJoinMapNonNon().put("Second", "Second Element");
holder3.getJoinMapNonNon().put("Second", "Second Element");
holder3.getJoinMapNonNon().put("Third", "Third Element");
// Compile the query
JDOQuery q = (JDOQuery) pm.newQuery(MapHolder.class, "joinMapNonNon.containsKey('Third')");
Query query = q.getInternalQuery();
ClassLoaderResolver clr = query.getExecutionContext().getClassLoaderResolver();
JavaQueryCompiler compiler = new JDOQLCompiler(query.getExecutionContext().getNucleusContext(), clr, null, query.getCandidateClass(), null, query.getFilter(), query.getParsedImports(), query.getOrdering(), query.getResult(), query.getGrouping(), query.getHaving(), query.getExplicitParametersDeclaration(), query.getExplicitVariablesDeclaration(), null);
QueryCompilation compilation = compiler.compile(new HashMap(), null);
// Execute the query
JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator eval = new JDOQLInMemoryEvaluator(query, instances, compilation, null, clr);
List results = (List) eval.execute(true, true, true, true, true);
assertEquals("Number of result instances was wrong", 1, results.size());
MapHolder holder = (MapHolder) results.get(0);
assertEquals("Result instance has wrong name", "Third", holder.getName());
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Exception thrown during query execution " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
if (tx.isActive()) {