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Example 46 with ElkLabel

use of org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel in project elk by eclipse.

the class ElkGraphTransformer method importGraph.

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Implementation of interface methods
public DCGraph importGraph(final ElkNode graph) {
    parent = graph;
    // Split graph into components
    List<List<ElkNode>> components = ElkGraphComponentsProcessor.split(graph);
    // This list of lists is used to construct the DCGraph from its smallest units, so called DCElements.
    List<List<DCElement>> result = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (List<ElkNode> component : components) {
        // Each of the subResult lists will represent a connected component in the DCGraph.
        List<DCElement> subResult = Lists.newArrayList();
        Set<ElkEdge> edgeSet = Sets.newHashSet();
        for (ElkNode node : component) {
            // "true" indicates - we need to consider the position of ElkNodes when applying the new layout of the
            // DCGraph back to the KGraph.
            DCElement componentNode = importElkShape(node, true, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            // Compute offset for labels (used for computing absolute position)
            double nodeX = node.getX();
            double nodeY = node.getY();
            // For use in the Debugview only
            componentNode.setParentCoords(new KVector(nodeX, nodeY));
            // next look at all labels of this ElkNode ...
            List<ElkLabel> labels = node.getLabels();
            for (ElkLabel label : labels) {
                // "false" indicates - ElkLabels belonging to nodes have coordinates relative to their ElkNode. So
                // don't
                // adjust their position when applying the layout of the DCGraph back to the KGraph.
                DCElement componentLabel = importElkShape(label, false, nodeX, nodeY);
            // ... then the ports of the ElkNode
            List<ElkPort> ports = node.getPorts();
            for (ElkPort port : ports) {
                // "false" - ElkPorts have coordinates relative to their ElkNode
                DCElement componentPort = importElkShape(port, false, nodeX, nodeY);
                // ElkPorts can have labels, too!
                // Compute offset for labels of ElkPorts
                double portX = port.getX() + nodeX;
                double portY = port.getY() + nodeY;
                labels = port.getLabels();
                for (ElkLabel label : labels) {
                    // false - ElkLabels have coordinates relative to their ElkPort
                    DCElement componentLabel = importElkShape(label, false, portX, portY);
        importElkEdges(edgeSet, subResult);
    // Finally create the DCGraph
    transformedGraph = new DCGraph(result, componentSpacing / 2);
    // Don't forget to copy properties of parent ElkNode to the DCGraph
    return transformedGraph;
Also used : ElkNode(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkNode) ElkPort(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkPort) DCElement(org.eclipse.elk.alg.disco.graph.DCElement) ElkLabel(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel) DCGraph(org.eclipse.elk.alg.disco.graph.DCGraph) List(java.util.List) KVector(org.eclipse.elk.core.math.KVector) ElkEdge(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkEdge)

Example 47 with ElkLabel

use of org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel in project elk by eclipse.

the class DisCoGraphRenderer method renderPort.

 * Paints a port for the given dirty area.
 * @param port
 *            the port to paint
 * @param graphics
 *            the graphics context used to paint
 * @param area
 *            dirty area that needs painting
 * @param offset
 *            offset to be added to relative coordinates
 * @param labelAlpha
 *            alpha value for labels
private void renderPort(final ElkPort port, final GC graphics, final Rectangle area, final KVector offset, final int labelAlpha) {
    PaintRectangle rect = boundsMap.get(port);
    if (rect == null) {
        rect = new PaintRectangle(port, offset, getScale());
        boundsMap.put(port, rect);
    if (!rect.painted && rect.intersects(area)) {
        // CHECKSTYLEOFF MagicNumber
        if (configurator.getPortFillColor() != null) {
            graphics.fillRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
        if (configurator.getPortBorderColor() != null) {
            graphics.drawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
        rect.painted = true;
    // paint port labels
    if (configurator.getPortLabelFont() != null) {
        KVector portOffset = new KVector(rect.x, rect.y);
        for (ElkLabel label : port.getLabels()) {
            renderLabel(label, graphics, area, portOffset, labelAlpha);
Also used : ElkLabel(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel) KVector(org.eclipse.elk.core.math.KVector)

Example 48 with ElkLabel

use of org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel in project elk by eclipse.

the class DisCoGraphRenderer method renderEdge.

