use of org.deeplearning4j.ui.stats.api.StatsInitializationReport in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class HistogramModule method processRequest.
private Result processRequest(String sessionId) {
//TODO cache the relevant info and update, rather than querying StatsStorage and building from scratch each time
StatsStorage ss = knownSessionIDs.get(sessionId);
if (ss == null) {
return Results.notFound("Unknown session ID: " + sessionId);
List<String> workerIDs = ss.listWorkerIDsForSession(sessionId);
//TODO checks
StatsInitializationReport initReport = (StatsInitializationReport) ss.getStaticInfo(sessionId, StatsListener.TYPE_ID, workerIDs.get(0));
if (initReport == null)
return Results.ok(Json.toJson(Collections.EMPTY_MAP));
String[] paramNames = initReport.getModelParamNames();
//Infer layer names from param names...
Set<String> layerNameSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (String s : paramNames) {
String[] split = s.split("_");
if (!layerNameSet.contains(split[0])) {
List<String> layerNameList = new ArrayList<>(layerNameSet);
List<Persistable> list = ss.getAllUpdatesAfter(sessionId, StatsListener.TYPE_ID, workerIDs.get(0), 0);
Collections.sort(list, (a, b) ->, b.getTimeStamp()));
List<Double> scoreList = new ArrayList<>(list.size());
//List.get(i) -> layer i. Maps: parameter for the given layer
List<Map<String, List<Double>>> meanMagHistoryParams = new ArrayList<>();
//List.get(i) -> layer i. Maps: updates for the given layer
List<Map<String, List<Double>>> meanMagHistoryUpdates = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < layerNameList.size(); i++) {
meanMagHistoryParams.add(new HashMap<>());
meanMagHistoryUpdates.add(new HashMap<>());
StatsReport last = null;
for (Persistable p : list) {
if (!(p instanceof StatsReport)) {
log.debug("Encountered unexpected type: {}", p);
StatsReport sp = (StatsReport) p;
//Mean magnitudes
if (sp.hasSummaryStats(StatsType.Parameters, SummaryType.MeanMagnitudes)) {
updateMeanMagnitudeMaps(sp.getMeanMagnitudes(StatsType.Parameters), layerNameList, meanMagHistoryParams);
if (sp.hasSummaryStats(StatsType.Updates, SummaryType.MeanMagnitudes)) {
updateMeanMagnitudeMaps(sp.getMeanMagnitudes(StatsType.Updates), layerNameList, meanMagHistoryUpdates);
last = sp;
Map<String, Map> newParams = getHistogram(last.getHistograms(StatsType.Parameters));
Map<String, Map> newGrad = getHistogram(last.getHistograms(StatsType.Updates));
double lastScore = (scoreList.size() == 0 ? 0.0 : scoreList.get(scoreList.size() - 1));
CompactModelAndGradient g = new CompactModelAndGradient();
// g.setPath(subPath);
// g.setLayerNames(layerNames);
return Results.ok(Json.toJson(g));
use of org.deeplearning4j.ui.stats.api.StatsInitializationReport in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class TrainModule method getMemory.
