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Example 11 with Error

use of org.eclipse.bpmn2.Error in project javacv by bytedeco.

the class FlyCapture2FrameGrabber method start.

public void start() throws FrameGrabber.Exception {
    // TODO: Default 30 ? 
    int f = FRAMERATE_30;
    if (frameRate <= 0) {
        f = FRAMERATE_30;
    } else if (frameRate <= 1.876) {
        f = FRAMERATE_1_875;
    } else if (frameRate <= 3.76) {
        f = FRAMERATE_3_75;
    } else if (frameRate <= 7.51) {
        f = FRAMERATE_7_5;
    } else if (frameRate <= 15.01) {
        f = FRAMERATE_15;
    } else if (frameRate <= 30.01) {
        f = FRAMERATE_30;
    } else if (frameRate <= 60.01) {
        f = FRAMERATE_60;
    } else if (frameRate <= 120.01) {
        f = FRAMERATE_120;
    } else if (frameRate <= 240.01) {
        f = FRAMERATE_240;
    int c = VIDEOMODE_ANY;
    if (imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.COLOR || imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.RAW) {
        if (imageWidth <= 0 || imageHeight <= 0) {
            c = VIDEOMODE_ANY;
        } else if (imageWidth <= 640 && imageHeight <= 480) {
            c = VIDEOMODE_640x480RGB;
        } else if (imageWidth <= 800 && imageHeight <= 600) {
            c = VIDEOMODE_800x600RGB;
        } else if (imageWidth <= 1024 && imageHeight <= 768) {
            c = VIDEOMODE_1024x768RGB;
        } else if (imageWidth <= 1280 && imageHeight <= 960) {
            c = VIDEOMODE_1280x960RGB;
        } else if (imageWidth <= 1600 && imageHeight <= 1200) {
            c = VIDEOMODE_1600x1200RGB;
    } else if (imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.GRAY) {
        if (imageWidth <= 0 || imageHeight <= 0) {
            c = VIDEOMODE_ANY;
        } else if (imageWidth <= 640 && imageHeight <= 480) {
            c = bpp > 8 ? VIDEOMODE_640x480Y16 : VIDEOMODE_640x480Y8;
        } else if (imageWidth <= 800 && imageHeight <= 600) {
            c = bpp > 8 ? VIDEOMODE_800x600Y16 : VIDEOMODE_800x600Y8;
        } else if (imageWidth <= 1024 && imageHeight <= 768) {
            c = bpp > 8 ? VIDEOMODE_1024x768Y16 : VIDEOMODE_1024x768Y8;
        } else if (imageWidth <= 1280 && imageHeight <= 960) {
            c = bpp > 8 ? VIDEOMODE_1280x960Y16 : VIDEOMODE_1280x960Y8;
        } else if (imageWidth <= 1600 && imageHeight <= 1200) {
            c = bpp > 8 ? VIDEOMODE_1600x1200Y16 : VIDEOMODE_1600x1200Y8;
    // set or reset trigger mode
    TriggerMode tm = new TriggerMode();
    Error error = camera.GetTriggerMode(tm);
    if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
        throw new FrameGrabber.Exception("GetTriggerMode() Error " + error.GetDescription());
    error = camera.SetTriggerMode(tm);
    if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
        // try with trigger mode 0 instead
        error = camera.SetTriggerMode(tm);
        if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
            throw new FrameGrabber.Exception("SetTriggerMode() Error " + error.GetDescription());
    if (triggerMode) {
    // try to match the endianness to our platform
    error = camera.ReadRegister(IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT, regOut);
    if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
        throw new FrameGrabber.Exception("ReadRegister(IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT, regOut) Error " + error.GetDescription());
    int reg;
    if (ByteOrder.nativeOrder().equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)) {
        reg = regOut[0] | 0x1;
    } else {
        reg = regOut[0] & ~0x1;
    error = camera.WriteRegister(IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT, reg);
    if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
        throw new FrameGrabber.Exception("WriteRegister(IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT, reg) Error " + error.GetDescription());
    // TODO: set fastest bus speed ? This may lead to system instability. Use default.
    // set `gamma`
    Property gammaProp = new Property(FlyCapture2.GAMMA);
    if (gamma != 0.0) {
        error = camera.GetProperty(gammaProp);
        if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
            throw new FrameGrabber.Exception("GetProperty(gammaProp) Error " + error.GetDescription());
        gammaProp.absValue((float) gamma);
        error = camera.SetProperty(gammaProp);
        if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
            throw new FrameGrabber.Exception("SetProperty(gammaProp) Error " + error.GetDescription());
    error = camera.GetProperty(gammaProp);
    if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
        gammaOut[0] = 2.2f;
    } else {
        gammaOut[0] = gammaProp.absValue();
    // set `timeout`
    error = camera.StartCapture();
    if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
        throw new FrameGrabber.Exception("StartCapture() Error " + error.GetDescription());
    // Get the camera configuration
    FC2Config config = new FC2Config();
    error = camera.GetConfiguration(config);
    if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
        throw new FrameGrabber.Exception("GetConfiguration() Error " + error.GetDescription());
    // Set the grab timeout to 5 seconds
    // Set the camera configuration
    error = camera.SetConfiguration(config);
    if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
        throw new FrameGrabber.Exception("SetConfiguration() Error " + error.GetDescription());
Also used : Error(org.bytedeco.javacpp.FlyCapture2.Error)

