Search in sources :

Example 6 with ModuleVersionDetails

use of org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionDetails in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class AbstractTestTool method findTestVersionInDependecies.

private String findTestVersionInDependecies(ModuleDependencyInfo module, Queue<ModuleDependencyInfo> queue) {
    Collection<ModuleVersionDetails> moduleDetailsCollection = getModuleVersions(module.getNamespace(), module.getName(), module.getVersion(), false, type, jvmBinaryMajor, jvmBinaryMinor, jsBinaryMajor, jsBinaryMinor);
    Iterator<ModuleVersionDetails> moduleDetailsIterator = moduleDetailsCollection.iterator();
    if (moduleDetailsIterator.hasNext()) {
        ModuleVersionDetails moduleDetails =;
        for (ModuleDependencyInfo dependency : moduleDetails.getDependencies()) {
            if (dependency.getName().equals("ceylon.test")) {
                return dependency.getVersion();
            if (dependency.getName().equals("ceylon.language")) {
    return null;
Also used : ModuleVersionDetails(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionDetails) ModuleDependencyInfo(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleDependencyInfo)

Example 7 with ModuleVersionDetails

use of org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionDetails in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class AbstractRepository method searchModules.

private void searchModules(Node parent, ModuleQuery query, ModuleSearchResult result, Ret ret) throws GetOut {
    List<Node> sortedChildren = new ArrayList<Node>();
    for (Node child : parent.getChildren()) sortedChildren.add(child);
    Collections.sort(sortedChildren, AlphabeticalNodeComparator);
    for (Node child : sortedChildren) {
        // Winner of the less aptly-named method
        boolean isFolder = !child.hasBinaries();
        // ignore non-folders
        if (!isFolder)
        // is it a module? does it contains artifacts?
        ret.foundRightType = false;
        if (!ArtifactContext.isDirectoryName(child.getLabel())) {
            // safety check
            if (hasChildrenContainingAnyArtifact(child, query, ret)) {
                // does it contain an artifact of the type we're looking for?
                if (ret.foundRightType) {
                    // check if we were already done but were checking for a next results
                    if (ret.stopSearching) {
                        // we already found enough results but were checking if there
                        // were more results to be found for paging, so record that
                        // and stop
                        throw new GetOut();
                    // are we interested in this result or did we need to skip it?
                    String moduleName = toModuleName(child);
                    ModuleVersionDetails mvd = getSearchResult(moduleName, child, query);
                    if (mvd != null) {
                        if (query.getStart() == null || ret.found++ >= query.getStart()) {
                            result.addResult(moduleName, mvd);
                            // stop if we're done searching
                            if (query.getStart() != null && query.getCount() != null && ret.found >= query.getStart() + query.getCount()) {
                                // we're done, but we want to see if there's at least one more result
                                // to be found so we can tell clients there's a next page
                                ret.stopSearching = true;
            } else {
                // it doesn't contain artifacts, it's probably leading to modules
                searchModules(child, query, result, ret);
Also used : ModuleVersionDetails(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionDetails) OpenNode(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.spi.OpenNode) Node(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.spi.Node) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 8 with ModuleVersionDetails

use of org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionDetails in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class AbstractRepository method getSearchResult.

private ModuleVersionDetails getSearchResult(String moduleName, Node namePart, ModuleQuery query) {
    SortedSet<String> versions = new TreeSet<String>();
    String[] suffixes = query.getType().getSuffixes();
    for (Node child : namePart.getChildren()) {
        // Winner of the less aptly-named method
        boolean isFolder = !child.hasBinaries();
        // ignore non-folders
        if (!isFolder)
        // now make sure at least one of the artifacts we're looking for is in there
        String version = child.getLabel();
        // When we need to find ALL requested suffixes we maintain a set of those not found yet
        HashSet<String> suffixesToFind = null;
        if (query.getRetrieval() == Retrieval.ALL) {
            suffixesToFind = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(suffixes));
        // try every requested suffix
        for (String suffix : suffixes) {
            String artifactName = getArtifactName(moduleName, version, suffix);
            Node artifact = child.getChild(artifactName);
            if (artifact != null) {
                if (shouldCheckBinaryVersion(suffix) && !checkBinaryVersion(moduleName, version, artifact, query, suffix)) {
                if (query.getRetrieval() == Retrieval.ANY) {
                    // we found the artifact: store it
                } else {
                    // Retrieval.ALL
        if (query.getRetrieval() == Retrieval.ALL && suffixesToFind.isEmpty()) {
            // we found the artifact and all of the requested suffixes: store it
    // sanity check
    if (versions.isEmpty()) {
        // We didn't  find any versions so we silently skip this result
        return null;
    // find the latest version
    String latestVersion = versions.last();
    Node versionChild = namePart.getChild(latestVersion);
    if (versionChild == null)
        throw new RuntimeException("Assertion failed: we didn't find the version child for " + moduleName + "/" + latestVersion);
    String memberName = query.getMemberName();
    // null group/artifact and fill it up later
    ModuleVersionDetails mvd = new ModuleVersionDetails(getNamespace(), moduleName, latestVersion, null, null);
    boolean found = false;
    // Now try to retrieve information for each of the suffixes
    for (String suffix : suffixes) {
        Node artifact;
        // make sure we don't try to read info from source artifacts
        if (ArtifactContext.SRC.equals(suffix)) {
            artifact = getBestInfoArtifact(versionChild);
            if (artifact == null)
            suffix = ArtifactContext.getSuffixFromNode(artifact);
        } else {
            String artifactName = getArtifactName(moduleName, latestVersion, suffix);
            artifact = versionChild.getChild(artifactName);
        if (artifact == null)
        // let's see if we can extract some information
        switch(addArtifactInfo(artifact, moduleName, latestVersion, suffix, memberName, mvd, query)) {
            case INFO_FOUND:
                found = true;
                // cool, go on
            case NO_MATCH:
                return null;
            case OTHER:
                // nothing;
    if (!found)
        return null;
    return mvd;
Also used : TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) ModuleVersionDetails(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionDetails) OpenNode(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.spi.OpenNode) Node(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.spi.Node)

