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Example 16 with ManagedConnection

use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.

the class FKMapStore method getValue.

 * Method to retrieve a value from the Map given the key.
 * @param ownerOP ObjectProvider for the owner of the map.
 * @param key The key to retrieve the value for.
 * @return The value for this key
 * @throws NoSuchElementException if the key was not found
protected V getValue(ObjectProvider ownerOP, Object key) throws NoSuchElementException {
    if (!validateKeyForReading(ownerOP, key)) {
        return null;
    ExecutionContext ec = ownerOP.getExecutionContext();
    if (getStmtLocked == null) {
        synchronized (// Make sure this completes in case another thread needs the same info
        this) {
            // Generate the statement, and statement mapping/parameter information
            SQLStatement sqlStmt = getSQLStatementForGet(ownerOP);
            getStmtUnlocked = sqlStmt.getSQLText().toSQL();
            sqlStmt.addExtension(SQLStatement.EXTENSION_LOCK_FOR_UPDATE, true);
            getStmtLocked = sqlStmt.getSQLText().toSQL();
    Transaction tx = ec.getTransaction();
    String stmt = (tx.getSerializeRead() != null && tx.getSerializeRead() ? getStmtLocked : getStmtUnlocked);
    Object value = null;
    try {
        ManagedConnection mconn = storeMgr.getConnectionManager().getConnection(ec);
        SQLController sqlControl = storeMgr.getSQLController();
        try {
            // Create the statement and supply owner/key params
            PreparedStatement ps = sqlControl.getStatementForQuery(mconn, stmt);
            StatementMappingIndex ownerIdx = getMappingParams.getMappingForParameter("owner");
            int numParams = ownerIdx.getNumberOfParameterOccurrences();
            for (int paramInstance = 0; paramInstance < numParams; paramInstance++) {
                ownerIdx.getMapping().setObject(ec, ps, ownerIdx.getParameterPositionsForOccurrence(paramInstance), ownerOP.getObject());
            StatementMappingIndex keyIdx = getMappingParams.getMappingForParameter("key");
            numParams = keyIdx.getNumberOfParameterOccurrences();
            for (int paramInstance = 0; paramInstance < numParams; paramInstance++) {
                keyIdx.getMapping().setObject(ec, ps, keyIdx.getParameterPositionsForOccurrence(paramInstance), key);
            try {
                ResultSet rs = sqlControl.executeStatementQuery(ec, mconn, stmt, ps);
                try {
                    boolean found =;
                    if (!found) {
                        throw new NoSuchElementException();
                    if (valuesAreEmbedded || valuesAreSerialised) {
                        int[] param = new int[valueMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
                        for (int i = 0; i < param.length; ++i) {
                            param[i] = i + 1;
                        if (valueMapping instanceof SerialisedPCMapping || valueMapping instanceof SerialisedReferenceMapping || valueMapping instanceof EmbeddedKeyPCMapping) {
                            // Value = Serialised
                            value = valueMapping.getObject(ec, rs, param, ownerOP, ((JoinTable) mapTable).getOwnerMemberMetaData().getAbsoluteFieldNumber());
                        } else {
                            // Value = Non-PC
                            value = valueMapping.getObject(ec, rs, param);
                    } else if (valueMapping instanceof ReferenceMapping) {
                        // Value = Reference (Interface/Object)
                        int[] param = new int[valueMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
                        for (int i = 0; i < param.length; ++i) {
                            param[i] = i + 1;
                        value = valueMapping.getObject(ec, rs, param);
                    } else {
                        // Value = PC
                        ResultObjectFactory rof = new PersistentClassROF(ec, rs, false, getMappingDef, valueCmd, clr.classForName(valueType));
                        value = rof.getObject();
                } finally {
            } finally {
                sqlControl.closeStatement(mconn, ps);
        } finally {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new NucleusDataStoreException(Localiser.msg("056014", stmt), e);
    return (V) value;
Also used : SerialisedReferenceMapping( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ResultObjectFactory( PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) StatementMappingIndex( SQLStatement( SQLController( NucleusDataStoreException(org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusDataStoreException) ExecutionContext(org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext) SerialisedReferenceMapping( ReferenceMapping( Transaction(org.datanucleus.Transaction) PersistentClassROF( ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) ManagedConnection( SerialisedPCMapping( NoSuchElementException(java.util.NoSuchElementException) EmbeddedKeyPCMapping(

Example 17 with ManagedConnection

use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.

the class JoinListStore method removeAll.

