use of org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationExpression in project che by eclipse.
the class ExtractTempRefactoring method isReferringToLocalVariableFromFor.
private static boolean isReferringToLocalVariableFromFor(Expression expression) {
ASTNode current = expression;
ASTNode parent = current.getParent();
while (parent != null && !(parent instanceof BodyDeclaration)) {
if (parent instanceof ForStatement) {
ForStatement forStmt = (ForStatement) parent;
if (forStmt.initializers().contains(current) || forStmt.updaters().contains(current) || forStmt.getExpression() == current) {
List<Expression> initializers = forStmt.initializers();
if (initializers.size() == 1 && initializers.get(0) instanceof VariableDeclarationExpression) {
List<IVariableBinding> forInitializerVariables = getForInitializedVariables((VariableDeclarationExpression) initializers.get(0));
ForStatementChecker checker = new ForStatementChecker(forInitializerVariables);
if (checker.isReferringToForVariable())
return true;
current = parent;
parent = current.getParent();
return false;
use of org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationExpression in project che by eclipse.
the class ConvertIterableLoopOperation method convert.
protected Statement convert(CompilationUnitRewrite cuRewrite, final TextEditGroup group, final LinkedProposalModel positionGroups) throws CoreException {
final AST ast = cuRewrite.getAST();
final ASTRewrite astRewrite = cuRewrite.getASTRewrite();
final ImportRewrite importRewrite = cuRewrite.getImportRewrite();
final ImportRemover remover = cuRewrite.getImportRemover();
fEnhancedForLoop = ast.newEnhancedForStatement();
String[] names = getVariableNameProposals();
String name;
if (fElementVariable != null) {
name = fElementVariable.getName();
} else {
name = names[0];
final LinkedProposalPositionGroup pg = positionGroups.getPositionGroup(name, true);
if (fElementVariable != null)
pg.addProposal(name, null, 10);
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
pg.addProposal(names[i], null, 10);
final Statement body = getForStatement().getBody();
if (body != null) {
final ListRewrite list;
if (body instanceof Block) {
list = astRewrite.getListRewrite(body, Block.STATEMENTS_PROPERTY);
for (final Iterator<Expression> iterator = fOccurrences.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
final Statement parent = (Statement) ASTNodes.getParent(, Statement.class);
if (parent != null && list.getRewrittenList().contains(parent)) {
list.remove(parent, null);
} else {
list = null;
final String text = name;
body.accept(new ASTVisitor() {
private boolean replace(final Expression expression) {
final SimpleName node = ast.newSimpleName(text);
astRewrite.replace(expression, node, group);
pg.addPosition(astRewrite.track(node), false);
return false;
public final boolean visit(final MethodInvocation node) {
final IMethodBinding binding = node.resolveMethodBinding();
if (binding != null && (binding.getName().equals("next") || binding.getName().equals("nextElement"))) {
//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
final Expression expression = node.getExpression();
if (expression instanceof Name) {
final IBinding result = ((Name) expression).resolveBinding();
if (result != null && result.equals(fIteratorVariable))
return replace(node);
} else if (expression instanceof FieldAccess) {
final IBinding result = ((FieldAccess) expression).resolveFieldBinding();
if (result != null && result.equals(fIteratorVariable))
return replace(node);
return super.visit(node);
public final boolean visit(final SimpleName node) {
if (fElementVariable != null) {
final IBinding binding = node.resolveBinding();
if (binding != null && binding.equals(fElementVariable)) {
final Statement parent = (Statement) ASTNodes.getParent(node, Statement.class);
if (parent != null && (list == null || list.getRewrittenList().contains(parent)))
pg.addPosition(astRewrite.track(node), false);
return false;
fEnhancedForLoop.setBody(getBody(cuRewrite, group, positionGroups));
final SingleVariableDeclaration declaration = ast.newSingleVariableDeclaration();
final SimpleName simple = ast.newSimpleName(name);
pg.addPosition(astRewrite.track(simple), true);
final ITypeBinding elementType = getElementType(fIteratorVariable.getType());
declaration.setType(importType(elementType, getForStatement(), importRewrite, getRoot()));
if (fMakeFinal) {
ModifierRewrite.create(astRewrite, declaration).setModifiers(Modifier.FINAL, 0, group);
for (Iterator<Expression> iterator = getForStatement().initializers().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
ASTNode node =;
if (node instanceof VariableDeclarationExpression) {
VariableDeclarationExpression variableDeclarationExpression = (VariableDeclarationExpression) node;
} else {
for (Iterator<Expression> iterator = getForStatement().updaters().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
ASTNode node =;
return fEnhancedForLoop;
use of org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationExpression in project che by eclipse.
the class RemoveDeclarationCorrectionProposal method removeVariableReferences.
* Remove the field or variable declaration including the initializer.
* @param rewrite the ast rewrite
* @param reference the reference
private void removeVariableReferences(ASTRewrite rewrite, SimpleName reference) {
ASTNode parent = reference.getParent();
while (parent instanceof QualifiedName) {
parent = parent.getParent();
if (parent instanceof FieldAccess) {
parent = parent.getParent();
int nameParentType = parent.getNodeType();
if (nameParentType == ASTNode.ASSIGNMENT) {
Assignment assignment = (Assignment) parent;
Expression rightHand = assignment.getRightHandSide();
ASTNode assignParent = assignment.getParent();
if (assignParent.getNodeType() == ASTNode.EXPRESSION_STATEMENT && rightHand.getNodeType() != ASTNode.ASSIGNMENT) {
removeVariableWithInitializer(rewrite, rightHand, assignParent);
} else {
rewrite.replace(assignment, rewrite.createCopyTarget(rightHand), null);
} else if (nameParentType == ASTNode.SINGLE_VARIABLE_DECLARATION) {
rewrite.remove(parent, null);
} else if (nameParentType == ASTNode.VARIABLE_DECLARATION_FRAGMENT) {
VariableDeclarationFragment frag = (VariableDeclarationFragment) parent;
ASTNode varDecl = frag.getParent();
List<VariableDeclarationFragment> fragments;
if (varDecl instanceof VariableDeclarationExpression) {
fragments = ((VariableDeclarationExpression) varDecl).fragments();
} else if (varDecl instanceof FieldDeclaration) {
fragments = ((FieldDeclaration) varDecl).fragments();
} else {
fragments = ((VariableDeclarationStatement) varDecl).fragments();
if (fragments.size() == 1) {
rewrite.remove(varDecl, null);
} else {
// don't try to preserve
rewrite.remove(frag, null);
use of org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationExpression in project flux by eclipse.
