use of org.dcache.auth.attributes.HomeDirectory in project dcache by dCache.
the class UserResource method getUserAttributes.
@ApiOperation(value = "Provide information about the current user.", notes = "An introspection endpoint to allow the client to discover " + "information about the current user.")
public UserAttributes getUserAttributes(@Context HttpServletRequest request) {
UserAttributes user = new UserAttributes();
Subject subject = RequestUser.getSubject();
if (Subjects.isNobody(subject)) {
} else {
List<Long> gids =;
List<String> emails = Subjects.getEmailAddresses(subject);
user.setEmail(emails.isEmpty() ? null : emails);
for (LoginAttribute attribute : getLoginAttributes(request)) {
if (attribute instanceof HomeDirectory) {
user.setHomeDirectory(((HomeDirectory) attribute).getHome());
} else if (attribute instanceof RootDirectory) {
user.setRootDirectory(((RootDirectory) attribute).getRoot());
} else if (attribute instanceof Role) {
if (user.getRoles() == null) {
user.setRoles(new ArrayList<>());
user.getRoles().add(((Role) attribute).getRole());
} else if (attribute instanceof UnassertedRole) {
if (user.getUnassertedRoles() == null) {
user.setUnassertedRoles(new ArrayList<>());
user.getUnassertedRoles().add(((UnassertedRole) attribute).getRole());
return user;
use of org.dcache.auth.attributes.HomeDirectory in project dcache by dCache.
the class AbstractFtpDoorV1 method acceptLogin.
protected void acceptLogin(Subject mappedSubject, Set<LoginAttribute> loginAttributes, Restriction restriction, FsPath doorRootPath) {
FsPath userRootPath = FsPath.ROOT;
String userHomePath = "/";
for (LoginAttribute attribute : loginAttributes) {
if (attribute instanceof RootDirectory) {
userRootPath = FsPath.create(((RootDirectory) attribute).getRoot());
} else if (attribute instanceof HomeDirectory) {
userHomePath = ((HomeDirectory) attribute).getHome();
} else if (attribute instanceof MaxUploadSize) {
long max = ((MaxUploadSize) attribute).getMaximumSize();
if (!_maximumUploadSize.isPresent() || max < _maximumUploadSize.getAsLong()) {
_maximumUploadSize = OptionalLong.of(max);
_authz = Restrictions.concat(_doorRestriction, restriction);
String cwd;
if (doorRootPath == null) {
doorRootPath = userRootPath;
cwd = userHomePath;
} else {
if (userRootPath.hasPrefix(doorRootPath)) {
cwd = userRootPath.chroot(userHomePath).stripPrefix(doorRootPath);
} else {
cwd = "/";
_pnfs = _settings.createPnfsHandler(_cellEndpoint);
_listSource = new ListDirectoryHandler(_pnfs);
_subject = mappedSubject;
_cwd = cwd;
_doorRootPath = doorRootPath;
_userRootPath = userRootPath;
_userHomePath = FsPath.create(userHomePath);
_identityResolver = _identityResolverFactory.withSubject(mappedSubject);
use of org.dcache.auth.attributes.HomeDirectory in project dcache by dCache.
the class CachingLoginStrategyTests method setUp.
public void setUp() {
_backEnd = mock(LoginStrategy.class);
_cache = new CachingLoginStrategy(_backEnd, 1, Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
_subject = new Subject();
_subject.getPrincipals().add(new UserNamePrincipal("andrew"));
_reply = new LoginReply();
_reply.getSubject().getPrincipals().add(new UidPrincipal(1000));
_reply.getLoginAttributes().add(new HomeDirectory("/home/andrew"));
use of org.dcache.auth.attributes.HomeDirectory in project dcache by dCache.
the class CachingLoginStrategyTests method testWithTwoQueriesWithDiffSubjectsBothTriggerQuery.
public void testWithTwoQueriesWithDiffSubjectsBothTriggerQuery() throws CacheException {
Subject newSubject = new Subject();
newSubject.getPrincipals().add(new UserNamePrincipal("fred"));
LoginReply newReply = new LoginReply();
newReply.getSubject().getPrincipals().add(new UidPrincipal(1010));
newReply.getLoginAttributes().add(new HomeDirectory("/home/fred"));
// Prime the cache
// Check that a different subject doesn't return the cached reply
LoginReply reply = _cache.login(newSubject);
assertThat(reply, is(newReply));
use of org.dcache.auth.attributes.HomeDirectory in project dcache by dCache.
the class KauthFileLoginStrategy method toLoginAttributes.
private Set<LoginAttribute> toLoginAttributes(UserAuthBase record) {
Set<LoginAttribute> attributes = new HashSet<>();
attributes.add(new HomeDirectory(record.Home));
attributes.add(new RootDirectory(record.Root));
if (record.ReadOnly) {
return attributes;