use of org.eclipse.che.api.machine.server.exception.MachineException in project che by eclipse.
the class SshMachineExecAgentLauncher method launch.
public void launch(SshMachineInstance machine, Agent agent) throws ServerException {
if (isNullOrEmpty(agent.getScript())) {
try {
String architecture = detectArchitecture(machine);
machine.copy(archivePathProvider.getPath(architecture), terminalLocation);
final AgentImpl agentCopy = new AgentImpl(agent);
agentCopy.setScript(agent.getScript() + "\n" + terminalRunCommand);
final SshMachineProcess process = start(machine, agentCopy);
LOG.debug("Waiting for agent {} is launched. Workspace ID:{}", agentCopy.getId(), machine.getWorkspaceId());
final long pingStartTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
SshProcessLaunchedChecker agentLaunchingChecker = new SshProcessLaunchedChecker("che-websocket-terminal");
while (System.currentTimeMillis() - pingStartTimestamp < agentMaxStartTimeMs) {
if (agentLaunchingChecker.isLaunched(agentCopy, machine)) {
} else {
final String errMsg = format("Fail launching agent %s. Workspace ID:%s", agent.getName(), machine.getWorkspaceId());
throw new ServerException(errMsg);
} catch (MachineException e) {
throw new ServerException(e.getServiceError());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new ServerException(format("Launching agent %s is interrupted", agent.getName()));
} catch (ConflictException e) {
// should never happen
throw new ServerException("Internal server error occurs on terminal launching.");
use of org.eclipse.che.api.machine.server.exception.MachineException in project che by eclipse.
the class JschSshClient method copyRecursively.
private void copyRecursively(String sourceFolder, String targetFolder) throws MachineException {
// create target dir
try {
int execCode = execAndGetCode("mkdir -p " + targetFolder);
if (execCode != 0) {
throw new MachineException(format("Creation of folder %s failed. Exit code is %s", targetFolder, execCode));
} catch (JSchException | IOException e) {
throw new MachineException(format("Creation of folder %s failed. Error: %s", targetFolder, e.getLocalizedMessage()));
// not normalized paths don't work
final String targetAbsolutePath = getAbsolutePath(targetFolder);
// copy files
ChannelSftp sftp = null;
try {
sftp = (ChannelSftp) session.openChannel("sftp");
final ChannelSftp finalSftp = sftp;
Files.walkFileTree(Paths.get(sourceFolder), new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
try {
if (!attrs.isDirectory()) {
copyFile(file.toString(), Paths.get(targetAbsolutePath, file.getFileName().toString()).toString(), finalSftp);
} else {
} catch (MachineException | SftpException e) {
throw new IOException(format("Sftp copying of file %s failed. Error: %s", file, e.getLocalizedMessage()));
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
} catch (JSchException | IOException e) {
throw new MachineException("Copying failed. Error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
} finally {
if (sftp != null) {
use of org.eclipse.che.api.machine.server.exception.MachineException in project che by eclipse.
the class JschSshClient method execAndGetOutput.
private String execAndGetOutput(String command) throws JSchException, MachineException, IOException {
ChannelExec exec = (ChannelExec) session.openChannel("exec");
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(exec.getInputStream()));
InputStream erStream = exec.getErrStream()) {
ListLineConsumer listLineConsumer = new ListLineConsumer();
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
// read stream to wait until command finishes its work
if (exec.getExitStatus() != 0) {
throw new MachineException(format("Error code: %s. Error: %s", exec.getExitStatus(), IoUtil.readAndCloseQuietly(exec.getErrStream())));
return listLineConsumer.getText();
} finally {
use of org.eclipse.che.api.machine.server.exception.MachineException in project che by eclipse.
the class RecipeDownloader method getRecipe.
* Downloads recipe by location.
* @param location
* location of recipe
* @return recipe with set content and type
* @throws ServerException
* if any error occurs
public String getRecipe(String location) throws ServerException {
URL recipeUrl;
File file = null;
try {
UriBuilder targetUriBuilder = UriBuilder.fromUri(location);
// add user token to be able to download user's private recipe
final URI recipeUri =;
if (!recipeUri.isAbsolute() && recipeUri.getHost() == null) {
targetUriBuilder.scheme(apiEndpoint.getScheme()).host(apiEndpoint.getHost()).port(apiEndpoint.getPort()).replacePath(apiEndpoint.getPath() + location);
if (EnvironmentContext.getCurrent().getSubject().getToken() != null) {
targetUriBuilder.queryParam("token", EnvironmentContext.getCurrent().getSubject().getToken());
recipeUrl =;
file = IoUtil.downloadFileWithRedirect(null, "recipe", null, recipeUrl);
return IoUtil.readAndCloseQuietly(new FileInputStream(file));
} catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException | UriBuilderException e) {
throw new MachineException(format("Failed to download recipe %s. Error: %s", location, e.getLocalizedMessage()));
} finally {
if (file != null && !file.delete()) {
LOG.error(String.format("Removal of recipe file %s failed.", file.getAbsolutePath()));
use of org.eclipse.che.api.machine.server.exception.MachineException in project che by eclipse.
the class RecipeDownloader method getRecipe.
* Downloads recipe by location from {@link MachineSource#getLocation()}.
* @param machineConfig
* config used to get recipe location
* @return recipe with set content and type
* @throws MachineException
* if any error occurs
public RecipeImpl getRecipe(MachineConfig machineConfig) throws MachineException {
URL recipeUrl;
File file = null;
final String location = machineConfig.getSource().getLocation();
try {
UriBuilder targetUriBuilder = UriBuilder.fromUri(location);
// add user token to be able to download user's private recipe
final URI recipeUri =;
if (!recipeUri.isAbsolute() && recipeUri.getHost() == null) {
targetUriBuilder.scheme(apiEndpoint.getScheme()).host(apiEndpoint.getHost()).port(apiEndpoint.getPort()).replacePath(apiEndpoint.getPath() + location);
if (EnvironmentContext.getCurrent().getSubject().getToken() != null) {
targetUriBuilder.queryParam("token", EnvironmentContext.getCurrent().getSubject().getToken());
recipeUrl =;
file = IoUtil.downloadFileWithRedirect(null, "recipe", null, recipeUrl);
return new RecipeImpl().withType(machineConfig.getSource().getType()).withScript(IoUtil.readAndCloseQuietly(new FileInputStream(file)));
} catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new MachineException(format("Failed to download recipe for machine %s. Recipe url %s. Error: %s", machineConfig.getName(), location, e.getLocalizedMessage()));
} finally {
if (file != null && !file.delete()) {
LOG.error(String.format("Removal of recipe file %s failed.", file.getAbsolutePath()));