use of org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.SqlClause in project dbflute-core by dbflute.
the class AbstractConditionQuery method doRegisterScalarCondition.
protected <CB extends ConditionBean> void doRegisterScalarCondition(final String function, final ConditionQuery subQuery, String propertyName, String operand, final HpSLCCustomized<CB> after, ScalarConditionOption option) {
assertSubQueryNotNull("ScalarCondition", propertyName, subQuery);
final SubQueryPath subQueryPath = new SubQueryPath(xgetLocation(propertyName));
final GeneralColumnRealNameProvider localRealNameProvider = new GeneralColumnRealNameProvider();
final int subQueryLevel = subQuery.xgetSqlClause().getSubQueryLevel();
final SqlClause subQueryClause = subQuery.xgetSqlClause();
final String subQueryIdentity = propertyName + "[" + subQueryLevel + "]";
final ColumnSqlNameProvider subQuerySqlNameProvider = dbName -> subQuery.toColumnSqlName(dbName);
final DBMeta subQueryDBMeta = findDBMeta(subQuery.asTableDbName());
final GearedCipherManager cipherManager = xgetSqlClause().getGearedCipherManager();
final String mainSubQueryIdentity = propertyName + "[" + subQueryLevel + ":subquerymain]";
final PartitionByProvider partitionByProvider = () -> after.preparePartitionBySqlClause();
final ScalarCondition scalarCondition = new ScalarCondition(subQueryPath, localRealNameProvider, subQuerySqlNameProvider, subQueryLevel, subQueryClause, subQueryIdentity, subQueryDBMeta, cipherManager, mainSubQueryIdentity, operand, partitionByProvider);
final QueryClause clause = new QueryClause() {
/* lazy registration to use partition-by */
public String toString() {
return scalarCondition.buildScalarCondition(function, option);
// no speak about inner-join because of no possible of null revival
final QueryUsedAliasInfo usedAliasInfo = new QueryUsedAliasInfo(xgetAliasName(), null);
registerWhereClause(clause, usedAliasInfo);
use of org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.SqlClause in project dbflute-core by dbflute.
the class AbstractConditionQuery method registerExistsReferrer.
protected void registerExistsReferrer(final ConditionQuery subQuery, String columnDbName, String relatedColumnDbName, String propertyName, String referrerPropertyName, boolean notExists) {
assertSubQueryNotNull("ExistsReferrer", relatedColumnDbName, subQuery);
if (subQuery.xgetSqlClause().isUseInScopeSubQueryForExistsReferrer()) {
registerInScopeRelation(subQuery, columnDbName, relatedColumnDbName, propertyName, referrerPropertyName, notExists);
final SubQueryPath subQueryPath = new SubQueryPath(xgetLocation(propertyName));
final GeneralColumnRealNameProvider localRealNameProvider = new GeneralColumnRealNameProvider();
final int subQueryLevel = subQuery.xgetSqlClause().getSubQueryLevel();
final SqlClause subQueryClause = subQuery.xgetSqlClause();
final String subQueryIdentity = propertyName + "[" + subQueryLevel + "]";
final ColumnSqlNameProvider subQuerySqlNameProvider = dbName -> subQuery.toColumnSqlName(dbName);
final DBMeta subQueryDBMeta = findDBMeta(subQuery.asTableDbName());
final GearedCipherManager cipherManager = xgetSqlClause().getGearedCipherManager();
final ExistsReferrer existsReferrer = new ExistsReferrer(subQueryPath, localRealNameProvider, subQuerySqlNameProvider, subQueryLevel, subQueryClause, subQueryIdentity, subQueryDBMeta, cipherManager);
final String correlatedFixedCondition = xbuildReferrerCorrelatedFixedCondition(subQuery, referrerPropertyName);
final String existsOption = notExists ? "not" : null;
final String clause = existsReferrer.buildExistsReferrer(columnDbName, relatedColumnDbName, correlatedFixedCondition, existsOption);
// /= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Exists -> possible to be inner
// NotExists -> no way to be inner
// for example, the following SQL is no way to be inner
// (suppose if PURCHASE refers WITHDRAWAL)
// select mb.MEMBER_ID, mb.MEMBER_NAME
// from MEMBER mb
// left outer join MEMBER_WITHDRAWAL wd on mb.MEMBER_ID = wd.MEMBER_ID
// where not exists (select pc.PURCHASE_ID
// from PURCHASE pc
// where pc.MEMBER_ID = wd.MEMBER_ID
// )
// order by mb.MEMBER_ID
// = = = = = = = = = =/
// but 'exists' allowed
final boolean noWayInner = notExists;
registerWhereClause(clause, noWayInner);
use of org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.SqlClause in project dbflute-core by dbflute.
the class UpdateOption method isSpecifiedUpdateColumn.
public boolean isSpecifiedUpdateColumn(String columnDbName) {
if (_forcedSpecifiedUpdateColumnSet != null && _forcedSpecifiedUpdateColumnSet.contains(columnDbName)) {
// basically common column
return true;
final SqlClause sqlClause = _updateColumnSpecifiedCB.getSqlClause();
return sqlClause.hasSpecifiedSelectColumn(sqlClause.getBasePointAliasName(), columnDbName);
use of org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.SqlClause in project dbflute-core by dbflute.
the class AbstractConditionBean method inviteDerivedToDreamCruise.
* {@inheritDoc}
public SpecifiedColumn inviteDerivedToDreamCruise(String derivedAlias) {
if (!xisDreamCruiseShip()) {
String msg = "This invitation is only allowed by Dream Cruise Ship: " + derivedAlias;
throw new IllegalConditionBeanOperationException(msg);
final SqlClause portClause = xgetDreamCruiseDeparturePort().getSqlClause();
if (!portClause.hasSpecifiedDerivingSubQuery(derivedAlias)) {
String msg = "Not found the derived info by the argument 'derivedAlias': " + derivedAlias;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
final ColumnInfo columnInfo = portClause.getSpecifiedDerivingColumnInfo(derivedAlias);
if (columnInfo == null) {
String msg = "Not found the derived column by the argument 'derivedAlias': " + derivedAlias;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
return new SpecifiedColumn(null, columnInfo, this, derivedAlias, true);
use of org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.SqlClause in project dbflute-core by dbflute.
the class InsertOption method isSpecifiedInsertColumn.
public boolean isSpecifiedInsertColumn(String columnDbName) {
if (_forcedSpecifiedInsertColumnSet != null && _forcedSpecifiedInsertColumnSet.contains(columnDbName)) {
// basically common column
return true;
final SqlClause sqlClause = _insertColumnSpecifiedCB.getSqlClause();
return sqlClause.hasSpecifiedSelectColumn(sqlClause.getBasePointAliasName(), columnDbName);