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Example 6 with DiagnosticPosition

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class MemberEnter method visitTopLevel.

public void visitTopLevel(JCCompilationUnit tree) {
    if (tree.starImportScope.elems != null) {
        // we must have already processed this toplevel
    // toplevel package
    if (checkClash && != null) {
        Symbol p = tree.packge;
        while (p.owner != syms.rootPackage) {
            // enter all class members of p
            if (syms.classes.get(p.getQualifiedName()) != null) {
                log.error(tree.pos, "", p);
            p = p.owner;
    // process package annotations
    annotateLater(tree.packageAnnotations, env, tree.packge, null);
    DiagnosticPosition prevLintPos = deferredLintHandler.immediate();
    Lint prevLint = chk.setLint(lint);
    try {
        // Import-on-demand java.lang.
        importAll(tree.pos, reader.enterPackage(names.java_lang), env);
        // Process all import clauses.
        memberEnter(tree.defs, env);
    } finally {
Also used : Symbol( DiagnosticPosition(

Example 7 with DiagnosticPosition

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class MemberEnter method visitVarDef.

public void visitVarDef(JCVariableDecl tree) {
    Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env;
    if ((tree.mods.flags & STATIC) != 0 || ( & INTERFACE) != 0) {
        localEnv = env.dup(tree,;;
    DiagnosticPosition prevLintPos = deferredLintHandler.setPos(tree.pos());
    try {
        if (TreeInfo.isEnumInit(tree)) {
            attr.attribIdentAsEnumType(localEnv, (JCIdent) tree.vartype);
        } else {
            attr.attribType(tree.vartype, localEnv);
            if (TreeInfo.isReceiverParam(tree))
                checkReceiver(tree, localEnv);
    } finally {
    if ((tree.mods.flags & VARARGS) != 0) {
        // if we are entering a varargs parameter, we need to
        // replace its type (a plain array type) with the more
        // precise VarargsType --- we need to do it this way
        // because varargs is represented in the tree as a
        // modifier on the parameter declaration, and not as a
        // distinct type of array node.
        ArrayType atype = (ArrayType) tree.vartype.type.unannotatedType();
        tree.vartype.type = atype.makeVarargs();
    Scope enclScope = enter.enterScope(env);
    VarSymbol v = new VarSymbol(0,, tree.vartype.type, enclScope.owner);
    v.flags_field = chk.checkFlags(tree.pos(), tree.mods.flags, v, tree);
    tree.sym = v;
    if (tree.init != null) {
        v.flags_field |= HASINIT;
        if ((v.flags_field & FINAL) != 0 && needsLazyConstValue(tree.init)) {
            Env<AttrContext> initEnv = getInitEnv(tree, env);
   = v;
            v.setLazyConstValue(initEnv(tree, initEnv), attr, tree);
    if (chk.checkUnique(tree.pos(), v, enclScope)) {
        chk.checkTransparentVar(tree.pos(), v, enclScope);
    annotateLater(tree.mods.annotations, localEnv, v, tree.pos());
    typeAnnotate(tree.vartype, env, v, tree.pos());
    v.pos = tree.pos;
Also used : DiagnosticPosition(

Example 8 with DiagnosticPosition

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class Check method checkOverride.

 * Check that a given method conforms with any method it overrides.
 *  @param tree         The tree from which positions are extracted
 *                      for errors.
 *  @param m            The overriding method.
void checkOverride(JCMethodDecl tree, MethodSymbol m) {
    ClassSymbol origin = (ClassSymbol) m.owner;
    if ((origin.flags() & ENUM) != 0 && names.finalize.equals(
        if (m.overrides(syms.enumFinalFinalize, origin, types, false)) {
            log.error(tree.pos(), "");
    for (Type t = origin.type; t.hasTag(CLASS); t = types.supertype(t)) {
        if (t != origin.type) {
            checkOverride(tree, t, origin, m);
        for (Type t2 : types.interfaces(t)) {
            checkOverride(tree, t2, origin, m);
    if (m.attribute(syms.overrideType.tsym) != null && !isOverrider(m)) {
        DiagnosticPosition pos = tree.pos();
        for (JCAnnotation a : tree.getModifiers().annotations) {
            if (a.annotationType.type.tsym == syms.overrideType.tsym) {
                pos = a.pos();
        log.error(pos, "method.does.not.override.superclass");
Also used : Type( DiagnosticPosition(

Example 9 with DiagnosticPosition

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class Attr method visitTry.

