use of org.drools.core.util.index.TupleIndexHashTable in project drools by kiegroup.
the class RightTupleIndexHashTableTest method testTwoDifferentEntriesSameHashCode.
public void testTwoDifferentEntriesSameHashCode() throws Exception {
final InternalReadAccessor extractor = store.getReader(TestClass.class, "object");
final Pattern pattern = new Pattern(0, new ClassObjectType(TestClass.class));
final Declaration declaration = new Declaration("theObject", extractor, pattern);
final FieldIndex fieldIndex = new FieldIndex(extractor, declaration, MvelConstraint.INDEX_EVALUATOR);
final TupleIndexHashTable map = new TupleIndexHashTable(new FieldIndex[] { fieldIndex }, false);
final TestClass c1 = new TestClass(0, new TestClass(20, "stilton"));
final InternalFactHandle ch1 = new DefaultFactHandle(1, c1);
map.add(new RightTupleImpl(ch1, null));
final TestClass c2 = new TestClass(0, new TestClass(20, "cheddar"));
final InternalFactHandle ch2 = new DefaultFactHandle(2, c2);
map.add(new RightTupleImpl(ch2, null));
// same hashcode, but different values, so it should result in a size of 2
assertEquals(2, map.size());
// however both are in the same table bucket
assertEquals(1, tablePopulationSize(map));
// this table bucket will have two FieldIndexEntries, as they are actually two different values
Entry[] entries = getEntries(map);
assertEquals(1, entries.length);
TupleList list = (TupleList) entries[0];
assertSame(ch2, list.getFirst().getFactHandle());
assertSame(ch1, list.getNext().getFirst().getFactHandle());
use of org.drools.core.util.index.TupleIndexHashTable in project drools by kiegroup.
the class RightTupleIndexHashTableTest method testTwoEqualEntries.
public void testTwoEqualEntries() throws Exception {
final InternalReadAccessor extractor = store.getReader(Cheese.class, "type");
final Pattern pattern = new Pattern(0, new ClassObjectType(Cheese.class));
final Declaration declaration = new Declaration("typeOfCheese", extractor, pattern);
final FieldIndex fieldIndex = new FieldIndex(extractor, declaration, MvelConstraint.INDEX_EVALUATOR);
final TupleIndexHashTable map = new TupleIndexHashTable(new FieldIndex[] { fieldIndex }, false);
assertEquals(0, map.size());
final Cheese stilton1 = new Cheese("stilton", 35);
final InternalFactHandle stiltonHandle1 = new DefaultFactHandle(1, stilton1);
map.add(new RightTupleImpl(stiltonHandle1, null));
final Cheese cheddar1 = new Cheese("cheddar", 35);
final InternalFactHandle cheddarHandle1 = new DefaultFactHandle(2, cheddar1);
map.add(new RightTupleImpl(cheddarHandle1, null));
final Cheese stilton2 = new Cheese("stilton", 81);
final InternalFactHandle stiltonHandle2 = new DefaultFactHandle(3, stilton2);
map.add(new RightTupleImpl(stiltonHandle2, null));
assertEquals(3, map.size());
assertEquals(2, tablePopulationSize(map));
// Check they are correctly chained to the same FieldIndexEntry
final Cheese stilton3 = new Cheese("stilton", 89);
final InternalFactHandle stiltonHandle3 = new DefaultFactHandle(4, stilton2);
final Tuple tuple = map.getFirst(new LeftTupleImpl(stiltonHandle3, null, true));
assertSame(stiltonHandle1, tuple.getFactHandle());
assertSame(stiltonHandle2, ((RightTuple) tuple.getNext()).getFactHandle());
use of org.drools.core.util.index.TupleIndexHashTable in project drools by kiegroup.
the class RightTupleIndexHashTableTest method testTwoDifferentEntries.
