use of org.dbflute.twowaysql.SqlAnalyzer in project dbflute-core by dbflute.
the class BeginNodeTest method test_parse_BEGIN_that_has_nested_BEGIN_self_and_adjustment.
public void test_parse_BEGIN_that_has_nested_BEGIN_self_and_adjustment() {
// ## Arrange ##
String sql = "/*BEGIN*/where";
sql = sql + " ";
sql = sql + "/*IF pmb.memberName != null*/";
sql = sql + "FIXED";
sql = sql + "/*END*/";
sql = sql + " ";
sql = sql + "/*BEGIN*/";
sql = sql + "and FIXED2 /*IF false*/and BBB/*END*/ /*IF true*/and CCC/*END*/";
sql = sql + "/*END*/";
sql = sql + "/*END*/";
SqlAnalyzer analyzer = new SqlAnalyzer(sql, false);
// ## Act ##
Node rootNode = analyzer.analyze();
// ## Assert ##
MockMemberPmb pmb = new MockMemberPmb();
CommandContext ctx = createCtx(pmb);
log("ctx:" + ctx);
// Basically Unsupported!
assertEquals("where FIXED2 CCC", ctx.getSql());
use of org.dbflute.twowaysql.SqlAnalyzer in project dbflute-core by dbflute.
the class BeginNodeTest method test_parse_BEGIN_that_has_nested_IFIF_root_has_no_and.
public void test_parse_BEGIN_that_has_nested_IFIF_root_has_no_and() {
// ## Arrange ##
String sql = "/*BEGIN*/where";
sql = sql + " ";
sql = sql + "/*IF pmb.memberName != null*/";
sql = sql + "AAA /*IF true*/and BBB /*IF true*/and CCC/*END*//*END*/ /*IF true*/and DDD/*END*/";
sql = sql + "/*END*/";
sql = sql + "/*END*/";
SqlAnalyzer analyzer = new SqlAnalyzer(sql, false);
// ## Act ##
Node rootNode = analyzer.analyze();
// ## Assert ##
MockMemberPmb pmb = new MockMemberPmb();
CommandContext ctx = createCtx(pmb);
log("ctx:" + ctx);
String expected = "where AAA and BBB and CCC and DDD";
assertEquals(expected, ctx.getSql());
use of org.dbflute.twowaysql.SqlAnalyzer in project dbflute-core by dbflute.
the class ForNodeTest method test_accept_NextAnd.
public void test_accept_NextAnd() throws Exception {
// ## Arrange ##
MockPmb pmb = new MockPmb();
pmb.setMemberNameList(DfCollectionUtil.newArrayList("foo", "bar", "baz"));
pmb.setMemberNameListInternalLikeSearchOption(new LikeSearchOption().likeSuffix());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("select * from MEMBER").append(ln());
sb.append(" where").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*FOR pmb.memberNameList*/").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*NEXT 'and '*/MEMBER_NAME like /*#current*/'foo%'").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*END*/");
SqlAnalyzer analyzer = new SqlAnalyzer(sb.toString(), false);
Node rootNode = analyzer.analyze();
CommandContext ctx = createCtx(pmb);
// ## Act ##
// ## Assert ##
String actual = ctx.getSql();
log(ln() + actual);
assertTrue(actual.contains(" MEMBER_NAME like ? escape '|'"));
assertTrue(actual.contains(" and MEMBER_NAME like ? escape '|'"));
assertTrue(Srl.count(actual, "MEMBER_NAME") == 3);
assertEquals("%foo", ctx.getBindVariables()[0]);
assertEquals("%bar", ctx.getBindVariables()[1]);
assertEquals("%baz", ctx.getBindVariables()[2]);
use of org.dbflute.twowaysql.SqlAnalyzer in project dbflute-core by dbflute.
the class ForNodeTest method test_accept_nested_current_in_FOR_nullElement.
public void test_accept_nested_current_in_FOR_nullElement() throws Exception {
// ## Arrange ##
MockPmb pmb = new MockPmb();
List<MockPmb> nestPmbList = DfCollectionUtil.newArrayList();
MockPmb element = new MockPmb();
element.setMemberNameList(DfCollectionUtil.newArrayList("fo%o", "b|ar"));
element.setMemberNameListInternalLikeSearchOption(new LikeSearchOption().likePrefix());
MockPmb element = new MockPmb();
element.setMemberNameList(DfCollectionUtil.newArrayList("ba%z", "qu_x"));
// element.setMemberNameListInternalLikeSearchOption(new LikeSearchOption().likePrefix());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("select * from MEMBER").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*BEGIN*/where").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*IF pmb.memberId != null*/").append(ln());
sb.append(" MEMBER_ID = /*pmb.memberId*/").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*END*/").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*FOR pmb.nestPmbList*//*FIRST*/and (/*END*/").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*FOR #current.memberNameList*//*FIRST*/and (/*END*/").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*NEXT 'or '*/MEMBER_NAME like /*#current*/'foo%'").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*LAST*/)/*END*//*END*/").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*LAST*/)/*END*//*END*/").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*END*/");
SqlAnalyzer analyzer = new SqlAnalyzer(sb.toString(), true);
Node rootNode = analyzer.analyze();
CommandContext ctx = createCtx(pmb);
// ## Act ##
// ## Assert ##
String actual = ctx.getSql();
log(ln() + actual);
assertTrue(actual.contains(" ("));
assertTrue(actual.contains(" MEMBER_NAME like ?"));
assertTrue(actual.contains(" or MEMBER_NAME like ?"));
assertTrue(Srl.count(actual, "MEMBER_NAME") == 4);
assertTrue(actual.contains(" and ("));
assertTrue(Srl.count(actual, " and (") == 2);
assertTrue(actual.contains(" )"));
assertTrue(Srl.count(actual, " )") == 3);
assertEquals("fo|%o%", ctx.getBindVariables()[0]);
assertEquals("b||ar%", ctx.getBindVariables()[1]);
assertEquals("ba%z", ctx.getBindVariables()[2]);
assertEquals("qu_x", ctx.getBindVariables()[3]);
use of org.dbflute.twowaysql.SqlAnalyzer in project dbflute-core by dbflute.
the class ForNodeTest method test_accept_currentParameter_outOfForComment.
public void test_accept_currentParameter_outOfForComment() throws Exception {
// ## Arrange ##
MockPmb pmb = new MockPmb();
pmb.setMemberNameList(DfCollectionUtil.newArrayList("foo", "bar", "baz"));
pmb.setMemberNameListInternalLikeSearchOption(new LikeSearchOption().likePrefix());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("select * from MEMBER").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*#current*/where").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*IF pmb.memberId != null*/").append(ln());
sb.append(" MEMBER_ID = /*pmb.memberId*/").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*END*/").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*FOR pmb.memberNameList*/").append(ln());
sb.append(" and MEMBER_NAME like /*#current*/'foo%'").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*END*/").append(ln());
sb.append(" /*END*/");
SqlAnalyzer analyzer = new SqlAnalyzer(sb.toString(), false);
Node rootNode = analyzer.analyze();
CommandContext ctx = createCtx(pmb);
// ## Act ##
try {
// ## Assert ##
} catch (LoopCurrentVariableOutOfForCommentException e) {
// OK