Example 9 with ModuleVersionDetails

use of org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionDetails in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class ModuleCopycat method copyModuleInternal.

private void copyModuleInternal(ArtifactContext context) throws Exception {
    assert (context != null);
    if (!shouldExclude(context.getName())) {
        String module = ModuleUtil.makeModuleName(context.getName(), context.getVersion());
        // Skip all duplicates and artifacts from repositories that don't support copying
        if (!copiedModules.add(module) || !canBeCopied(context)) {
            // Faking a copy here for feedback because it was already done and we never copy twice
            if (feedback != null) {
                feedback.beforeCopyModule(context, count++, maxCount);
            if (feedback != null) {
                feedback.afterCopyModule(context, count, maxCount, false);
        Collection<ModuleVersionDetails> versions = getModuleVersions(srcRepoman, context.getName(), context.getVersion(), ModuleQuery.Type.ALL, null, null, null, null);
        if (!versions.isEmpty()) {
            ArtifactContext depContext = context.copy();
            ModuleVersionDetails ver = versions.iterator().next();
            boolean copyModule = true;
            if (feedback != null) {
                copyModule = feedback.beforeCopyModule(context, count++, maxCount);
            boolean copiedModule = false;
            if (copyModule) {
                List<ArtifactResult> results = srcRepoman.getArtifactResults(context);
                int artCnt = 0;
                for (ArtifactResult r : results) {
                    boolean copyArtifact = true;
                    if (feedback != null) {
                        copyArtifact = feedback.beforeCopyArtifact(context, r, artCnt++, results.size());
                    boolean copied = copyArtifact && copyArtifact(context, r);
                    if (feedback != null) {
                        feedback.afterCopyArtifact(context, r, artCnt, results.size(), copied);
                    copiedModule |= copied;
            if (feedback != null) {
                feedback.afterCopyModule(context, count, maxCount, copiedModule);
            if (copyModule && !context.isIgnoreDependencies()) {
                maxCount += countNonExcludedDeps(ver.getDependencies());
                for (ModuleDependencyInfo dep : ver.getDependencies()) {
                    if (skipDependency(dep)) {
                    ModuleSpec depModule = new ModuleSpec(dep.getNamespace(), dep.getName(), dep.getVersion());
                    ArtifactContext copyContext = depContext.copy();
        } else {
            if (feedback != null) {
Also used : ModuleSpec(org.eclipse.ceylon.common.ModuleSpec) ModuleVersionDetails(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionDetails) ArtifactContext(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext) ModuleDependencyInfo(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleDependencyInfo) ArtifactResult(org.eclipse.ceylon.model.cmr.ArtifactResult)

Example 10 with ModuleVersionDetails

use of org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionDetails in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class ModuleCopycat method getModuleVersions.

private Collection<ModuleVersionDetails> getModuleVersions(RepositoryManager repoMgr, String name, String version, ModuleQuery.Type type, Integer jvmBinaryMajor, Integer jvmBinaryMinor, Integer jsBinaryMajor, Integer jsBinaryMinor) {
    ModuleVersionQuery query = new ModuleVersionQuery(null, name, version, type);
    if (jvmBinaryMajor != null) {
    if (jvmBinaryMinor != null) {
    if (jsBinaryMajor != null) {
    if (jsBinaryMinor != null) {
    ModuleVersionResult result = repoMgr.completeVersions(query);
    NavigableMap<String, ModuleVersionDetails> versionMap = result.getVersions();
    return versionMap.values();
Also used : ModuleVersionResult(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionResult) ModuleVersionDetails(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionDetails) ModuleVersionQuery(org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionQuery)


ModuleVersionDetails (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionDetails)32 ModuleDependencyInfo (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleDependencyInfo)10 ModuleVersionArtifact (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionArtifact)10 File ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 ModuleVersionQuery (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionQuery)5 ModuleVersionResult (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionResult)5 OpenNode (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.spi.OpenNode)5 ArtifactContext (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext)4 Node (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.spi.Node)4 ModuleSpec (org.eclipse.ceylon.common.ModuleSpec)4 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)3 RepositoryManager (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.RepositoryManager)3 ToolUsageError (org.eclipse.ceylon.common.tool.ToolUsageError)3 ArtifactResult (org.eclipse.ceylon.model.cmr.ArtifactResult)3 List (java.util.List)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 CmrRepository (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.CmrRepository)2 ModuleInfo (org.eclipse.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleInfo)2