public void testTwoDifferentEntries() throws Exception {
final InternalReadAccessor extractor = store.getReader(Cheese.class, "type");
final Pattern pattern = new Pattern(0, new ClassObjectType(Cheese.class));
final Declaration declaration = new Declaration("typeOfCheese", extractor, pattern);
final FieldIndex fieldIndex = new FieldIndex(extractor, declaration, MvelConstraint.INDEX_EVALUATOR);
final TupleIndexHashTable map = new TupleIndexHashTable(new FieldIndex[] { fieldIndex }, false);
assertEquals(0, map.size());
final Cheese stilton1 = new Cheese("stilton", 35);
final InternalFactHandle stiltonHandle1 = new DefaultFactHandle(1, stilton1);
map.add(new RightTupleImpl(stiltonHandle1, null));
final Cheese cheddar1 = new Cheese("cheddar", 35);
final InternalFactHandle cheddarHandle1 = new DefaultFactHandle(2, cheddar1);
map.add(new RightTupleImpl(cheddarHandle1, null));
assertEquals(2, map.size());
assertEquals(2, tablePopulationSize(map));
final Cheese stilton2 = new Cheese("stilton", 77);
final InternalFactHandle stiltonHandle2 = new DefaultFactHandle(2, stilton2);
Tuple tuple = map.getFirst(new LeftTupleImpl(stiltonHandle2, null, true));
assertSame(stiltonHandle1, tuple.getFactHandle());
final Cheese cheddar2 = new Cheese("cheddar", 5);
final InternalFactHandle cheddarHandle2 = new DefaultFactHandle(2, cheddar2);
tuple = map.getFirst(new LeftTupleImpl(cheddarHandle2, null, true));
assertSame(cheddarHandle1, tuple.getFactHandle());
use of org.drools.core.util.index.TupleIndexHashTable in project drools by kiegroup.
the class IndexingTest method testIndexingOnQueryUnificationWithNot.
@Test(timeout = 10000)
public void testIndexingOnQueryUnificationWithNot() throws Exception {
String str = "";
str += "package org.drools.compiler.test \n";
str += "import org.drools.compiler.Person \n";
str += "query peeps( String $name, int $age ) \n";
str += " not $p2 : Person( $name := name, age > $age ) \n";
str += "end\n";
KieBase kbase = loadKnowledgeBaseFromString(str);
List<ObjectTypeNode> nodes = ((KnowledgeBaseImpl) kbase).getRete().getObjectTypeNodes();
ObjectTypeNode node = null;
for (ObjectTypeNode n : nodes) {
if (((ClassObjectType) n.getObjectType()).getClassType() == DroolsQuery.class) {
node = n;
StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl wm = ((StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl) kbase.newKieSession());
AlphaNode alphanode = (AlphaNode) node.getObjectSinkPropagator().getSinks()[0];
LeftInputAdapterNode liaNode = (LeftInputAdapterNode) alphanode.getObjectSinkPropagator().getSinks()[0];
NotNode n = (NotNode) liaNode.getSinkPropagator().getSinks()[0];
DoubleNonIndexSkipBetaConstraints c = (DoubleNonIndexSkipBetaConstraints) n.getRawConstraints();
// assertEquals( "$name", ((VariableConstraint)c.getConstraint()).getRequiredDeclarations()[0].getIdentifier() );
BetaMemory bm = (BetaMemory) wm.getNodeMemory(n);
assertTrue(bm.getLeftTupleMemory() instanceof TupleIndexHashTable);
assertTrue(bm.getRightTupleMemory() instanceof TupleIndexHashTable);
final Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
map.put("inserted", new Integer(0));
map.put("deleted", new Integer(0));
map.put("updated", new Integer(0));
wm.openLiveQuery("peeps", new Object[] { Variable.v, 99 }, new ViewChangedEventListener() {
public void rowInserted(Row row) {
Integer integer = map.get("inserted");
map.put("inserted", integer.intValue() + 1);
public void rowDeleted(Row row) {
Integer integer = map.get("deleted");
map.put("deleted", integer.intValue() + 1);
public void rowUpdated(Row row) {
Integer integer = map.get("updated");
map.put("updated", integer.intValue() + 1);
System.out.println("inserted: " + map.get("inserted"));
System.out.println("deleted: " + map.get("deleted"));
System.out.println("updated: " + map.get("updated"));
Map<String, InternalFactHandle> peeps = new HashMap<String, InternalFactHandle>();
Person p = null;
InternalFactHandle fh = null;
int max = 3;
// 1 matched, prior to any insertions
assertEquals(1, map.get("inserted").intValue());
assertEquals(0, map.get("deleted").intValue());
assertEquals(0, map.get("updated").intValue());
// x0 is the blocker
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
p = new Person("x" + i, 100);
fh = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert(p);
