use of org.drools.compiler.lang.api.PatternDescrBuilder in project drools by kiegroup.
the class DRL5Parser method lhsPatternBind.
* lhsPatternBind := label?
* ( LEFT_PAREN lhsPattern (OR lhsPattern)* RIGHT_PAREN
* | lhsPattern )
* @param ce
* @return
* @throws RecognitionException
private BaseDescr lhsPatternBind(PatternContainerDescrBuilder<?, ?> ce, final boolean allowOr) throws RecognitionException {
PatternDescrBuilder<?> pattern = null;
CEDescrBuilder<?, OrDescr> or = null;
BaseDescr result = null;
Token first = input.LT(1);
pattern = helper.start((DescrBuilder<?, ?>) ce, PatternDescrBuilder.class, null);
if (pattern != null) {
result = pattern.getDescr();
String label = null;
boolean isUnification = false;
if (input.LA(1) == DRL5Lexer.ID && input.LA(2) == DRL5Lexer.COLON && !helper.validateCEKeyword(1)) {
label = label(DroolsEditorType.IDENTIFIER_PATTERN);
if (state.failed)
return null;
} else if (input.LA(1) == DRL5Lexer.ID && input.LA(2) == DRL5Lexer.UNIFY && !helper.validateCEKeyword(1)) {
label = unif(DroolsEditorType.IDENTIFIER_PATTERN);
if (state.failed)
return null;
isUnification = true;
if (input.LA(1) == DRL5Lexer.LEFT_PAREN) {
try {
match(input, DRL5Lexer.LEFT_PAREN, null, null, DroolsEditorType.SYMBOL);
if (state.failed)
return null;
if (helper.validateCEKeyword(1)) {
// in case it is backtracking
return null;
lhsPattern(pattern, label, isUnification);
if (state.failed)
return null;
if (allowOr && helper.validateIdentifierKey(DroolsSoftKeywords.OR) && ce instanceof CEDescrBuilder) {
if (state.backtracking == 0) {
// this is necessary because of the crappy bind with multi-pattern OR syntax
or = ((CEDescrBuilder<DescrBuilder<?, ?>, OrDescr>) ce).or();
result = or.getDescr();
helper.end(PatternDescrBuilder.class, pattern);
helper.start(or, CEDescrBuilder.class, null);
// adjust real or starting token:
helper.setStart(or, first);
// remove original pattern from the parent CE child list:
((ConditionalElementDescr) ce.getDescr()).getDescrs().remove(pattern.getDescr());
// add pattern to the OR instead
while (helper.validateIdentifierKey(DroolsSoftKeywords.OR)) {
match(input, DRL5Lexer.ID, DroolsSoftKeywords.OR, null, DroolsEditorType.KEYWORD);
if (state.failed)
return null;
pattern = helper.start(or, PatternDescrBuilder.class, null);
// new pattern, same binding
lhsPattern(pattern, label, isUnification);
if (state.failed)
return null;
helper.end(PatternDescrBuilder.class, pattern);
match(input, DRL5Lexer.RIGHT_PAREN, null, null, DroolsEditorType.SYMBOL);
if (state.failed)
return null;
} finally {
if (or != null) {
helper.end(CEDescrBuilder.class, or);
} else {
helper.end(PatternDescrBuilder.class, pattern);
} else {
try {
lhsPattern(pattern, label, isUnification);
if (state.failed)
return null;
} finally {
helper.end(PatternDescrBuilder.class, pattern);
return result;
use of org.drools.compiler.lang.api.PatternDescrBuilder in project drools by kiegroup.
the class DRL5Parser method lhsAccumulate.
* accumulateFunctionBinding (COMMA accumulateFunctionBinding)*
* (SEMICOLON constraints)?
* @param ce
* @return
* @throws RecognitionException
private BaseDescr lhsAccumulate(PatternContainerDescrBuilder<?, ?> ce) throws RecognitionException {
PatternDescrBuilder<?> pattern = null;
BaseDescr result = null;
pattern = helper.start((DescrBuilder<?, ?>) ce, PatternDescrBuilder.class, null);
if (pattern != null) {
result = pattern.getDescr();
try {
if (state.backtracking == 0) {
// might have to add the implicit bindings as well
AccumulateDescrBuilder<?> accumulate = helper.start(pattern, AccumulateDescrBuilder.class, null);
try {
match(input, DRL5Lexer.ID, DroolsSoftKeywords.ACCUMULATE, null, DroolsEditorType.KEYWORD);
if (state.failed)
return null;
if (state.backtracking == 0 && input.LA(1) != DRL5Lexer.EOF) {
match(input, DRL5Lexer.LEFT_PAREN, null, null, DroolsEditorType.SYMBOL);
if (state.failed)
return null;
CEDescrBuilder<?, AndDescr> source = accumulate.source();
try {
helper.start(source, CEDescrBuilder.class, null);
lhsAnd(source, false);
if (state.failed)
return null;
if (source.getDescr() != null && source.getDescr() instanceof ConditionalElementDescr) {
ConditionalElementDescr root = (ConditionalElementDescr) source.getDescr();
BaseDescr[] descrs = root.getDescrs().toArray(new BaseDescr[root.getDescrs().size()]);
for (int i = 0; i < descrs.length; i++) {
} finally {
helper.end(CEDescrBuilder.class, source);
if (input.LA(1) == DRL5Lexer.COMMA) {
match(input, DRL5Lexer.COMMA, null, null, DroolsEditorType.SYMBOL);
if (state.failed)
return null;
} else if (input.LA(-1) != DRL5Lexer.SEMICOLON) {
// lhsUnary will consume an optional SEMICOLON, so we need to check if it was consumed already
// or if we must fail consuming it now
match(input, DRL5Lexer.SEMICOLON, null, null, DroolsEditorType.SYMBOL);
if (state.failed)
return null;
// accumulate functions
if (state.failed)
return null;
while (input.LA(1) == DRL5Lexer.COMMA) {
match(input, DRL5Lexer.COMMA, null, null, DroolsEditorType.SYMBOL);
if (state.failed)
return null;
if (state.failed)
return null;
if (input.LA(1) == DRL5Lexer.SEMICOLON) {
match(input, DRL5Lexer.SEMICOLON, null, null, DroolsEditorType.SYMBOL);
if (state.failed)
return null;
match(input, DRL5Lexer.RIGHT_PAREN, null, null, DroolsEditorType.SYMBOL);
if (state.failed)
return null;
} finally {
helper.end(AccumulateDescrBuilder.class, accumulate);
if (state.backtracking == 0 && input.LA(1) != DRL5Lexer.EOF) {
} finally {
helper.end(PatternDescrBuilder.class, pattern);
if (input.LA(1) == DRL5Lexer.SEMICOLON) {
match(input, DRL5Lexer.SEMICOLON, null, null, DroolsEditorType.SYMBOL);
if (state.failed)
return null;
return result;