 * Remove all elements from a collection from the association owner vs
 * elements. Performs the removal in 3 steps. The first gets the indices
 * that will be removed (and the highest index present). The second step
 * removes these elements from the list. The third step updates the indices
 * of the remaining indices to fill the holes created.
 * @param op ObjectProvider
 * @param elements Collection of elements to remove
 * @return Whether the database was updated
public boolean removeAll(ObjectProvider op, Collection elements, int size) {
    if (elements == null || elements.size() == 0) {
        return false;
    // Get the current size of the list (and hence maximum index size)
    int currentListSize = size(op);
    // Get the indices of the elements we are going to remove (highest first)
    int[] indices = getIndicesOf(op, elements);
    if (indices == null) {
        return false;
    boolean modified = false;
    SQLController sqlControl = storeMgr.getSQLController();
    ExecutionContext ec = op.getExecutionContext();
    // Remove the specified elements from the join table
    String removeAllStmt = getRemoveAllStmt(elements);
    try {
        ManagedConnection mconn = storeMgr.getConnectionManager().getConnection(ec);
        try {
            PreparedStatement ps = sqlControl.getStatementForUpdate(mconn, removeAllStmt, false);
            try {
                int jdbcPosition = 1;
                Iterator iter = elements.iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    Object element =;
                    jdbcPosition = BackingStoreHelper.populateOwnerInStatement(op, ec, ps, jdbcPosition, this);
                    jdbcPosition = BackingStoreHelper.populateElementForWhereClauseInStatement(ec, ps, element, jdbcPosition, elementMapping);
                    if (relationDiscriminatorMapping != null) {
                        jdbcPosition = BackingStoreHelper.populateRelationDiscriminatorInStatement(ec, ps, jdbcPosition, this);
                int[] number = sqlControl.executeStatementUpdate(ec, mconn, removeAllStmt, ps, true);
                if (number[0] > 0) {
                    modified = true;
            } finally {
                sqlControl.closeStatement(mconn, ps);
        } finally {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new NucleusDataStoreException(Localiser.msg("056012", removeAllStmt), e);
    // Shift the remaining indices to remove the holes in ordering
    try {
        boolean batched = storeMgr.allowsBatching();
        ManagedConnection mconn = storeMgr.getConnectionManager().getConnection(ec);
        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
                // Find the number of deleted indexes above this index
                int shift = 0;
                boolean removed = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < indices.length; j++) {
                    if (indices[j] == i) {
                        removed = true;
                    if (indices[j] < i) {
                if (!removed && shift > 0) {
                    internalShift(op, mconn, batched, i, -1 * shift, (i == currentListSize - 1));
        } finally {
    } catch (MappedDatastoreException e) {
        throw new NucleusDataStoreException(Localiser.msg("056012", removeAllStmt), e);
    // Dependent field
    boolean dependent = getOwnerMemberMetaData().getCollection().isDependentElement();
    if (getOwnerMemberMetaData().isCascadeRemoveOrphans()) {
        dependent = true;
    if (dependent) {
        // "delete-dependent" : delete elements if the collection is marked as dependent
        // TODO What if the collection contains elements that are not in the List ? should not delete them
    return modified;
Also used : MappedDatastoreException( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) SQLController( NucleusDataStoreException(org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusDataStoreException) ExecutionContext(org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext) ListIterator(java.util.ListIterator) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ManagedConnection(

Example 18 with ManagedConnection

use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.

the class JoinListStore method internalRemove.

 * Convenience method to remove the specified element from the List.
 * @param element The element
 * @param ownerOP ObjectProvider of the owner
 * @param size Current size of list if known. -1 if not known
 * @return Whether the List was modified
protected boolean internalRemove(ObjectProvider ownerOP, Object element, int size) {
    boolean modified = false;
    if (indexedList) {
        // Indexed List, so retrieve the index of the element and remove the object
        // Get the indices of the elements to remove in reverse order (highest first)
        // This is done because the element could be duplicated in the list.
        Collection elements = new ArrayList();
        int[] indices = getIndicesOf(ownerOP, elements);
        if (indices == null) {
            return false;
        // TODO : Change this to remove all in one go and then shift once
        for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
            internalRemoveAt(ownerOP, indices[i], size);
            modified = true;
    } else {
        // Ordered List - just remove the list item since no indexing present
        ExecutionContext ec = ownerOP.getExecutionContext();
        ManagedConnection mconn = storeMgr.getConnectionManager().getConnection(ec);
        try {
            int[] rcs = internalRemove(ownerOP, mconn, false, element, true);
            if (rcs != null) {
                if (rcs[0] > 0) {
                    modified = true;
        } catch (MappedDatastoreException sqe) {
            String msg = Localiser.msg("056012", sqe.getMessage());
            NucleusLogger.DATASTORE.error(msg, sqe.getCause());
            throw new NucleusDataStoreException(msg, sqe, ownerOP.getObject());
        } finally {
    return modified;
Also used : MappedDatastoreException( NucleusDataStoreException(org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusDataStoreException) ExecutionContext(org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Collection(java.util.Collection) ManagedConnection(

Example 19 with ManagedConnection

use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.

the class JoinListStore method listIterator.

