use of org.eclipse.elk.core.math.ElkPadding in project elk by eclipse.
the class DisCoPolyominoCompactor method applyToDCGraph.
* Sets an offset to the {@link DCComponent DCComponents} of the given graph indicating a vector, which yields its
* new absolute position after packing, if added to its original coordinates. Prerequisite:
* {@link #packPolyominoes()} must have been called before this method.
private void applyToDCGraph() {
// Crop base grid to the bounding box of all filled/marked cells.
Quadruple<Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer> gridCrop = grid.getFilledBounds();
// Compute width and height of the minimum bounding box of the new layout and set the the dimensions of the
// graph accordingly. The coordinates are thereby translated from the discrete integer coordinates of the low
// resolution polyominoes back to the real coordinates of the DCGraph.
ElkPadding padding = cmpGraph.getProperty(DisCoOptions.PADDING);
double paddingHori = padding.getHorizontal();
double paddingVert = padding.getVertical();
double parentWidth = (gridCrop.getThird() * gridCellSizeX) + paddingHori;
double parentHeight = (gridCrop.getFourth() * gridCellSizeY) + paddingVert;
cmpGraph.setDimensions(new KVector(parentWidth, parentHeight));
for (DCPolyomino poly : polys) {
// Compute the position of the upper left corner of each polyomino relative to the upper left corner of the
// bounding box of all filled/marked cells of the base grid.
int absoluteIntPositionX = poly.getX() - gridCrop.getFirst();
int absoluteIntPositionY = poly.getY() - gridCrop.getSecond();
// Compute new position of DCComponent
KVector absolutePositionOnCanvas = new KVector(absoluteIntPositionX, absoluteIntPositionY).scale(poly.getCellSizeX(), poly.getCellSizeY()).add(poly.getOffset());
// Get original coordinates of DCCopmponent (These will not be updated, as so far all classes implementing
// the IGraphTransformer only use the offsets of the components to layout their underlying graph structures.
KVector originalCoordinates = poly.getRepresentee().getMinCorner();
// Set offset of new position relative to the original position of the component
use of org.eclipse.elk.core.math.ElkPadding in project elk by eclipse.
the class Draw2DLayoutProvider method buildDraw2dGraph.
* Builds the graph which is used internally by the Draw2D layout algorithm.
* @param layoutNode parent layout node
* @return a graph that contains the children of the given parent
private DirectedGraph buildDraw2dGraph(final ElkNode layoutNode) {
DirectedGraph graph = new DirectedGraph();
// set layout options for the graph
double minSpacing = layoutNode.getProperty(Draw2DOptions.SPACING_NODE_NODE);
if (minSpacing < 0) {
minSpacing = DEF_MIN_SPACING;
graph.setDefaultPadding(new Insets((int) minSpacing));
ElkPadding padding = layoutNode.getProperty(Draw2DOptions.PADDING);
graph.setMargin(new Insets((int), (int) padding.left, (int) padding.bottom, (int) padding.right));
Direction layoutDirection = layoutNode.getProperty(Draw2DOptions.DIRECTION);
switch(layoutDirection) {
case UP:
case DOWN:
// add nodes to the graph
Map<ElkNode, Node> nodeMap = new HashMap<>();
for (ElkNode elknode : layoutNode.getChildren()) {
Node draw2dNode = new Node(elknode);
draw2dNode.width = (int) elknode.getWidth();
draw2dNode.height = (int) elknode.getHeight();
nodeMap.put(elknode, draw2dNode);
// add edges to the graph
for (ElkNode source : layoutNode.getChildren()) {
Node draw2dSource = nodeMap.get(source);
for (ElkEdge kedge : ElkGraphUtil.allOutgoingEdges(source)) {
// we don't support hyperedges
if (kedge.isHyperedge()) {
ElkNode target = ElkGraphUtil.connectableShapeToNode(kedge.getTargets().get(0));
Node draw2dTarget = nodeMap.get(target);
if (draw2dTarget != null && draw2dTarget != draw2dSource) {
Edge draw2dEdge = new Edge(kedge, draw2dSource, draw2dTarget);
return graph;
use of org.eclipse.elk.core.math.ElkPadding in project elk by eclipse.