Example 12 with Error

use of org.eclipse.bpmn2.Error in project javacv by bytedeco.

the class FlyCapture2FrameGrabber method trigger.

 * @throws org.bytedeco.javacv.FrameGrabber.Exception
public void trigger() throws FrameGrabber.Exception {
    Error error = camera.FireSoftwareTrigger();
    if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
        throw new FrameGrabber.Exception("flycaptureSetCameraRegister() Error " + error);
Also used : Error(org.bytedeco.javacpp.FlyCapture2.Error)

Example 13 with Error

use of org.eclipse.bpmn2.Error in project javacv by bytedeco.

the class FlyCapture2FrameGrabber method stop.

public void stop() throws FrameGrabber.Exception {
    Error error = camera.StopCapture();
    if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
        throw new FrameGrabber.Exception("flycapture camera StopCapture() Error " + error);
    temp_image = null;
    return_image = null;
    timestamp = 0;
    frameNumber = 0;
Also used : Error(org.bytedeco.javacpp.FlyCapture2.Error)

Example 14 with Error

use of org.eclipse.bpmn2.Error in project javacv by bytedeco.

the class FlyCapture2FrameGrabber method grab.

public Frame grab() throws FrameGrabber.Exception {
    Error error = camera.RetrieveBuffer(raw_image);
    if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
        throw new FrameGrabber.Exception("flycaptureGrabImage2() Error " + error + " (Has start() been called?)");
    int w = raw_image.GetCols();
    int h = raw_image.GetRows();
    int format = raw_image.GetPixelFormat();
    int depth = getDepth(format);
    int stride = raw_image.GetStride();
    int size = h * stride;
    int numChannels = getNumChannels(format);
    error = camera.ReadRegister(IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT, regOut);
    if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
        throw new FrameGrabber.Exception("flycaptureGetCameraRegister() Error " + error);
    ByteOrder frameEndian = (regOut[0] & 0x1) != 0 ? ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
    boolean alreadySwapped = false;
    boolean colorbayer = raw_image.GetBayerTileFormat() != NONE;
    boolean colorrgb = format == PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB8 || format == PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB16 || format == PIXEL_FORMAT_BGR || format == PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRU;
    boolean coloryuv = format == PIXEL_FORMAT_411YUV8 || format == PIXEL_FORMAT_422YUV8 || format == PIXEL_FORMAT_444YUV8;
    BytePointer imageData = raw_image.GetData().capacity(raw_image.GetDataSize());
    if ((depth == IPL_DEPTH_8U || frameEndian.equals(ByteOrder.nativeOrder())) && (imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.RAW || (imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.COLOR && numChannels == 3) || (imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.GRAY && numChannels == 1 && !colorbayer))) {
        if (return_image == null) {
            return_image = IplImage.createHeader(w, h, depth, numChannels);
    } else {
        if (return_image == null) {
            return_image = IplImage.create(w, h, depth, imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.COLOR ? 3 : 1);
        if (temp_image == null) {
            if (imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.COLOR && (numChannels > 1 || depth > 8) && !coloryuv && !colorbayer) {
                temp_image = IplImage.create(w, h, depth, numChannels);
            } else if (imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.GRAY && colorbayer) {
                temp_image = IplImage.create(w, h, depth, 3);
            } else if (imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.GRAY && colorrgb) {
                temp_image = IplImage.createHeader(w, h, depth, 3);
            } else if (imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.COLOR && numChannels == 1 && !coloryuv && !colorbayer) {
                temp_image = IplImage.createHeader(w, h, depth, 1);
            } else {
                temp_image = return_image;
        setStride(conv_image, temp_image.widthStep());
        conv_image.SetData(temp_image.imageData(), temp_image.width() * temp_image.height() * temp_image.depth());
        if (depth == IPL_DEPTH_8U) {
            setPixelFormat(conv_image, imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.RAW ? PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW8 : temp_image.nChannels() == 1 ? PIXEL_FORMAT_MONO8 : PIXEL_FORMAT_BGR);
        } else {
            setPixelFormat(conv_image, imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.RAW ? PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW16 : temp_image.nChannels() == 1 ? PIXEL_FORMAT_MONO16 : PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB16);
        if (depth != IPL_DEPTH_8U && conv_image.GetPixelFormat() == format && conv_image.GetStride() == stride) {
            // we just need a copy to swap bytes..
            ShortBuffer in = imageData.asByteBuffer().order(frameEndian).asShortBuffer();
            ShortBuffer out = temp_image.getByteBuffer().order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).asShortBuffer();
            alreadySwapped = true;
        } else if ((imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.GRAY && colorrgb) || (imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.COLOR && numChannels == 1 && !coloryuv && !colorbayer)) {
        } else if (!colorrgb && (colorbayer || coloryuv || numChannels > 1)) {
            error = raw_image.Convert(conv_image);
            // error = flycaptureConvertImage(context, raw_image, conv_image);
            if (error.notEquals(PGRERROR_OK)) {
                throw new FrameGrabber.Exception("raw_image.Convert Error " + error);
        if (!alreadySwapped && depth != IPL_DEPTH_8U && !frameEndian.equals(ByteOrder.nativeOrder())) {
            // ack, the camera's endianness doesn't correspond to our machine ...
            // swap bytes of 16-bit images
            ByteBuffer bb = temp_image.getByteBuffer();
            ShortBuffer in = bb.order(frameEndian).asShortBuffer();
            ShortBuffer out = bb.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).asShortBuffer();
        if (imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.COLOR && numChannels == 1 && !coloryuv && !colorbayer) {
            cvCvtColor(temp_image, return_image, CV_GRAY2BGR);
        } else if (imageMode == FrameGrabber.ImageMode.GRAY && (colorbayer || colorrgb)) {
            cvCvtColor(temp_image, return_image, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    int bayerFormat = cameraInfo.bayerTileFormat();
    switch(bayerFormat) {
        case BGGR:
            sensorPattern = SENSOR_PATTERN_BGGR;
        case GBRG:
            sensorPattern = SENSOR_PATTERN_GBRG;
        case GRBG:
            sensorPattern = SENSOR_PATTERN_GRBG;
        case RGGB:
            sensorPattern = SENSOR_PATTERN_RGGB;
            sensorPattern = -1L;
    TimeStamp timeStamp = raw_image.GetTimeStamp();
    timestamp = timeStamp.seconds() * 1000000L + timeStamp.microSeconds();
    return converter.convert(return_image);
Also used : BytePointer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.BytePointer) Error(org.bytedeco.javacpp.FlyCapture2.Error) ByteOrder(java.nio.ByteOrder) ShortBuffer(java.nio.ShortBuffer) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer)

