use of org.eclipse.egit.core.synchronize.dto.GitSynchronizeDataSet in project egit by eclipse.
the class GitResourceVariantComparatorTest method shouldReturnTrueWhenShortContentIsDifferent.
* Comparing two files that have the same content and content length should
* return true
* @throws Exception
public void shouldReturnTrueWhenShortContentIsDifferent() throws Exception {
// when
byte[] localContent = "very long long content".getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] remoteContent = "very long long content".getBytes("UTF-8");
GitSynchronizeData data = new GitSynchronizeData(repo, HEAD, HEAD, true);
GitSynchronizeDataSet dataSet = new GitSynchronizeDataSet(data);
GitResourceVariantComparator grvc = new GitResourceVariantComparator(dataSet);
// given
IFile local = mock(IFile.class);
when(local.getContents()).thenReturn(new ByteArrayInputStream(localContent));
IStorage storage = mock(IStorage.class);
when(storage.getContents()).thenReturn(new ByteArrayInputStream(remoteContent));
IResourceVariant remote = mock(IResourceVariant.class);
// then
assertTrue(, remote));
use of org.eclipse.egit.core.synchronize.dto.GitSynchronizeDataSet in project egit by eclipse.
the class GitResourceVariantTreeTest method shoulReturnSameResourceVariant.
* Check if getResourceVariant() does return the same resource that was
* committed. Passes only when it is run as a single test, not as a part of
* largest test suite
* @throws Exception
public void shoulReturnSameResourceVariant() throws Exception {
// when
String fileName = "";
File file = testRepo.createFile(iProject, fileName);
testRepo.appendContentAndCommit(iProject, file, "class Main {}", "initial commit");
IFile mainJava = testRepo.getIFile(iProject, file);
GitSynchronizeData data = new GitSynchronizeData(repo, HEAD, MASTER, false);
GitSynchronizeDataSet dataSet = new GitSynchronizeDataSet(data);
GitSyncCache cache = GitSyncCache.getAllData(dataSet, new NullProgressMonitor());
// given
GitResourceVariantTree grvt = new GitRemoteResourceVariantTree(cache, dataSet);
// then
// null variant indicates that resource wasn't changed
use of org.eclipse.egit.core.synchronize.dto.GitSynchronizeDataSet in project egit by eclipse.
the class GitResourceVariantTreeTest method shouldNotReturnNullOnSameResouceVariant.
public void shouldNotReturnNullOnSameResouceVariant() throws Exception {
String modifiedFileName = "changingFile." + SampleModelProvider.SAMPLE_FILE_EXTENSION;
String unchangedFileName = "notChangingFile." + SampleModelProvider.SAMPLE_FILE_EXTENSION;
String removedFileName = "toBeRemovedFile." + SampleModelProvider.SAMPLE_FILE_EXTENSION;
File modifiedFile = testRepo.createFile(iProject, modifiedFileName);
File unchangedFile = testRepo.createFile(iProject, unchangedFileName);
File removedFile = testRepo.createFile(iProject, removedFileName);
testRepo.appendFileContent(modifiedFile, "My content is changing");
testRepo.appendFileContent(unchangedFile, "My content is constant");
testRepo.appendFileContent(removedFile, "I will be removed");
IFile iModifiedFile = testRepo.getIFile(iProject, modifiedFile);
IFile iUnchangedFile = testRepo.getIFile(iProject, unchangedFile);
IFile iRemovedFile = testRepo.getIFile(iProject, removedFile);
RevCommit firstCommit = testRepo.commit("C1");
testRepo.appendFileContent(modifiedFile, " My content has changed");
RevCommit secondCommit = testRepo.commit("C2");
// @formatter:off
// History (X means has changed)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// files C1 [HEAD] C2
// changingFile.sample |-----X----------|-------X-------|->
// notChangingFile.sample |-----X----------|---------------|->
// toBeRemovedFile.sample |-----X----------|-------X-------|->
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// @formatter:on
iProject.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, new NullProgressMonitor());
// Now synchronize the two commits using our logical model provider
SampleModelProvider provider = new SampleModelProvider();
// Get the affected resources
ResourceMapping[] mappings = provider.getMappings(iModifiedFile, ResourceMappingContext.LOCAL_CONTEXT, new NullProgressMonitor());
Set<IResource> includedResource = collectResources(mappings);
Set<IResource> expectedIncludedResources = new HashSet<IResource>();
assertEquals(expectedIncludedResources, includedResource);
// Synchronize the data
final GitSynchronizeData data = new GitSynchronizeData(testRepo.getRepository(), firstCommit.getName(), secondCommit.getName(), true, includedResource);
GitSynchronizeDataSet gitSynchDataSet = new GitSynchronizeDataSet(data);
final GitResourceVariantTreeSubscriber subscriber = new GitResourceVariantTreeSubscriber(gitSynchDataSet);
subscriber.init(new NullProgressMonitor());
IResourceVariantTree sourceVariantTree = subscriber.getSourceTree();
IResourceVariantTree remoteVariantTree = subscriber.getRemoteTree();
// In the use case in which the file has been deleted the source variant is
// not null whereas the remote variant is null.It seems quite logic.
// However in the second use case we have the same result, the source variant is
// not null whereas the remote is null. In both cases the null value does
// not mean the same thing. In the first case, the null value means that
// the resource is no longer in the repository and in the second the
// null value means there is no change between the two versions.
// Using these values I am not able to distinguish both case.