 * Accessor for an iterator through the list elements.
 * @param ownerOP ObjectProvider for the owner
 * @param startIdx The start point in the list (only for indexed lists).
 * @param endIdx End index in the list (only for indexed lists).
 * @return The List Iterator
protected ListIterator<E> listIterator(ObjectProvider ownerOP, int startIdx, int endIdx) {
    ExecutionContext ec = ownerOP.getExecutionContext();
    Transaction tx = ec.getTransaction();
    // Generate the statement. Note that this is not cached since depends on the current FetchPlan and other things
    IteratorStatement iterStmt = getIteratorStatement(ownerOP.getExecutionContext(), ec.getFetchPlan(), true, startIdx, endIdx);
    SelectStatement sqlStmt = iterStmt.getSelectStatement();
    StatementClassMapping resultMapping = iterStmt.getStatementClassMapping();
    // Input parameter(s) - the owner
    int inputParamNum = 1;
    StatementMappingIndex ownerIdx = new StatementMappingIndex(ownerMapping);
    if (sqlStmt.getNumberOfUnions() > 0) {
        // Add parameter occurrence for each union of statement
        for (int j = 0; j < sqlStmt.getNumberOfUnions() + 1; j++) {
            int[] paramPositions = new int[ownerMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
            for (int k = 0; k < paramPositions.length; k++) {
                paramPositions[k] = inputParamNum++;
    } else {
        int[] paramPositions = new int[ownerMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
        for (int k = 0; k < paramPositions.length; k++) {
            paramPositions[k] = inputParamNum++;
    if (tx.getSerializeRead() != null && tx.getSerializeRead()) {
        sqlStmt.addExtension(SQLStatement.EXTENSION_LOCK_FOR_UPDATE, true);
    String stmt = sqlStmt.getSQLText().toSQL();
    try {
        ManagedConnection mconn = storeMgr.getConnectionManager().getConnection(ec);
        SQLController sqlControl = storeMgr.getSQLController();
        try {
            // Create the statement
            PreparedStatement ps = sqlControl.getStatementForQuery(mconn, stmt);
            // Set the owner
            ObjectProvider stmtOwnerOP = BackingStoreHelper.getOwnerObjectProviderForBackingStore(ownerOP);
            int numParams = ownerIdx.getNumberOfParameterOccurrences();
            for (int paramInstance = 0; paramInstance < numParams; paramInstance++) {
                ownerIdx.getMapping().setObject(ec, ps, ownerIdx.getParameterPositionsForOccurrence(paramInstance), stmtOwnerOP.getObject());
            try {
                ResultSet rs = sqlControl.executeStatementQuery(ec, mconn, stmt, ps);
                try {
                    if (elementsAreEmbedded || elementsAreSerialised) {
                        // No ResultObjectFactory needed - handled by SetStoreIterator
                        return new ListStoreIterator(ownerOP, rs, null, this);
                    } else if (elementMapping instanceof ReferenceMapping) {
                        // No ResultObjectFactory needed - handled by SetStoreIterator
                        return new ListStoreIterator(ownerOP, rs, null, this);
                    } else {
                        ResultObjectFactory rof = new PersistentClassROF(ec, rs, false, resultMapping, elementCmd, clr.classForName(elementType));
                        return new ListStoreIterator(ownerOP, rs, rof, this);
                } finally {
            } finally {
                sqlControl.closeStatement(mconn, ps);
        } finally {
    } catch (SQLException | MappedDatastoreException e) {
        throw new NucleusDataStoreException(Localiser.msg("056006", stmt), e);
Also used : MappedDatastoreException( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ResultObjectFactory( PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) StatementMappingIndex( StatementClassMapping( SQLController( SelectStatement( NucleusDataStoreException(org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusDataStoreException) ExecutionContext(org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext) ReferenceMapping( Transaction(org.datanucleus.Transaction) PersistentClassROF( ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) ManagedConnection( ObjectProvider(org.datanucleus.state.ObjectProvider)

Example 20 with ManagedConnection

use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.

the class JoinListStore method set.

