use of org.eclipse.che.plugin.openshift.client.exception.OpenShiftException in project che by eclipse.
the class OpenShiftConnector method inspectContainer.
public ContainerInfo inspectContainer(String containerId) throws IOException {
Pod pod = getChePodByContainerId(containerId);
if (pod == null) {
LOG.warn("No Pod found by container ID {}", containerId);
return null;
List<Container> podContainers = pod.getSpec().getContainers();
if (podContainers.size() > 1) {
throw new OpenShiftException("Multiple Containers found in Pod.");
} else if (podContainers.size() < 1 || isNullOrEmpty(podContainers.get(0).getImage())) {
throw new OpenShiftException(String.format("Container %s not found", containerId));
String podPullSpec = podContainers.get(0).getImage();
String tagName = KubernetesStringUtils.getTagNameFromPullSpec(podPullSpec);
ImageStreamTag tag = getImageStreamTagFromRepo(tagName);
ImageInfo imageInfo = getImageInfoFromTag(tag);
String deploymentName = pod.getMetadata().getLabels().get(OPENSHIFT_DEPLOYMENT_LABEL);
if (deploymentName == null) {
LOG.warn("No label {} found for Pod {}", OPENSHIFT_DEPLOYMENT_LABEL, pod.getMetadata().getName());
return null;
Service svc = getCheServiceBySelector(OPENSHIFT_DEPLOYMENT_LABEL, deploymentName);
if (svc == null) {
LOG.warn("No Service found by selector {}={}", OPENSHIFT_DEPLOYMENT_LABEL, deploymentName);
return null;
return createContainerInfo(svc, imageInfo, pod, containerId);