use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class SQLQuery method compileInternal.
* Verify the elements of the query and provide a hint to the query to prepare and optimize an execution plan.
public void compileInternal(Map parameterValues) {
if (isCompiled) {
// Default to using the users SQL direct with no substitution of params etc
compiledSQL = inputSQL;
if (candidateClass != null && getType() == QueryType.SELECT) {
// Perform any sanity checking of input for SELECT queries
RDBMSStoreManager storeMgr = (RDBMSStoreManager) getStoreManager();
ClassLoaderResolver clr = ec.getClassLoaderResolver();
AbstractClassMetaData cmd = ec.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(candidateClass, clr);
if (cmd == null) {
throw new ClassNotPersistableException(candidateClass.getName());
if (cmd.getPersistableSuperclass() != null) {
// throw new PersistentSuperclassNotAllowedException(candidateClass.getName());
if (getResultClass() == null) {
// Check the presence of the required columns (id, version, discriminator) in the candidate class
// Skip "SELECT "
String selections = stripComments(compiledSQL.trim()).substring(7);
int fromStart = selections.indexOf("FROM");
if (fromStart == -1) {
fromStart = selections.indexOf("from");
selections = selections.substring(0, fromStart).trim();
String[] selectedColumns = StringUtils.split(selections, ",");
if (selectedColumns == null || selectedColumns.length == 0) {
throw new NucleusUserException(Localiser.msg("059003", compiledSQL));
if (selectedColumns.length == 1 && selectedColumns[0].trim().equals("*")) {
// SQL Query using * so just end the checking since all possible columns will be selected
} else {
// Generate id column field information for later checking the id is present
DatastoreClass table = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(candidateClass.getName(), clr);
PersistableMapping idMapping = (PersistableMapping) table.getIdMapping();
String[] idColNames = new String[idMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
boolean[] idColMissing = new boolean[idMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
for (int i = 0; i < idMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings(); i++) {
idColNames[i] = idMapping.getDatastoreMapping(i).getColumn().getIdentifier().toString();
idColMissing[i] = true;
// Generate discriminator/version information for later checking they are present
JavaTypeMapping discrimMapping = table.getSurrogateMapping(SurrogateColumnType.DISCRIMINATOR, false);
String discriminatorColName = (discrimMapping != null) ? discrimMapping.getDatastoreMapping(0).getColumn().getIdentifier().toString() : null;
JavaTypeMapping versionMapping = table.getSurrogateMapping(SurrogateColumnType.VERSION, false);
String versionColName = (versionMapping != null) ? versionMapping.getDatastoreMapping(0).getColumn().getIdentifier().toString() : null;
boolean discrimMissing = (discriminatorColName != null);
boolean versionMissing = (versionColName != null);
// Go through the selected fields and check the existence of id, version, discriminator cols
DatastoreAdapter dba = storeMgr.getDatastoreAdapter();
final AbstractClassMetaData candidateCmd = ec.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(candidateClass, clr);
for (int i = 0; i < selectedColumns.length; i++) {
String colName = selectedColumns[i].trim();
if (colName.indexOf(" AS ") > 0) {
// Allow for user specification of "XX.YY AS ZZ"
colName = colName.substring(colName.indexOf(" AS ") + 4).trim();
} else if (colName.indexOf(" as ") > 0) {
// Allow for user specification of "XX.YY as ZZ"
colName = colName.substring(colName.indexOf(" as ") + 4).trim();
if (candidateCmd.getIdentityType() == IdentityType.DATASTORE) {
// Check for existence of id column, allowing for any RDBMS using quoted identifiers
if (SQLQuery.columnNamesAreTheSame(dba, idColNames[0], colName)) {
idColMissing[0] = false;
} else if (candidateCmd.getIdentityType() == IdentityType.APPLICATION) {
for (int j = 0; j < idColNames.length; j++) {
// Check for existence of id column, allowing for any RDBMS using quoted identifiers
if (SQLQuery.columnNamesAreTheSame(dba, idColNames[j], colName)) {
idColMissing[j] = false;
if (discrimMissing && SQLQuery.columnNamesAreTheSame(dba, discriminatorColName, colName)) {
discrimMissing = false;
} else if (versionMissing && SQLQuery.columnNamesAreTheSame(dba, versionColName, colName)) {
versionMissing = false;
if (discrimMissing) {
throw new NucleusUserException(Localiser.msg("059014", compiledSQL, candidateClass.getName(), discriminatorColName));
if (versionMissing) {
throw new NucleusUserException(Localiser.msg("059015", compiledSQL, candidateClass.getName(), versionColName));
for (int i = 0; i < idColMissing.length; i++) {
if (idColMissing[i]) {
throw new NucleusUserException(Localiser.msg("059013", compiledSQL, candidateClass.getName(), idColNames[i]));
if (NucleusLogger.QUERY.isDebugEnabled()) {
NucleusLogger.QUERY.debug(Localiser.msg("059012", compiledSQL));
isCompiled = true;
use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class JDOQLQuery method compileQueryUpdate.
