use of org.drools.core.common.InternalWorkingMemory in project jbpm by kiegroup.
the class ProcessTimerTest method testOnEntryTimerExecutedMultipleTimes.
public void testOnEntryTimerExecutedMultipleTimes() throws Exception {
Reader source = new StringReader("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<process xmlns=\"\"\n" + " xmlns:xs=\"\"\n" + " xs:schemaLocation=\" drools-processes-5.0.xsd\"\n" + " type=\"RuleFlow\" name=\"flow\" id=\"org.drools.timer\" package-name=\"org.drools\" version=\"1\" >\n" + "\n" + " <header>\n" + " <globals>\n" + " <global identifier=\"myList\" type=\"java.util.List\" />\n" + " </globals>\n" + " </header>\n" + "\n" + " <nodes>\n" + " <start id=\"1\" name=\"Start\" />\n" + " <milestone id=\"2\" name=\"Wait\" >\n" + " <timers>\n" + " <timer id=\"1\" delay=\"300\" period =\"200\" >\n" + " <action type=\"expression\" dialect=\"java\" >myList.add(\"Executing timer\");</action>\n" + " </timer>\n" + " </timers>\n" + " <constraint type=\"rule\" dialect=\"mvel\" >eval(false)</constraint>\n" + " </milestone>\n" + " <end id=\"3\" name=\"End\" />\n" + " </nodes>\n" + "\n" + " <connections>\n" + " <connection from=\"1\" to=\"2\" />\n" + " <connection from=\"2\" to=\"3\" />\n" + " </connections>\n" + "\n" + "</process>");
KieSession session = createKieSession(builder.getPackages());
List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();
session.setGlobal("myList", myList);
ProcessInstance processInstance = (ProcessInstance) session.startProcess("org.drools.timer");
assertEquals(0, myList.size());
assertEquals(ProcessInstance.STATE_ACTIVE, processInstance.getState());
assertEquals(1, ((InternalProcessRuntime) ((InternalWorkingMemory) session).getProcessRuntime()).getTimerManager().getTimers().size());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// do nothing
assertEquals(2, myList.size());
use of org.drools.core.common.InternalWorkingMemory in project jbpm by kiegroup.
the class ProcessTimerTest method testOnEntryTimerVariableExecuted.
public void testOnEntryTimerVariableExecuted() throws Exception {
Reader source = new StringReader("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<process xmlns=\"\"\n" + " xmlns:xs=\"\"\n" + " xs:schemaLocation=\" drools-processes-5.0.xsd\"\n" + " type=\"RuleFlow\" name=\"flow\" id=\"org.drools.timer\" package-name=\"org.drools\" version=\"1\" >\n" + "\n" + " <header>\n" + " <globals>\n" + " <global identifier=\"myList\" type=\"java.util.List\" />\n" + " </globals>\n" + " <variables>\n" + " <variable name=\"x\" >\n" + " <type name=\"org.jbpm.process.core.datatype.impl.type.IntegerDataType\" />\n" + " </variable>\n" + " </variables>\n" + " </header>\n" + "\n" + " <nodes>\n" + " <start id=\"1\" name=\"Start\" />\n" + " <milestone id=\"2\" name=\"Wait\" >\n" + " <timers>\n" + " <timer id=\"1\" delay=\"#{x}\" >\n" + " <action type=\"expression\" dialect=\"java\" >myList.add(\"Executing timer\");</action>\n" + " </timer>\n" + " </timers>\n" + " <constraint type=\"rule\" dialect=\"mvel\" >eval(false)</constraint>\n" + " </milestone>\n" + " <end id=\"3\" name=\"End\" />\n" + " </nodes>\n" + "\n" + " <connections>\n" + " <connection from=\"1\" to=\"2\" />\n" + " <connection from=\"2\" to=\"3\" />\n" + " </connections>\n" + "\n" + "</process>");
final KieSession session = createKieSession(builder.getPackages());
List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();
session.setGlobal("myList", myList);
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("x", 300);
ProcessInstance processInstance = (ProcessInstance) session.startProcess("org.drools.timer", params);
assertEquals(0, myList.size());
assertEquals(ProcessInstance.STATE_ACTIVE, processInstance.getState());
assertEquals(1, ((InternalProcessRuntime) ((InternalWorkingMemory) session).getProcessRuntime()).getTimerManager().getTimers().size());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// do nothing
assertEquals(1, myList.size());
use of org.drools.core.common.InternalWorkingMemory in project jbpm by kiegroup.
