use of org.drools.tms.TruthMaintenanceSystemEqualityKey in project drools by kiegroup.
the class ProtobufOutputMarshaller method writeTruthMaintenanceSystem.
public static void writeTruthMaintenanceSystem(MarshallerWriteContext context, EntryPoint wmep, ProtobufMessages.EntryPoint.Builder _epb) throws IOException {
TruthMaintenanceSystem tms = TruthMaintenanceSystemFactory.get().getOrCreateTruthMaintenanceSystem((NamedEntryPoint) wmep);
ObjectHashMap justifiedMap = tms.getEqualityKeyMap();
if (!justifiedMap.isEmpty()) {
EqualityKey[] keys = new EqualityKey[justifiedMap.size()];
org.drools.core.util.Iterator it = justifiedMap.iterator();
int i = 0;
for (org.drools.core.util.ObjectHashMap.ObjectEntry entry = (org.drools.core.util.ObjectHashMap.ObjectEntry); entry != null; entry = (org.drools.core.util.ObjectHashMap.ObjectEntry) {
EqualityKey key = (EqualityKey) entry.getKey();
keys[i++] = key;
Arrays.sort(keys, EqualityKeySorter.instance);
ProtobufMessages.TruthMaintenanceSystem.Builder _tms = ProtobufMessages.TruthMaintenanceSystem.newBuilder();
// write the assert map of Equality keys
for (EqualityKey key : keys) {
ProtobufMessages.EqualityKey.Builder _key = ProtobufMessages.EqualityKey.newBuilder();
if (key.size() > 1) {
// add all the other key's if they exist
FastIterator keyIter = key.fastIterator();
for (DefaultFactHandle handle = key.getFirst().getNext(); handle != null; handle = (DefaultFactHandle) {
if (((TruthMaintenanceSystemEqualityKey) key).getBeliefSet() != null) {
writeBeliefSet(context, ((TruthMaintenanceSystemEqualityKey) key).getBeliefSet(), _key);
use of org.drools.tms.TruthMaintenanceSystemEqualityKey in project drools by kiegroup.
the class JTMSTest method testRetractHandleWhenOnlyNeg.
@Test(timeout = 10000)
@Ignore("Currently cannot support updates")
public void testRetractHandleWhenOnlyNeg() {
String s = "package org.drools.core.beliefsystem.jtms;\n" + "\n" + "import java.util.List \n" + "import org.drools.core.common.AgendaItem;" + "global java.util.List list;\n" + "\n" + "rule \"go1_1\"\n" + "when\n" + " String( this == 'go1' )\n" + "then\n" + " insertLogical( new String( 'neg' ), 'neg' );\n" + "end\n" + "rule \"go1_2\"\n" + "when\n" + " String( this == 'go1' )\n" + "then\n" + " insertLogical( new String( 'neg' ), 'neg' );\n" + "end\n" + "rule \"go1_3\"\n" + "when\n" + " String( this == 'go1' )\n" + "then\n" + " insertLogical( new String( 'neg' ), 'neg' );\n" + "end\n" + "\n" + "rule \"Negative\"\n" + "when\n" + " $n : String( _.neg, this != 'go1' || == 'go2' ) \n" + "then\n" + " final String s = '-' + $n; \n" + " final List l = list; \n" + " l.add( s ); \n" + "end\n";
KieSession kSession = getSessionFromString(s);
List list = new ArrayList();
kSession.setGlobal("list", list);
((RuleEventManager) kSession).addEventListener(new RuleEventListener() {
public void onDeleteMatch(Match match) {
String rule = match.getRule().getName();
if (rule.equals("Negative")) {
list.remove("-" + match.getDeclarationValue("$n"));
FactHandle fhGo1 = kSession.insert("go1");
// just go1
assertEquals(1, kSession.getEntryPoint("DEFAULT").getObjects().size());
assertEquals(1, getNegativeObjects(kSession).size());
NamedEntryPoint ep = (NamedEntryPoint) ((StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl) kSession).getEntryPoint("DEFAULT");
TruthMaintenanceSystem tms = TruthMaintenanceSystemFactory.get().getOrCreateTruthMaintenanceSystem(ep);
ObjectHashMap equalityMap = tms.getEqualityKeyMap();
// go1, neg are two different strings.
assertEquals(2, equalityMap.size());
org.drools.core.util.Iterator it = equalityMap.iterator();
TruthMaintenanceSystemEqualityKey key = (TruthMaintenanceSystemEqualityKey) ((ObjectEntry);
while (!key.getFactHandle().getObject().equals("neg")) {
key = (TruthMaintenanceSystemEqualityKey) ((ObjectEntry);
assertEquals(3, key.getBeliefSet().size());
assertEquals(0, key.getBeliefSet().size());
// just go1
assertEquals(1, kSession.getEntryPoint("DEFAULT").getObjects().size());
assertEquals(0, getNegativeObjects(kSession).size());
assertEquals(0, key.getBeliefSet().size());
assertEquals(1, tms.getEqualityKeyMap().size());
use of org.drools.tms.TruthMaintenanceSystemEqualityKey in project drools by kiegroup.
the class JTMSBeliefSystem method delete.