* Method to compile the query for RDBMS for a bulk update.
* @param parameterValues The parameter values (if any)
* @param candidateCmd Meta-data for the candidate class
protected void compileQueryUpdate(Map parameterValues, AbstractClassMetaData candidateCmd) {
Expression[] updateExprs = compilation.getExprUpdate();
if (updateExprs == null || updateExprs.length == 0) {
// Nothing to update
// Generate statement for candidate
RDBMSStoreManager storeMgr = (RDBMSStoreManager) getStoreManager();
DatastoreClass candidateTbl = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(candidateCmd.getFullClassName(), clr);
if (candidateTbl == null) {
throw new NucleusDataStoreException("Bulk update of " + candidateCmd.getFullClassName() + " not supported since candidate has no table of its own");
List<BulkTable> tables = new ArrayList<>();
tables.add(new BulkTable(candidateTbl, true));
if (candidateTbl.getSuperDatastoreClass() != null) {
DatastoreClass tbl = candidateTbl;
while (tbl.getSuperDatastoreClass() != null) {
tbl = tbl.getSuperDatastoreClass();
tables.add(new BulkTable(tbl, false));
List<SQLStatement> stmts = new ArrayList<>();
List<Boolean> stmtCountFlags = new ArrayList<>();
for (BulkTable bulkTable : tables) {
// Generate statement for candidate
DatastoreClass table = bulkTable.table;
Map<String, Object> extensions = null;
if (!storeMgr.getDatastoreAdapter().supportsOption(DatastoreAdapter.UPDATE_DELETE_STATEMENT_ALLOW_TABLE_ALIAS_IN_WHERE_CLAUSE)) {
extensions = new HashMap<>();
extensions.put(SQLStatement.EXTENSION_SQL_TABLE_NAMING_STRATEGY, "table-name");
UpdateStatement stmt = new UpdateStatement(storeMgr, table, null, null, extensions);
JavaTypeMapping multitenancyMapping = table.getSurrogateMapping(SurrogateColumnType.MULTITENANCY, false);
if (multitenancyMapping != null) {
// Multi-tenancy restriction
SQLExpression tenantExpr = stmt.getSQLExpressionFactory().newExpression(stmt, stmt.getPrimaryTable(), multitenancyMapping);
SQLExpression tenantVal = stmt.getSQLExpressionFactory().newLiteral(stmt, multitenancyMapping, ec.getNucleusContext().getMultiTenancyId(ec, candidateCmd));
stmt.whereAnd(tenantExpr.eq(tenantVal), true);
// TODO Discriminator restriction?