public void visitTry(JCTry tree) {
    // Create a new local environment with a local
    Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env.dup(tree,;
    try {
        boolean isTryWithResource = tree.resources.nonEmpty();
        // Create a nested environment for attributing the try block if needed
        Env<AttrContext> tryEnv = isTryWithResource ? env.dup(tree, : localEnv;
        try {
            // Attribute resource declarations
            for (JCTree resource : tree.resources) {
                CheckContext twrContext = new Check.NestedCheckContext(resultInfo.checkContext) {

                    public void report(DiagnosticPosition pos, JCDiagnostic details) {
              , diags.fragment("", details));
                ResultInfo twrResult = new ResultInfo(VAL, syms.autoCloseableType, twrContext);
                if (resource.hasTag(VARDEF)) {
                    attribStat(resource, tryEnv);
                    twrResult.check(resource, resource.type);
                    // check that resource type cannot throw InterruptedException
                    checkAutoCloseable(resource.pos(), localEnv, resource.type);
                    VarSymbol var = ((JCVariableDecl) resource).sym;
                } else {
                    attribTree(resource, tryEnv, twrResult);
            // Attribute body
            attribStat(tree.body, tryEnv);
        } finally {
            if (isTryWithResource)
        // Attribute catch clauses
        for (List<JCCatch> l = tree.catchers; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) {
            JCCatch c = l.head;
            Env<AttrContext> catchEnv = localEnv.dup(c,;
            try {
                Type ctype = attribStat(c.param, catchEnv);
                if (TreeInfo.isMultiCatch(c)) {
                    // multi-catch parameter is implicitly marked as final
                    c.param.sym.flags_field |= FINAL | UNION;
                if (c.param.sym.kind == Kinds.VAR) {
                chk.checkType(c.param.vartype.pos(), chk.checkClassType(c.param.vartype.pos(), ctype), syms.throwableType);
                attribStat(c.body, catchEnv);
            } finally {
        // Attribute finalizer
        if (tree.finalizer != null)
            attribStat(tree.finalizer, localEnv);
        result = null;
    } finally {;
Also used : CheckContext( JCTree( Type( DiagnosticPosition(

Example 10 with DiagnosticPosition

use of in project ceylon by eclipse.

the class Attr method attribClassBody.

 * Finish the attribution of a class.
private void attribClassBody(Env<AttrContext> env, ClassSymbol c) {
    JCClassDecl tree = (JCClassDecl) env.tree;
    Assert.check(c == tree.sym);
    // Validate type parameters, supertype and interfaces.
    attribStats(tree.typarams, env);
    if (!c.isAnonymous()) {
        // already checked if anonymous
        chk.validate(tree.typarams, env);
        chk.validate(tree.extending, env);
        chk.validate(tree.implementing, env);
    // methods or unimplemented methods of an implemented interface.
    if ((c.flags() & (ABSTRACT | INTERFACE)) == 0) {
        if (!relax)
            chk.checkAllDefined(tree.pos(), c);
    if ((c.flags() & Flags.ANNOTATION) != 0) {
        if (tree.implementing.nonEmpty())
            log.error(tree.implementing.head.pos(), "cant.extend.intf.annotation");
        if (tree.typarams.nonEmpty())
            log.error(tree.typarams.head.pos(), "intf.annotation.cant.have.type.params");
        // If this annotation has a @Repeatable, validate
        Attribute.Compound repeatable = c.attribute(syms.repeatableType.tsym);
        if (repeatable != null) {
            // get diagnostic position for error reporting
            DiagnosticPosition cbPos = getDiagnosticPosition(tree, repeatable.type);
            chk.validateRepeatable(c, repeatable, cbPos);
    } else {
        // Check that all extended classes and interfaces
        // are compatible (i.e. no two define methods with same arguments
        // yet different return types).  (JLS
        chk.checkCompatibleSupertypes(tree.pos(), c.type);
        if (allowDefaultMethods) {
            chk.checkDefaultMethodClashes(tree.pos(), c.type);
    // Check that class does not import the same parameterized interface
    // with two different argument lists.
    chk.checkClassBounds(tree.pos(), c.type);
    tree.type = c.type;
    for (List<JCTypeParameter> l = tree.typarams; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) {
    // Check that a generic class doesn't extend Throwable
    if (!sourceLanguage.isCeylon() && !c.type.allparams().isEmpty() && types.isSubtype(c.type, syms.throwableType))
        log.error(tree.extending.pos(), "generic.throwable");
    // Check that all methods which implement some
    // method conform to the method they implement.
    // check that a resource implementing AutoCloseable cannot throw InterruptedException
    checkAutoCloseable(tree.pos(), env, c.type);
    for (List<JCTree> l = tree.defs; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) {
        // Attribute declaration
        attribStat(l.head, env);
        // Make an exception for static constants.
        if (c.owner.kind != PCK && ((c.flags() & STATIC) == 0 || == names.empty) && (TreeInfo.flags(l.head) & (STATIC | INTERFACE)) != 0) {
            Symbol sym = null;
            if (l.head.hasTag(VARDEF))
                sym = ((JCVariableDecl) l.head).sym;
            if (sym == null || sym.kind != VAR || ((VarSymbol) sym).getConstValue() == null)
                log.error(l.head.pos(), "icls.cant.have.static.decl", c);
    // Check for cycles among non-initial constructors.
    // Check for cycles among annotation elements.
    // Check for proper use of serialVersionUID
    if ( && isSerializable(c.type) && (c.flags() & Flags.ENUM) == 0 && checkForSerial(c)) {
        checkSerialVersionUID(tree, c);
    if (allowTypeAnnos) {
        // Correctly organize the postions of the type annotations
        // Check type annotations applicability rules
        validateTypeAnnotations(tree, false);
Also used : DiagnosticPosition( Symbol( JCTree(


DiagnosticPosition ( Type ( Symbol ( JCTree ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 JavaFileObject ( CheckContext ( FreeTypeListener ( InferenceContext (