the class ProcessTimerTest method testVariableSimpleProcess.
public void testVariableSimpleProcess() throws Exception {
Reader source = new StringReader("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<process xmlns=\"\"\n" + " xmlns:xs=\"\"\n" + " xs:schemaLocation=\" drools-processes-5.0.xsd\"\n" + " type=\"RuleFlow\" name=\"flow\" id=\"org.drools.timer\" package-name=\"org.jbpm\" version=\"1\" >\n" + "\n" + " <header>\n" + " <imports>\n" + " <import name=\"org.jbpm.integrationtests.test.Message\" />\n" + " </imports>\n" + " <globals>\n" + " <global identifier=\"myList\" type=\"java.util.List\" />\n" + " </globals>\n" + " <variables>\n" + " <variable name=\"x\" >\n" + " <type name=\"org.jbpm.process.core.datatype.impl.type.IntegerDataType\" />\n" + " </variable>\n" + " <variable name=\"y\" >\n" + " <type name=\"org.jbpm.process.core.datatype.impl.type.IntegerDataType\" />\n" + " </variable>\n" + " </variables>\n" + " </header>\n" + "\n" + " <nodes>\n" + " <start id=\"1\" name=\"Start\" />\n" + " <end id=\"2\" name=\"End\" />\n" + " <timerNode id=\"3\" name=\"Timer\" delay=\"#{x}ms\" period=\"#{y}ms\" />\n" + " <actionNode id=\"4\" name=\"Action\" >\n" + " <action type=\"expression\" dialect=\"java\" >System.out.println(\"Triggered\");\n" + "myList.add( new Message() );\n" + "insert( new Message() );\n" + "</action>\n" + " </actionNode>\n" + " <milestone id=\"5\" name=\"Wait\" >\n" + " <constraint type=\"rule\" dialect=\"mvel\" >Number( intValue >= 5 ) from accumulate ( m: Message( ), count( m ) )</constraint>\n" + " </milestone>\n" + " </nodes>\n" + "\n" + " <connections>\n" + " <connection from=\"5\" to=\"2\" />\n" + " <connection from=\"1\" to=\"3\" />\n" + " <connection from=\"3\" to=\"4\" />\n" + " <connection from=\"4\" to=\"5\" />\n" + " </connections>\n" + "\n" + "</process>");
if (!builder.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
for (DroolsError error : builder.getErrors().getErrors()) {
fail("Could not build process");
KieSession session = createKieSession(builder.getPackages());
List<Message> myList = new ArrayList<Message>();
session.setGlobal("myList", myList);
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("x", 800);
params.put("y", 200);
ProcessInstance processInstance = (ProcessInstance) session.startProcess("org.drools.timer", params);
assertEquals(0, myList.size());
assertEquals(ProcessInstance.STATE_ACTIVE, processInstance.getState());
assertEquals(1, ((InternalProcessRuntime) ((InternalWorkingMemory) session).getProcessRuntime()).getTimerManager().getTimers().size());
// test that the delay works
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// do nothing
assertEquals(0, myList.size());
// test that the period works
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// do nothing
assertEquals(5, myList.size());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// do nothing
assertEquals(ProcessInstance.STATE_COMPLETED, processInstance.getState());
use of org.drools.core.common.InternalWorkingMemory in project jbpm by kiegroup.
the class ProcessTimerTest method testSimpleProcess.