 * Method to set an object in the List.
 * @param op ObjectProvider for the owner
 * @param index The item index
 * @param element What to set it to.
 * @param allowDependentField Whether to allow dependent field deletes
 * @return The value before setting.
public E set(ObjectProvider op, int index, Object element, boolean allowDependentField) {
    ExecutionContext ec = op.getExecutionContext();
    validateElementForWriting(ec, element, null);
    // Find the original element at this position
    E oldElement = null;
    List fieldVal = (List) op.provideField(ownerMemberMetaData.getAbsoluteFieldNumber());
    if (fieldVal != null && fieldVal instanceof BackedSCO && ((BackedSCO) fieldVal).isLoaded()) {
        // Already loaded in the wrapper
        oldElement = (E) fieldVal.get(index);
    } else {
        oldElement = get(op, index);
    // Check for dynamic schema updates prior to update
    if (storeMgr.getBooleanObjectProperty(RDBMSPropertyNames.PROPERTY_RDBMS_DYNAMIC_SCHEMA_UPDATES).booleanValue()) {
        DynamicSchemaFieldManager dynamicSchemaFM = new DynamicSchemaFieldManager(storeMgr, op);
        Collection coll = new ArrayList();
        dynamicSchemaFM.storeObjectField(getOwnerMemberMetaData().getAbsoluteFieldNumber(), coll);
        if (dynamicSchemaFM.hasPerformedSchemaUpdates()) {
            setStmt = null;
    String theSetStmt = getSetStmt();
    try {
        ManagedConnection mconn = storeMgr.getConnectionManager().getConnection(ec);
        SQLController sqlControl = storeMgr.getSQLController();
        try {
            PreparedStatement ps = sqlControl.getStatementForUpdate(mconn, theSetStmt, false);
            try {
                int jdbcPosition = 1;
                jdbcPosition = BackingStoreHelper.populateElementInStatement(ec, ps, element, jdbcPosition, elementMapping);
                jdbcPosition = BackingStoreHelper.populateOwnerInStatement(op, ec, ps, jdbcPosition, this);
                if (getOwnerMemberMetaData().getOrderMetaData() != null && !getOwnerMemberMetaData().getOrderMetaData().isIndexedList()) {
                    // Ordered list, so can't easily do a set!!!
                    NucleusLogger.PERSISTENCE.warn("Calling List.addElement at a position for an ordered list is a stupid thing to do; the ordering is set my the ordering specification. Use an indexed list to do this correctly");
                } else {
                    jdbcPosition = BackingStoreHelper.populateOrderInStatement(ec, ps, index, jdbcPosition, orderMapping);
                if (relationDiscriminatorMapping != null) {
                    jdbcPosition = BackingStoreHelper.populateRelationDiscriminatorInStatement(ec, ps, jdbcPosition, this);
                sqlControl.executeStatementUpdate(ec, mconn, theSetStmt, ps, true);
            } finally {
                sqlControl.closeStatement(mconn, ps);
        } finally {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new NucleusDataStoreException(Localiser.msg("056015", theSetStmt), e);
    // Dependent field
    CollectionMetaData collmd = ownerMemberMetaData.getCollection();
    boolean dependent = collmd.isDependentElement();
    if (ownerMemberMetaData.isCascadeRemoveOrphans()) {
        dependent = true;
    if (dependent && !collmd.isEmbeddedElement() && allowDependentField) {
        if (oldElement != null && !contains(op, oldElement)) {
            // Delete the element if it is dependent and doesn't have a duplicate entry in the list
    return oldElement;
Also used : SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) CollectionMetaData(org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData) BackedSCO( SQLController( NucleusDataStoreException(org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusDataStoreException) ExecutionContext(org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext) DynamicSchemaFieldManager( Collection(java.util.Collection) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ManagedConnection(


ManagedConnection ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)125 RDBMSStoreManager ( Connection (java.sql.Connection)75 NucleusDataStoreException (org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusDataStoreException)74 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)70 ExecutionContext (org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext)64 SQLController ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)62 DatabaseMetaData (java.sql.DatabaseMetaData)58 PersistenceManager (javax.jdo.PersistenceManager)46 Transaction (javax.jdo.Transaction)46 JDOFatalUserException (javax.jdo.JDOFatalUserException)45 JDOPersistenceManager (org.datanucleus.api.jdo.JDOPersistenceManager)45 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)37 JDOFatalInternalException (javax.jdo.JDOFatalInternalException)24 JDODataStoreException (javax.jdo.JDODataStoreException)21 JDOUserException (javax.jdo.JDOUserException)21 MappedDatastoreException ( EntityTransaction (javax.persistence.EntityTransaction)19