use of org.dspace.content.MetadataValue in project DSpace by DSpace.
the class EZIDIdentifierProvider method delete.
public void delete(Context context, DSpaceObject dso, String identifier) throws IdentifierException {
log.debug("delete {} from {}", identifier, dso);
DSpaceObjectService<DSpaceObject> dsoService = contentServiceFactory.getDSpaceObjectService(dso);
List<MetadataValue> metadata = dsoService.getMetadata(dso, MD_SCHEMA, DOI_ELEMENT, DOI_QUALIFIER, null);
List<String> remainder = new ArrayList<>();
int skipped = 0;
for (MetadataValue id : metadata) {
if (!id.getValue().equals(idToDOI(identifier))) {
EZIDResponse response;
try {
EZIDRequest request = requestFactory.getInstance(loadAuthority(), loadUser(), loadPassword());
response = request.delete(DOIToId(id.getValue()));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
log.error("Bad URI in metadata value {}: {}", id.getValue(), e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Failed request to EZID: {}", e.getMessage());
if (!response.isSuccess()) {
log.error("Unable to delete {} from DataCite: {}", id.getValue(), response.getEZIDStatusValue());
}"Deleted {}", id.getValue());
// delete from item
try {
dsoService.clearMetadata(context, dso, MD_SCHEMA, DOI_ELEMENT, DOI_QUALIFIER, null);
dsoService.addMetadata(context, dso, MD_SCHEMA, DOI_ELEMENT, DOI_QUALIFIER, null, remainder);
dsoService.update(context, dso);
} catch (SQLException | AuthorizeException e) {
log.error("Failed to re-add identifiers: {}", e.getMessage());
if (skipped > 0) {
throw new IdentifierException(identifier + " could not be deleted.");
use of org.dspace.content.MetadataValue in project DSpace by DSpace.
the class HandleIdentifierProvider method populateHandleMetadata.
protected void populateHandleMetadata(Context context, DSpaceObject dso, String handle) throws SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException {
String handleref = handleService.getCanonicalForm(handle);
DSpaceObjectService<DSpaceObject> dsoService = contentServiceFactory.getDSpaceObjectService(dso);
// Add handle as identifier.uri DC value.
// First check that identifier doesn't already exist.
boolean identifierExists = false;
List<MetadataValue> identifiers = dsoService.getMetadata(dso, MetadataSchemaEnum.DC.getName(), "identifier", "uri", Item.ANY);
for (MetadataValue identifier : identifiers) {
if (handleref.equals(identifier.getValue())) {
identifierExists = true;
if (!identifierExists) {
dsoService.addMetadata(context, dso, MetadataSchemaEnum.DC.getName(), "identifier", "uri", null, handleref);
use of org.dspace.content.MetadataValue in project DSpace by DSpace.
the class DOIIdentifierProvider method getDOIOutOfObject.
* Loads a DOI out of the metadata of an DSpaceObject.
* @param dso DSpace object to get DOI metadata from
* @return The DOI or null if no DOI was found.
* @throws DOIIdentifierException if identifier error
public String getDOIOutOfObject(DSpaceObject dso) throws DOIIdentifierException {
if (!(dso instanceof Item)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("We currently support DOIs for Items only, not for " + contentServiceFactory.getDSpaceObjectService(dso).getTypeText(dso) + ".");
Item item = (Item) dso;
List<MetadataValue> metadata = itemService.getMetadata(item, MD_SCHEMA, DOI_ELEMENT, DOI_QUALIFIER, null);
String leftPart = doiService.getResolver() + SLASH + getPrefix() + SLASH + getNamespaceSeparator();
for (MetadataValue id : metadata) {
if (id.getValue().startsWith(leftPart)) {
return doiService.DOIFromExternalFormat(id.getValue());
return null;
use of org.dspace.content.MetadataValue in project DSpace by DSpace.
the class ReportGenerator method getItemInfo.
* get the information for the item with the given handle
* @param context the DSpace context we are operating under
* @param handle the handle of the item being looked up, in the form
* 1234/567 and so forth
* @return a string containing a reference (almost citation) to the
* article
* @throws SQLException if database error
public static String getItemInfo(Context context, String handle) throws SQLException {
Item item = null;
// ensure that the handle exists
try {
item = (Item) handleService.resolveToObject(context, handle);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
// if no handle that matches is found then also return null
if (item == null) {
return null;
// build the referece
// FIXME: here we have blurred the line between content and presentation
// and it should probably be un-blurred
List<MetadataValue> title = itemService.getMetadata(item, MetadataSchemaEnum.DC.getName(), "title", null, Item.ANY);
List<MetadataValue> author = itemService.getMetadata(item, MetadataSchemaEnum.DC.getName(), "contributor", "author", Item.ANY);
StringBuilder authors = new StringBuilder();
if (author.size() > 0) {
if (author.size() > 1) {
authors.append(" et al");
if (author.size() > 0) {
String content = title.get(0).getValue() + " " + authors.toString();
return content;
use of org.dspace.content.MetadataValue in project DSpace by DSpace.
the class DeleteMetadataAction method execute.
* Delete metadata from item
* @param context DSpace Context
* @param itarch Item Archive
* @param isTest test flag
* @param suppressUndo undo flag
* @throws SQLException if database error
* @throws AuthorizeException if authorization error
* @throws ParseException if parse error
public void execute(Context context, ItemArchive itarch, boolean isTest, boolean suppressUndo) throws AuthorizeException, ParseException, SQLException {
Item item = itarch.getItem();
for (String f : targetFields) {
DtoMetadata dummy = DtoMetadata.create(f, Item.ANY, "");
List<MetadataValue> ardcv = itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(item, f);"Metadata to be deleted: ");
for (MetadataValue dcv : ardcv) {" " + MetadataUtilities.getDCValueString(dcv));
if (!isTest) {
if (!suppressUndo) {
for (MetadataValue dcv : ardcv) {
MetadataField metadataField = dcv.getMetadataField();
MetadataSchema metadataSchema = metadataField.getMetadataSchema();
itarch.addUndoMetadataField(DtoMetadata.create(metadataSchema.getName(), metadataField.getElement(), metadataField.getQualifier(), dcv.getLanguage(), dcv.getValue()));
itemService.clearMetadata(context, item, dummy.schema, dummy.element, dummy.qualifier, Item.ANY);