the class ModifierChangeCorrectionProposal method getRewrite.
protected ASTRewrite getRewrite() throws CoreException {
CompilationUnit astRoot = ASTResolving.findParentCompilationUnit(fNode);
ASTNode boundNode = astRoot.findDeclaringNode(fBinding);
ASTNode declNode = null;
if (boundNode != null) {
// is same CU
declNode = boundNode;
} else {
CompilationUnit newRoot = ASTResolving.createQuickFixAST(getCompilationUnit(), null);
declNode = newRoot.findDeclaringNode(fBinding.getKey());
if (declNode != null) {
AST ast = declNode.getAST();
ASTRewrite rewrite = ASTRewrite.create(ast);
if (declNode.getNodeType() == ASTNode.VARIABLE_DECLARATION_FRAGMENT) {
VariableDeclarationFragment fragment = (VariableDeclarationFragment) declNode;
ASTNode parent = declNode.getParent();
if (parent instanceof FieldDeclaration) {
FieldDeclaration fieldDecl = (FieldDeclaration) parent;
if (fieldDecl.fragments().size() > 1 && (fieldDecl.getParent() instanceof AbstractTypeDeclaration)) {
// split
VariableDeclarationRewrite.rewriteModifiers(fieldDecl, new VariableDeclarationFragment[] { fragment }, fIncludedModifiers, fExcludedModifiers, rewrite, null);
return rewrite;
} else if (parent instanceof VariableDeclarationStatement) {
VariableDeclarationStatement varDecl = (VariableDeclarationStatement) parent;
if (varDecl.fragments().size() > 1 && (varDecl.getParent() instanceof Block)) {
// split
VariableDeclarationRewrite.rewriteModifiers(varDecl, new VariableDeclarationFragment[] { fragment }, fIncludedModifiers, fExcludedModifiers, rewrite, null);
return rewrite;
} else if (parent instanceof VariableDeclarationExpression) {
// can't separate
declNode = parent;
} else if (declNode.getNodeType() == ASTNode.METHOD_DECLARATION) {
MethodDeclaration methodDecl = (MethodDeclaration) declNode;
if (!methodDecl.isConstructor()) {
IMethodBinding methodBinding = methodDecl.resolveBinding();
if (methodDecl.getBody() == null && methodBinding != null && Modifier.isAbstract(methodBinding.getModifiers()) && Modifier.isStatic(fIncludedModifiers)) {
// add body
ICompilationUnit unit = getCompilationUnit();
String delimiter = unit.findRecommendedLineSeparator();
String bodyStatement = "";
Block body = ast.newBlock();
rewrite.set(methodDecl, MethodDeclaration.BODY_PROPERTY, body, null);
Type returnType = methodDecl.getReturnType2();
if (returnType != null) {
Expression expression = ASTNodeFactory.newDefaultExpression(ast, returnType, methodDecl.getExtraDimensions());
if (expression != null) {
ReturnStatement returnStatement = ast.newReturnStatement();
bodyStatement = ASTNodes.asFormattedString(returnStatement, 0, delimiter, unit.getJavaProject().getOptions(true));
String placeHolder = CodeGeneration.getMethodBodyContent(unit, methodBinding.getDeclaringClass().getName(), methodBinding.getName(), false, bodyStatement, delimiter);
if (placeHolder != null) {
ReturnStatement todoNode = (ReturnStatement) rewrite.createStringPlaceholder(placeHolder, ASTNode.RETURN_STATEMENT);
ModifierRewrite listRewrite = ModifierRewrite.create(rewrite, declNode);
PositionInformation trackedDeclNode = listRewrite.setModifiers(fIncludedModifiers, fExcludedModifiers, null);
LinkedProposalPositionGroup positionGroup = new LinkedProposalPositionGroup("group");
if (boundNode != null) {
// only set end position if in same CU
return rewrite;
return null;
use of org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationExpression in project AutoRefactor by JnRouvignac.
the class ForLoopHelper method decomposeInitializer.
* Decomposes an initializer into a {@link Pair} with the name of the initialized variable
* and the initializing expression.
* @param init
* the initializer to decompose
* @return a {@link Pair} with the name of the initialized variable and the initializing
* expression, or {@code null} if the initializer could not be decomposed
public static Pair<Name, Expression> decomposeInitializer(Expression init) {
if (init instanceof VariableDeclarationExpression) {
final VariableDeclarationExpression vde = (VariableDeclarationExpression) init;
final List<VariableDeclarationFragment> fragments = fragments(vde);
if (fragments.size() == 1) {
final VariableDeclarationFragment fragment = fragments.get(0);
return Pair.of((Name) fragment.getName(), fragment.getInitializer());
} else if (init instanceof Assignment) {
final Assignment as = (Assignment) init;
if (hasOperator(as, ASSIGN) && as.getLeftHandSide() instanceof Name) {
return Pair.of((Name) as.getLeftHandSide(), as.getRightHandSide());
return Pair.empty();