JavaTypeMapping softDeleteMapping = table.getSurrogateMapping(SurrogateColumnType.SOFTDELETE, false);
if (softDeleteMapping != null) {
// Soft-delete restriction
SQLExpression softDeleteExpr = stmt.getSQLExpressionFactory().newExpression(stmt, stmt.getPrimaryTable(), softDeleteMapping);
SQLExpression softDeleteVal = stmt.getSQLExpressionFactory().newLiteral(stmt, softDeleteMapping, Boolean.FALSE);
stmt.whereAnd(softDeleteExpr.eq(softDeleteVal), true);
Set<String> options = new HashSet<>();
if (getBooleanExtensionProperty(EXTENSION_USE_IS_NULL_WHEN_EQUALS_NULL_PARAM, true)) {
QueryToSQLMapper sqlMapper = new QueryToSQLMapper(stmt, compilation, parameterValues, null, null, candidateCmd, subclasses, getFetchPlan(), ec, null, options, extensions);
if (stmt.hasUpdates()) {
Iterator<SQLStatement> stmtIter = stmts.iterator();
Iterator<Boolean> stmtCountFlagsIter = stmtCountFlags.iterator();
while (stmtIter.hasNext()) {
SQLStatement stmt =;
Boolean useInCount =;
if (stmts.size() == 1) {
useInCount = true;
datastoreCompilation.addStatement(stmt, stmt.getSQLText().toSQL(), useInCount);
use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class JPQLQuery method compileQueryInsert.
* Method to compile the query for RDBMS for a bulk INSERT.
* @param parameterValues The parameter values (if any)
* @param candidateCmd Meta-data for the candidate class
protected void compileQueryInsert(Map parameterValues, AbstractClassMetaData candidateCmd) {
if (StringUtils.isWhitespace(insertFields) || StringUtils.isWhitespace(insertSelectQuery)) {
// Nothing to INSERT
List<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<>();
StringTokenizer fieldTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(insertFields, ",");
while (fieldTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = fieldTokenizer.nextToken().trim();
// Generate statement for candidate and related classes in this inheritance tree
RDBMSStoreManager storeMgr = (RDBMSStoreManager) getStoreManager();
DatastoreClass candidateTbl = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(candidateCmd.getFullClassName(), clr);
if (candidateTbl == null) {
// TODO Using subclass-table, so find the table(s) it can be persisted into
throw new NucleusDataStoreException("Bulk INSERT of " + candidateCmd.getFullClassName() + " not supported since candidate has no table of its own");
// Find table(s) that need populating with this information
List<BulkTable> tables = new ArrayList<>();
tables.add(new BulkTable(candidateTbl, true));
if (candidateTbl.getSuperDatastoreClass() != null) {
DatastoreClass tbl = candidateTbl;
while (tbl.getSuperDatastoreClass() != null) {
tbl = tbl.getSuperDatastoreClass();
tables.add(0, new BulkTable(tbl, false));
if (tables.size() > 1) {
throw new NucleusUserException("BULK INSERT only currently allows a single table, but this query implies INSERT into " + tables.size() + " tables!");
List<SQLStatement> stmts = new ArrayList<>();
List<Boolean> stmtCountFlags = new ArrayList<>();
for (BulkTable bulkTable : tables) {
// Generate statement for candidate
InsertStatement stmt = new InsertStatement(storeMgr, bulkTable.table, null, null, null);
// Set columns for this table
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
AbstractMemberMetaData fieldMmd = candidateCmd.getMetaDataForMember(fieldName);
if (fieldMmd == null) {
// No such field
} else {
JavaTypeMapping fieldMapping = bulkTable.table.getMemberMapping(fieldMmd);
if (fieldMapping != null) {
SQLExpression fieldExpr = stmt.getSQLExpressionFactory().newExpression(stmt, stmt.getPrimaryTable(), fieldMapping);
for (int i = 0; i < fieldExpr.getNumberOfSubExpressions(); i++) {
ColumnExpression fieldColExpr = fieldExpr.getSubExpression(i);
} else {
// Not in this table
// Generate the select query and add it to the InsertStatement
JPQLQuery selectQuery = new JPQLQuery(storeMgr, ec, insertSelectQuery);
stmt.setSelectStatement((SelectStatement) selectQuery.getDatastoreCompilation().getStatementCompilations().get(0).getStatement());
// TODO if we have multiple tables then this will mean only using some of the columns in the selectSQL
Iterator<SQLStatement> stmtIter = stmts.iterator();
Iterator<Boolean> stmtCountFlagsIter = stmtCountFlags.iterator();
while (stmtIter.hasNext()) {
SQLStatement stmt =;
Boolean useInCount =;
if (stmts.size() == 1) {
useInCount = true;
datastoreCompilation.addStatement(stmt, stmt.getSQLText().toSQL(), useInCount);
use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class JPQLQuery method compileQueryDelete.
