use of org.drools.drl.parser.lang.dsl.DSLTokenizedMappingFile in project drools by kiegroup.
the class DefaultExpanderTest method testANTLRExpandFailure.
public void testANTLRExpandFailure() throws Exception {
DSLTokenizedMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile();
String dsl = "[when]foo=Foo()" + NL + "[then]bar {num}=baz({num});";
file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl));
assertEquals(0, file.getErrors().size());
DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander();
String source = "rule 'q'" + NL + "agenda-group 'x'" + NL + "when" + NL + " foo " + NL + "then" + NL + " bar 42" + NL + "end";
String drl = ex.expand(source);
ex = new DefaultExpander();
source = "rule 'q' agenda-group 'x'" + NL + "when" + NL + " foos " + NL + "then" + NL + " bar 42" + NL + " end";
drl = ex.expand(source);
// System.out.println( drl );
assertEquals(1, ex.getErrors().size());
// System.err.println(( (ExpanderException) ex.getErrors().get( 0 )).getMessage());
use of org.drools.drl.parser.lang.dsl.DSLTokenizedMappingFile in project drools by kiegroup.
the class DSLTokenizedMappingFileTest method testParseFileWithEscapes.
public void testParseFileWithEscapes() {
String file = "[then]TEST=System.out.println(\"DO_SOMETHING\");" + NL + "" + "[when]code {code1} occurs and sum of all digit not equal \\( {code2} \\+ {code3} \\)=AAAA( cd1 == {code1}, cd2 != ( {code2} + {code3} ))" + NL + "" + "[when]code {code1} occurs=BBBB" + NL + "";
try {
final Reader reader = new StringReader(file);
this.file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile();
final boolean parsingResult = this.file.parseAndLoad(reader);
assertTrue(this.file.getErrors().toString(), parsingResult);
final String LHS = "code 1041 occurs and sum of all digit not equal ( 1034 + 1035 )";
final String rule = "rule \"x\"" + NL + "when" + NL + "" + LHS + "" + NL + "then" + NL + "TEST" + NL + "end";
DefaultExpander de = new DefaultExpander();
final String ruleAfterExpansion = de.expand(rule);
final String expected = "rule \"x\"" + NL + "when" + NL + "AAAA( cd1 == 1041, cd2 != ( 1034 + 1035 ))" + NL + "then" + NL + "System.out.println(\"DO_SOMETHING\");" + NL + "end";
assertEquals(expected, ruleAfterExpansion);
} catch (final IOException e) {
fail("Should not raise exception ");
use of org.drools.drl.parser.lang.dsl.DSLTokenizedMappingFile in project drools by kiegroup.
the class DSLMappingEntryTest method createEntry.
private DSLMappingEntry createEntry(final String inputKey, final String inputValue) throws IOException {
String mapping = "[condition][]" + inputKey + "=" + inputValue;
StringReader dsl = new StringReader(mapping);
DSLMappingEntry entry = null;
try {
DSLTokenizedMappingFile parser = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile();
if (parser.parseAndLoad(dsl)) {
entry = parser.getMapping().getEntries().get(0);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing entry: " + mapping + ": " + parser.getErrors().toString());
} finally {
return entry;