the class Issue682Test method testGraph.
public Triple<ElkNode, ElkNode, ElkLabel> testGraph() {
ElkNode graph = ElkGraphUtil.createGraph();
graph.setProperty(CoreOptions.ALGORITHM, LayeredOptions.ALGORITHM_ID);
graph.setProperty(LayeredOptions.EDGE_ROUTING, EdgeRouting.ORTHOGONAL);
graph.setProperty(LayeredOptions.DIRECTION, layoutDirection);
graph.setProperty(LayeredOptions.NODE_LABELS_PADDING, new ElkPadding(21, 32, 43, 54));
ElkNode parent = ElkGraphUtil.createNode(graph);
parent.setProperty(LayeredOptions.NODE_SIZE_CONSTRAINTS, EnumSet.of(SizeConstraint.NODE_LABELS));
parent.setProperty(LayeredOptions.NODE_LABELS_PLACEMENT, NodeLabelPlacement.insideTopCenter());
ElkLabel label = ElkGraphUtil.createLabel("foobar", parent);
// Arbitrary
return new Triple<>(graph, parent, label);
use of org.eclipse.elk.core.math.ElkPadding in project elk by eclipse.
the class Issue701Test method testMixInsideAndOutsideLabels.
* Check behavior for port labels that is forced to be inside or outside the node according to
* {@link PortLabelPlacement} property, with more complex cases that {@link #testInsideLabels(ElkNode)} and
* {@link #testOutsideLabels(ElkNode)}.
public void testMixInsideAndOutsideLabels(final ElkNode graph) {
ElkNode containerForMixInsideOutsideLabels = GraphTestUtils.getChild(graph, "ContainerWithLabelsInsideAndOutside", "Container_SeveralBorderNodes_LabelInsideAndOutside");
// Ensure there is no label overlaps
if (GraphTestUtils.haveOverlaps(assembleLabels(containerForMixInsideOutsideLabels))) {
// TODO: Check deactivated because it fails for "MyCont2": case with 2 border nodes without edges. Maybe to
// review for
// fail("Overlaps between labels detected in \"Container_SeveralBorderNodes_LabelInsideAndOutside\"!");
// Ports on north and on south sides
ElkNode node1 = GraphTestUtils.getChild(containerForMixInsideOutsideLabels, "MyNode1");
ElkPort node1Port1 = GraphTestUtils.getPort(node1, "P1");
ElkPort node1Port2 = GraphTestUtils.getPort(node1, "P2");
assertNodeWidthAccordingToPortWidth(node1, node1Port1, node1Port2, false);
assertNodeHeightAccordingToPortHeight(node1, node1Port1, node1Port2, false);
// Ports on east and on west sides
ElkNode node2 = GraphTestUtils.getChild(containerForMixInsideOutsideLabels, "MyNode2");
ElkPort node2Port1 = GraphTestUtils.getPort(node2, "P1");
ElkPort node2Port2 = GraphTestUtils.getPort(node2, "P2");
assertNodeWidthAccordingToPortWidth(node2, node2Port1, node2Port2, true);
assertNodeHeightAccordingToPortHeight(node2, node2Port1, node2Port2, true);
// Ports on east and on west sides with a node inside the container without edge
// TODO: Ignored. The behavior seems KO. Maybe to review for
// ElkNode cont2 = GraphTestUtils.getChild(containerForMixInsideOutsideLabels, "MyCont2");
// Ports on east and on west sides with a node inside the container and linked to the ports, check width of the
// container
ElkNode cont3 = GraphTestUtils.getChild(containerForMixInsideOutsideLabels, "MyCont3");
ElkNode cont3Node2 = GraphTestUtils.getChild(cont3, "MyNode2");
ElkPort cont3Port1 = GraphTestUtils.getPort(cont3, "P1");
ElkLabel cont3Port1Label = cont3Port1.getLabels().get(0);
ElkPort cont3Port2 = GraphTestUtils.getPort(cont3, "P2");
