use of org.eclipse.elk.core.options.PortSide in project elk by eclipse.
the class ComponentsCompactor method edgeToSegments.
private Segments edgeToSegments(final LEdge edge, final InternalExternalExtension externalExtension) {
LPort externalPort = externalExtension.externalPort;
PortSide externalPortSide = externalExtension.externalPortSide;
// extract the correct segment that is to be used for the external extension
KVector p1 = edge.getSource().getAbsoluteAnchor();
KVector p2 = edge.getTarget().getAbsoluteAnchor();
// of the diagram yet, hence we adjust their position here
if (externalPort == edge.getSource()) {
p1 = getExternalPortPosition(p1, externalPortSide);
p2 = getPortPositionOnMargin(edge.getTarget());
} else {
p1 = getPortPositionOnMargin(edge.getSource());
p2 = getExternalPortPosition(p2, externalPortSide);
KVectorChain points = new KVectorChain(edge.getBendPoints());
boolean outerSegmentIsFirst = edge.getSource() == externalPort;
// for easy processing, make it a list of segments
Segments segments = new Segments();
for (int i = 0; i < points.size() - 1; ++i) {
Pair<KVector, KVector> segment = Pair.of(points.get(i), points.get(i + 1));
if ((outerSegmentIsFirst && i == 0) || (!outerSegmentIsFirst && i == points.size() - 2)) {
segments.outerSegment = segment;
} else {
return segments;
use of org.eclipse.elk.core.options.PortSide in project elk by eclipse.
the class CompoundGraphPreprocessor method introduceHierarchicalEdgeSegment.
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// General Hierarchical Edge Segment Processing
* Does the actual work of creating a new hierarchical edge segment between an external port and
* a given opposite port. The external port used for the segment is returned. This method does
* not put any created edges into the cross hierarchy map!
* <p>
* The method first decides on an external port to use for the segment. If the default external
* port passed to the method is not {@code null} and if external ports are to be merged in the
* current graph, the default external port is reused. An exception are segments that start or
* end in the parent node; each such segments gets its own external port.
* </p>
* <p>
* If a new external port is created, the method also creates a dummy node for it as well as an
* actual port on the parent node, if no such port already exists, as well as a dummy edge for
* the connection. Thus, the newly created external port has everything it needs to be properly
* represented and initialized.
* </p>
* <p>
* The original edge is added to the list of original edges in the external port used for the
* segment. The dummy edge is associated with the original hierarchy-crossing edge in the cross
* hierarchy map.
* </p>
* @param graph
* the layered graph.
* @param parentNode
* the graph's parent node, or {@code null} if the graph is at the top level.
* @param origEdge
* the hierarchy-crossing edge that is being broken.
* @param oppositePort
* the port that will be one of the two end points of the new segment.
* @param portType
* the type of the port to create as one of the segment's edge points.
* @param defaultExternalPort
* a default external port we can reuse if external ports should be merged. If this
* is {@code null}, a new external port is always created. If this port is reused, it
* is returned by this method.
* @return the (created or reused) external port used as one endpoint of the edge segment.
private ExternalPort introduceHierarchicalEdgeSegment(final LGraph graph, final LNode parentNode, final LEdge origEdge, final LPort oppositePort, final PortType portType, final ExternalPort defaultExternalPort) {
// check if external ports are to be merged
boolean mergeExternalPorts = graph.getProperty(LayeredOptions.MERGE_HIERARCHY_EDGES);
// check if the edge connects to the parent node instead of to the outside world; if so, the
// parentEndPort will be non-null
LPort parentEndPort = null;
if (portType == PortType.INPUT && origEdge.getSource().getNode() == parentNode) {
parentEndPort = origEdge.getSource();
} else if (portType == PortType.OUTPUT && origEdge.getTarget().getNode() == parentNode) {
parentEndPort = origEdge.getTarget();
// only create a new external port if the current one is null or if ports are not to be merged
// or if the connection actually ends at the parent node
ExternalPort externalPort = defaultExternalPort;
if (externalPort == null || !mergeExternalPorts || parentEndPort != null) {
// create a dummy node that will represent the external port
PortSide externalPortSide = PortSide.UNDEFINED;
if (parentEndPort != null) {
externalPortSide = parentEndPort.getSide();
} else {
// for people to set compound node port constraints to FREE
if (parentNode.getProperty(LayeredOptions.PORT_CONSTRAINTS).isSideFixed()) {
externalPortSide = portType == PortType.INPUT ? PortSide.WEST : PortSide.EAST;
LNode dummyNode = createExternalPortDummy(graph, parentNode, portType, externalPortSide, origEdge);
// create a dummy edge to be connected to the port
LEdge dummyEdge = createDummyEdge(parentNode.getGraph(), origEdge);
if (portType == PortType.INPUT) {
// if the external port is an input port, the source of the edge must be connected to
// the new dummy node
} else {
// if the external port is an output port, the target of the edge must be connected to
// the new dummy node
// create the external port (the port is to be exported if the connection is not just to the
// parent node)
externalPort = new ExternalPort(origEdge, dummyEdge, dummyNode, (LPort) dummyNode.getProperty(InternalProperties.ORIGIN), portType, parentEndPort == null);
} else {
// we use an existing external port, so simply add the original edge to its list of
// original edges
// merge the properties of the original edges
double thickness = Math.max(externalPort.newEdge.getProperty(LayeredOptions.EDGE_THICKNESS), origEdge.getProperty(LayeredOptions.EDGE_THICKNESS));
externalPort.newEdge.setProperty(LayeredOptions.EDGE_THICKNESS, thickness);
crossHierarchyMap.put(origEdge, new CrossHierarchyEdge(externalPort.newEdge, graph, portType));
return externalPort;
use of org.eclipse.elk.core.options.PortSide in project elk by eclipse.