* Method to compile the query for RDBMS for a bulk delete.
* @param parameterValues The parameter values (if any)
* @param candidateCmd Meta-data for the candidate class
protected void compileQueryDelete(Map parameterValues, AbstractClassMetaData candidateCmd) {
RDBMSStoreManager storeMgr = (RDBMSStoreManager) getStoreManager();
DatastoreClass candidateTbl = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(candidateCmd.getFullClassName(), clr);
if (candidateTbl == null) {
// TODO Using subclass-table, so find the table(s) it can be persisted into
throw new NucleusDataStoreException("Bulk delete of " + candidateCmd.getFullClassName() + " not supported since candidate has no table of its own");
InheritanceStrategy inhStr = candidateCmd.getBaseAbstractClassMetaData().getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy();
List<BulkTable> tables = new ArrayList<>();
tables.add(new BulkTable(candidateTbl, true));
if (inhStr != InheritanceStrategy.COMPLETE_TABLE) {
// Add deletion from superclass tables since we will have an entry there
while (candidateTbl.getSuperDatastoreClass() != null) {
candidateTbl = candidateTbl.getSuperDatastoreClass();
tables.add(new BulkTable(candidateTbl, false));
Collection<String> subclassNames = storeMgr.getSubClassesForClass(candidateCmd.getFullClassName(), true, clr);
if (subclassNames != null && !subclassNames.isEmpty()) {
// Check for subclasses having their own tables and hence needing multiple DELETEs
Iterator<String> iter = subclassNames.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String subclassName =;
DatastoreClass subclassTbl = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(subclassName, clr);
if (candidateTbl != subclassTbl) {
// Only include BulkTable in count if using COMPLETE_TABLE strategy
tables.add(0, new BulkTable(subclassTbl, inhStr == InheritanceStrategy.COMPLETE_TABLE));
List<SQLStatement> stmts = new ArrayList<>();
List<Boolean> stmtCountFlags = new ArrayList<>();
for (BulkTable bulkTable : tables) {
// Generate statement for candidate
DatastoreClass table = bulkTable.table;
JavaTypeMapping softDeleteMapping = table.getSurrogateMapping(SurrogateColumnType.SOFTDELETE, false);
if (softDeleteMapping != null) {
throw new NucleusUserException("Cannot use BulkDelete queries when using SoftDelete on an affected table (" + table + ")");
Map<String, Object> extensions = null;
if (!storeMgr.getDatastoreAdapter().supportsOption(DatastoreAdapter.UPDATE_DELETE_STATEMENT_ALLOW_TABLE_ALIAS_IN_WHERE_CLAUSE)) {
extensions = new HashMap<>();
extensions.put(SQLStatement.EXTENSION_SQL_TABLE_NAMING_STRATEGY, "table-name");
SQLStatement stmt = new DeleteStatement(storeMgr, table, null, null, extensions);
JavaTypeMapping multitenancyMapping = table.getSurrogateMapping(SurrogateColumnType.MULTITENANCY, false);
if (multitenancyMapping != null) {
// Multi-tenancy restriction
SQLTable tenantSqlTbl = stmt.getPrimaryTable();
SQLExpression tenantExpr = stmt.getSQLExpressionFactory().newExpression(stmt, tenantSqlTbl, multitenancyMapping);
SQLExpression tenantVal = stmt.getSQLExpressionFactory().newLiteral(stmt, multitenancyMapping, ec.getNucleusContext().getMultiTenancyId(ec, candidateCmd));
stmt.whereAnd(tenantExpr.eq(tenantVal), true);
// TODO Discriminator restriction?
