use of org.drools.core.rule.TypeDeclaration in project drools by kiegroup.
the class ClassHierarchyManager method mergeFields.
protected void mergeFields(String simpleSuperTypeName, String superTypePackageName, String fullSuper, TypeDeclarationDescr typeDescr, List<TypeDefinition> unresolvedTypes, Map<String, AbstractClassTypeDeclarationDescr> unprocessableDescrs, TypeResolver resolver) {
Map<String, TypeFieldDescr> fieldMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, TypeFieldDescr>();
boolean isNovel = TypeDeclarationUtils.isNovelClass(typeDescr, kbuilder.getPackageRegistry(typeDescr.getNamespace()));
PackageRegistry registry = kbuilder.getPackageRegistry(superTypePackageName);
InternalKnowledgePackage pack = null;
if (registry != null) {
pack = registry.getPackage();
if (unprocessableDescrs.containsKey(fullSuper)) {
unprocessableDescrs.put(typeDescr.getType().getFullName(), typeDescr);
// if a class is declared in DRL, its package can't be null? The default package is replaced by "defaultpkg"
boolean isSuperClassTagged = false;
// in the same package, or in a previous one
boolean isSuperClassDeclared = true;
if (pack != null) {
// look for the supertype declaration in available packages
TypeDeclaration superTypeDeclaration = pack.getTypeDeclaration(simpleSuperTypeName);
if (superTypeDeclaration != null && superTypeDeclaration.getTypeClassDef() != null) {
ClassDefinition classDef = superTypeDeclaration.getTypeClassDef();
// inherit fields
for (org.kie.api.definition.type.FactField fld : classDef.getFields()) {
TypeFieldDescr inheritedFlDescr = buildInheritedFieldDescrFromDefinition(fld, typeDescr);
fieldMap.put(inheritedFlDescr.getFieldName(), inheritedFlDescr);
// new classes are already distinguished from tagged external classes
isSuperClassTagged = !superTypeDeclaration.isNovel();
} else {
isSuperClassDeclared = false;
// look for the class externally
if (!isSuperClassDeclared || isSuperClassTagged) {
try {
Class superKlass;
if (registry != null) {
superKlass = registry.getTypeResolver().resolveType(fullSuper);
} else {
// if the supertype has not been declared, and we have got so far, it means that this class is not novel
superKlass = resolver.resolveType(fullSuper);
buildDescrsFromFields(superKlass, typeDescr, registry, fieldMap);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
unprocessableDescrs.put(typeDescr.getType().getFullName(), typeDescr);
// notice that it is not possible to override a field changing its type
for (String fieldName : typeDescr.getFields().keySet()) {
if (fieldMap.containsKey(fieldName)) {
String type1 = fieldMap.get(fieldName).getPattern().getObjectType();
String type2 = typeDescr.getFields().get(fieldName).getPattern().getObjectType();
if (type2.lastIndexOf(".") < 0) {
try {
TypeResolver typeResolver = kbuilder.getPackageRegistry(typeDescr.getNamespace()).getTypeResolver();
type1 = typeResolver.resolveType(type1).getName();
type2 = typeResolver.resolveType(type2).getName();
// now that we are at it... this will be needed later anyway
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
// will fail later
boolean clash = !type1.equals(type2);
TypeFieldDescr overriding = null;
if (clash) {
// this may still be an override using a subclass of the original type
try {
Class<?> sup = resolver.resolveType(type1);
Class<?> loc = resolver.resolveType(type2);
if (sup.isAssignableFrom(loc)) {
clash = false;
// mark as non inherited so that a new field is actually built
overriding = fieldMap.get(fieldName);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
// not much to do
if (clash) {
kbuilder.addBuilderResult(new TypeDeclarationError(typeDescr, "Cannot redeclare field '" + fieldName + " from " + type1 + " to " + type2));
typeDescr.setType(null, null);
} else {
String initVal = fieldMap.get(fieldName).getInitExpr();
TypeFieldDescr fd = typeDescr.getFields().get(fieldName);
if (fd.getInitExpr() == null) {
for (String key : fieldMap.get(fieldName).getAnnotationNames()) {
if (fd.getAnnotation(key) == null) {
if (fd.getIndex() < 0) {
fieldMap.put(fieldName, typeDescr.getFields().get(fieldName));
use of org.drools.core.rule.TypeDeclaration in project drools by kiegroup.
the class KnowledgeBuilderImpl method mergePackage.