public void delete(M mode, RuleImpl rule, Activation activation, Object payload, BeliefSet<M> beliefSet, PropagationContext context) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("TMSDelete {} {}", payload, mode.getValue());
JTMSBeliefSet<M> jtmsBeliefSet = (JTMSBeliefSet<M>) beliefSet;
boolean wasDecided = jtmsBeliefSet.isDecided();
boolean wasNegated = jtmsBeliefSet.isNegated();
InternalFactHandle fh = jtmsBeliefSet.getFactHandle();
if (wasDecided && fh.isNegated() != beliefSet.isNegated()) {
// if it was decided, first remove it and re-add it. So it's in the correct map
ep.getObjectStore().addHandle(fh, fh.getObject());
} else {
if (beliefSet.isEmpty() && fh.getEqualityKey().getStatus() == EqualityKey.JUSTIFIED) {
// the set is empty, so delete form the EP, so things are cleaned up.
ep.delete(fh, fh.getObject(), getObjectTypeConf(beliefSet), context.getRuleOrigin(), null, activation != null ? activation.getTuple().getTupleSink() : null);
} else if (!(processBeliefSet(rule, activation, payload, context, jtmsBeliefSet, wasDecided, wasNegated, fh) && beliefSet.isEmpty())) {
// The state of the BS did not change, but maybe the prime did
if (fh.getObject() == payload) {
// prime, node.object which is the current fh.object, has changed and object is decided, so update
String value;
Object object = null;
if (jtmsBeliefSet.isNegated()) {
value = MODE.NEGATIVE.getId();
// Find the new node, and update the handle to it, Negatives iterate from the last
for (JTMSMode entry = (JTMSMode) jtmsBeliefSet.getLast(); entry != null; entry = (JTMSMode) entry.getPrevious()) {
if (entry.getValue().equals(value)) {
object = entry.getLogicalDependency().getObject();
} else {
value = MODE.POSITIVE.getId();
// Find the new node, and update the handle to it, Positives iterate from the front
for (JTMSMode entry = jtmsBeliefSet.getFirst(); entry != null; entry = (JTMSMode) entry.getNext()) {
if (entry.getValue() == null || entry.getValue().equals(value)) {
object = entry.getLogicalDependency().getObject();
// Equality might have changed on the object, so remove (which uses the handle id) and add back in
if (fh.getObject() != object) {
WorkingMemoryEntryPoint wmep = fh.getEntryPoint(ep.getReteEvaluator());
wmep.getObjectStore().updateHandle(fh, object);
wmep.update(fh, fh.getObject(), allSetButTraitBitMask(), object.getClass(), null);
if (beliefSet.isEmpty()) {
// if the beliefSet is empty, we must null the logical handle
EqualityKey key = fh.getEqualityKey();
((TruthMaintenanceSystemEqualityKey) key).setBeliefSet(null);
if (key.getStatus() == EqualityKey.JUSTIFIED) {
// if it's stated, there will be other handles, so leave it in the TMS
use of org.drools.tms.TruthMaintenanceSystemEqualityKey in project drools by kiegroup.
the class BeliefSystemLogicalCallback method execute.
public void execute(ReteEvaluator reteEvaluator) {
NamedEntryPoint nep = (NamedEntryPoint) handle.getEntryPoint(reteEvaluator);
BeliefSet bs = ((TruthMaintenanceSystemEqualityKey) handle.getEqualityKey()).getBeliefSet();
if (update) {
if (!bs.isEmpty()) {
// We need the isEmpty check, in case the BeliefSet was made empty (due to retract) after this was scheduled
nep.update(handle, handle.getObject(), allSetButTraitBitMask(), Object.class, null);
} else {
if (fullyRetract) {
nep.delete(this.handle, context.getRuleOrigin(), this.activation.getTuple().getTupleSink());
} else {
ObjectTypeConf typeConf = nep.getObjectTypeConfigurationRegistry().getOrCreateObjectTypeConf(nep.getEntryPoint(), handle.getObject());
nep.getEntryPointNode().retractObject(handle, context, typeConf, reteEvaluator);
use of org.drools.tms.TruthMaintenanceSystemEqualityKey in project drools by kiegroup.
the class SimpleBeliefSystem method delete.
public void delete(SimpleMode mode, RuleImpl rule, Activation activation, Object payload, BeliefSet<SimpleMode> beliefSet, PropagationContext context) {
InternalFactHandle bfh = beliefSet.getFactHandle();
if (beliefSet.isEmpty() && bfh.getEqualityKey() != null && bfh.getEqualityKey().getStatus() == EqualityKey.JUSTIFIED) {
ep.delete(bfh, bfh.getObject(), getObjectTypeConf(beliefSet), context.getRuleOrigin(), null, activation != null ? activation.getTuple().getTupleSink() : null);
} else if (!beliefSet.isEmpty() && bfh.getObject() == payload && payload != bfh.getObject()) {
// prime has changed, to update new object
// Equality might have changed on the object, so remove (which uses the handle id) and add back in
WorkingMemoryEntryPoint ep = bfh.getEntryPoint(this.ep.getReteEvaluator());
ep.getObjectStore().updateHandle(bfh, beliefSet.getFirst().getObject().getObject());
ep.update(bfh, bfh.getObject(), allSetButTraitBitMask(), Object.class, null);
if (beliefSet.isEmpty() && bfh.getEqualityKey() != null) {
// if the beliefSet is empty, we must null the logical handle
EqualityKey key = bfh.getEqualityKey();
((TruthMaintenanceSystemEqualityKey) key).setBeliefSet(null);
if (key.getStatus() == EqualityKey.JUSTIFIED) {
// if it's stated, there will be other handles, so leave it in the TMS