use of org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class ProxyTest method startProxy.
private void startProxy(HttpServlet proxyServlet, Map<String, String> initParams) throws Exception {
QueuedThreadPool proxyPool = new QueuedThreadPool();
proxy = new Server(proxyPool);
HttpConfiguration configuration = new HttpConfiguration();
String value = initParams.get("outputBufferSize");
if (value != null)
proxyConnector = new ServerConnector(proxy, new HTTP2ServerConnectionFactory(configuration));
ServletContextHandler proxyContext = new ServletContextHandler(proxy, "/", true, false);
ServletHolder proxyServletHolder = new ServletHolder(proxyServlet);
proxyContext.addServlet(proxyServletHolder, "/*");
use of org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class AbstractTest method prepareServer.
protected void prepareServer(ConnectionFactory... connectionFactories) {
QueuedThreadPool serverExecutor = new QueuedThreadPool();
server = new Server(serverExecutor);
connector = new ServerConnector(server, 1, 1, connectionFactories);
use of org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class ServerSupport method applyXmlConfigurations.
* Apply xml files to server startup, passing in ourselves as the
* "Server" instance.
* @param server the server to apply the xml to
* @param files the list of xml files
* @return the Server implementation, after the xml is applied
* @throws Exception if unable to apply the xml configuration
public static Server applyXmlConfigurations(Server server, List<File> files) throws Exception {
if (files == null || files.isEmpty())
return server;
Map<String, Object> lastMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
if (server != null)
lastMap.put("Server", server);
for (File xmlFile : files) {
if (PluginLog.getLog() != null)
PluginLog.getLog().info("Configuring Jetty from xml configuration file = " + xmlFile.getCanonicalPath());
XmlConfiguration xmlConfiguration = new XmlConfiguration(Resource.toURL(xmlFile));
//chain ids from one config file to another
if (lastMap != null)
//Set the system properties each time in case the config file set a new one
Enumeration<?> ensysprop = System.getProperties().propertyNames();
while (ensysprop.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) ensysprop.nextElement();
xmlConfiguration.getProperties().put(name, System.getProperty(name));
lastMap = xmlConfiguration.getIdMap();
return (Server) lastMap.get("Server");
use of org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class TestMemcachedSessions method testMemcached.
public void testMemcached() throws Exception {
String contextPath = "/";
Server server = new Server(0);
ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler(ServletContextHandler.SESSIONS);
NullSessionCache dsc = new NullSessionCache(context.getSessionHandler());
dsc.setSessionDataStore(new CachingSessionDataStore(new MemcachedSessionDataMap("localhost", "11211"), new NullSessionDataStore()));
// Add a test servlet
ServletHolder h = new ServletHolder();
h.setServlet(new TestServlet());
context.addServlet(h, "/");
try {
int port = ((NetworkConnector) server.getConnectors()[0]).getLocalPort();
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
try {
int value = 42;
ContentResponse response = client.GET("http://localhost:" + port + contextPath + "?action=set&value=" + value);
assertEquals(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, response.getStatus());
String sessionCookie = response.getHeaders().get("Set-Cookie");
assertTrue(sessionCookie != null);
// Mangle the cookie, replacing Path with $Path, etc.
sessionCookie = sessionCookie.replaceFirst("(\\W)(P|p)ath=", "$1\\$Path=");
String resp = response.getContentAsString();
assertEquals(resp.trim(), String.valueOf(value));
// Be sure the session value is still there
Request request = client.newRequest("http://localhost:" + port + contextPath + "?action=get");
request.header("Cookie", sessionCookie);
response = request.send();
assertEquals(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, response.getStatus());
resp = response.getContentAsString();
assertEquals(String.valueOf(value), resp.trim());
//Delete the session
request = client.newRequest("http://localhost:" + port + contextPath + "?action=del");
request.header("Cookie", sessionCookie);
response = request.send();
assertEquals(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, response.getStatus());
//Check that the session is gone
request = client.newRequest("http://localhost:" + port + contextPath + "?action=get");
request.header("Cookie", sessionCookie);
response = request.send();
assertEquals(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, response.getStatus());
resp = response.getContentAsString();
assertEquals("No session", resp.trim());
} finally {
} finally {
use of org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class JettyBootstrapActivator method start.
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Setup a new jetty Server, registers it as a service. Setup the Service
* tracker for the jetty ContextHandlers that are in charge of deploying the
* webapps. Setup the BundleListener that supports the extender pattern for
* the jetty ContextHandler.
* @param context the bundle context
public void start(final BundleContext context) throws Exception {
INSTANCE = this;
// track other bundles and fragments attached to this bundle that we
// should activate.
_packageAdminServiceTracker = new PackageAdminServiceTracker(context);
// track jetty Server instances that we should support as deployment targets
_jettyServerServiceTracker = new ServiceTracker(context, context.createFilter("(objectclass=" + Server.class.getName() + ")"), new JettyServerServiceTracker());;
// Create a default jetty instance right now.
Server defaultServer = DefaultJettyAtJettyHomeHelper.startJettyAtJettyHome(context);