use of org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionArtifact in project ceylon by eclipse.
the class JSUtils method getBinaryVersions.
public int[] getBinaryVersions(String moduleName, String version, File moduleArchive) {
int major = 0;
int minor = 0;
ModuleVersionDetails mvd = readModuleInfo(moduleName, version, moduleArchive, false, null);
ModuleVersionArtifact mva = mvd.getArtifactTypes().first();
if (mva.getMajorBinaryVersion() != null) {
major = mva.getMajorBinaryVersion();
if (mva.getMinorBinaryVersion() != null) {
minor = mva.getMinorBinaryVersion();
return new int[] { major, minor };
use of org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionArtifact in project ceylon by eclipse.
the class NpmUtils method readModuleInfo.
public ModuleVersionDetails readModuleInfo(String moduleName, String moduleVersion, File moduleArchive, boolean includeMembers, Overrides overrides) {
Map<String, Object> model = loadJsonModel(moduleArchive);
String name = asString(metaModelProperty(model, "name"));
if (!moduleName.equals(name)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect module");
String version = asString(metaModelProperty(model, "version"));
Set<ModuleDependencyInfo> dependencies = getModuleInfo(model, moduleName, version, overrides).getDependencies();
String type = ArtifactContext.getSuffixFromFilename(moduleArchive.getName());
ModuleVersionDetails mvd = new ModuleVersionDetails(NpmRepository.NAMESPACE, moduleName, version, null, null);
mvd.getArtifactTypes().add(new ModuleVersionArtifact(type, null, null));
String author = asString(model.get(""));
if (author != null) {
Iterable<Map<String, Object>> contributors = (Iterable<Map<String, Object>>) model.get("contributors");
if (contributors != null) {
for (Map<String, Object> contrib : contributors) {
if (includeMembers) {
mvd.setMembers(getMembers(moduleName, moduleArchive));
return mvd;
use of org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionArtifact in project ceylon by eclipse.
the class NpmUtils method getBinaryVersions.
public int[] getBinaryVersions(String moduleName, String version, File moduleArchive) {
int major = 0;
int minor = 0;
ModuleVersionDetails mvd = readModuleInfo(moduleName, version, moduleArchive, false, null);
ModuleVersionArtifact mva = mvd.getArtifactTypes().first();
if (mva.getMajorBinaryVersion() != null) {
major = mva.getMajorBinaryVersion();
if (mva.getMinorBinaryVersion() != null) {
minor = mva.getMinorBinaryVersion();
return new int[] { major, minor };
use of org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionArtifact in project ceylon by eclipse.
the class AbstractRepository method addArtifactInfo.
private ArtifactInfoResult addArtifactInfo(Node artifact, String name, String version, String suffix, String memberName, ModuleVersionDetails mvd, ModuleQuery lookup) {
// let's see if we can extract some information
try {
File file = artifact.getContent(File.class);
if (file != null) {
ModuleInfoReader reader = getModuleInfoReader(suffix);
if (reader != null) {
ModuleVersionDetails mvd2 = reader.readModuleInfo(name, version, file, memberName != null, getOverrides());
Set<String> matchingMembers = null;
if (memberName != null) {
matchingMembers = matchMembers(mvd2, lookup);
if (matchingMembers.isEmpty()) {
// just continue to the next suffix/artifact if any
return ArtifactInfoResult.NO_MATCH;
if (mvd2.getGroupId() != null) {
if (mvd2.getArtifactId() != null) {
if (mvd2.getLabel() != null) {
if (mvd2.getDoc() != null) {
if (mvd2.getLicense() != null) {
return ArtifactInfoResult.INFO_FOUND;
} else {
if (memberName == null) {
// We didn't get any information but we'll at least add the artifact type to the result
mvd.getArtifactTypes().add(new ModuleVersionArtifact(suffix, null, null));
} catch (Exception e) {
// bah
return ArtifactInfoResult.OTHER;
use of org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionArtifact in project ceylon by eclipse.
the class BytecodeUtils method readModuleInfo.
public ModuleVersionDetails readModuleInfo(String moduleName, String moduleVersion, File moduleArchive, boolean includeMembers, Overrides overrides) {
ClassFile moduleInfo = readModuleInfo(moduleName, moduleArchive);
if (moduleInfo == null)
return null;
Annotation moduleAnnotation = ClassFileUtil.findAnnotation(moduleInfo, MODULE_ANNOTATION);
if (moduleAnnotation == null)
return null;
String doc = (String) ClassFileUtil.getAnnotationValue(moduleInfo, moduleAnnotation, "doc");
String license = (String) ClassFileUtil.getAnnotationValue(moduleInfo, moduleAnnotation, "license");
String label = (String) ClassFileUtil.getAnnotationValue(moduleInfo, moduleAnnotation, "label");
Object[] by = (Object[]) ClassFileUtil.getAnnotationValue(moduleInfo, moduleAnnotation, "by");
Object[] dependencies = (Object[]) ClassFileUtil.getAnnotationValue(moduleInfo, moduleAnnotation, "dependencies");
String type = ArtifactContext.getSuffixFromFilename(moduleArchive.getName());
int[] binver = getBinaryVersions(moduleInfo);
String groupId, artifactId;
groupId = (String) ClassFileUtil.getAnnotationValue(moduleInfo, moduleAnnotation, "group");
if (groupId == null || groupId.isEmpty()) {
String[] coordinates = ModuleUtil.getMavenCoordinates(moduleName);
groupId = coordinates[0];
artifactId = coordinates[1];
} else {
artifactId = (String) ClassFileUtil.getAnnotationValue(moduleInfo, moduleAnnotation, "artifact");
if (artifactId == null || artifactId.isEmpty())
artifactId = moduleName;
ModuleVersionDetails mvd = new ModuleVersionDetails(moduleName, getVersionFromFilename(moduleName, moduleArchive.getName()), groupId, artifactId);
if (by != null) {
for (Object author : by) {
mvd.getAuthors().add((String) author);
mvd.getDependencies().addAll(getDependencies(moduleInfo, dependencies, moduleName, mvd.getVersion(), groupId, artifactId, overrides));
ModuleVersionArtifact mva = new ModuleVersionArtifact(type, binver[0], binver[1]);
if (includeMembers) {
return mvd;