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Example 61 with MessageDialog

use of org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog in project webtools.servertools by eclipse.

the class ServerUIPlugin method promptIfDirty.

 * Prompts the user if the server is dirty. Returns true if the server was
 * not dirty or if the user decided to continue anyway. Returns false if
 * the server is dirty and the user chose to cancel the operation.
 * @param shell a shell
 * @param server a server
 * @return boolean
public static boolean promptIfDirty(Shell shell, IServer server) {
    if (server == null)
        return false;
    if (!(server instanceof IServerWorkingCopy))
        return true;
    String title = Messages.resourceDirtyDialogTitle;
    IServerWorkingCopy wc = (IServerWorkingCopy) server;
    if (wc.isDirty()) {
        String message = NLS.bind(Messages.resourceDirtyDialogMessage, server.getName());
        String[] labels = new String[] { Messages.resourceDirtyDialogContinue, IDialogConstants.CANCEL_LABEL };
        MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(shell, title, null, message, MessageDialog.INFORMATION, labels, 0);
        if ( != 0)
            return false;
    return true;
Also used : MessageDialog(org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog)

Example 62 with MessageDialog

use of org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog in project mdw-designer by CenturyLinkCloud.

the class ProcessEditor method promptToSaveOverrideAttributes.

private int promptToSaveOverrideAttributes() {
    String msg = getProcess().getName() + " has unsaved override attributes.  Save changes?";
    String[] buttons = new String[] { IDialogConstants.YES_LABEL, IDialogConstants.NO_LABEL };
    MessageDialog attrsSaveDialog = new MessageDialog(getSite().getShell(), "Save Attributes", null, msg, MessageDialog.QUESTION, buttons, 0);
Also used : MessageDialog(org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog)

Example 63 with MessageDialog

use of org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog in project azure-tools-for-java by Microsoft.

the class HDInsightHelperImpl method createRefreshHdiReaderStorageAccountsWarningForm.

public void createRefreshHdiReaderStorageAccountsWarningForm(@NotNull RefreshableNode node, @NotNull String aseDeepLink) {
    Display.getDefault().asyncExec(() -> {
        String title = "Storage Access Denied";
        String warningText = "You have Read-only permission for this cluster. Please ask the cluster owner or user " + "access administrator to upgrade your role to HDInsight Cluster Operator in the Azure Portal, or " + "use Azure Storage Explorer to access the storages associated with this cluster.";
        // String[] dialogButtonLabels = new String[] {"Link this cluster", "Cancel"};
        String[] dialogButtonLabels = new String[] { "Ok" };
        MessageDialog warningDialog = new MessageDialog(PluginUtil.getParentShell(), title, null, warningText, MessageDialog.WARNING, dialogButtonLabels, 0);;
    // if ( == 0) {
    // try {
    // DefaultLoader.getIdeHelper().openLinkInBrowser(aseDeepLink);
    // } catch (Exception ex) {
    // DefaultLoader.getUIHelper().showError(ex.getMessage(), "HDInsight Explorer");
    // }
    // }
Also used : MessageDialog(org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog)

Example 64 with MessageDialog

use of org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog in project azure-tools-for-java by Microsoft.

the class HDInsightHelperImpl method createRefreshHdiLinkedClusterStorageAccountsWarningForm.

public void createRefreshHdiLinkedClusterStorageAccountsWarningForm(@NotNull RefreshableNode node, @NotNull String aseDeepLink) {
    Display.getDefault().asyncExec(() -> {
        String title = "Storage Access Denied";
        String warningText = "You are only linked to HDInsight cluster through Ambari credentials. Please use Azure " + "Storage Explorer to access the storage associated with this cluster.";
        // String[] dialogButtonLabels = new String[] {"Open Azure Storage Explorer", "Cancel"};
        String[] dialogButtonLabels = new String[] { "Ok" };
        MessageDialog warningDialog = new MessageDialog(PluginUtil.getParentShell(), title, null, warningText, MessageDialog.WARNING, dialogButtonLabels, 0);;
    // if ( == 0) {
    // try {
    // DefaultLoader.getIdeHelper().openLinkInBrowser(aseDeepLink);
    // } catch (Exception ex) {
    // DefaultLoader.getUIHelper().showError(ex.getMessage(), "HDInsight Explorer");
    // }
    // }
Also used : MessageDialog(org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog)

Example 65 with MessageDialog

use of org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog in project azure-tools-for-java by Microsoft.

the class HDInsightHelperImpl method createRefreshHdiReaderJobsWarningForm.

public void createRefreshHdiReaderJobsWarningForm(@NotNull HDInsightRootModule module, @NotNull ClusterDetail clusterDetail) {
    Display.getDefault().asyncExec(() -> {
        String title = "Cluster Job Access Denied";
        String warningText = "You have Read-only permission for this cluster. Please ask the cluster owner or user " + "access administrator to upgrade your role to HDInsight Cluster Operator in the Azure Portal, or " + "‘Link this cluster’ through Ambari credentials to view the corresponding jobs.";
        String[] dialogButtonLabels = new String[] { "Link this cluster", "Cancel" };
        MessageDialog warningDialog = new MessageDialog(PluginUtil.getParentShell(), title, null, warningText, MessageDialog.WARNING, dialogButtonLabels, 0);
        if ( == 0) {
            // First button pressed
            AddNewHDInsightReaderClusterForm linkClusterForm = new AddNewHDInsightReaderClusterForm(PluginUtil.getParentShell(), module, clusterDetail);
Also used : MessageDialog(org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog) AddNewHDInsightReaderClusterForm(


MessageDialog (org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog)129 Shell (org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell)27 CoreException (org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException)16 IPath (org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath)14 File ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 IProgressMonitor (org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)10 InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)9 Composite (org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite)9 SelectionEvent ( Point ( IOException ( IFile (org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile)6 IStructuredSelection (org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection)6 List (java.util.List)5 IStatus (org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus)5 IRunnableWithProgress (org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableWithProgress)5 IWorkbenchWindow (org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow)5 IWorkspaceRoot (org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot)4 Path (org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path)4