use of org.eclipse.che.api.factory.server.scm.exception.ScmItemNotFoundException in project che-server by eclipse-che.
the class GithubPersonalAccessTokenFetcher method fetchPersonalAccessToken.
public PersonalAccessToken fetchPersonalAccessToken(Subject cheSubject, String scmServerUrl) throws ScmUnauthorizedException, ScmCommunicationException {
OAuthToken oAuthToken;
if (githubApiClient == null || !githubApiClient.isConnected(scmServerUrl)) {
LOG.debug("not a valid url {} for current fetcher ", scmServerUrl);
return null;
try {
oAuthToken = oAuthAPI.getToken(OAUTH_PROVIDER_NAME);
// Find the user associated to the OAuth token by querying the GitHub API.
GithubUser user = githubApiClient.getUser(oAuthToken.getToken());
PersonalAccessToken token = new PersonalAccessToken(scmServerUrl, cheSubject.getUserId(), user.getLogin(), Long.toString(user.getId()), NameGenerator.generate(OAUTH_2_PREFIX, 5), NameGenerator.generate("id-", 5), oAuthToken.getToken());
Optional<Boolean> valid = isValid(token);
if (valid.isEmpty()) {
throw new ScmCommunicationException("Unable to verify if current token is a valid GitHub token. Token's scm-url needs to be '" + GithubApiClient.GITHUB_SERVER + "' and was '" + token.getScmProviderUrl() + "'");
} else if (!valid.get()) {
throw new ScmCommunicationException("Current token doesn't have the necessary privileges. Please make sure Che app scopes are correct and containing at least: " + DEFAULT_TOKEN_SCOPES.toString());
return token;
} catch (UnauthorizedException e) {
throw new ScmUnauthorizedException(cheSubject.getUserName() + " is not authorized in " + OAUTH_PROVIDER_NAME + " OAuth provider.", OAUTH_PROVIDER_NAME, "2.0", getLocalAuthenticateUrl());
} catch (NotFoundException | ServerException | ForbiddenException | BadRequestException | ScmItemNotFoundException | ScmBadRequestException | ConflictException e) {
throw new ScmCommunicationException(e.getMessage(), e);
use of org.eclipse.che.api.factory.server.scm.exception.ScmItemNotFoundException in project che-server by eclipse-che.
the class GitlabOAuthTokenFetcher method fetchPersonalAccessToken.
public PersonalAccessToken fetchPersonalAccessToken(Subject cheSubject, String scmServerUrl) throws ScmUnauthorizedException, ScmCommunicationException {
scmServerUrl = StringUtils.trimEnd(scmServerUrl, '/');
GitlabApiClient gitlabApiClient = getApiClient(scmServerUrl);
if (gitlabApiClient == null || !gitlabApiClient.isConnected(scmServerUrl)) {
LOG.debug("not a valid url {} for current fetcher ", scmServerUrl);
return null;
if (oAuthAPI == null) {
throw new ScmCommunicationException(format("OAuth 2 is not configured for SCM provider [%s]. For details, refer " + "the documentation in section of SCM providers configuration.", OAUTH_PROVIDER_NAME));
OAuthToken oAuthToken;
try {
oAuthToken = oAuthAPI.getToken(OAUTH_PROVIDER_NAME);
GitlabUser user = gitlabApiClient.getUser(oAuthToken.getToken());
PersonalAccessToken token = new PersonalAccessToken(scmServerUrl, cheSubject.getUserId(), user.getUsername(), Long.toString(user.getId()), NameGenerator.generate(OAUTH_2_PREFIX, 5), NameGenerator.generate("id-", 5), oAuthToken.getToken());
Optional<Boolean> valid = isValid(token);
if (valid.isEmpty() || !valid.get()) {
throw new ScmCommunicationException("Current token doesn't have the necessary privileges. Please make sure Che app scopes are correct and containing at least: " + DEFAULT_TOKEN_SCOPES.toString());
return token;
} catch (UnauthorizedException e) {
throw new ScmUnauthorizedException(cheSubject.getUserName() + " is not authorized in " + OAUTH_PROVIDER_NAME + " OAuth provider.", OAUTH_PROVIDER_NAME, "2.0", getLocalAuthenticateUrl());
} catch (NotFoundException | ServerException | ForbiddenException | BadRequestException | ScmItemNotFoundException | ScmBadRequestException | ConflictException e) {
throw new ScmCommunicationException(e.getMessage(), e);
use of org.eclipse.che.api.factory.server.scm.exception.ScmItemNotFoundException in project che-server by eclipse-che.
the class DevfileToApiExceptionMapperTest method shouldReturnBadrequestExceptionWhenCauseIsOtherException.
public void shouldReturnBadrequestExceptionWhenCauseIsOtherException() {
ScmItemNotFoundException itemNotFoundException = new ScmItemNotFoundException("unknown");
ApiException exception = DevfileToApiExceptionMapper.toApiException(new DevfileException("text", itemNotFoundException));
assertTrue(exception instanceof BadRequestException);
use of org.eclipse.che.api.factory.server.scm.exception.ScmItemNotFoundException in project che-server by eclipse-che.
the class HttpBitbucketServerApiClient method executeRequest.
private <T> T executeRequest(HttpClient httpClient, HttpRequest request, Function<InputStream, T> bodyConverter) throws ScmBadRequestException, ScmItemNotFoundException, ScmCommunicationException, ScmUnauthorizedException {
try {
HttpResponse<InputStream> response = httpClient.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofInputStream());
LOG.trace("executeRequest={} response {}", request, response.statusCode());
if (response.statusCode() == 200) {
return bodyConverter.apply(response.body());
} else if (response.statusCode() == 204) {
return null;
} else {
String body = CharStreams.toString(new InputStreamReader(response.body(), Charsets.UTF_8));
switch(response.statusCode()) {
throw buildScmUnauthorizedException();
throw new ScmBadRequestException(body);
throw new ScmItemNotFoundException(body);
throw new ScmCommunicationException("Unexpected status code " + response.statusCode() + " " + response.toString());
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException | UncheckedIOException e) {
throw new ScmCommunicationException(e.getMessage(), e);
use of org.eclipse.che.api.factory.server.scm.exception.ScmItemNotFoundException in project che-server by eclipse-che.
the class HttpBitbucketServerApiClient method getUser.
public BitbucketUser getUser(Subject cheUser) throws ScmUnauthorizedException, ScmCommunicationException, ScmItemNotFoundException {
try {
// Since Bitbucket server API doesn't provide a way to get an account profile currently
// authenticated user we will try to find it and by iterating over the list available to the
// current user Bitbucket users and attempting to get their personal access tokens. To speed
// up this process first of all we will search among users that contain(somewhere in Bitbucket
// user
// entity) Che's user username. At the second step, we will search against all visible(to the
// current Che's user) bitbucket users that are not included in the first list.
Set<String> usersByName = getUsers(cheUser.getUserName()).stream().map(BitbucketUser::getSlug).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Optional<BitbucketUser> currentUser = findCurrentUser(usersByName);
if (currentUser.isPresent()) {
return currentUser.get();
Set<String> usersAllExceptByName = getUsers().stream().map(BitbucketUser::getSlug).filter(s -> !usersByName.contains(s)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
currentUser = findCurrentUser(usersAllExceptByName);
if (currentUser.isPresent()) {
return currentUser.get();
} catch (ScmBadRequestException | ScmItemNotFoundException scmException) {
throw new ScmCommunicationException(scmException.getMessage(), scmException);
throw new ScmItemNotFoundException("Current user not found. That is possible only if user are not authorized against " + serverUri);