Search in sources :

Example 31 with ArtifactContext

use of org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class AetherUtils method addSearchResult.

private void addSearchResult(String groupId, String artifactId, String version, ModuleVersionResult result, Overrides overrides, String repositoryDisplayString) throws AetherException {
    ArtifactOverrides artifactOverrides = null;
    String classifier = null;
    if (overrides != null) {
        ArtifactContext ctx = new ArtifactContext(MavenRepository.NAMESPACE, groupId + ":" + artifactId, version);
        // see if this artifact is replaced
        ArtifactContext replaceContext = overrides.replace(ctx);
        if (replaceContext != null) {
            String[] groupArtifactIds = nameToGroupArtifactIds(replaceContext.getName());
            if (groupArtifactIds == null)
                // abort
            groupId = groupArtifactIds[0];
            artifactId = groupArtifactIds[1];
            classifier = groupArtifactIds[2];
            version = replaceContext.getVersion();
            ctx = replaceContext;
        } else if (overrides.isVersionOverridden(ctx)) {
            // perhaps its version is overridden?
            version = overrides.getVersionOverride(ctx);
        artifactOverrides = overrides.getArtifactOverrides(ctx);
    DependencyDescriptor info = impl.getDependencies(groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, "pom", false);
    if (info != null) {
        StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder();
        StringBuilder licenseBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        collectInfo(info, description, licenseBuilder);
        Set<ModuleDependencyInfo> dependencies = new HashSet<>();
        Set<ModuleVersionArtifact> artifactTypes = new HashSet<>();
        artifactTypes.add(new ModuleVersionArtifact(".jar", null, null));
        Set<String> authors = new HashSet<>();
        for (DependencyDescriptor dep : info.getDependencies()) {
            String namespace = MavenRepository.NAMESPACE;
            String depName = MavenUtils.moduleName(dep.getGroupId(), dep.getArtifactId(), dep.getClassifier());
            String depVersion = dep.getVersion();
            boolean export = false;
            boolean optional = dep.isOptional();
            if (overrides != null) {
                ArtifactContext depCtx = new ArtifactContext(namespace, depName, dep.getVersion());
                if (overrides.isRemoved(depCtx) || (artifactOverrides != null && (artifactOverrides.isRemoved(depCtx) || artifactOverrides.isAddedOrUpdated(depCtx))))
                ArtifactContext replaceCtx = overrides.replace(depCtx);
                if (replaceCtx != null) {
                    depCtx = replaceCtx;
                    namespace = replaceCtx.getNamespace();
                    depName = replaceCtx.getName();
                if (overrides.isVersionOverridden(depCtx))
                    depVersion = overrides.getVersionOverride(depCtx);
                if (artifactOverrides != null) {
                    if (artifactOverrides.isShareOverridden(depCtx))
                        export = artifactOverrides.isShared(depCtx);
                    if (artifactOverrides.isOptionalOverridden(depCtx))
                        optional = artifactOverrides.isOptional(depCtx);
            ModuleDependencyInfo moduleDependencyInfo = new ModuleDependencyInfo(namespace, depName, depVersion, optional, export, Backends.JAVA, toModuleScope(dep));
        if (artifactOverrides != null) {
            for (DependencyOverride add : artifactOverrides.getAdd()) {
                ArtifactContext ac = add.getArtifactContext();
                ModuleDependencyInfo moduleDependencyInfo = new ModuleDependencyInfo(ac.getNamespace(), ac.getName(), ac.getVersion(), add.isOptional(), add.isShared(), Backends.JAVA, ModuleScope.COMPILE);
        ModuleVersionDetails moduleVersionDetails = new ModuleVersionDetails(MavenRepository.NAMESPACE, groupId + ":" + artifactId, version, groupId, artifactId, null, description.length() > 0 ? description.toString() : null, licenseBuilder.length() > 0 ? licenseBuilder.toString() : null, authors, dependencies, artifactTypes, true, repositoryDisplayString);
Also used : ArtifactOverrides(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactOverrides) DependencyDescriptor(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.resolver.aether.DependencyDescriptor) ModuleVersionDetails(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionDetails) MavenArtifactContext(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.MavenArtifactContext) ArtifactContext(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext) ModuleDependencyInfo(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleDependencyInfo) ModuleVersionArtifact(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionArtifact) DependencyOverride(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.DependencyOverride) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 32 with ArtifactContext

use of org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class NpmContentStore method installNpmModule.