 * Paints an edge for the given dirty area.
 * @param graph
 *            the top-level node of the graph
 * @param edge
 *            the edge to paint
 * @param graphics
 *            the graphics context used to paint
 * @param area
 *            dirty area that needs painting
 * @param labelAlpha
 *            alpha value for labels
private void renderEdge(final ElkNode graph, final ElkEdge edge, final GC graphics, final Rectangle area, final KVector edgeBaseOffset, final int labelAlpha) {
    if (configurator.getEdgeColor() == null) {
    if (!ElkGraphUtil.isDescendant(ElkGraphUtil.getSourceNode(edge), graph) || !ElkGraphUtil.isDescendant(ElkGraphUtil.getTargetNode(edge), graph)) {
        // the edge points to some node outside of the rendered subgraph
    // calculate an offset for edge coordinates
    ElkNode parent = ElkGraphUtil.getSourceNode(edge);
    if (!ElkGraphUtil.isDescendant(ElkGraphUtil.getTargetNode(edge), parent)) {
        parent = parent.getParent();
    ElkNode node = parent;
    KVector offset = new KVector().add(edgeBaseOffset);
    while (node != graph) {
        offset.add(node.getX() * getScale(), node.getY() * getScale());
        node = node.getParent();
    // ElkEdgeLayout edgeLayout = edge.getData(ElkEdgeLayout.class);
    PaintRectangle rect = boundsMap.get(edge);
    if (rect == null) {
        rect = new PaintRectangle(edge, offset, getScale());
        boundsMap.put(edge, rect);
    if (!rect.painted && rect.intersects(area)) {
        // CHECKSTYLEOFF MagicNumber
        // CHECKSTYLEON MagicNumber
        // The background color is required to fill the arrow of directed
        // edges
        ElkEdgeSection edgeSection = ElkGraphUtil.firstEdgeSection(edge, false, false);
        KVectorChain bendPoints = ElkUtil.createVectorChain(edgeSection);
        if (edge.getProperty(CoreOptions.EDGE_ROUTING) == EdgeRouting.SPLINES) {
            bendPoints = ElkMath.approximateBezierSpline(bendPoints);
        KVector point1 = bendPoints.getFirst();
        for (KVector point2 : bendPoints) {
            graphics.drawLine((int) Math.round(point1.x), (int) Math.round(point1.y), (int) Math.round(point2.x), (int) Math.round(point2.y));
            point1 = point2;
        if (edge.getProperty(CoreOptions.EDGE_TYPE) != EdgeType.UNDIRECTED) {
            // draw an arrow at the last segment of the connection
            int[] arrowPoly = makeArrow(bendPoints.get(bendPoints.size() - 2), bendPoints.getLast());
            if (arrowPoly != null) {
        rect.painted = true;
    // paint junction points
    KVectorChain vc = edge.getProperty(CoreOptions.JUNCTION_POINTS);
    if (vc != null) {
        for (KVector v : vc) {
            KVector center = v.clone().scale(getScale()).add(offset).sub(2, 2);
            // CHECKSTYLEOFF MagicNumber
            graphics.fillOval((int) center.x, (int) center.y, 6, 6);
        // CHECKSTYLEON MagicNumber
    // paint the edge labels
    if (configurator.getEdgeLabelFont() != null) {
        for (ElkLabel label : edge.getLabels()) {
            renderLabel(label, graphics, area, offset, labelAlpha);
Also used : ElkNode(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkNode) ElkLabel(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel) KVectorChain(org.eclipse.elk.core.math.KVectorChain) KVector(org.eclipse.elk.core.math.KVector) ElkEdgeSection(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkEdgeSection)

Example 49 with ElkLabel

use of org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel in project elk by eclipse.

the class ElkGraphImporter method applyLayout.