private static Map<String, Object> getMemory(List<Persistable> staticInfoAllWorkers, List<Persistable> updatesLastNMinutes, I18N i18n) {
Map<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<>();
//First: map workers to JVMs
Set<String> jvmIDs = new HashSet<>();
Map<String, String> workersToJvms = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Integer> workerNumDevices = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String[]> deviceNames = new HashMap<>();
for (Persistable p : staticInfoAllWorkers) {
//TODO validation/checks
StatsInitializationReport init = (StatsInitializationReport) p;
String jvmuid = init.getSwJvmUID();
workersToJvms.put(p.getWorkerID(), jvmuid);
int nDevices = init.getHwNumDevices();
workerNumDevices.put(p.getWorkerID(), nDevices);
if (nDevices > 0) {
String[] deviceNamesArr = init.getHwDeviceDescription();
deviceNames.put(p.getWorkerID(), deviceNamesArr);
List<String> jvmList = new ArrayList<>(jvmIDs);
//For each unique JVM, collect memory info
//Do this by selecting the first worker
int count = 0;
for (String jvm : jvmList) {
List<String> workersForJvm = new ArrayList<>();
for (String s : workersToJvms.keySet()) {
if (workersToJvms.get(s).equals(jvm)) {
String wid = workersForJvm.get(0);
int numDevices = workerNumDevices.get(wid);
Map<String, Object> jvmData = new HashMap<>();
List<Long> timestamps = new ArrayList<>();
List<Float> fracJvm = new ArrayList<>();
List<Float> fracOffHeap = new ArrayList<>();
long[] lastBytes = new long[2 + numDevices];
long[] lastMaxBytes = new long[2 + numDevices];
List<List<Float>> fracDeviceMem = null;
if (numDevices > 0) {
fracDeviceMem = new ArrayList<>(numDevices);
for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) {
fracDeviceMem.add(new ArrayList<>());
for (Persistable p : updatesLastNMinutes) {
//TODO single pass
if (!p.getWorkerID().equals(wid))
if (!(p instanceof StatsReport))
StatsReport sp = (StatsReport) p;
long jvmCurrentBytes = sp.getJvmCurrentBytes();
long jvmMaxBytes = sp.getJvmMaxBytes();
long ohCurrentBytes = sp.getOffHeapCurrentBytes();
long ohMaxBytes = sp.getOffHeapMaxBytes();
double jvmFrac = jvmCurrentBytes / ((double) jvmMaxBytes);
double offheapFrac = ohCurrentBytes / ((double) ohMaxBytes);
if (Double.isNaN(jvmFrac))
jvmFrac = 0.0;
if (Double.isNaN(offheapFrac))
offheapFrac = 0.0;
fracJvm.add((float) jvmFrac);
fracOffHeap.add((float) offheapFrac);
lastBytes[0] = jvmCurrentBytes;
lastBytes[1] = ohCurrentBytes;
lastMaxBytes[0] = jvmMaxBytes;
lastMaxBytes[1] = ohMaxBytes;
if (numDevices > 0) {
long[] devBytes = sp.getDeviceCurrentBytes();
long[] devMaxBytes = sp.getDeviceMaxBytes();
for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) {
double frac = devBytes[i] / ((double) devMaxBytes[i]);
if (Double.isNaN(frac))
frac = 0.0;
fracDeviceMem.get(i).add((float) frac);
lastBytes[2 + i] = devBytes[i];
lastMaxBytes[2 + i] = devMaxBytes[i];
List<List<Float>> fracUtilized = new ArrayList<>();
String[] seriesNames = new String[2 + numDevices];
seriesNames[0] = i18n.getMessage("train.system.hwTable.jvmCurrent");
seriesNames[1] = i18n.getMessage("train.system.hwTable.offHeapCurrent");
boolean[] isDevice = new boolean[2 + numDevices];
String[] devNames = deviceNames.get(wid);
for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) {
seriesNames[2 + i] = devNames != null && devNames.length > i ? devNames[i] : "";
isDevice[2 + i] = true;
jvmData.put("times", timestamps);
jvmData.put("isDevice", isDevice);
jvmData.put("seriesNames", seriesNames);
jvmData.put("values", fracUtilized);
jvmData.put("currentBytes", lastBytes);
jvmData.put("maxBytes", lastMaxBytes);
ret.put(String.valueOf(count), jvmData);
return ret;
use of org.deeplearning4j.ui.stats.api.StatsInitializationReport in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class TestStatsStorage method getInitReport.
private static StatsInitializationReport getInitReport(int idNumber, int tid, int wid, boolean useJ7Storage) {
StatsInitializationReport rep;
if (useJ7Storage) {
rep = new JavaStatsInitializationReport();
} else {
rep = new SbeStatsInitializationReport();
rep.reportModelInfo("classname", "jsonconfig", new String[] { "p0", "p1" }, 1, 10);
rep.reportIDs("sid" + idNumber, "tid" + tid, "wid" + wid, 12345);
rep.reportHardwareInfo(0, 2, 1000, 2000, new long[] { 3000, 4000 }, new String[] { "dev0", "dev1" }, "hardwareuid");
Map<String, String> envInfo = new HashMap<>();
envInfo.put("envInfo0", "value0");
envInfo.put("envInfo1", "value1");
rep.reportSoftwareInfo("arch", "osName", "jvmName", "jvmVersion", "1.8", "backend", "dtype", "hostname", "jvmuid", envInfo);
return rep;