use of org.drools.core.reteoo.RightTuple in project drools by kiegroup.
the class PhreakAccumulateNode method doRightUpdates.
public void doRightUpdates(AccumulateNode accNode, AccumulateMemory am, InternalWorkingMemory wm, TupleSets<RightTuple> srcRightTuples, TupleSets<LeftTuple> trgLeftTuples) {
BetaMemory bm = am.getBetaMemory();
TupleMemory ltm = bm.getLeftTupleMemory();
ContextEntry[] contextEntry = bm.getContext();
BetaConstraints constraints = accNode.getRawConstraints();
Accumulate accumulate = accNode.getAccumulate();
for (RightTuple rightTuple = srcRightTuples.getUpdateFirst(); rightTuple != null; ) {
RightTuple next = rightTuple.getStagedNext();
if (ltm != null && ltm.size() > 0) {
LeftTuple childLeftTuple = rightTuple.getFirstChild();
FastIterator leftIt = accNode.getLeftIterator(ltm);
LeftTuple leftTuple = accNode.getFirstLeftTuple(rightTuple, ltm, leftIt);
constraints.updateFromFactHandle(contextEntry, wm, rightTuple.getFactHandleForEvaluation());
// We assume a bucket change if leftTuple == null
if (childLeftTuple != null && ltm.isIndexed() && !leftIt.isFullIterator() && (leftTuple == null || (leftTuple.getMemory() != childLeftTuple.getLeftParent().getMemory()))) {
// our index has changed, so delete all the previous matches
removePreviousMatchesForRightTuple(accNode, accumulate, rightTuple, wm, am, childLeftTuple, trgLeftTuples);
// null so the next check will attempt matches for new bucket
childLeftTuple = null;
// if LeftTupleMemory is empty, there are no matches to modify
if (leftTuple != null) {
if (leftTuple.getStagedType() == LeftTuple.NONE) {
doRightUpdatesProcessChildren(accNode, am, wm, bm, constraints, accumulate, leftIt, rightTuple, childLeftTuple, leftTuple, trgLeftTuples);
rightTuple = next;
use of org.drools.core.reteoo.RightTuple in project drools by kiegroup.
the class PhreakAccumulateNode method doNode.
public void doNode(AccumulateNode accNode, LeftTupleSink sink, AccumulateMemory am, InternalWorkingMemory wm, TupleSets<LeftTuple> srcLeftTuples, TupleSets<LeftTuple> trgLeftTuples, TupleSets<LeftTuple> stagedLeftTuples) {
BetaMemory bm = am.getBetaMemory();
TupleSets<RightTuple> srcRightTuples = bm.getStagedRightTuples().takeAll();
// order of left and right operations is to minimise wasted of innefficient joins.
// We need to collect which leftTuple where updated, so that we can
// add their result tuple to the real target tuples later
TupleSets<LeftTuple> tempLeftTuples = new TupleSetsImpl<LeftTuple>();
if (srcLeftTuples.getDeleteFirst() != null) {
// use the real target here, as dealing direct with left tuples
doLeftDeletes(accNode, am, wm, srcLeftTuples, trgLeftTuples, stagedLeftTuples);
if (srcRightTuples.getDeleteFirst() != null) {
doRightDeletes(accNode, am, wm, srcRightTuples, tempLeftTuples);
if (srcRightTuples.getUpdateFirst() != null) {
RuleNetworkEvaluator.doUpdatesReorderRightMemory(bm, srcRightTuples);
doRightUpdates(accNode, am, wm, srcRightTuples, tempLeftTuples);
if (srcLeftTuples.getUpdateFirst() != null) {
RuleNetworkEvaluator.doUpdatesReorderLeftMemory(bm, srcLeftTuples);
doLeftUpdates(accNode, am, wm, srcLeftTuples, tempLeftTuples);
if (srcRightTuples.getInsertFirst() != null) {
doRightInserts(accNode, am, wm, srcRightTuples, tempLeftTuples);
if (srcLeftTuples.getInsertFirst() != null) {
doLeftInserts(accNode, am, wm, srcLeftTuples, tempLeftTuples);
Accumulate accumulate = accNode.getAccumulate();
// LeftTuple retracts are already on the trgLeftTuples
for (LeftTuple leftTuple = tempLeftTuples.getInsertFirst(); leftTuple != null; ) {
LeftTuple next = leftTuple.getStagedNext();
evaluateResultConstraints(accNode, sink, accumulate, leftTuple, leftTuple.getPropagationContext(), wm, am, (AccumulateContext) leftTuple.getContextObject(), trgLeftTuples, stagedLeftTuples);
leftTuple = next;
for (LeftTuple leftTuple = tempLeftTuples.getUpdateFirst(); leftTuple != null; ) {
LeftTuple next = leftTuple.getStagedNext();
evaluateResultConstraints(accNode, sink, accumulate, leftTuple, leftTuple.getPropagationContext(), wm, am, (AccumulateContext) leftTuple.getContextObject(), trgLeftTuples, stagedLeftTuples);
leftTuple = next;
use of org.drools.core.reteoo.RightTuple in project drools by kiegroup.