public void testSimpleProcess() throws Exception {
Reader source = new StringReader("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<process xmlns=\"\"\n" + " xmlns:xs=\"\"\n" + " xs:schemaLocation=\" drools-processes-5.0.xsd\"\n" + " type=\"RuleFlow\" name=\"flow\" id=\"org.drools.timer\" package-name=\"org.jbpm\" version=\"1\" >\n" + "\n" + " <header>\n" + " <imports>\n" + " <import name=\"org.jbpm.integrationtests.test.Message\" />\n" + " </imports>\n" + " <globals>\n" + " <global identifier=\"myList\" type=\"java.util.List\" />\n" + " </globals>\n" + " </header>\n" + "\n" + " <nodes>\n" + " <start id=\"1\" name=\"Start\" />\n" + " <end id=\"2\" name=\"End\" />\n" + " <timerNode id=\"3\" name=\"Timer\" delay=\"800ms\" period=\"200ms\" />\n" + " <actionNode id=\"4\" name=\"Action\" >\n" + " <action type=\"expression\" dialect=\"java\" >System.out.println(\"Triggered\");\n" + "myList.add( new Message() );\n" + "insert( new Message() );\n" + "</action>\n" + " </actionNode>\n" + " <milestone id=\"5\" name=\"Wait\" >\n" + " <constraint type=\"rule\" dialect=\"mvel\" >Number( intValue >= 5 ) from accumulate ( m: Message( ), count( m ) )</constraint>\n" + " </milestone>\n" + " </nodes>\n" + "\n" + " <connections>\n" + " <connection from=\"5\" to=\"2\" />\n" + " <connection from=\"1\" to=\"3\" />\n" + " <connection from=\"3\" to=\"4\" />\n" + " <connection from=\"4\" to=\"5\" />\n" + " </connections>\n" + "\n" + "</process>");
if (!builder.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
for (DroolsError error : builder.getErrors().getErrors()) {
fail("Could not build process");
KieSession session = createKieSession(builder.getPackages());
List<Message> myList = new ArrayList<Message>();
session.setGlobal("myList", myList);
ProcessInstance processInstance = (ProcessInstance) session.startProcess("org.drools.timer");
assertEquals(0, myList.size());
assertEquals(ProcessInstance.STATE_ACTIVE, processInstance.getState());
assertEquals(1, ((InternalProcessRuntime) ((InternalWorkingMemory) session).getProcessRuntime()).getTimerManager().getTimers().size());
// test that the delay works
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// do nothing
assertEquals(0, myList.size());
// test that the period works
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// do nothing
assertEquals(5, myList.size());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// do nothing
assertEquals(ProcessInstance.STATE_COMPLETED, processInstance.getState());
use of org.drools.core.common.InternalWorkingMemory in project jbpm by kiegroup.
the class ProcessTimerTest method testOnEntryTimerCancelled.
public void testOnEntryTimerCancelled() throws Exception {
Reader source = new StringReader("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<process xmlns=\"\"\n" + " xmlns:xs=\"\"\n" + " xs:schemaLocation=\" drools-processes-5.0.xsd\"\n" + " type=\"RuleFlow\" name=\"flow\" id=\"org.drools.timer\" package-name=\"org.drools\" version=\"1\" >\n" + "\n" + " <header>\n" + " <globals>\n" + " <global identifier=\"myList\" type=\"java.util.List\" />\n" + " </globals>\n" + " </header>\n" + "\n" + " <nodes>\n" + " <start id=\"1\" name=\"Start\" />\n" + " <milestone id=\"2\" name=\"Wait\" >\n" + " <timers>\n" + " <timer id=\"1\" delay=\"2000\" >\n" + " <action type=\"expression\" dialect=\"java\" >myList.add(\"Executing timer\");</action>\n" + " </timer>\n" + " </timers>\n" + " <constraint type=\"rule\" dialect=\"mvel\" >org.jbpm.integrationtests.test.Message( )</constraint>\n" + " </milestone>\n" + " <end id=\"3\" name=\"End\" />\n" + " </nodes>\n" + "\n" + " <connections>\n" + " <connection from=\"1\" to=\"2\" />\n" + " <connection from=\"2\" to=\"3\" />\n" + " </connections>\n" + "\n" + "</process>");
KieSession session = createKieSession(builder.getPackages());
List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();
session.setGlobal("myList", myList);
ProcessInstance processInstance = (ProcessInstance) session.startProcess("org.drools.timer");
assertEquals(0, myList.size());
assertEquals(ProcessInstance.STATE_ACTIVE, processInstance.getState());
assertEquals(1, ((InternalProcessRuntime) ((InternalWorkingMemory) session).getProcessRuntime()).getTimerManager().getTimers().size());
session.insert(new Message());
assertEquals(0, myList.size());
assertEquals(0, ((InternalProcessRuntime) ((InternalWorkingMemory) session).getProcessRuntime()).getTimerManager().getTimers().size());