ElkLabel cont3Port2Label = cont3Port2.getLabels().get(0);
double spacingLabelCont3Port1 = cont3Port1.getProperty(CoreOptions.SPACING_LABEL_PORT);
double spacingLabelCont3Port2 = cont3Port2.getProperty(CoreOptions.SPACING_LABEL_PORT);
double cont3Port1BorderOffset = cont3Port1.getProperty(CoreOptions.PORT_BORDER_OFFSET);
double cont3Port2BorderOffset = cont3Port2.getProperty(CoreOptions.PORT_BORDER_OFFSET);
ElkPadding cont3Padding = cont3.getProperty(CoreOptions.PADDING);
// Compute expected width
double expectedCont3Width = cont3Padding.getLeft();
// TODO: It seems to be a bug here. There is only 4 pixels instead of 12
expectedCont3Width -= 8;
expectedCont3Width += cont3Node2.getWidth();
expectedCont3Width += -cont3Port2BorderOffset;
expectedCont3Width += spacingLabelCont3Port2;
expectedCont3Width += cont3Port2Label.getWidth();
expectedCont3Width += cont3Port1Label.getWidth();
expectedCont3Width += spacingLabelCont3Port1;
expectedCont3Width += -cont3Port1BorderOffset;
expectedCont3Width += cont3Padding.getRight();
assertEquals("Wrong node width according to ports label width.", expectedCont3Width, cont3.getWidth(), 0);
// Port on east side on a node in container, port on west side of the container, and with edge between ports,
// check width of the container
ElkNode cont4 = GraphTestUtils.getChild(containerForMixInsideOutsideLabels, "MyCont4");
ElkNode cont4Node1 = GraphTestUtils.getChild(cont4, "MyNode1");
ElkPort cont4Node1Port1 = GraphTestUtils.getPort(cont4Node1, "P1");
ElkLabel cont4Node1Port1Label = cont4Node1Port1.getLabels().get(0);
ElkPort cont4Port1 = GraphTestUtils.getPort(cont4, "P1");
ElkLabel cont4Port1Label = cont4Port1.getLabels().get(0);
double spacingLabelCont4Node1Port1 = cont4Node1Port1.getProperty(CoreOptions.SPACING_LABEL_PORT);
double spacingLabelCont4Port1 = cont4Port1.getProperty(CoreOptions.SPACING_LABEL_PORT);
double cont4Node1Port1BorderOffset = cont4Node1Port1.getProperty(CoreOptions.PORT_BORDER_OFFSET);
double cont4Port1BorderOffset = cont4Port1.getProperty(CoreOptions.PORT_BORDER_OFFSET);
ElkPadding cont4Padding = cont4.getProperty(CoreOptions.PADDING);
// Compute expected width
double expectedCont4Width = cont4Padding.getLeft();
expectedCont4Width += cont4Node1.getWidth();
// TODO: ElkUtil.calcPortOffset(cont4Node1Port1, PortSide.EAST); is supposed to do the same computing as below
// but it is not the case
expectedCont4Width += cont4Node1Port1.getWidth() + cont4Node1Port1BorderOffset;
expectedCont4Width += spacingLabelCont4Node1Port1;
expectedCont4Width += cont4Node1Port1Label.getWidth();
expectedCont4Width += cont4Port1Label.getWidth();
expectedCont4Width += spacingLabelCont4Port1;
expectedCont4Width += -cont4Port1BorderOffset;
expectedCont4Width += cont4Padding.getRight();
assertEquals("Wrong node width according to ports label width.", expectedCont4Width, cont4.getWidth(), 0);
use of org.eclipse.elk.core.math.ElkPadding in project elk by eclipse.
the class PropertyTest method testPropertyDefaultIDataObject.
public void testPropertyDefaultIDataObject() {
// all IDataObjects
KVector v = new KVector(2, 3);
KVectorChain vc = new KVectorChain(v, v);
ElkPadding ep = new ElkPadding(2, 3);
ElkMargin em = new ElkMargin(3, 2);