use of org.ddogleg.struct.GrowQueue_I8 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestGaliosFieldTableOps method polyEval.
public void polyEval() {
GaliosFieldTableOps alg = new GaliosFieldTableOps(8, primitive8);
// Create an arbitrary polynomial: 0x12*x^2 + 0x54*x + 0xFF
GrowQueue_I8 inputA = new GrowQueue_I8();
inputA.set(0, 0x12);
inputA.set(1, 0x54);
inputA.set(2, 0xFF);
int input = 0x09;
int found = alg.polyEval(inputA, input);
int expected = 0xFF ^ alg.multiply(0x54, input);
expected ^= alg.multiply(0x12, alg.multiply(input, input));
assertEquals(expected, found);
use of org.ddogleg.struct.GrowQueue_I8 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestGaliosFieldTableOps method polyAdd.
public void polyAdd() {
GaliosFieldTableOps alg = new GaliosFieldTableOps(8, primitive8);
// Create an arbitrary polynomial: 0x12*x^2 + 0x54*x + 0xFF
GrowQueue_I8 inputA = new GrowQueue_I8(3);
inputA.set(0, 0x12);
inputA.set(1, 0x54);
inputA.set(2, 0xFF);
// Create an arbitrary polynomial: 0xA0*x^3 + 0x45
GrowQueue_I8 inputB = new GrowQueue_I8(4);
inputB.set(0, 0xA0);
inputB.set(3, 0x45);
// make sure the order doesn't matter
GrowQueue_I8 output0 = new GrowQueue_I8();
alg.polyAdd(inputA, inputB, output0);
GrowQueue_I8 output1 = new GrowQueue_I8();
alg.polyAdd(inputB, inputA, output1);
assertEquals(4, output0.size);
assertEqualsG(output0, output1);
// compare to hand computed solution
assertEquals(0xA0,[0] & 0xFF);
assertEquals(0x12,[1] & 0xFF);
assertEquals(0x54,[2] & 0xFF);
assertEquals(0xFF ^ 0x45,[3] & 0xFF);
use of org.ddogleg.struct.GrowQueue_I8 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestReidSolomonCodes method findErrors_BruteForce_TooMany.
* Test a case where there are too many errors.
public void findErrors_BruteForce_TooMany() {
GrowQueue_I8 message = randomMessage(50);
findErrors_BruteForce(message, 6, true);
findErrors_BruteForce(message, 8, true);
use of org.ddogleg.struct.GrowQueue_I8 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestReidSolomonCodes method findErrors_BruteForce.
public void findErrors_BruteForce(GrowQueue_I8 message, int numErrors, boolean expectedFail) {
GrowQueue_I8 ecc = new GrowQueue_I8();
int nsyn = 10;
GrowQueue_I8 syndromes = GrowQueue_I8.zeros(nsyn);
GrowQueue_I8 errorLocator = new GrowQueue_I8();
GrowQueue_I32 locations = new GrowQueue_I32();
ReidSolomonCodes alg = new ReidSolomonCodes(8, primitive8);
alg.computeECC(message, ecc);
GrowQueue_I8 cmessage = message.copy();
// corrupt the message and ecc
int N = message.size + ecc.size;
int[] corrupted = selectN(numErrors, N);
for (int i = 0; i < corrupted.length; i++) {
int w = corrupted[i];
if (w < message.size)[w] ^= 0x45;
else {[w - message.size] ^= 0x45;
// compute needed info
alg.computeSyndromes(cmessage, ecc, syndromes);
alg.findErrorLocatorPolynomialBM(syndromes, errorLocator);
if (expectedFail) {
assertFalse(alg.findErrorLocations_BruteForce(errorLocator, N, locations));
} else {
// find the error locations
assertTrue(alg.findErrorLocations_BruteForce(errorLocator, N, locations));
// see if it found the expected number of errors and that the locations match
assertEquals(numErrors, locations.size);
for (int i = 0; i < locations.size; i++) {
int num = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < corrupted.length; j++) {
if (corrupted[j] ==[i]) {
assertEquals(1, num);
GrowQueue_I8 hack = new GrowQueue_I8();
alg.findErrorLocatorPolynomial(N, locations, hack);
use of org.ddogleg.struct.GrowQueue_I8 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestReidSolomonCodes method findErrorLocatorPolynomialBM.
* Computed using a reference implementation found at [1].
public void findErrorLocatorPolynomialBM() {
GrowQueue_I8 message = GrowQueue_I8.parseHex("[ 0x40, 0xd2, 0x75, 0x47, 0x76, 0x17, 0x32, 0x06, 0x27, 0x26, 0x96, 0xc6, 0xc6, 0x96, 0x70, 0xec ]");
GrowQueue_I8 ecc = new GrowQueue_I8();
int nsyn = 10;
GrowQueue_I8 syndromes = GrowQueue_I8.zeros(nsyn);
ReidSolomonCodes alg = new ReidSolomonCodes(8, primitive8);
alg.computeECC(message, ecc);[0] = 0;
alg.computeSyndromes(message, ecc, syndromes);
GrowQueue_I8 errorLocator = new GrowQueue_I8();
alg.findErrorLocatorPolynomialBM(syndromes, errorLocator);
assertEquals(2, errorLocator.size);
assertEquals(3, errorLocator.get(0));
assertEquals(1, errorLocator.get(1));[6] = 10;
alg.computeSyndromes(message, ecc, syndromes);
alg.findErrorLocatorPolynomialBM(syndromes, errorLocator);
assertEquals(3, errorLocator.size);
assertEquals(238, errorLocator.get(0) & 0xFF);
assertEquals(89, errorLocator.get(1));
assertEquals(1, errorLocator.get(2));