peeps.put(p.getName(), fh);
// insertions case 1 deletion
assertEquals(1, map.get("inserted").intValue());
assertEquals(1, map.get("deleted").intValue());
assertEquals(0, map.get("updated").intValue());
// each x is blocker in turn up to x99
for (int i = 0; i < (max - 1); i++) {
fh = peeps.get("x" + i);
p = (Person) fh.getObject();
wm.update(fh, p);
// make sure this doesn't change
assertEquals("i=" + i, 1, map.get("inserted").intValue());
// no change
assertEquals(1, map.get("inserted").intValue());
assertEquals(1, map.get("deleted").intValue());
assertEquals(0, map.get("updated").intValue());
// x99 is still the blocker, everything else is just added
for (int i = 0; i < (max - 1); i++) {
fh = peeps.get("x" + i);
p = (Person) fh.getObject();
wm.update(fh, p);
// make sure this doesn't change
assertEquals("i=" + i, 1, map.get("inserted").intValue());
// no change
assertEquals(1, map.get("inserted").intValue());
assertEquals(1, map.get("deleted").intValue());
assertEquals(0, map.get("updated").intValue());
// x99 is still the blocker
for (int i = (max - 2); i >= 0; i--) {
fh = peeps.get("x" + i);
p = (Person) fh.getObject();
wm.update(fh, p);
// make sure this doesn't change
assertEquals("i=" + i, 1, map.get("inserted").intValue());
// move x99, should no longer be a blocker, now it can increase
fh = peeps.get("x" + (max - 1));
p = (Person) fh.getObject();
wm.update(fh, p);
assertEquals(2, map.get("inserted").intValue());
use of org.drools.core.util.index.TupleIndexHashTable in project drools by kiegroup.
the class RightTupleIndexHashTableTest method testResize.
public void testResize() throws Exception {
final InternalReadAccessor extractor = store.getReader(Cheese.class, "type");
final Pattern pattern = new Pattern(0, new ClassObjectType(Cheese.class));
final Declaration declaration = new Declaration("typeOfCheese", extractor, pattern);
final FieldIndex fieldIndex = new FieldIndex(extractor, declaration, MvelConstraint.INDEX_EVALUATOR);
final TupleIndexHashTable map = new TupleIndexHashTable(16, 0.75f, new FieldIndex[] { fieldIndex }, false);
assertEquals(0, map.size());
final Cheese stilton1 = new Cheese("stilton", 35);
map.add(newRightTuple(1, stilton1));
final Cheese stilton2 = new Cheese("stilton", 81);
map.add(newRightTuple(2, stilton2));
final Cheese cheddar1 = new Cheese("cheddar", 35);
map.add(newRightTuple(3, cheddar1));
final Cheese cheddar2 = new Cheese("cheddar", 38);
map.add(newRightTuple(4, cheddar2));
final Cheese brie = new Cheese("brie", 293);
map.add(newRightTuple(5, brie));
final Cheese mozerella = new Cheese("mozerella", 15);
map.add(newRightTuple(6, mozerella));
final Cheese dolcelatte = new Cheese("dolcelatte", 284);
map.add(newRightTuple(7, dolcelatte));
final Cheese camembert1 = new Cheese("camembert", 924);
map.add(newRightTuple(8, camembert1));
final Cheese camembert2 = new Cheese("camembert", 765);
map.add(newRightTuple(9, camembert2));
final Cheese redLeicestor = new Cheese("red leicestor", 23);
map.add(newRightTuple(10, redLeicestor));
final Cheese wensleydale = new Cheese("wensleydale", 20);
map.add(newRightTuple(11, wensleydale));
final Cheese edam = new Cheese("edam", 12);
map.add(newRightTuple(12, edam));
final Cheese goude1 = new Cheese("goude", 93);
map.add(newRightTuple(13, goude1));
final Cheese goude2 = new Cheese("goude", 88);
map.add(newRightTuple(14, goude2));
final Cheese gruyere = new Cheese("gruyere", 82);
map.add(newRightTuple(15, gruyere));
final Cheese emmental = new Cheese("emmental", 98);
map.add(newRightTuple(16, emmental));
// At this point we have 16 facts but only 12 different types of cheeses
// so no table resize and thus its size is 16
assertEquals(16, map.size());
Entry[] table = map.getTable();
assertEquals(16, table.length);
final Cheese feta = new Cheese("feta", 48);
map.add(newRightTuple(2, feta));
// This adds our 13th type of cheese. The map is set with an initial capacity of 16 and
// a threshold of 75%, that after 12 it should resize the map to 32.
assertEquals(17, map.size());
table = map.getTable();
assertEquals(32, table.length);
final Cheese haloumi = new Cheese("haloumi", 48);
map.add(newRightTuple(2, haloumi));
final Cheese chevre = new Cheese("chevre", 48);
map.add(newRightTuple(2, chevre));