public void installNpmModule(Node node) {
    try {
        if (!out.exists()) {
        ArtifactContext ac = ArtifactContext.fromNode(node);
        if (ac != null) {
            String name = ac.getName();
            if (name.contains(":")) {
                name = "@" + name.replace(':', '/');
            String version = ac.getVersion();
            String module = version.isEmpty() ? name : name + "@" + version;
            if (log != null) {
                log.debug("installing npm module " + module + " in " + out);
            String npmCmd = npmCommand != null ? npmCommand : System.getProperty(Constants.PROP_CEYLON_EXTCMD_NPM, "npm");
            ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder().command(npmCmd, "install", "--silent", "--no-bin-links", module).directory(out.getParentFile()).inheritIO();
            Map<String, String> env = pb.environment();
            String pathVariableName = "PATH";
            for (String key : env.keySet()) {
                if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("path")) {
                    pathVariableName = key;
            String pathForRunningNpm = path != null ? path : System.getProperty(Constants.PROP_CEYLON_EXTCMD_PATH, System.getenv("PATH"));
            env.put(pathVariableName, pathForRunningNpm);
            Process p = pb.start();
            if (p.exitValue() != 0) {
                throw new RepositoryException("npm installer for '" + name + "' failed with exit code: " + p.exitValue());
    } catch (InterruptedException | IOException ex) {
        throw new RepositoryException("error running npm installer (make sure 'npm' is installed and available in your PATH)", ex);
Also used : ArtifactContext(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext) RepositoryException(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.cmr.RepositoryException) IOException(

Example 33 with ArtifactContext

use of org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class JsCompiler method finish.

 * Closes all output writers and puts resulting artifacts in the output repo.
protected int finish() throws IOException {
    int result = 0;
    String outDir = CeylonUtils.resolveRepoUrl(opts.getOutRepo());
    if (!isURL(outDir)) {
        File root = new File(outDir);
        if (root.exists()) {
            if (!(root.isDirectory() && root.canWrite())) {
                logger.error("Cannot write to " + root + ". Stop.");
                result = 1;
        } else {
            if (!FileUtil.mkdirs(root)) {
                logger.error("Cannot create " + root + ". Stop.");
                result = 1;
    for (Map.Entry<Module, JsOutput> entry : output.entrySet()) {
        JsOutput jsout = entry.getValue();
        if (!compilingLanguageModule) {
        if (opts.isModulify()) {
        String moduleName = entry.getKey().getNameAsString();
        String moduleVersion = entry.getKey().getVersion();
        if (opts.getDiagnosticListener() != null)
            opts.getDiagnosticListener().moduleCompiled(moduleName, moduleVersion);
        // Create the JS file
        final File jsart = jsout.close();
        final File modart = jsout.getModelFile();
        if (entry.getKey().isDefaultModule()) {
  "Created module " + moduleName);
        } else if (!compilingLanguageModule) {
  "Created module " + moduleName + "/" + moduleVersion);
        if (compilingLanguageModule) {
            ArtifactContext artifact = new ArtifactContext(null, "delete", "me", ArtifactContext.JS);
            outRepo.putArtifact(artifact, jsart);
        } else {
            final ArtifactContext artifact = new ArtifactContext(null, moduleName, moduleVersion, ArtifactContext.JS);
            outRepo.putArtifact(artifact, jsart);
            final ArtifactContext martifact = new ArtifactContext(null, moduleName, moduleVersion, ArtifactContext.JS_MODEL);
            outRepo.putArtifact(martifact, modart);
            // js file signature
            ShaSigner.signArtifact(outRepo, artifact, jsart, logger);
            ShaSigner.signArtifact(outRepo, martifact, modart, logger);
            // Create the src archive
            if (opts.isGenerateSourceArchive()) {
                ArtifactCreator sac = CeylonUtils.makeSourceArtifactCreator(outRepo, opts.getSrcDirs(), moduleName, moduleVersion, opts.hasVerboseFlag("cmr"), logger);
            if (resFiles != null && !resFiles.isEmpty()) {
                ArtifactCreator sac = CeylonUtils.makeResourceArtifactCreator(outRepo, opts.getSrcDirs(), opts.getResourceDirs(), opts.getResourceRootName(), moduleName, moduleVersion, opts.hasVerboseFlag("cmr"), logger);
                sac.copy(FileUtil.filesToPathList(filterForModule(resFiles, opts.getResourceDirs(), moduleName)));
            if (!entry.getKey().isDefaultModule()) {
                String npmdesc = new NpmDescriptorGenerator(entry.getKey(), opts.isGenerateSourceArchive(), resFiles != null && !resFiles.isEmpty()).generateDescriptor();
                File npmfile = File.createTempFile("npm", "json");
                try {
                    try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(npmfile)) {
                    final ArtifactContext npmArtifact = new ArtifactContext(null, moduleName, moduleVersion, ArtifactContext.NPM_DESCRIPTOR);
                    outRepo.putArtifact(npmArtifact, npmfile);
                } finally {
        if (modart != null) {
    return result;
Also used : JsOutput(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.js.util.JsOutput) ArtifactCreator(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactCreator) FileWriter( ArtifactContext(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext) NpmDescriptorGenerator(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.js.util.NpmDescriptorGenerator) Module(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Module) VirtualFile( File( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)

