use of org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class NewFolderDialogOfHs method createNewFolder.
* Creates a new folder with the given name and optionally linking to
* the specified link target.
* @param folderName name of the new folder
* @param linkTarget name of the link target folder. may be null.
* @return IFolder the new folder
private IFolder createNewFolder(String folderName, final URI linkTarget) {
final IFolder folderHandle = createFolderHandle(folderName);
WorkspaceModifyOperation operation = new WorkspaceModifyOperation() {
public void execute(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
try {
monitor.beginTask(IDEWorkbenchMessages.NewFolderDialog_progress, 2000);
if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
throw new OperationCanceledException();
if (linkTarget == null) {
folderHandle.create(false, true, monitor);
} else {
folderHandle.createLink(linkTarget, IResource.ALLOW_MISSING_LOCAL, monitor);
if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
throw new OperationCanceledException();
} finally {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException exception) {
return null;
} catch (InvocationTargetException exception) {
if (exception.getTargetException() instanceof CoreException) {
ErrorDialog.openError(getShell(), // no special message
IDEWorkbenchMessages.NewFolderDialog_errorTitle, // no special message
null, ((CoreException) exception.getTargetException()).getStatus());
} else {
// CoreExceptions are handled above, but unexpected runtime exceptions and errors may still occur.
IDEWorkbenchPlugin.log(getClass(), "createNewFolder", //$NON-NLS-1$
MessageDialog.openError(getShell(), IDEWorkbenchMessages.NewFolderDialog_errorTitle, NLS.bind(IDEWorkbenchMessages.NewFolderDialog_internalError, exception.getTargetException().getMessage()));
return null;
return folderHandle;
use of org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class ConverterUtils method throwConverterException.
* Throw converter exception.
* @param plugin
* the plugin
* @param message
* the message
* @param e
* the e
* @throws ConverterException
* the converter exception
* @author John Zhu
public static void throwConverterException(String plugin, String message, Throwable e) throws ConverterException {
if (e instanceof OperationCanceledException) {
IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, plugin, IStatus.ERROR, message, e);
ConverterException ce = new ConverterException(status);
throw ce;
use of org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class SplitXliff method splitTheXliff.
* 切割Xliff文件 注意:源文本没有解析,因为xlfhandler是从xlfeditor取过来的,因此不用再解析一次。
public boolean splitTheXliff(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
if (monitor == null) {
monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
monitor.beginTask(Messages.getString("splitAndMergeXliff.SplitXliff.task1"), splitPointsIndex.size());
String xlfPath = splitFile.getLocation().toOSString();
if (xlfPath != null) {
File f = new File(xlfPath);
// 如果文件不存在,提示并退出操作
if (!f.exists()) {
f = null;
Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MessageDialog.openInformation(shell, Messages.getString("splitAndMergeXliff.SplitXliff.msgTitle1"), MessageFormat.format(Messages.getString("splitAndMergeXliff.SplitXliff.msg1"), new Object[] { splitFile.getFullPath().toOSString() }));
return false;
} else {
Map<String, String> newInfo = null;
File src = new File(xlfPath);
String fileName = null;
String splitXliffName = null;
try {
splitXliffName = src.getName();
// 源文件的文件名
fileName = new String(splitXliffName.getBytes("UTF-8"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
LOGGER.error("", e1);
// 判断分割后生成的子文件是否重复,如果重复就进行提示
String copyFiles = "";
LinkedList<String> newSplitedFilesName = model.getNewSplitedFilesName();
for (int i = 0; i < newSplitedFilesName.size(); i++) {
final String newXlfPath = model.getSplitXlfsContainer().getLocation().append(newSplitedFilesName.get(i)).toOSString();
File newXlfFile = new File(newXlfPath);
if (newXlfFile.exists()) {
copyFiles += getFullPath(newXlfPath) + "\n";
final String copyFilesTip = copyFiles.substring(0, copyFiles.length());
// 如果新生成的文件已经存在,那么提示是否覆盖
if (copyFiles.length() > 0) {
try {
Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
boolean response = MessageDialog.openConfirm(shell, Messages.getString("splitAndMergeXliff.SplitXliff.msgTitle2"), MessageFormat.format(Messages.getString("splitAndMergeXliff.SplitXliff.msg2"), new Object[] { copyFilesTip }));