* Merge a new package with an existing package. Most of the work is done by
* the concrete implementations, but this class does some work (including
* combining imports, compilation data, globals, and the actual Rule objects
* into the package).
private void mergePackage(InternalKnowledgePackage pkg, InternalKnowledgePackage newPkg) {
// Merge imports
final Map<String, ImportDeclaration> imports = pkg.getImports();
String lastType = null;
try {
// merge globals
if (newPkg.getGlobals() != null && newPkg.getGlobals() != Collections.EMPTY_MAP) {
Map<String, String> globals = pkg.getGlobals();
// Add globals
for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : newPkg.getGlobals().entrySet()) {
final String identifier = entry.getKey();
final String type = entry.getValue();
lastType = type;
if (globals.containsKey(identifier) && !globals.get(identifier).equals(type)) {
throw new RuntimeException(pkg.getName() + " cannot be integrated");
} else {
pkg.addGlobal(identifier, this.rootClassLoader.loadClass(type));
// this isn't a package merge, it's adding to the rulebase, but I've put it here for convenience
this.globals.put(identifier, this.rootClassLoader.loadClass(type));
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to resolve class '" + lastType + "'");
// merge the type declarations
if (newPkg.getTypeDeclarations() != null) {
// add type declarations
for (TypeDeclaration type : newPkg.getTypeDeclarations().values()) {
// @TODO should we allow overrides? only if the class is not in use.
if (!pkg.getTypeDeclarations().containsKey(type.getTypeName())) {
// add to package list of type declarations
for (final org.kie.api.definition.rule.Rule newRule : newPkg.getRules()) {
pkg.addRule(((RuleImpl) newRule));
// Merge The Rule Flows
if (newPkg.getRuleFlows() != null) {
final Map flows = newPkg.getRuleFlows();
for (Object o : flows.values()) {
final Process flow = (Process) o;
use of org.drools.core.rule.TypeDeclaration in project drools by kiegroup.
the class TypeDeclarationCache method getExistingTypeDeclaration.
private TypeDeclaration getExistingTypeDeclaration(Class<?> cls) {
TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = null;
PackageRegistry pkgReg = kbuilder.getPackageRegistry(ClassUtils.getPackage(cls));
if (pkgReg != null) {
String className = cls.getName();
String typeName = className.substring(className.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
typeDeclaration = pkgReg.getPackage().getTypeDeclaration(typeName);
return typeDeclaration;
use of org.drools.core.rule.TypeDeclaration in project drools by kiegroup.
the class TypeDeclarationCache method createTypeDeclarationForBean.
private TypeDeclaration createTypeDeclarationForBean(Class<?> cls) {
Annotated annotated = new Annotated.ClassAdapter(cls);
TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = TypeDeclaration.createTypeDeclarationForBean(cls, annotated, kbuilder.getBuilderConfiguration().getPropertySpecificOption());
String namespace = ClassUtils.getPackage(cls);
PackageRegistry pkgRegistry = kbuilder.getOrCreatePackageRegistry(new PackageDescr(namespace));
processMvelBasedAccessors(kbuilder, pkgRegistry, annotated, typeDeclaration);
return typeDeclaration;
use of org.drools.core.rule.TypeDeclaration in project drools by kiegroup.
the class DialectUtil method rewriteUpdateDescr.
private static void rewriteUpdateDescr(RuleBuildContext context, JavaBlockDescr d, StringBuilder consequence, Declaration declr, String obj) {
BitMask modificationMask = AllSetBitMask.get();
Class<?> typeClass = findModifiedClass(context, d, declr);
TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = typeClass == null ? null : context.getKnowledgeBuilder().getTypeDeclaration(typeClass);
if (typeDeclaration != null) {
boolean isPropertyReactive = typeDeclaration.isPropertyReactive();
List<String> settableProperties = null;
if (isPropertyReactive) {
settableProperties = typeDeclaration.getAccessibleProperties();
modificationMask = getEmptyPropertyReactiveMask(settableProperties.size());
ConsequenceMetaData.Statement statement = new ConsequenceMetaData.Statement(ConsequenceMetaData.Statement.Type.MODIFY, typeClass);
if (isPropertyReactive) {
boolean parsedExprOnce = false;
// a late optimization to include this for-loop within this if
for (String expr : splitStatements(consequence)) {
String updateExpr = expr.replaceFirst("^\\Q" + obj + "\\E\\s*\\.", "");
if (!updateExpr.equals(expr)) {
parsedExprOnce = true;
modificationMask = parseModifiedProperties(statement, settableProperties, typeDeclaration, isPropertyReactive, modificationMask, updateExpr);
if (modificationMask == allSetButTraitBitMask()) {
// opt: if we were unable to detect the property in the mask is all set, so avoid the rest of the cycle
if (!parsedExprOnce) {
// never called parseModifiedProperties(), hence never had the opportunity to "miss" the property and set mask to All-set; doing so here:
modificationMask = allSetButTraitBitMask();
appendUpdateStatement(consequence, declr, obj, modificationMask, typeClass);