use of org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModelExtension in project eclipse.platform.text by eclipse.
the class LineNumberColumn method getAnnotationModelWithDiffer.
* Returns the annotation model that contains the quick diff annotation model.
* <p>
* Extracts the line differ from the displayed document's annotation model. If none can be found,
* a new differ is created and attached to the annotation model.</p>
* @return the annotation model that contains the line differ, or <code>null</code> if none could be found or created
* @see IChangeRulerColumn#QUICK_DIFF_MODEL_ID
private IAnnotationModel getAnnotationModelWithDiffer() {
ISourceViewer viewer = fViewer;
if (viewer == null)
return null;
IAnnotationModel m = viewer.getAnnotationModel();
IAnnotationModelExtension model = null;
if (m instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension)
model = (IAnnotationModelExtension) m;
IAnnotationModel differ = getDiffer();
// create diff model if it doesn't
if (differ == null) {
IPreferenceStore store = getPreferenceStore();
if (store != null) {
String defaultId = store.getString(AbstractDecoratedTextEditorPreferenceConstants.QUICK_DIFF_DEFAULT_PROVIDER);
differ = new QuickDiff().createQuickDiffAnnotationModel(getEditor(), defaultId);
if (differ != null) {
if (model == null)
model = new AnnotationModel();
model.addAnnotationModel(IChangeRulerColumn.QUICK_DIFF_MODEL_ID, differ);
} else if (differ instanceof ILineDifferExtension2) {
if (((ILineDifferExtension2) differ).isSuspended())
((ILineDifferExtension) differ).resume();
} else if (differ instanceof ILineDifferExtension) {
((ILineDifferExtension) differ).resume();
return (IAnnotationModel) model;
use of org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModelExtension in project eclipse.platform.text by eclipse.
the class LineNumberColumn method getDiffer.
* Extracts the line differ from the displayed document's annotation model. If none can be found,
* <code>null</code> is returned.
* @return the line differ, or <code>null</code> if none could be found
private IAnnotationModel getDiffer() {
// get annotation model extension
ISourceViewer viewer = fViewer;
if (viewer == null)
return null;
IAnnotationModel m = viewer.getAnnotationModel();
if (m == null && fDelegate instanceof IChangeRulerColumn)
m = ((IChangeRulerColumn) fDelegate).getModel();
if (!(m instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension))
return null;
IAnnotationModelExtension model = (IAnnotationModelExtension) m;
// get diff model if it exists already
return model.getAnnotationModel(IChangeRulerColumn.QUICK_DIFF_MODEL_ID);
use of org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModelExtension in project eclipse.platform.text by eclipse.
the class RevisionPainter method setModel.
* Sets the annotation model.
* @param model the annotation model, possibly <code>null</code>
* @see IVerticalRulerColumn#setModel(IAnnotationModel)
public void setModel(IAnnotationModel model) {
IAnnotationModel diffModel;
if (model instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension)
diffModel = ((IAnnotationModelExtension) model).getAnnotationModel(IChangeRulerColumn.QUICK_DIFF_MODEL_ID);
diffModel = model;
use of org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModelExtension in project eclipse.platform.text by eclipse.
the class LinkedModeUI method uninstallAnnotationModel.
private void uninstallAnnotationModel(LinkedModeUITarget target) {
ITextViewer viewer = target.getViewer();
if (viewer instanceof ISourceViewer) {
ISourceViewer sv = (ISourceViewer) viewer;
IAnnotationModel model = sv.getAnnotationModel();
if (model instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension) {
IAnnotationModelExtension ext = (IAnnotationModelExtension) model;
use of org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModelExtension in project eclipse.platform.text by eclipse.
the class LinkedModeUI method ensureAnnotationModelInstalled.
private void ensureAnnotationModelInstalled() {
LinkedPositionAnnotations lpa = fCurrentTarget.fAnnotationModel;
if (lpa != null) {
ITextViewer viewer = fCurrentTarget.getViewer();
if (viewer instanceof ISourceViewer) {
ISourceViewer sv = (ISourceViewer) viewer;
IAnnotationModel model = sv.getAnnotationModel();
if (model instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension) {
IAnnotationModelExtension ext = (IAnnotationModelExtension) model;
IAnnotationModel ourModel = ext.getAnnotationModel(getUniqueKey());
if (ourModel == null) {
ext.addAnnotationModel(getUniqueKey(), lpa);