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Apply Layout Results
public void applyLayout(final FGraph fgraph) {
    ElkNode kgraph = (ElkNode) fgraph.getProperty(InternalProperties.ORIGIN);
    // calculate the offset from border spacing and node distribution
    double minXPos = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    double minYPos = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    double maxXPos = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    double maxYPos = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    for (FNode node : fgraph.getNodes()) {
        KVector pos = node.getPosition();
        KVector size = node.getSize();
        minXPos = Math.min(minXPos, pos.x - size.x / 2);
        minYPos = Math.min(minYPos, pos.y - size.y / 2);
        maxXPos = Math.max(maxXPos, pos.x + size.x / 2);
        maxYPos = Math.max(maxYPos, pos.y + size.y / 2);
    ElkPadding padding = kgraph.getProperty(ForceOptions.PADDING);
    KVector offset = new KVector(padding.getLeft() - minXPos, padding.getTop() - minYPos);
    // process the nodes
    for (FNode fnode : fgraph.getNodes()) {
        Object object = fnode.getProperty(InternalProperties.ORIGIN);
        if (object instanceof ElkNode) {
            // set the node position
            ElkNode knode = (ElkNode) object;
            KVector nodePos = fnode.getPosition().add(offset);
            knode.setLocation(nodePos.x - knode.getWidth() / 2, nodePos.y - knode.getHeight() / 2);
    // process the edges
    for (FEdge fedge : fgraph.getEdges()) {
        ElkEdge kedge = (ElkEdge) fedge.getProperty(InternalProperties.ORIGIN);
        ElkEdgeSection kedgeSection = ElkGraphUtil.firstEdgeSection(kedge, true, true);
        KVector startLocation = fedge.getSourcePoint();
        kedgeSection.setStartLocation(startLocation.x, startLocation.y);
        KVector endLocation = fedge.getTargetPoint();
        kedgeSection.setEndLocation(endLocation.x, endLocation.y);
    // process the labels
    for (FLabel flabel : fgraph.getLabels()) {
        ElkLabel klabel = (ElkLabel) flabel.getProperty(InternalProperties.ORIGIN);
        KVector labelPos = flabel.getPosition().add(offset);
        klabel.setLocation(labelPos.x, labelPos.y);
    // set up the parent node
    double width = (maxXPos - minXPos) + padding.getHorizontal();
    double height = (maxYPos - minYPos) + padding.getVertical();
    ElkUtil.resizeNode(kgraph, width, height, false, true);
Also used : FLabel(org.eclipse.elk.alg.force.graph.FLabel) ElkNode(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkNode) ElkLabel(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel) FNode(org.eclipse.elk.alg.force.graph.FNode) FEdge(org.eclipse.elk.alg.force.graph.FEdge) KVector(org.eclipse.elk.core.math.KVector) ElkPadding(org.eclipse.elk.core.math.ElkPadding) ElkEdgeSection(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkEdgeSection) ElkEdge(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkEdge)

Example 50 with ElkLabel

use of org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel in project elk by eclipse.

the class ElkGraphImporter method transformEdges.

 * Transforms the edges defined by the given layout node.
 * @param parentNode the layout node whose edges to transform.
 * @param fgraph the force graph.
 * @param elemMap the element map that maps the original {@code KGraph} elements to the
 *                transformed {@code FGraph} elements.
private void transformEdges(final ElkNode parentNode, final FGraph fgraph, final Map<ElkNode, FNode> elemMap) {
    for (ElkNode knode : parentNode.getChildren()) {
        for (ElkEdge kedge : ElkGraphUtil.allOutgoingEdges(knode)) {
            // We don't support hyperedges
            if (kedge.isHyperedge()) {
                throw new UnsupportedGraphException("Graph must not contain hyperedges.");
            // exclude edges that pass hierarchy bounds as well as self-loops
            if (!kedge.isHierarchical() && knode != ElkGraphUtil.connectableShapeToNode(kedge.getTargets().get(0))) {
                // create a force edge
                FEdge newEdge = new FEdge();
                // TODO
                // newEdge.checkProperties(Properties.LABEL_SPACING, Properties.REPULSIVE_POWER);
                newEdge.setProperty(InternalProperties.ORIGIN, kedge);
                // transform the edge's labels
                for (ElkLabel klabel : kedge.getLabels()) {
                    FLabel newLabel = new FLabel(newEdge, klabel.getText());
                    newLabel.setProperty(InternalProperties.ORIGIN, klabel);
                    newLabel.getSize().x = Math.max(klabel.getWidth(), 1);
                    newLabel.getSize().y = Math.max(klabel.getHeight(), 1);
Also used : UnsupportedGraphException(org.eclipse.elk.core.UnsupportedGraphException) FLabel(org.eclipse.elk.alg.force.graph.FLabel) ElkNode(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkNode) ElkLabel(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel) FEdge(org.eclipse.elk.alg.force.graph.FEdge) ElkEdge(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkEdge)


ElkLabel (org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel)64 ElkNode (org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkNode)33 KVector (org.eclipse.elk.core.math.KVector)25 ElkPort (org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkPort)23 ElkEdge (org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkEdge)20 ElkEdgeSection (org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkEdgeSection)14 KVectorChain (org.eclipse.elk.core.math.KVectorChain)12 ElkPadding (org.eclipse.elk.core.math.ElkPadding)10 ElkGraphElement (org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkGraphElement)9 SizeConstraint (org.eclipse.elk.core.options.SizeConstraint)7 PortSide (org.eclipse.elk.core.options.PortSide)6 List (java.util.List)5 LLabel (org.eclipse.elk.alg.layered.graph.LLabel)5 LPort (org.eclipse.elk.alg.layered.graph.LPort)5 ElkBendPoint (org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkBendPoint)5 ElkConnectableShape (org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkConnectableShape)5 Test (org.junit.Test)5 Lists ( Rectangle (org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle)4 DCElement (org.eclipse.elk.alg.disco.graph.DCElement)4