if (!response) {
needCover = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("", e);
if (needCover) {
return false;
// 先删除重复的文件,再关闭已经打开的重复文件的编辑器
Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
IWorkbenchWindow window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
try {
IEditorReference[] refrences = window.getActivePage().getEditorReferences();
for (IEditorReference refrence : refrences) {
if (refrence.getEditor(true).getEditorSite().getId().equals(NATABLE_ID)) {
XLIFFEditorImplWithNatTable nattable = (XLIFFEditorImplWithNatTable) refrence.getEditor(true);
if (nattable.isMultiFile()) {
for (File file : nattable.getMultiFileList()) {
if (repeateFileList.indexOf(ResourceUtils.fileToIFile(file.getAbsolutePath())) >= 0) {
window.getActivePage().closeEditor(nattable, true);
} else {
if (repeateFileList.indexOf(((FileEditorInput) nattable.getEditorInput()).getFile()) >= 0) {
window.getActivePage().closeEditor(nattable, true);
for (IFile iFile : repeateFileList) {
ResourceUtil.getFile(iFile).delete(true, null);
model.getSplitFile().getProject().refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("", e);
// 得到当前的时间, 开始进行循环切割
long splitTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = CONSTANT_ONE, pointsSize = (splitPointsIndex.size() + 1); i <= pointsSize; i++) {
newInfo = getNewSplitInfo(fileName, oldInfo, i, pointsSize, splitTime);
monitor.subTask(Messages.getString("splitAndMergeXliff.SplitXliff.task2") + newInfo.get("name"));
// 创建新的XLIFF的文件路径
final String newXlfPath = model.getSplitXlfsContainer().getLocation().append(getSplitFileName(splitXliffName, oldInfo, i)).toOSString();
String xliffNodeHeader = xlfhandler.getNodeHeader(xlfPath, "xliff", "/xliff");
createNewSplitXliff(newXlfPath, xliffNodeHeader);
// 打开这个新创建的xliff文件,将xliff与file,header等节点写入进去
Map<String, Object> newResultMap = splitHandler.openFile(newXlfPath);
if (newResultMap == null || Constant.RETURNVALUE_RESULT_SUCCESSFUL != (Integer) newResultMap.get(Constant.RETURNVALUE_RESULT)) {
Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MessageDialog.openError(shell, Messages.getString("splitAndMergeXliff.SplitXliff.msgTitle3"), Messages.getString("splitAndMergeXliff.SplitXliff.msg3"));
return false;
if (fileInfo == null) {
fileInfo = xlfhandler.getFileInfo(xlfPath);
// 获取当前分割段的首末rowId
String startRowId = xlfhandler.getNextRowId(xlfPath, i == CONSTANT_ONE ? "start" : splitPointsRowId.get(i - 2));
String endRowId = (i == pointsSize) ? xlfhandler.getNextRowId(xlfPath, "end") : splitPointsRowId.get(// 因为这里的I是从1开始的,故要减1
// 获取分割段的file,与body第一子节点的序列
Map<String, Integer> startNodeIdxMap = xlfhandler.getSplitNodeIdx(xlfPath, i == CONSTANT_ONE ? "start" : splitPointsRowId.get(i - 2));
Map<String, Integer> endNodeIdxMap = (i == pointsSize) ? xlfhandler.getSplitNodeIdx(xlfPath, "end") : xlfhandler.getSplitNodeIdx(xlfPath, splitPointsRowId.get(i - CONSTANT_ONE));
// 获取当前起始rowId所在的file节点的序列号
int startFileNodeIdx = startNodeIdxMap.get("fileNodeIdx");
int endFileNodeIdx = endNodeIdxMap.get("fileNodeIdx");
int startBodyChildIdx = startNodeIdxMap.get("bodyChildNodeIdx");
// 开始循环每一个file节点,进行获取相关数据
// 这是新生成的xliff文件中的file的序列号
int n = 1;
for (int fileIdx = startFileNodeIdx; fileIdx <= endFileNodeIdx; fileIdx++) {
// 开始将数据存入新切割的xliff文件中,先存放file节点的头
String fileNodeHeader = xlfhandler.getNodeHeader(xlfPath, "file", "/xliff/file[" + fileIdx + "]");
splitHandler.addDataToXlf(newXlfPath, fileNodeHeader, "/xliff");
String headerFrag = xlfhandler.getNodeFrag(xlfPath, "/xliff/file[" + fileIdx + "]/header");
splitHandler.addDataToXlf(newXlfPath, headerFrag, "/xliff/file[" + n + "]");
// 向新生成xliff文件添加body元素
String bodyNodeHeader = xlfhandler.getNodeHeader(xlfPath, "body", "/xliff/file[" + fileIdx + "]/body");
splitHandler.addDataToXlf(newXlfPath, bodyNodeHeader, "/xliff/file[" + n + "]");
boolean isLastOfFile = false;
if (i == pointsSize && fileIdx == endFileNodeIdx) {
isLastOfFile = true;
// UNDO 分割这里还要好发测试一下,针对不同情况。
String tuData = xlfhandler.getSplitTuData(xlfPath, fileIdx, n == 1 ? startBodyChildIdx : 1, n == 1 ? startRowId : null, endRowId, n == 1, isLastOfFile);
splitHandler.addDataToXlf(newXlfPath, tuData, "/xliff/file[" + n + "]/body");
if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
throw new OperationCanceledException(Messages.getString("splitAndMergeXliff.SplitXliff.msg3"));
// 添加新的切割信息
splitHandler.addNewInfoToSplitXlf(newXlfPath, newInfo);
return true;
use of org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class LockTMSegment method executeTranslation.