Example 34 with ArtifactContext

use of org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class JsCompiler method generate.

 * Compile all the phased units in the typechecker.
 * @return true is compilation was successful (0 errors/warnings), false otherwise.
public boolean generate() throws IOException {
    errCount = 0;
    try {
        if (opts.isVerbose()) {
            logger.debug("Generating metamodel...");
        List<PhasedUnit> typecheckerPhasedUnits = tc.getPhasedUnits().getPhasedUnits();
        List<PhasedUnit> phasedUnits = new ArrayList<>(typecheckerPhasedUnits.size());
        for (PhasedUnit pu : typecheckerPhasedUnits) {
            if (srcFiles == null) {
            } else {
                File path = getFullPath(pu);
                if (srcFiles.contains(path)) {
        boolean generatedCode = false;
        // First generate the metamodel
        final Module defmod = tc.getContext().getModules().getDefaultModule();
        for (PhasedUnit pu : phasedUnits) {
            // #416 default module with packages
            Module mod = pu.getPackage().getModule();
            if (mod.getVersion() == null && !mod.isDefaultModule()) {
                // Switch with the default module
                for (org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Package pkg : mod.getPackages()) {
            EnumSet<Warning> suppressedWarnings = opts.getSuppressWarnings();
            if (suppressedWarnings == null)
                suppressedWarnings = EnumSet.noneOf(Warning.class);
            pu.getCompilationUnit().visit(new WarningSuppressionVisitor<>(Warning.class, suppressedWarnings));
            // Perform capture analysis
            for (org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Declaration d : pu.getDeclarations()) {
                if (d instanceof TypedDeclaration && d instanceof org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Setter == false) {
                    pu.getCompilationUnit().visit(new ValueVisitor((TypedDeclaration) d));
            if (opts.hasVerboseFlag("ast")) {
                if (opts.getOutWriter() == null) {
                } else {
        // Then write it out and output the reference in the module file
        names = new JsIdentifierNames(this);
        if (!compilingLanguageModule) {
            for (Map.Entry<Module, JsOutput> e : output.entrySet()) {
        // Output all the require calls for any imports
        final Visitor importVisitor = new Visitor() {

            public void visit(Tree.Import that) {
                ImportableScope scope = that.getImportMemberOrTypeList().getImportList().getImportedScope();
                Module _m = that.getUnit().getPackage().getModule();
                if (scope instanceof Package) {
                    Package pkg = (Package) scope;
                    Module om = pkg.getModule();
                    if (!om.equals(_m) && (!om.isNative() || om.getNativeBackends().supports(Backend.JavaScript))) {
                        Module impmod = ((Package) scope).getModule();
                        if (impmod instanceof NpmAware && ((NpmAware) impmod).getNpmPath() != null) {
                            output.get(_m).requireFromNpm(impmod, names);
                        } else {
                            output.get(_m).require(impmod, names);

