use of org.drools.mvel.accessors.ClassFieldReader in project drools by kiegroup.
the class ClassFieldAccessorTest method testMultipleInterfaces.
public void testMultipleInterfaces() throws Exception {
final ConcreteChild obj = new ConcreteChild();
final ClassFieldReader ext = store.getReader(InterfaceChild.class, "foo");
assertEquals(42, ((Number) ext.getValue(null, obj)).intValue());
use of org.drools.mvel.accessors.ClassFieldReader in project drools by kiegroup.
the class FieldIndexEntryTest method testSingleEntry.
public void testSingleEntry() {
final ClassFieldReader extractor = store.getReader(Cheese.class, "type");
final FieldIndex fieldIndex = new FieldIndex(extractor, new Declaration("id", extractor, null));
final SingleIndex singleIndex = new SingleIndex(new FieldIndex[] { fieldIndex }, 1);
Tuple tuple = new RightTupleImpl(new DefaultFactHandle(1, new Cheese("stilton", 10)));
final TupleList index = new AbstractHashTable.IndexTupleList(singleIndex, new AbstractHashTable.SingleHashEntry("stilton".hashCode(), "stilton"));
// Test initial construction
final Cheese stilton1 = new Cheese("stilton", 35);
final InternalFactHandle h1 = new DefaultFactHandle(1, stilton1);
// test add
RightTuple h1RightTuple = new RightTupleImpl(h1, null);
final Tuple entry1 = index.getFirst();
assertSame(h1, entry1.getFactHandle());
assertSame(entry1, index.get(h1));
// test get
final Tuple entry2 = index.get(new RightTupleImpl(h1, null));
assertSame(entry1, entry2);
// test remove
use of org.drools.mvel.accessors.ClassFieldReader in project drools by kiegroup.
the class FieldConstraintTest method testLiteralConstraint.
* <pre>
* ( Cheese (type "cheddar") )
* </pre>
* This is currently the same as using a ReturnValueConstraint just that it
* doesn't need any requiredDeclarations
public void testLiteralConstraint() {
InternalKnowledgeBase kBase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl ksession = (StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl) kBase.newKieSession();
final ClassFieldReader extractor = store.getReader(Cheese.class, "type");
AlphaNodeFieldConstraint constraint = ConstraintTestUtil.createCheeseTypeEqualsConstraint(extractor, "cheddar", useLambdaConstraint);
final Cheese cheddar = new Cheese("cheddar", 5);
final InternalFactHandle cheddarHandle = (InternalFactHandle) ksession.insert(cheddar);
// check constraint
assertTrue(constraint.isAllowed(cheddarHandle, ksession));
final Cheese stilton = new Cheese("stilton", 5);
final InternalFactHandle stiltonHandle = (InternalFactHandle) ksession.insert(stilton);
// check constraint
assertFalse(constraint.isAllowed(stiltonHandle, ksession));