* 根据构建参数执行预翻译 ;
* @return false:标识用户点击退出按钮,不再执行
public boolean executeTranslation(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
if (monitor == null) {
monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
if (monitor != null && monitor.isCanceled()) {
throw new OperationCanceledException();
int allTuSize = 0;
for (String xlfPath : xlfFiles) {
int curTuSize = xlfHandler.getNodeCount(xlfPath, XPATH_ALL_TU);
tuNumResult.put(xlfPath, curTuSize);
if (lockedFullMatchResult.get(xlfPath) == null) {
lockedFullMatchResult.put(xlfPath, 0);
if (lockedContextResult.get(xlfPath) == null) {
lockedContextResult.put(xlfPath, 0);
if (needLockRowIdMap.get(xlfPath) == null) {
needLockRowIdMap.put(xlfPath, new ArrayList<String>());
allTuSize += curTuSize;
monitor.beginTask(Messages.getString("translation.LockTMSegment.task1"), allTuSize);
boolean canTmMatch = tmMatcher.checkTmMatcher(curProject);
if (!canTmMatch) {
monitorWork(monitor, allTuSize);
return true;
Map<String, String> srcTextMap = null;
for (String xlfPath : xlfFiles) {
int fileNodeSum = xlfHandler.getNodeCount(xlfPath, XP_FILE);
for (int fileNodeIdx = CONSTANT_ONE; fileNodeIdx <= fileNodeSum; fileNodeIdx++) {
String source_lan = xlfHandler.getNodeAttribute(xlfPath, "/xliff/file[" + fileNodeIdx + "]", SRCLANG);
String target_lan = xlfHandler.getNodeAttribute(xlfPath, "/xliff/file[" + fileNodeIdx + "]", TAGLANG);
if (source_lan == null || source_lan.equals("")) {
if (target_lan == null || target_lan.equals("")) {
int curFileNodeTuSize = xlfHandler.getNodeCount(xlfPath, "/xliff/file[" + fileNodeIdx + "]/body/descendant::trans-unit[source/text()!='' or source/*]");
for (int tuNodeIdx = CONSTANT_ONE; tuNodeIdx <= curFileNodeTuSize; tuNodeIdx++) {
String tuXpath = "/xliff/file[" + fileNodeIdx + "]/descendant::trans-unit[" + tuNodeIdx + "]";
srcTextMap = xlfHandler.getTUsrcText(xlfPath, tuXpath, contextSize);
if (srcTextMap == null || srcTextMap.size() < 0) {
return true;
searchTmAndLockTu(xlfPath, source_lan, target_lan, srcTextMap);
if (!monitorWork(monitor, allTuSize)) {
return false;
return true;
use of org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class ImportProjectWizardPage method createProjects.
* Create the selected projects
* @return boolean <code>true</code> if all project creations were
* successful.
public boolean createProjects() {
final Object[] selected = projectsList.getCheckedElements();
createdProjects = new ArrayList();
WorkspaceModifyOperation op = new WorkspaceModifyOperation() {
protected void execute(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
try {
monitor.beginTask("", selected.length);
if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
throw new OperationCanceledException();
for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) {
createExistingProject((ProjectRecord) selected[i], new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1));
} finally {
// run the new project creation operation
try {
getContainer().run(true, true, op);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return false;
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
// one of the steps resulted in a core exception
Throwable t = e.getTargetException();
String message = DataTransferMessages.WizardExternalProjectImportPage_errorMessage;
IStatus status;
if (t instanceof CoreException) {
status = ((CoreException) t).getStatus();
} else {
status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, IDEWorkbenchPlugin.IDE_WORKBENCH, 1, message, t);
ErrorDialog.openError(getShell(), message, null, status);
return false;
ArchiveFileManipulations.closeStructureProvider(structureProvider, getShell());
return true;