            public void visit(Tree.ImportModule that) {
                if (that.getImportPath() != null && that.getImportPath().getModel() instanceof Module) {
                    Module m = (Module) that.getImportPath().getModel();
                    // Binary version check goes here now
                    int binMajorVersion = m.getJsMajor();
                    int binMinorVersion = m.getJsMinor();
                    if (m.getJsMajor() == 0) {
                        // Check if it's something we're compiling
                        for (PhasedUnit pu : tc.getPhasedUnits().getPhasedUnits()) {
                            if (pu.getPackage() != null && pu.getPackage().getModule() == m) {
                                binMajorVersion = Versions.JS_BINARY_MAJOR_VERSION;
                                binMinorVersion = Versions.JS_BINARY_MINOR_VERSION;
                        if (m.getJsMajor() == 0) {
                            // Load the module (most likely we're in the IDE if we need to do this)
                            ArtifactContext ac = new ArtifactContext(null, m.getNameAsString(), m.getVersion(), ArtifactContext.JS_MODEL);
                            ArtifactResult ar = tc.getContext().getRepositoryManager().getArtifactResult(ac);
                            if (ar == null) {
                            File js = ar.artifact();
                            if (js != null) {
                                Map<String, Object> json = JsModuleSourceMapper.loadJsonModel(js);
                                String binVersion = json.get("$mod-bin").toString();
                                int p = binVersion.indexOf('.');
                                binMajorVersion = Integer.valueOf(binVersion.substring(0, p));
                                binMinorVersion = Integer.valueOf(binVersion.substring(p + 1));
                    if (!Versions.isJsBinaryVersionSupported(binMajorVersion, binMinorVersion)) {
                        that.addError("version '" + m.getVersion() + "' of module '" + m.getNameAsString() + "' was compiled by an incompatible version of the compiler (binary version " + binMajorVersion + "." + binMinorVersion + " of module is not compatible with binary version " + Versions.JS_BINARY_MAJOR_VERSION + "." + Versions.JS_BINARY_MINOR_VERSION + " of this compiler)");
        for (PhasedUnit pu : phasedUnits) {
        // Then generate the JS code
        List<PhasedUnit> pkgs = new ArrayList<>(4);
        if (srcFiles == null && !phasedUnits.isEmpty()) {
            for (PhasedUnit pu : phasedUnits) {
                if ("module.ceylon".equals(pu.getUnitFile().getName())) {
                    final int t = compileUnit(pu);
                    generatedCode = true;
                    if (t != 0) {
                        return false;
            for (PhasedUnit pu : phasedUnits) {
                if ("package.ceylon".equals(pu.getUnitFile().getName())) {
                } else if ("module.ceylon".equals(pu.getUnitFile().getName())) {
                final int t = compileUnit(pu);
                generatedCode = true;
                if (t == 1) {
                    return false;
                } else if (t == 2) {
        } else if (srcFiles != null && !srcFiles.isEmpty() && // For the specific case of the Stitcher
        !typecheckerPhasedUnits.isEmpty()) {
            for (PhasedUnit pu : phasedUnits) {
                if ("module.ceylon".equals(pu.getUnitFile().getName())) {
                    final int t = compileUnit(pu);
                    generatedCode = true;
                    if (t != 0) {
                        return false;
            for (File path : srcFiles) {
                if (path.getPath().endsWith(ArtifactContext.JS)) {
                    // Just output the file
                    File dir = path.getParentFile();
                    PhasedUnit lastUnit = phasedUnits.isEmpty() ? typecheckerPhasedUnits.get(0) : phasedUnits.get(0);
                    for (PhasedUnit pu : phasedUnits) {
                        if (pu.getUnitFile().getPath().startsWith(dir.getPath())) {
                            lastUnit = pu;
                    final JsOutput lastOut = getOutput(lastUnit);
                    VirtualFile vpath = findFile(path);
                    try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(vpath.getInputStream(), opts.getEncoding()))) {
                        String line = null;
                        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                            if (opts.isMinify()) {
                                line = line.trim();
                                if (!opts.isComment() && line.startsWith("//") && !line.contains("*/")) {
                            if (line.length() == 0) {
                    } finally {
                    generatedCode = true;
                } else {
                    // Find the corresponding compilation unit
                    for (PhasedUnit pu : phasedUnits) {
                        File unitFile = getFullPath(pu);
                        if (path.equals(unitFile)) {
                            if (path.getName().equals("package.ceylon")) {
                            } else if (path.getName().equals("module.ceylon")) {
                            final int t = compileUnit(pu);
                            generatedCode = true;
                            if (t == 1) {
                                return false;
                            } else if (t == 2) {
            if (resFiles != null) {
                for (Map.Entry<Module, JsOutput> entry : output.entrySet()) {
                    Module module = entry.getKey();
                    final JsOutput lastOut = getOutput(module);
                    for (File file : filterForModule(resFiles, opts.getResourceDirs(), module.getNameAsString())) {
                        String type = Files.probeContentType(file.toPath());
                        String fileName = file.getName();
                        boolean isResourceFile = fileName.endsWith(".properties") || fileName.endsWith(".txt");
                        if (isResourceFile || type != null && type.startsWith("text")) {
                            Writer writer = lastOut.getWriter();
                            writer.write(resourceKey(module, file));
                            Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\\\|\\t|\\r|\\f|\\n");
                            try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), opts.getEncoding()))) {
                                String line = null;
                                while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                                    if (isResourceFile && opts.isMinify()) {
                                        line = line.trim();
                                        if (line.length() == 0) {
                                        if (!opts.isComment() && line.startsWith("#")) {
                                    StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
                                    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line);
                                    while (matcher.find()) {
                                        String escaped;
                                        switch( {
                                            case "\\":
                                                escaped = "\\\\\\\\";
                                            case "\t":
                                                escaped = "\\\\t";
                                            case "\r":
                                                escaped = "\\\\r";
                                            case "\f":
                                                escaped = "\\\\f";
                                            case "\n":
                                                escaped = "\\\\n";
                                                throw new IllegalStateException();
                                        matcher.appendReplacement(result, escaped);
                                    if (reader.ready()) {
                            generatedCode = true;
        for (PhasedUnit pu : pkgs) {
            final int t = compileUnit(pu);
            generatedCode = true;
            if (t == 1) {
                return false;
            } else if (t == 2) {
        if (!generatedCode) {
            logger.error("No source units found to compile");
            exitCode = 2;
    } finally {
        if (exitCode == 0) {
            exitCode = finish();
    return errCount == 0 && exitCode == 0;
Also used : VirtualFile( Warning(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.analyzer.Warning) WarningSuppressionVisitor(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.util.WarningSuppressionVisitor) Visitor(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Visitor) MissingNativeVisitor(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.analyzer.MissingNativeVisitor) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ArtifactContext(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext) PhasedUnit(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.context.PhasedUnit) TypedDeclaration(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypedDeclaration) ImportableScope(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.ImportableScope) Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) Package(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Package) JsIdentifierNames(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.js.util.JsIdentifierNames) InputStreamReader( FileInputStream( ArtifactResult(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.cmr.ArtifactResult) NpmAware(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.js.loader.NpmAware) JsOutput(org.eclipse.ceylon.compiler.js.util.JsOutput) Declaration(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Declaration) BufferedReader( Package(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Package) Module(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Module) VirtualFile( File( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Writer( FileWriter(