Set<String> options = new HashSet<>();
if (// Default to false for "IS NULL" with null param
getBooleanExtensionProperty(EXTENSION_USE_IS_NULL_WHEN_EQUALS_NULL_PARAM, false)) {
QueryToSQLMapper sqlMapper = new QueryToSQLMapper(stmt, compilation, parameterValues, null, null, candidateCmd, subclasses, getFetchPlan(), ec, null, options, extensions);
Iterator<SQLStatement> stmtIter = stmts.iterator();
Iterator<Boolean> stmtCountFlagsIter = stmtCountFlags.iterator();
while (stmtIter.hasNext()) {
SQLStatement stmt =;
Boolean useInCount =;
if (stmts.size() == 1) {
useInCount = true;
datastoreCompilation.addStatement(stmt, stmt.getSQLText().toSQL(), useInCount);
use of in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class QueryToSQLMapper method processFromClauseSubquery.
* Method to process a ClassExpression where it represents a subquery.
* User defined the candidate of the subquery as an implied join to the outer query, for example "SELECT c FROM Customer c WHERE EXISTS (SELECT o FROM c.orders o ...)"
* so this method will add the join(s) to the outer query.
* @param clsExpr The ClassExpression
* @param candSqlTbl Candidate SQL Table
* @param mmgr MetaData Manager
protected void processFromClauseSubquery(ClassExpression clsExpr, SQLTable candSqlTbl, MetaDataManager mmgr) {
String[] tokens = StringUtils.split(clsExpr.getCandidateExpression(), ".");
String leftAlias = tokens[0];
SQLTableMapping outerSqlTblMapping = parentMapper.getSQLTableMappingForAlias(leftAlias);
AbstractClassMetaData leftCmd = outerSqlTblMapping.cmd;
// Get array of the left-right sides of this expression so we can work back from the subquery candidate
AbstractMemberMetaData[] leftMmds = new AbstractMemberMetaData[tokens.length - 1];
AbstractMemberMetaData[] rightMmds = new AbstractMemberMetaData[tokens.length - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length - 1; i++) {
String joinedField = tokens[i + 1];
AbstractMemberMetaData leftMmd = leftCmd.getMetaDataForMember(joinedField);
AbstractMemberMetaData rightMmd = null;
AbstractClassMetaData rightCmd = null;
RelationType relationType = leftMmd.getRelationType(clr);
if (RelationType.isBidirectional(relationType)) {
// Take first possible
rightMmd = leftMmd.getRelatedMemberMetaData(clr)[0];
rightCmd = rightMmd.getAbstractClassMetaData();
} else if (relationType == RelationType.ONE_TO_ONE_UNI) {
rightCmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(leftMmd.getType(), clr);
} else if (relationType == RelationType.ONE_TO_MANY_UNI) {
if (leftMmd.hasCollection()) {
rightCmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(leftMmd.getCollection().getElementType(), clr);
} else if (leftMmd.hasMap()) {
rightCmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(leftMmd.getMap().getValueType(), clr);
} else {
throw new NucleusUserException("Subquery has been specified with a candidate-expression that includes \"" + tokens[i] + "\" that isnt a relation field!!");
leftMmds[i] = leftMmd;
rightMmds[i] = rightMmd;
leftCmd = rightCmd;
// Work from subquery candidate back to outer query table, adding joins and where clause as appropriate
SQLTable rSqlTbl = candSqlTbl;
SQLTable outerSqlTbl = outerSqlTblMapping.table;
JoinType joinType = JoinType.INNER_JOIN;
for (int i = leftMmds.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
AbstractMemberMetaData leftMmd = leftMmds[i];
AbstractMemberMetaData rightMmd = rightMmds[i];
DatastoreClass leftTbl = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(leftMmd.getClassName(true), clr);
SQLTable lSqlTbl = null;
RelationType relationType = leftMmd.getRelationType(clr);
if (relationType == RelationType.ONE_TO_ONE_UNI) {
// 1-1 with FK in left table
if (i == 0) {
// Add where clause right table to outer table
SQLExpression outerExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(outerSqlTbl.getSQLStatement(), outerSqlTbl, outerSqlTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(leftMmd));
SQLExpression rightExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(stmt, rSqlTbl, rSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping());
stmt.whereAnd(outerExpr.eq(rightExpr), false);
} else {
// Join to left table
JavaTypeMapping leftMapping = leftTbl.getMemberMapping(leftMmd);
lSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, rSqlTbl, rSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), leftTbl, null, leftMapping, null, null, true);
} else if (relationType == RelationType.ONE_TO_ONE_BI) {
if (leftMmd.getMappedBy() != null) {
// 1-1 with FK in right table
JavaTypeMapping rightMapping = rSqlTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(rightMmd);
if (i == 0) {
// Add where clause right table to outer table
SQLExpression outerExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(outerSqlTbl.getSQLStatement(), outerSqlTbl, outerSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping());
SQLExpression rightExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(stmt, rSqlTbl, rightMapping);
stmt.whereAnd(outerExpr.eq(rightExpr), false);
} else {
// Join to left table
lSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, rSqlTbl, rightMapping, leftTbl, null, leftTbl.getIdMapping(), null, null, true);
} else {
// 1-1 with FK in left table
if (i == 0) {
// Add where clause right table to outer table
SQLExpression outerExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(outerSqlTbl.getSQLStatement(), outerSqlTbl, outerSqlTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(leftMmd));
SQLExpression rightExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(stmt, rSqlTbl, rSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping());
stmt.whereAnd(outerExpr.eq(rightExpr), false);
} else {
// Join to left table
lSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, rSqlTbl, rSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), leftTbl, null, leftTbl.getMemberMapping(leftMmd), null, null, true);
} else if (relationType == RelationType.ONE_TO_MANY_UNI) {
if (leftMmd.getJoinMetaData() != null || rightMmd.getJoinMetaData() != null) {
// 1-N with join table to right table, so join from right to join table
JoinTable joinTbl = (JoinTable) storeMgr.getTable(leftMmd);
SQLTable joinSqlTbl = null;
if (leftMmd.hasCollection()) {
joinSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, rSqlTbl, rSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, null, ((ElementContainerTable) joinTbl).getElementMapping(), null, null, true);
} else if (leftMmd.hasMap()) {
joinSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, rSqlTbl, rSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, null, ((MapTable) joinTbl).getValueMapping(), null, null, true);
if (i == 0) {
// Add where clause join table (owner) to outer table (id)
SQLExpression outerExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(outerSqlTbl.getSQLStatement(), outerSqlTbl, outerSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping());
SQLExpression joinExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(stmt, joinSqlTbl, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping());
stmt.whereAnd(outerExpr.eq(joinExpr), false);
} else {
// Join to left table
lSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, joinSqlTbl, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping(), leftTbl, null, leftTbl.getIdMapping(), null, null, true);
} else {
// 1-N with FK in right table
if (i == 0) {
// Add where clause right table to outer table
SQLExpression outerExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(outerSqlTbl.getSQLStatement(), outerSqlTbl, outerSqlTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(leftMmd));
SQLExpression rightExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(stmt, rSqlTbl, rSqlTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(rightMmd));
stmt.whereAnd(outerExpr.eq(rightExpr), false);
} else {
// Join to left table
lSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, rSqlTbl, rSqlTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(rightMmd), leftTbl, null, leftTbl.getIdMapping(), null, null, true);
} else if (relationType == RelationType.ONE_TO_MANY_BI) {
if (leftMmd.getJoinMetaData() != null || rightMmd.getJoinMetaData() != null) {
// 1-N with join table to right table, so join from right to join table
JoinTable joinTbl = (JoinTable) storeMgr.getTable(leftMmd);
SQLTable joinSqlTbl = null;
if (leftMmd.hasCollection()) {
joinSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, rSqlTbl, rSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, null, ((ElementContainerTable) joinTbl).getElementMapping(), null, null, true);