the class PhreakAccumulateNode method doRightDeletes.
public void doRightDeletes(AccumulateNode accNode, AccumulateMemory am, InternalWorkingMemory wm, TupleSets<RightTuple> srcRightTuples, TupleSets<LeftTuple> trgLeftTuples) {
TupleMemory rtm = am.getBetaMemory().getRightTupleMemory();
Accumulate accumulate = accNode.getAccumulate();
for (RightTuple rightTuple = srcRightTuples.getDeleteFirst(); rightTuple != null; ) {
RightTuple next = rightTuple.getStagedNext();
if (rightTuple.getMemory() != null) {
// it may have been staged and never actually added
if (rightTuple.getFirstChild() != null) {
LeftTuple match = rightTuple.getFirstChild();
while (match != null) {
LeftTuple nextLeft = match.getRightParentNext();
LeftTuple leftTuple = match.getLeftParent();
final AccumulateContext accctx = (AccumulateContext) leftTuple.getContextObject();
removeMatch(accNode, accumulate, rightTuple, match, wm, am, accctx, true);
if (leftTuple.getStagedType() == LeftTuple.NONE) {
match = nextLeft;
rightTuple = next;
use of org.drools.core.reteoo.RightTuple in project drools by kiegroup.
the class PhreakFromNode method doLeftInserts.
public void doLeftInserts(FromNode fromNode, FromMemory fm, LeftTupleSink sink, InternalWorkingMemory wm, TupleSets<LeftTuple> srcLeftTuples, TupleSets<LeftTuple> trgLeftTuples) {
BetaMemory bm = fm.getBetaMemory();
ContextEntry[] context = bm.getContext();
BetaConstraints betaConstraints = fromNode.getBetaConstraints();
AlphaNodeFieldConstraint[] alphaConstraints = fromNode.getAlphaConstraints();
DataProvider dataProvider = fromNode.getDataProvider();
Class<?> resultClass = fromNode.getResultClass();
for (LeftTuple leftTuple = srcLeftTuples.getInsertFirst(); leftTuple != null; ) {
LeftTuple next = leftTuple.getStagedNext();
PropagationContext propagationContext = leftTuple.getPropagationContext();
Map<Object, RightTuple> matches = null;
boolean useLeftMemory = RuleNetworkEvaluator.useLeftMemory(fromNode, leftTuple);
if (useLeftMemory) {
matches = new LinkedHashMap<Object, RightTuple>();
betaConstraints.updateFromTuple(context, wm, leftTuple);
for (final java.util.Iterator<?> it = dataProvider.getResults(leftTuple, wm, propagationContext, fm.providerContext); it.hasNext(); ) {
final Object object =;
if ((object == null) || !resultClass.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())) {
// skip anything if it not assignable
RightTuple rightTuple = fromNode.createRightTuple(leftTuple, propagationContext, wm, object);
checkConstraintsAndPropagate(sink, leftTuple, rightTuple, alphaConstraints, betaConstraints, propagationContext, wm, fm, context, useLeftMemory, trgLeftTuples, null);
if (useLeftMemory) {
fromNode.addToCreatedHandlesMap(matches, rightTuple);
leftTuple = next;
use of org.drools.core.reteoo.RightTuple in project drools by kiegroup.
the class PhreakJoinNode method doLeftInserts.
public void doLeftInserts(JoinNode joinNode, LeftTupleSink sink, BetaMemory bm, InternalWorkingMemory wm, TupleSets<LeftTuple> srcLeftTuples, TupleSets<LeftTuple> trgLeftTuples) {
TupleMemory ltm = bm.getLeftTupleMemory();
TupleMemory rtm = bm.getRightTupleMemory();
ContextEntry[] contextEntry = bm.getContext();
BetaConstraints constraints = joinNode.getRawConstraints();
for (LeftTuple leftTuple = srcLeftTuples.getInsertFirst(); leftTuple != null; ) {
LeftTuple next = leftTuple.getStagedNext();
boolean useLeftMemory = RuleNetworkEvaluator.useLeftMemory(joinNode, leftTuple);
if (useLeftMemory) {
FastIterator it = joinNode.getRightIterator(rtm);
constraints.updateFromTuple(contextEntry, wm, leftTuple);
for (RightTuple rightTuple = joinNode.getFirstRightTuple(leftTuple, rtm, null, it); rightTuple != null; rightTuple = (RightTuple) {
if (constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft(contextEntry, rightTuple.getFactHandle())) {
insertChildLeftTuple(trgLeftTuples, leftTuple, rightTuple, null, null, sink, useLeftMemory);
leftTuple = next;