Example 35 with ArtifactContext

use of org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class CeylonEnter method addOutputModuleToClassPath.

public void addOutputModuleToClassPath(Module module) {
    RepositoryManager repositoryManager = fileManager.getOutputRepositoryManager();
    ArtifactResult artifact = null;
    try {
        ArtifactContext ctx = new ArtifactContext(null, module.getNameAsString(), module.getVersion(), ArtifactContext.CAR, ArtifactContext.JAR);
        artifact = repositoryManager.getArtifactResult(ctx);
    } catch (InvalidArchiveException e) {
        log.warning("ceylon", "Module car " + e.getPath() + " obtained from repository " + e.getRepository() + " has an invalid SHA1 signature:" + " it will be overwritten but if the problem" + " persists you need to remove it and rebuild the module, since it may be corrupted.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        String moduleName = module.getNameAsString();
        if (!module.isDefaultModule())
            moduleName += "/" + module.getVersion();
        log.error("ceylon", "Exception occured while trying to resolve module " + moduleName);
    if (artifact == null || JarUtils.isValidJar(artifact.artifact())) {
        addModuleToClassPath(module, false, artifact);
    } else {
        log.warning("ceylon", "Module car " + artifact.artifact() + " obtained from repository " + artifact.repository() + " could not be read:" + " it will be overwritten but if the problem" + " persists you need to remove it and rebuild the module, since it may be corrupted.");
Also used : InvalidArchiveException(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.impl.InvalidArchiveException) RepositoryManager(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.RepositoryManager) ArtifactContext(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext) InvalidArchiveException(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.impl.InvalidArchiveException) IOException( ArtifactResult(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.cmr.ArtifactResult)


ArtifactContext (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext)62 File ( ArtifactResult (org.eclipse.ceylon.model.cmr.ArtifactResult)25 RepositoryManager (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.RepositoryManager)22 Test (org.junit.Test)20 SimpleRepositoryManager (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.impl.SimpleRepositoryManager)17 IOException ( CmrRepository (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.CmrRepository)9 MavenArtifactContext (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.MavenArtifactContext)7 ModuleSpec (org.eclipse.ceylon.common.ModuleSpec)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 RepositoryManagerBuilder (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.RepositoryManagerBuilder)5 Manifest (java.util.jar.Manifest)4 ModuleVersionDetails (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionDetails)4 Module (org.eclipse.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Module)4 ByteArrayInputStream ( FileWriter ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 Map (java.util.Map)3