// It is in contradiction with test #shouldReturnNullResourceVariant2()
// and test #shoulReturnSameResourceVariant(). However I haven't found
// another way to handle this case. Maybe something can be
// done with ThreeWayDiffEntry.scan(tw) to force including in the cache
// some entry even if they have not changed. For example,
// ThreeWayDiffEntry.scan(tw,includedSource) or maybe try preventing the variant
// tree to return null by walking throught the repository and looking for the file...
IResourceVariant unchangedSourceVariant = sourceVariantTree.getResourceVariant(iUnchangedFile);
IResourceVariant unchangedRemoteVariant = remoteVariantTree.getResourceVariant(iUnchangedFile);
IResourceVariant removedSourceVariant = sourceVariantTree.getResourceVariant(iRemovedFile);
IResourceVariant removedRemoteVariant = remoteVariantTree.getResourceVariant(iRemovedFile);
GitSubscriberResourceMappingContext context = new GitSubscriberResourceMappingContext(subscriber, gitSynchDataSet);
assertFalse(context.hasLocalChange(iUnchangedFile, new NullProgressMonitor()));
assertFalse(context.hasRemoteChange(iUnchangedFile, new NullProgressMonitor()));
assertFalse(context.hasLocalChange(iModifiedFile, new NullProgressMonitor()));
assertTrue(context.hasRemoteChange(iModifiedFile, new NullProgressMonitor()));
assertFalse(context.hasLocalChange(iRemovedFile, new NullProgressMonitor()));
assertTrue(context.hasRemoteChange(iRemovedFile, new NullProgressMonitor()));
use of org.eclipse.egit.core.synchronize.dto.GitSynchronizeDataSet in project egit by eclipse.
the class GitResourceVariantTreeTest method shouldReturnDifferentResourceVariant.
* Create and commit file in master branch, then create branch
* "test" checkout nearly created branch and modify file.
* getResourceVariant() should obtain file content from "master"
* branch. Passes only when it is run as a single test, not as a part of
* largest test suite
* @throws Exception
public void shouldReturnDifferentResourceVariant() throws Exception {
// when
String fileName = "";
File file = testRepo.createFile(iProject, fileName);
testRepo.appendContentAndCommit(iProject, file, "class Main {}", "initial commit");
IFile mainJava = testRepo.getIFile(iProject, file);
testRepo.createAndCheckoutBranch(Constants.R_HEADS + Constants.MASTER, Constants.R_HEADS + "test");
testRepo.appendContentAndCommit(iProject, file, "// test", "first commit");
GitSynchronizeData data = new GitSynchronizeData(repo, HEAD, MASTER, true);
GitSynchronizeDataSet dataSet = new GitSynchronizeDataSet(data);
GitSyncCache cache = GitSyncCache.getAllData(dataSet, new NullProgressMonitor());
// given
GitResourceVariantTree grvt = new GitBaseResourceVariantTree(cache, dataSet);
// then
IResourceVariant actual = grvt.getResourceVariant(mainJava);
assertEquals(fileName, actual.getName());
InputStream actualIn = actual.getStorage(new NullProgressMonitor()).getContents();
byte[] actualByte = getBytesAndCloseStream(actualIn);
InputStream expectedIn = mainJava.getContents();
byte[] expectedByte = getBytesAndCloseStream(expectedIn);
// assert arrays not equals
assertFalse(Arrays.equals(expectedByte, actualByte));
use of org.eclipse.egit.core.synchronize.dto.GitSynchronizeDataSet in project egit by eclipse.
the class HistoryTest method queryHistoryThroughTeam.
* This aims at exerting the behavior of the EGit history provider when used
* through the Team APIs. This is the behavior extenders will see when
* interfacing with EGit through the synchronize view.
* The exact comparison with which we've reached the synchronize perspective
* should not be relevant. To keep this test as short as possible, we'll
* only test a single comparison.
public void queryHistoryThroughTeam() throws IOException, CoreException {
GitSynchronizeData gsd = new GitSynchronizeData(testRepository.getRepository(), MASTER, BRANCH, false);
GitSynchronizeDataSet gsds = new GitSynchronizeDataSet(gsd);
GitResourceVariantTreeSubscriber subscriber = new GitResourceVariantTreeSubscriber(gsds);
subscriber.init(new NullProgressMonitor());
IDiff diff = subscriber.getDiff(iFile2);
assertTrue(diff instanceof IThreeWayDiff);
IFileRevision sourceRevision = getSource(diff);
IFileRevision destinationRevision = getDestination(diff);
IFileRevision baseRevision = getBase(diff);
assertRevisionMatchCommit(baseRevision, masterCommit2);
assertRevisionMatchCommit(destinationRevision, branchCommit2);
assertRevisionMatchCommit(sourceRevision, masterCommit3);
final IFileHistory history = historyProvider.getFileHistoryFor(iFile2, IFileHistoryProvider.NONE, new NullProgressMonitor());
// no parent of masterCommit2 in file2's history
IFileRevision[] parents = history.getContributors(baseRevision);
assertEquals(0, parents.length);
* branchCommit1 did not contain file2, so the "child" of masterCommit2
* (branching point) in file2's history is branchCommit2.
IFileRevision[] children = history.getTargets(baseRevision);
List<RevCommit> expectedChildren = new ArrayList<RevCommit>(Arrays.asList(masterCommit3, branchCommit2));
assertEquals(expectedChildren.size(), children.length);
assertMatchingRevisions(Arrays.asList(children), expectedChildren);