the class LGraphUtil method createPort.
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Handling of Ports
* Create a port for an edge that is not connected to a port. This is necessary because ELK
* Layered wants all edges to have a source port and a target port. The port side is computed
* from the given absolute end point position of the edge.
* @param node
* the node at which the edge is incident
* @param endPoint
* the absolute point where the edge ends, or {@code null} if unknown
* @param type
* the port type
* @param layeredGraph
* the layered graph
* @return a new port
public static LPort createPort(final LNode node, final KVector endPoint, final PortType type, final LGraph layeredGraph) {
LPort port;
Direction direction = getDirection(layeredGraph);
boolean mergePorts = layeredGraph.getProperty(LayeredOptions.MERGE_EDGES);
if ((mergePorts || node.getProperty(LayeredOptions.HYPERNODE)) && !node.getProperty(LayeredOptions.PORT_CONSTRAINTS).isSideFixed()) {
// Hypernodes have one output port and one input port
PortSide defaultSide = PortSide.fromDirection(direction);
port = provideCollectorPort(layeredGraph, node, type, type == PortType.OUTPUT ? defaultSide : defaultSide.opposed());
} else {
port = new LPort();
if (endPoint != null) {
KVector pos = port.getPosition();
pos.x = endPoint.x - node.getPosition().x;
pos.y = endPoint.y - node.getPosition().y;
pos.bound(0, 0, node.getSize().x, node.getSize().y);
port.setSide(calcPortSide(port, direction));
} else {
PortSide defaultSide = PortSide.fromDirection(direction);
port.setSide(type == PortType.OUTPUT ? defaultSide : defaultSide.opposed());
Set<GraphProperties> graphProperties = layeredGraph.getProperty(InternalProperties.GRAPH_PROPERTIES);
PortSide portSide = port.getSide();
switch(direction) {
case LEFT:
case RIGHT:
if (portSide == PortSide.NORTH || portSide == PortSide.SOUTH) {
case UP:
case DOWN:
if (portSide == PortSide.EAST || portSide == PortSide.WEST) {
return port;
use of org.eclipse.elk.core.options.PortSide in project elk by eclipse.
the class LGraphUtil method initializePort.
* Initialize the side, offset, and anchor point of the given port. The port is assumed to
* be also present in the original graph structure. The port's current position and the size
* of the corresponding node are used to determine missing values.
