use of org.eclipse.jface.text.TextSelection in project linuxtools by eclipse.
the class CParserTest method canDetermineThatInNoFunctionInCFile.
* Given an IEditorPart and not being inside any function within a C
* source file, no function should be determined.
* @throws Exception
public void canDetermineThatInNoFunctionInCFile() throws Exception {
// make test project a C project
final String cSourceCode = "// Prototype " + OFFSET_MARKER + "\n" + "static int doSomething(char *test);\n\n" + "static int doSomething(char *test)\n" + "{\n" + "int index = 0;\n" + "return 0;\n" + "}\n";
assertNull(project.getTestProject().findMember(new Path("/src/some_c_file.c")));
// Add some_c_file.c to project
InputStream newFileInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(cSourceCode.getBytes());
IFile cSourceFile = project.addFileToProject("/src", "some_c_file.c", newFileInputStream);
assertNotNull(project.getTestProject().findMember(new Path("/src/some_c_file.c")));
// Open a source file and get the IEditorPart
cppSourceEditorPart = openEditor(cSourceFile);
assertEquals(cSourceCode, getContent(cppSourceEditorPart));
// make sure we have the proper editor type
assertTrue(cppSourceEditorPart instanceof AbstractTextEditor);
// Select the snippet we want
int selectionStart = cSourceCode.indexOf(OFFSET_MARKER);
assertTrue(selectionStart >= 0);
int selectionLength = OFFSET_MARKER.length();
AbstractTextEditor cEditor = (AbstractTextEditor) cppSourceEditorPart;
cEditor.getSelectionProvider().setSelection(new TextSelection(selectionStart, selectionLength));
final String actualFunctionName = cParser.parseCurrentFunction(cppSourceEditorPart);
assertEquals("", /* expect empty function name */
use of org.eclipse.jface.text.TextSelection in project linuxtools by eclipse.
the class JavaParserTest method canDetermineThatSelectionIsJustInClass.
* Given an IEditorPart and current selection is inside a class but not within a
* method, not selecting a field and not in a nested class (somewhere else in the
* class) it should return an empty string for the function.
* @throws Exception
public void canDetermineThatSelectionIsJustInClass() throws Exception {
// Apparently comments don't show up in the compilation units. Makes
// sense, right? But we can't use the OFFSET_MARKER trick in this case.
final String javaSourceCode = "public class JavaParserExampleClass {\n" + "private String someStrVariable = null;\n" + // want to select this line indexOf(';') + 2
"\n" + "\n" + "private void someMethod(String param) {\n" + "// empty \n" + "}\n" + "}\n";
assertNull(project.getTestProject().findMember(new Path("/src/org/eclipse/changelog/tests/")));
// Add to project
InputStream newFileInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(javaSourceCode.getBytes());
IFile javaSourceFile = project.addFileToProject("/src/org/eclipse/changelog/tests", "", newFileInputStream);
assertNotNull(project.getTestProject().findMember(new Path("/src/org/eclipse/changelog/tests/")));
// Open a source file and get the IEditorPart
javaSourceEditorPart = openEditor(javaSourceFile);
// make sure changelog editor content is right before merging
assertEquals(javaSourceCode, getContent(javaSourceEditorPart));
// make sure we have the proper editor type
assertTrue(javaSourceEditorPart instanceof AbstractDecoratedTextEditor);
// Select the right point
int selectionStart = javaSourceCode.indexOf(';') + 2;
assertTrue(selectionStart >= 2);
int selectionLength = 0;
AbstractDecoratedTextEditor javaEditor = (AbstractDecoratedTextEditor) javaSourceEditorPart;
javaEditor.getSelectionProvider().setSelection(new TextSelection(selectionStart, selectionLength));
final String actualFunctionName = javaParser.parseCurrentFunction(javaSourceEditorPart);
assertEquals("", /* expect empty string */
use of org.eclipse.jface.text.TextSelection in project linuxtools by eclipse.
the class DoubleClickTest method testDoubleClickLine.
public void testDoubleClickLine() throws Exception {
ILaunchConfiguration config = createConfiguration(proj.getProject());
// $NON-NLS-1$
doLaunch(config, "testDoubleClickLine");
IEditorPart editor = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().getActiveEditor();
assertTrue("editor should be ITextEditor", editor instanceof ITextEditor);
ITextEditor textEditor = (ITextEditor) editor;
ISelection selection = textEditor.getSelectionProvider().getSelection();
assertTrue("selection must be TextSelection", selection instanceof TextSelection);
TextSelection textSelection = (TextSelection) selection;
// zero-indexed
int line = textSelection.getStartLine() + 1;
assertEquals(frame.getLine(), line);