Example 15 with Error

use of org.eclipse.bpmn2.Error in project openflowplugin by opendaylight.

the class DeviceContextImplTest method testProcessReply2.

public void testProcessReply2() {
    final Xid dummyXid = new Xid(DUMMY_XID);
    final Error mockedError = mock(Error.class);
    deviceContext.processReply(dummyXid, Lists.newArrayList(mockedError));
    verify(messageSpy).spyMessage(any(Class.class), eq(MessageSpy.StatisticsGroup.FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_FAILURE));
    final MultipartReply mockedMultipartReply = mock(MultipartReply.class);
    deviceContext.processReply(dummyXid, Lists.newArrayList(mockedMultipartReply));
    verify(messageSpy).spyMessage(any(Class.class), eq(MessageSpy.StatisticsGroup.FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_SUCCESS));
Also used : Xid(org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.api.openflow.device.Xid) MultipartReply(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.openflow.protocol.rev130731.MultipartReply) Error(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.openflow.protocol.rev130731.Error) Test(org.junit.Test)


Error (org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.Error)11 IOException ( Error (org.eclipse.bpmn2.Error)8 AdHocSubProcess (org.eclipse.bpmn2.AdHocSubProcess)7 Escalation (org.eclipse.bpmn2.Escalation)7 Process (org.eclipse.bpmn2.Process)6 RootElement (org.eclipse.bpmn2.RootElement)6 Signal (org.eclipse.bpmn2.Signal)6 SubProcess (org.eclipse.bpmn2.SubProcess)6 URI ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)5 Error (org.bytedeco.javacpp.FlyCapture2.Error)5 ErrorEventDefinition (org.eclipse.bpmn2.ErrorEventDefinition)5 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)4 Activity (org.eclipse.bpmn2.Activity)4 CallActivity (org.eclipse.bpmn2.CallActivity)4 CompensateEventDefinition (org.eclipse.bpmn2.CompensateEventDefinition)4 ConditionalEventDefinition (org.eclipse.bpmn2.ConditionalEventDefinition)4 Definitions (org.eclipse.bpmn2.Definitions)4