* @param port a port
* @param portConstraints the port constraints of the containing node
* @param direction the overall layout direction
* @param anchorPos the anchor position, or {@code null} if it shall be determined automatically
public static void initializePort(final LPort port, final PortConstraints portConstraints, final Direction direction, final KVector anchorPos) {
PortSide portSide = port.getSide();
if (portSide == PortSide.UNDEFINED && portConstraints.isSideFixed()) {
// calculate the port side and offset from the port's current position
portSide = calcPortSide(port, direction);
// frustration-free
if (!port.getAllProperties().containsKey(LayeredOptions.PORT_BORDER_OFFSET) && portSide != PortSide.UNDEFINED && (port.getPosition().x != 0 || port.getPosition().y != 0)) {
port.setProperty(LayeredOptions.PORT_BORDER_OFFSET, calcPortOffset(port, portSide));
// if the port constraints are set to fixed ratio, remember the current ratio
if (portConstraints.isRatioFixed()) {
double ratio = 0.0;
switch(portSide) {
case NORTH:
case SOUTH:
double nodeWidth = port.getNode().getSize().x;
if (nodeWidth > 0) {
ratio = port.getPosition().x / nodeWidth;
case EAST:
case WEST:
double nodeHeight = port.getNode().getSize().y;
if (nodeHeight > 0) {
ratio = port.getPosition().y / nodeHeight;
port.setProperty(InternalProperties.PORT_RATIO_OR_POSITION, ratio);
KVector portSize = port.getSize();
KVector portAnchor = port.getAnchor();
// if the port anchor property is set, use it as anchor point
if (anchorPos != null) {
portAnchor.x = anchorPos.x;
portAnchor.y = anchorPos.y;
// Since we have applied an explicit anchor, assume the user knows what they are doing and fix it
} else if (portConstraints.isSideFixed() && portSide != PortSide.UNDEFINED) {
// set the anchor point according to the port side
switch(portSide) {
case NORTH:
portAnchor.x = portSize.x / 2;
case EAST:
portAnchor.x = portSize.x;
portAnchor.y = portSize.y / 2;
case SOUTH:
portAnchor.x = portSize.x / 2;
portAnchor.y = portSize.y;
case WEST:
portAnchor.y = portSize.y / 2;
} else {
// the port side will be decided later, so set the anchor to the center point
portAnchor.x = portSize.x / 2;
portAnchor.y = portSize.y / 2;
use of org.eclipse.elk.core.options.PortSide in project elk by eclipse.
the class ElkUtil method resizeNode.
* Resize a node to the given width and height, adjusting port and label positions if needed.
* @param node a node
* @param newWidth the new width to set
* @param newHeight the new height to set
* @param movePorts whether port positions should be adjusted
* @param moveLabels whether label positions should be adjusted
* @return a vector holding the width and height resizing ratio
public static KVector resizeNode(final ElkNode node, final double newWidth, final double newHeight, final boolean movePorts, final boolean moveLabels) {
KVector oldSize = new KVector(node.getWidth(), node.getHeight());
KVector newSize = effectiveMinSizeConstraintFor(node);
newSize.x = Math.max(newSize.x, newWidth);
newSize.y = Math.max(newSize.y, newHeight);
double widthRatio = newSize.x / oldSize.x;
double heightRatio = newSize.y / oldSize.y;
double widthDiff = newSize.x - oldSize.x;
double heightDiff = newSize.y - oldSize.y;
// update port positions
if (movePorts) {
Direction direction = node.getParent() == null ? node.getProperty(CoreOptions.DIRECTION) : node.getParent().getProperty(CoreOptions.DIRECTION);
boolean fixedPorts = node.getProperty(CoreOptions.PORT_CONSTRAINTS) == PortConstraints.FIXED_POS;
for (ElkPort port : node.getPorts()) {
PortSide portSide = port.getProperty(CoreOptions.PORT_SIDE);
if (portSide == PortSide.UNDEFINED) {
portSide = calcPortSide(port, direction);
port.setProperty(CoreOptions.PORT_SIDE, portSide);
switch(portSide) {
case NORTH:
if (!fixedPorts) {
port.setX(port.getX() * widthRatio);
case EAST:
port.setX(port.getX() + widthDiff);
if (!fixedPorts) {
port.setY(port.getY() * heightRatio);
case SOUTH:
if (!fixedPorts) {
port.setX(port.getX() * widthRatio);
port.setY(port.getY() + heightDiff);
case WEST:
if (!fixedPorts) {
port.setY(port.getY() * heightRatio);
// resize the node AFTER ports have been placed, since calcPortSide needs the old size
node.setDimensions(newSize.x, newSize.y);
// update label positions
if (moveLabels) {
for (ElkLabel label : node.getLabels()) {
double midx = label.getX() + label.getWidth() / 2;
double midy = label.getY() + label.getHeight() / 2;
double widthPercent = midx / oldSize.x;
double heightPercent = midy / oldSize.y;
if (widthPercent + heightPercent >= 1) {
if (widthPercent - heightPercent > 0 && midy >= 0) {
// label is on the right
label.setX(label.getX() + widthDiff);
label.setY(label.getY() + heightDiff * heightPercent);
} else if (widthPercent - heightPercent < 0 && midx >= 0) {
// label is on the bottom
label.setX(label.getX() + widthDiff * widthPercent);
label.setY(label.getY() + heightDiff);
// set fixed size option for the node: now the size is assumed to stay as determined here
node.setProperty(CoreOptions.NODE_SIZE_CONSTRAINTS, SizeConstraint.fixed());
return new KVector(widthRatio, heightRatio);