use of org.eclipse.bpmn2.Message in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class Stateful07TopologySessionListener method redelegate.
private ListenableFuture<OperationResult> redelegate(final Lsp reportedLsp, final Srp srp, final Lsp lsp, final UpdateLspArgs input) {
// the D bit that was reported decides the type of PCE message sent
final Message msg;
if (reportedLsp.isDelegate()) {
// we already have delegation, send update
final UpdatesBuilder rb = new UpdatesBuilder();
final PathBuilder pb = new PathBuilder();
final PcupdMessageBuilder ub = new PcupdMessageBuilder(MESSAGE_HEADER);
msg = new PcupdBuilder().setPcupdMessage(;
} else {
final Lsp1 lspCreateFlag = reportedLsp.getAugmentation(Lsp1.class);
// we only retake delegation for PCE initiated tunnels
if (lspCreateFlag != null && !lspCreateFlag.isCreate()) {
LOG.warn("Unable to retake delegation of PCC-initiated tunnel: {}", reportedLsp);
return OperationResults.createUnsent(PCEPErrors.UPDATE_REQ_FOR_NON_LSP).future();
// we want to revoke delegation, different type of message
// is sent because of specification by Siva
// this message is also sent, when input delegate bit is set to 0
// generating an error in PCC
final List<Requests> reqs = new ArrayList<>();
reqs.add(new RequestsBuilder().setSrp(srp).setLsp(lsp).build());
final PcinitiateMessageBuilder ib = new PcinitiateMessageBuilder();
msg = new PcinitiateBuilder().setPcinitiateMessage(;
return sendMessage(msg, srp.getOperationId(), input.getArguments().getMetadata());
use of org.eclipse.bpmn2.Message in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class Stateful07TopologySessionListener method triggerSynchronization.
private ListenableFuture<OperationResult> triggerSynchronization(final TriggerSyncArgs input) {
LOG.trace("Trigger Initial Synchronization {}", input);
final PcupdMessageBuilder pcupdMessageBuilder = new PcupdMessageBuilder(MESSAGE_HEADER);
final SrpIdNumber srpIdNumber = createUpdateMessageSync(pcupdMessageBuilder);
final Message msg = new PcupdBuilder().setPcupdMessage(;
return sendMessage(msg, srpIdNumber, null);
use of org.eclipse.bpmn2.Message in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class PCCMockCommon method checkSequequenceDBVersionSync.
protected static void checkSequequenceDBVersionSync(final TestingSessionListener pceSessionListener, final BigInteger expectedDbVersion) {
for (final Message msg : pceSessionListener.messages()) {
final List<Reports> pcrt = ((Pcrpt) msg).getPcrptMessage().getReports();
for (final Reports report : pcrt) {
final Lsp lsp = report.getLsp();
if (lsp.getPlspId().getValue() == 0) {
assertEquals(false, lsp.isSync());
} else {
assertEquals(true, lsp.isSync());
final BigInteger actuaLspDBVersion = lsp.getTlvs().getAugmentation(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.controller.pcep.sync.optimizations.rev171025.Tlvs1.class).getLspDbVersion().getLspDbVersionValue();
assertEquals(expectedDbVersion, actuaLspDBVersion);
use of org.eclipse.bpmn2.Message in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class AbstractMessageParserTest method testParseObjects.
public void testParseObjects() throws PCEPDeserializerException {
final Abs a = new Abs(this.registry);
final ByteBuf buffer = Unpooled.buffer();
a.serializeObject(this.object, buffer);
Mockito.verify(this.registry, Mockito.only()).serializeObject(Mockito.any(Object.class), Mockito.any(ByteBuf.class));
final Message b = a.parseMessage(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 0x0D, 0x13, 0, 0x08, 0, 0, 1, 1 }), Collections.emptyList());
assertEquals(this.object, ((Pcerr) b).getPcerrMessage().getErrors().get(0).getErrorObject());