} else if (leftMmd.hasMap()) {
joinSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, rSqlTbl, rSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, null, ((MapTable) joinTbl).getValueMapping(), null, null, true);
if (i == 0) {
// Add where clause join table (owner) to outer table (id)
SQLExpression outerExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(outerSqlTbl.getSQLStatement(), outerSqlTbl, outerSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping());
SQLExpression joinExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(stmt, joinSqlTbl, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping());
stmt.whereAnd(outerExpr.eq(joinExpr), false);
} else {
// Join to left table
lSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, joinSqlTbl, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping(), leftTbl, null, leftTbl.getIdMapping(), null, null, true);
} else {
// 1-N with FK in right table
if (i == 0) {
// Add where clause right table to outer table
SQLExpression outerExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(outerSqlTbl.getSQLStatement(), outerSqlTbl, outerSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping());
SQLExpression rightExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(stmt, rSqlTbl, rSqlTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(rightMmd));
stmt.whereAnd(outerExpr.eq(rightExpr), false);
} else {
// Join to left table
lSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, rSqlTbl, rSqlTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(rightMmd), leftTbl, null, leftTbl.getIdMapping(), null, null, true);
} else if (relationType == RelationType.MANY_TO_ONE_BI) {
if (leftMmd.getJoinMetaData() != null || rightMmd.getJoinMetaData() != null) {
// 1-N with join table to right table, so join from right to join table
JoinTable joinTbl = (JoinTable) storeMgr.getTable(leftMmd);
SQLTable joinSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, rSqlTbl, rSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, null, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping(), null, null, true);
if (leftMmd.hasCollection()) {
if (i == 0) {
// Add where clause join table (element) to outer table (id)
SQLExpression outerExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(outerSqlTbl.getSQLStatement(), outerSqlTbl, outerSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping());
SQLExpression joinExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(stmt, joinSqlTbl, ((ElementContainerTable) joinTbl).getElementMapping());
stmt.whereAnd(outerExpr.eq(joinExpr), false);
} else {
// Join to left table
lSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, joinSqlTbl, ((ElementContainerTable) joinTbl).getElementMapping(), leftTbl, null, leftTbl.getIdMapping(), null, null, true);
} else if (leftMmd.hasMap()) {
if (i == 0) {
// Add where clause join table (value) to outer table (id)
SQLExpression outerExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(outerSqlTbl.getSQLStatement(), outerSqlTbl, outerSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping());
SQLExpression joinExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(stmt, joinSqlTbl, ((MapTable) joinTbl).getValueMapping());
stmt.whereAnd(outerExpr.eq(joinExpr), false);
} else {
// Join to left table
lSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, joinSqlTbl, ((MapTable) joinTbl).getValueMapping(), leftTbl, null, leftTbl.getIdMapping(), null, null, true);
} else {
if (i == 0) {
// Add where clause right table to outer table
SQLExpression outerExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(outerSqlTbl.getSQLStatement(), outerSqlTbl, outerSqlTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(leftMmd));
SQLExpression rightExpr = exprFactory.newExpression(stmt, rSqlTbl, rSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping());
stmt.whereAnd(outerExpr.eq(rightExpr), false);
} else {
// Join to left table
lSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, rSqlTbl, rSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), leftTbl, null, leftTbl.getMemberMapping(leftMmd), null, null, true);
rSqlTbl = lSqlTbl;