use of org.eclipse.che.api.debugger.server.exceptions.DebuggerException in project che by eclipse.
the class JavaDebuggerUtils method findFqnByPosition.
* Return nested class fqn if line with number {@code lineNumber} contains such element, otherwise return outer class fqn.
* @param projectPath
* project path which contains class with {@code outerClassFqn}
* @param outerClassFqn
* fqn outer class
* @param lineNumber
* line position to search
* @throws DebuggerException
public String findFqnByPosition(String projectPath, String outerClassFqn, int lineNumber) throws DebuggerException {
if (projectPath == null) {
return outerClassFqn;
IJavaProject project = MODEL.getJavaProject(projectPath);
IType outerClass;
IMember iMember;
try {
outerClass = project.findType(outerClassFqn);
if (outerClass == null) {
return outerClassFqn;
String source;
if (outerClass.isBinary()) {
IClassFile classFile = outerClass.getClassFile();
source = classFile.getSource();
} else {
ICompilationUnit unit = outerClass.getCompilationUnit();
source = unit.getSource();
Document document = new Document(source);
IRegion region = document.getLineInformation(lineNumber);
int start = region.getOffset();
int end = start + region.getLength();
iMember = binSearch(outerClass, start, end);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
throw new DebuggerException(format("Unable to find source for class with fqn '%s' in the project '%s'", outerClassFqn, project), e);
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
throw new DebuggerException("Unable to calculate breakpoint location", e);
if (iMember instanceof IType) {
return ((IType) iMember).getFullyQualifiedName();
if (iMember != null) {
return iMember.getDeclaringType().getFullyQualifiedName();
return outerClassFqn;
use of org.eclipse.che.api.debugger.server.exceptions.DebuggerException in project che by eclipse.
the class JavaDebugger method resume.
public void resume(ResumeAction action) throws DebuggerException {
try {
LOG.debug("Resume VM");
} catch (VMCannotBeModifiedException e) {
throw new DebuggerException(e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
use of org.eclipse.che.api.debugger.server.exceptions.DebuggerException in project che by eclipse.
the class JavaDebugger method addBreakpoint.
public void addBreakpoint(Breakpoint breakpoint) throws DebuggerException {
final String className = findFQN(breakpoint);
final int lineNumber = breakpoint.getLocation().getLineNumber();
List<ReferenceType> classes = vm.classesByName(className);
// it may mean that class doesn't loaded by a target JVM yet
if (classes.isEmpty()) {
throw new DebuggerException("Class not loaded");
ReferenceType clazz = classes.get(0);
List<com.sun.jdi.Location> locations;
try {
locations = clazz.locationsOfLine(lineNumber);
} catch (AbsentInformationException | ClassNotPreparedException e) {
throw new DebuggerException(e.getMessage(), e);
if (locations.isEmpty()) {
throw new DebuggerException("Line " + lineNumber + " not found in class " + className);
com.sun.jdi.Location location = locations.get(0);
if (location.method() == null) {
// Line is out of method.
throw new DebuggerException("Invalid line " + lineNumber + " in class " + className);
// Ignore new breakpoint if already have breakpoint at the same location.
EventRequestManager requestManager = getEventManager();
for (BreakpointRequest breakpointRequest : requestManager.breakpointRequests()) {
if (location.equals(breakpointRequest.location())) {
LOG.debug("Breakpoint at {} already set", location);
try {
EventRequest breakPointRequest = requestManager.createBreakpointRequest(location);
String expression = breakpoint.getCondition();
if (!(expression == null || expression.isEmpty())) {
ExpressionParser parser = ExpressionParser.newInstance(expression);
breakPointRequest.putProperty("", parser);
} catch (NativeMethodException | IllegalThreadStateException | InvalidRequestStateException e) {
throw new DebuggerException(e.getMessage(), e);
debuggerCallback.onEvent(new BreakpointActivatedEventImpl(new BreakpointImpl(breakpoint.getLocation(), true, breakpoint.getCondition())));
LOG.debug("Add breakpoint: {}", location);
use of org.eclipse.che.api.debugger.server.exceptions.DebuggerException in project che by eclipse.
the class JavaDebugger method connect.
* Attach to a JVM that is already running at specified host.
* @throws DebuggerException
* when connection to Java VM is not established
private void connect() throws DebuggerException {
final String connectorName = "com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach";
AttachingConnector connector = connector(connectorName);
if (connector == null) {
throw new DebuggerException(String.format("Unable connect to target Java VM. Requested connector '%s' not found. ", connectorName));
Map<String, Connector.Argument> arguments = connector.defaultArguments();
((Connector.IntegerArgument) arguments.get("port")).setValue(port);
int attempt = 0;
for (; ; ) {
try {
vm = connector.attach(arguments);
} catch (UnknownHostException | IllegalConnectorArgumentsException e) {
throw new DebuggerException(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
if (++attempt > 10) {
throw new DebuggerException(e.getMessage(), e);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
eventsCollector = new EventsCollector(vm.eventQueue(), this);
LOG.debug("Connect {}:{}", host, port);
use of org.eclipse.che.api.debugger.server.exceptions.DebuggerException in project che by eclipse.
the class JavaDebuggerFactory method create.
public Debugger create(Map<String, String> properties, Debugger.DebuggerCallback debuggerCallback) throws DebuggerException {
Map<String, String> normalizedProps = properties.entrySet().stream().collect(toMap(e -> e.getKey().toLowerCase(), Map.Entry::getValue));
String host = normalizedProps.get("host");
if (host == null) {
throw new DebuggerException("Can't establish connection: host property is unknown.");
String portProp = normalizedProps.get("port");
if (portProp == null) {
throw new DebuggerException("Can't establish connection: port property is unknown.");
int port;
try {
port = Integer.parseInt(portProp);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new DebuggerException("Unknown port property format: " + portProp);
return new JavaDebugger(host, port, debuggerCallback);