use of org.drools.core.beliefsystem.abductive.Abducible in project drools by kiegroup.
the class AbductionTest method testAbductiveLogicSprinklerAndRainExample.
public void testAbductiveLogicSprinklerAndRainExample() {
// Sprinkler & Rain, abductive version
String droolsSource = "package org.drools.abductive.test; \n" + "" + "import " + Abducible.class.getName() + "; \n" + "import " + Defeasible.class.getName() + "; \n" + "global java.util.List list; \n" + "" + "declare Sunny id : int @key end \n" + "declare WetGrass @Abducible id : int @key end \n" + "declare Rain @Abducible id : int @key end \n" + "declare Sprinkler @Abducible id : int @key end \n" + "query wetGrass() \n" + " @Abductive( target=WetGrass.class ) \n" + " rain() or sprinkler() \n" + "end \n" + "query rain() \n" + " @Abductive( target=Rain.class ) \n" + " @Defeasible " + "end \n" + "query sprinkler() \n" + " @Abductive( target=Sprinkler.class ) \n" + " @Defeasible " + "end \n" + "rule SunIntegrityConstraint \n" + "@Direct \n" + "when \n" + " Sunny()" + "then \n" + " insertLogical( new Rain(), 'neg' ); \n" + "end \n" + "rule Facts \n" + "when \n" + "then \n" + " insert( new Sunny( 0 ) ); \n" + "end \n" + "rule Raaain \n" + "when " + " $r : Rain( _.neg ) " + "then \n" + " list.add( 'no_rain_check' ); \n" + "end \n" + "rule Main_1\n" + "when \n" + " wetGrass() \n" + " ( " + " Sprinkler() do[sprk] \n" + " or \n" + " Rain() do[rain] \n" + " or \n" + " Rain( _.neg ) do[norn] \n" + " ) \n" + "then \n" + "then[sprk] \n" + " list.add( 'sprinkler' ); \n" + " System.out.println( \"The grass is wet because the sprinkler is on \" ); \n" + "then[rain] \n" + " list.add( 'rain' ); \n " + " System.out.println( \"The grass is wet because it's raining! \" ); \n" + "then[norn] \n" + " list.add( 'not rain' ); \n" + " System.out.println( \"The grass can't be wet due to rain, it's sunny today!!! \" ); \n" + "end \n" + "";
// ///////////////////////////////////
KieSession session;
try {
System.setProperty("drools.negatable", "on");
session = getSessionFromString(droolsSource);
} finally {
System.setProperty("drools.negatable", "off");
List list = new ArrayList();
session.setGlobal("list", list);
assertEquals(3, list.size());
assertTrue(list.contains("not rain"));
assertEquals(3, session.getObjects().size());
int i = 0;
Iterator it = session.getObjects().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
assertEquals(3, i);
use of org.drools.core.beliefsystem.abductive.Abducible in project drools by kiegroup.
the class AbductionTest method testQueryAPIs.
public void testQueryAPIs() {
String droolsSource = "package org.drools.abductive.test; \n" + "import " + Abducible.class.getName() + "; \n" + "" + "declare Foo " + " @Abducible " + " id : String " + "end " + "query foo( String $s ) " + " @Abductive( target=Foo.class ) \n" + "end \n " + "query bar( String $s, Foo $foo ) " + " $foo := Foo() " + "end \n " + "rule MoveAround " + "when " + " $s : String() " + " $f : foo( $s ; ) " + " bar( $s, $f ; ) " + "then " + " delete( $s ); " + " System.out.println( 'Foo ' + $f ); " + "end " + "";
// ///////////////////////////////////
KieSession session = getSessionFromString(droolsSource);
for (Object o : session.getObjects()) {
System.out.println(">>> " + o);
assertEquals(1, session.getObjects().size());
Query q1 = session.getKieBase().getQuery("org.drools.abductive.test", "foo");
Query q2 = session.getKieBase().getQuery("org.drools.abductive.test", "bar");
QueryResults q10res = new FlatQueryResults((QueryResultsImpl) session.getQueryResults("foo", "foo"));
QueryResults q11res = new FlatQueryResults((QueryResultsImpl) session.getQueryResults("foo", "foo", Variable.v));
QueryResults q20res = new FlatQueryResults((QueryResultsImpl) session.getQueryResults("bar", "foo", Variable.v));
assertEquals(1, q10res.size());
assertEquals(1, q11res.size());
assertEquals(1, q20res.size());
QueryResultsRow row10 = q10res.iterator().next();
QueryResultsRow row11 = q11res.iterator().next();
QueryResultsRow row20 = q20res.iterator().next();
assertEquals("foo", row10.get("$s"));
assertEquals("foo", row11.get("$s"));
assertEquals("foo", row20.get("$s"));
Object foo = row20.get("$foo");
assertSame(foo, session.getObjects().iterator().next());
// the implicit return argument, the abduced/retrieved fact, is hidden
use of org.drools.core.beliefsystem.abductive.Abducible in project drools by kiegroup.
the class AbductionTest method testAbductiveLogicNoConstructorFoundError.
public void testAbductiveLogicNoConstructorFoundError() {
String droolsSource = "package org.drools.abductive.test; \n" + "" + "import " + Abducible.class.getName() + "; \n" + "global java.util.List list; \n" + "" + "declare Foo \n" + " @Abducible \n" + " id : Integer @key \n" + "end \n" + "query foo( String $x ) \n" + // Foo does not have a String constructor
" @Abductive( target=Foo.class ) \n" + "end \n" + "rule R1 " + "when " + " $x : foo( \"x\" ; ) " + "then " + " list.add( $x ); " + "end \n" + "" + "";
// ///////////////////////////////////
KieHelper kieHelper = new KieHelper();
kieHelper.addContent(droolsSource, ResourceType.DRL);
Results res = kieHelper.verify();
assertEquals(1, res.getMessages(Message.Level.ERROR).size());