use of org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Dimension in project che by eclipse.
the class StubUtility2 method createParameters.
private static List<SingleVariableDeclaration> createParameters(IJavaProject project, ImportRewrite imports, ImportRewriteContext context, AST ast, IMethodBinding binding, String[] paramNames, MethodDeclaration decl) {
boolean is50OrHigher = JavaModelUtil.is50OrHigher(project);
List<SingleVariableDeclaration> parameters = decl.parameters();
ITypeBinding[] params = binding.getParameterTypes();
if (paramNames == null || paramNames.length < params.length) {
paramNames = StubUtility.suggestArgumentNames(project, binding);
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
SingleVariableDeclaration var = ast.newSingleVariableDeclaration();
ITypeBinding type = params[i];
if (type.isWildcardType()) {
ITypeBinding bound = type.getBound();
type = (bound != null) ? bound : type.getErasure();
if (!is50OrHigher) {
type = type.getErasure();
var.setType(imports.addImport(type, ast, context));
} else if (binding.isVarargs() && type.isArray() && i == params.length - 1) {
* Varargs annotations are special.
* Example:
* foo(@O Object @A [] @B ... arg)
* => @B is not an annotation on the array dimension that constitutes the vararg.
* It's the type annotation of the *innermost* array dimension.
int dimensions = type.getDimensions();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Annotation>[] dimensionAnnotations = (List<Annotation>[]) new List<?>[dimensions];
for (int dim = 0; dim < dimensions; dim++) {
dimensionAnnotations[dim] = new ArrayList<Annotation>();
for (IAnnotationBinding annotation : type.getTypeAnnotations()) {
dimensionAnnotations[dim].add(imports.addAnnotation(annotation, ast, context));
type = type.getComponentType();
Type elementType = imports.addImport(type, ast, context);
if (dimensions == 1) {
} else {
ArrayType arrayType = ast.newArrayType(elementType, dimensions - 1);
List<Dimension> dimensionNodes = arrayType.dimensions();
for (int dim = 0; dim < dimensions - 1; dim++) {
// all except the innermost dimension
Dimension dimension = dimensionNodes.get(dim);
List<Annotation> varargTypeAnnotations = dimensionAnnotations[dimensions - 1];
} else {
var.setType(imports.addImport(type, ast, context));
IAnnotationBinding[] annotations = binding.getParameterAnnotations(i);
for (IAnnotationBinding annotation : annotations) {
if (StubUtility2.isCopyOnInheritAnnotation(annotation.getAnnotationType(), project))
var.modifiers().add(imports.addAnnotation(annotation, ast, context));
return parameters;
use of org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Dimension in project che by eclipse.
the class ASTNodeFactory method newArrayType.
* Returns an {@link ArrayType} that adds one dimension to the given type node.
* If the given node is already an ArrayType, then a new {@link Dimension}
* without annotations is inserted at the first position.
* @param type the type to be wrapped
* @return the array type
* @since 3.10
public static ArrayType newArrayType(Type type) {
if (type instanceof ArrayType) {
Dimension dimension = type.getAST().newDimension();
ArrayType arrayType = (ArrayType) type;
// first dimension is outermost
arrayType.dimensions().add(0, dimension);
return arrayType;
} else {
return type.getAST().newArrayType(type);
use of org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Dimension in project che by eclipse.
the class ASTNodeFactory method newType.
* Returns the new type node corresponding to the type of the given declaration
* including the extra dimensions. If the type is a {@link UnionType}, use the LUB type.
* If the <code>importRewrite</code> is <code>null</code>, the type may be fully-qualified.
* @param ast The AST to create the resulting type with.
* @param declaration The variable declaration to get the type from
* @param importRewrite the import rewrite to use, or <code>null</code>
* @param context the import rewrite context, or <code>null</code>
* @return a new type node created with the given AST.
* @since 3.7.1
public static Type newType(AST ast, VariableDeclaration declaration, ImportRewrite importRewrite, ImportRewriteContext context) {
if (declaration instanceof VariableDeclarationFragment && declaration.getParent() instanceof LambdaExpression) {
return newType((LambdaExpression) declaration.getParent(), (VariableDeclarationFragment) declaration, ast, importRewrite, context);
Type type = ASTNodes.getType(declaration);
if (declaration instanceof SingleVariableDeclaration) {
Type type2 = ((SingleVariableDeclaration) declaration).getType();
if (type2 instanceof UnionType) {
ITypeBinding typeBinding = type2.resolveBinding();
if (typeBinding != null) {
if (importRewrite != null) {
type = importRewrite.addImport(typeBinding, ast, context);
return type;
} else {
String qualifiedName = typeBinding.getQualifiedName();
if (qualifiedName.length() > 0) {
type = ast.newSimpleType(ast.newName(qualifiedName));
return type;
// XXX: fallback for intersection types or unresolved types: take first type of union
type = (Type) ((UnionType) type2).types().get(0);
return type;
type = (Type) ASTNode.copySubtree(ast, type);
List<Dimension> extraDimensions = declaration.extraDimensions();
if (!extraDimensions.isEmpty()) {
ArrayType arrayType;
if (type instanceof ArrayType) {
arrayType = (ArrayType) type;
} else {
arrayType = ast.newArrayType(type, 0);
type = arrayType;
arrayType.dimensions().addAll(ASTNode.copySubtrees(ast, extraDimensions));
return type;
use of org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Dimension in project che by eclipse.
the class ASTNodeFactory method newCreationType.
public static Type newCreationType(AST ast, ITypeBinding typeBinding, ImportRewrite importRewrite, ImportRewriteContext importContext) {
if (typeBinding.isParameterizedType()) {
Type baseType = newCreationType(ast, typeBinding.getTypeDeclaration(), importRewrite, importContext);
ParameterizedType parameterizedType = ast.newParameterizedType(baseType);
for (ITypeBinding typeArgument : typeBinding.getTypeArguments()) {
parameterizedType.typeArguments().add(newCreationType(ast, typeArgument, importRewrite, importContext));
return parameterizedType;
} else if (typeBinding.isParameterizedType()) {
Type elementType = newCreationType(ast, typeBinding.getElementType(), importRewrite, importContext);
ArrayType arrayType = ast.newArrayType(elementType, 0);
while (typeBinding.isArray()) {
Dimension dimension = ast.newDimension();
IAnnotationBinding[] typeAnnotations = typeBinding.getTypeAnnotations();
for (IAnnotationBinding typeAnnotation : typeAnnotations) {
dimension.annotations().add(importRewrite.addAnnotation(typeAnnotation, ast, importContext));
typeBinding = typeBinding.getComponentType();
return arrayType;
} else if (typeBinding.isWildcardType()) {
ITypeBinding bound = typeBinding.getBound();
typeBinding = (bound != null) ? bound : typeBinding.getErasure();
return newCreationType(ast, typeBinding, importRewrite, importContext);
} else {
return importRewrite.addImport(typeBinding, ast, importContext);
use of org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Dimension in project flux by eclipse.
the class ASTNodeFactory method newArrayType.
* Returns an {@link ArrayType} that adds one dimension to the given type node.
* If the given node is already an ArrayType, then a new {@link Dimension}
* without annotations is inserted at the first position.
* @param type the type to be wrapped
* @return the array type
* @since 3.10
public static ArrayType newArrayType(Type type) {
if (type instanceof ArrayType) {
Dimension dimension = type.getAST().newDimension();
ArrayType arrayType = (ArrayType) type;
// first dimension is outermost
arrayType.dimensions().add(0, dimension);
return arrayType;
} else {
return type.getAST().newArrayType(type);