use of org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class StickyApprovalsIT method noChange.
private void noChange(String changeId) throws Exception {
ChangeInfo change = gApi.changes().id(changeId).get();
String commitMessage = change.revisions.get(change.currentRevision).commit.message;
TestRepository<?>.CommitBuilder<?> commitBuilder = testRepo.amendRef("HEAD").insertChangeId(changeId.substring(1));
commitBuilder.message(commitMessage).author(admin.getIdent()).committer(new PersonIdent(admin.getIdent(), testRepo.getDate()));
GitUtil.pushHead(testRepo, "refs/for/master", false);
use of org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class RefAdvertisementIT method receivePackOmitsMissingObject.
public void receivePackOmitsMissingObject() throws Exception {
String rev = "deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef";
try (Repository repo = repoManager.openRepository(project)) {
TestRepository<?> tr = new TestRepository<>(repo);
String subject = "Subject for missing commit";
Change c = new Change(c3.change());
PatchSet.Id psId = new PatchSet.Id(c3.getId(), 2);
c.setCurrentPatchSet(psId, subject, c.getOriginalSubject());
if (notesMigration.changePrimaryStorage() == PrimaryStorage.REVIEW_DB) {
PatchSet ps = TestChanges.newPatchSet(psId, rev, admin.getId());
if (notesMigration.commitChangeWrites()) {
PersonIdent committer = serverIdent.get();
PersonIdent author = noteUtil.newIdent(accountCache.get(admin.getId()).getAccount(), committer.getWhen(), committer, anonymousCowardName);
tr.branch(RefNames.changeMetaRef(c3.getId())).commit().author(author).committer(committer).message("Update patch set " + psId.get() + "\n" + "\n" + "Patch-set: " + psId.get() + "\n" + "Commit: " + rev + "\n" + "Subject: " + subject + "\n").create();
indexer.index(db, c.getProject(), c.getId());
assertThat(getReceivePackRefs().additionalHaves()).containsExactly(obj(c4, 1));
use of org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class AbstractPushForReview method cantAutoCloseChangeAlreadyMergedToBranch.
public void cantAutoCloseChangeAlreadyMergedToBranch() throws Exception {
PushOneCommit.Result r1 = createChange();
Change.Id id1 = r1.getChange().getId();
PushOneCommit.Result r2 = createChange();
Change.Id id2 = r2.getChange().getId();
// Merge change 1 behind Gerrit's back.
try (Repository repo = repoManager.openRepository(project)) {
TestRepository<?> tr = new TestRepository<>(repo);
r2 = amendChange(r2.getChangeId());
// Change 1 is still new despite being merged into the branch, because
// ReceiveCommits only considers commits between the branch tip (which is
// now the merged change 1) and the push tip (new patch set of change 2).
use of org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class AbstractSubmit method submitWithValidationMultiRepo.
public void submitWithValidationMultiRepo() throws Exception {
String topic = "test-topic";
// Create test projects
TestRepository<?> repoA = createProjectWithPush("project-a", null, getSubmitType());
TestRepository<?> repoB = createProjectWithPush("project-b", null, getSubmitType());
// Create changes on project-a
PushOneCommit.Result change1 = createChange(repoA, "master", "Change 1", "a.txt", "content", topic);
PushOneCommit.Result change2 = createChange(repoA, "master", "Change 2", "b.txt", "content", topic);
// Create changes on project-b
PushOneCommit.Result change3 = createChange(repoB, "master", "Change 3", "a.txt", "content", topic);
PushOneCommit.Result change4 = createChange(repoB, "master", "Change 4", "b.txt", "content", topic);
List<PushOneCommit.Result> changes = Lists.newArrayList(change1, change2, change3, change4);
for (PushOneCommit.Result change : changes) {
// Construct validator which will throw on a second call.
// Since there are 2 repos, first submit attempt will fail, the second will
// succeed.
List<String> projectsCalled = new ArrayList<>(4);
this.addOnSubmitValidationListener(new OnSubmitValidationListener() {
public void preBranchUpdate(Arguments args) throws ValidationException {
String master = "refs/heads/master";
ReceiveCommand cmd = args.getCommands().get(master);
ObjectId newMasterId = cmd.getNewId();
try (Repository repo = repoManager.openRepository(args.getProject())) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("failed checking new ref value", e);
if (projectsCalled.size() == 2) {
throw new ValidationException("time to fail");
submitWithConflict(change4.getChangeId(), "time to fail");
assertThat(projectsCalled).containsExactly(name("project-a"), name("project-b"));
for (PushOneCommit.Result change : changes) {
change.assertChange(Change.Status.NEW, name(topic), admin);
assertThat(projectsCalled).containsExactly(name("project-a"), name("project-b"), name("project-a"), name("project-b"));
for (PushOneCommit.Result change : changes) {
change.assertChange(Change.Status.MERGED, name(topic), admin);
use of org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class ChangeRebuilderIT method rebuildAutomaticallyWithinBatchUpdate.
public void rebuildAutomaticallyWithinBatchUpdate() throws Exception {
setNotesMigration(true, true);
PushOneCommit.Result r = createChange();
final Change.Id id = r.getPatchSetId().getParentKey();
assertChangeUpToDate(true, id);
// Update ReviewDb and NoteDb, then revert the corresponding NoteDb change
// to simulate it failing.
NoteDbChangeState oldState = NoteDbChangeState.parse(getUnwrappedDb().changes().get(id));
String topic = name("a-topic");
try (Repository repo = repoManager.openRepository(project)) {
new TestRepository<>(repo).update(RefNames.changeMetaRef(id), oldState.getChangeMetaId());
assertChangeUpToDate(false, id);
// Next NoteDb read comes inside the transaction started by BatchUpdate. In
// reality this could be caused by a failed update happening between when
// the change is parsed by ChangesCollection and when the BatchUpdate
// executes. We simulate it here by using BatchUpdate directly and not going
// through an API handler.
final String msg = "message from BatchUpdate";
try (BatchUpdate bu = batchUpdateFactory.create(db, project, identifiedUserFactory.create(user.getId()), TimeUtil.nowTs())) {
bu.addOp(id, new BatchUpdateOp() {
public boolean updateChange(ChangeContext ctx) throws OrmException {
PatchSet.Id psId = ctx.getChange().currentPatchSetId();
ChangeMessage cm = new ChangeMessage(new ChangeMessage.Key(id, ChangeUtil.messageUuid()), ctx.getAccountId(), ctx.getWhen(), psId);
return true;
try {
fail("expected update to fail");
} catch (UpdateException e) {
assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("cannot copy ChangeNotesState");
// TODO(dborowitz): Re-enable these assertions once we fix auto-rebuilding
// in the BatchUpdate path.
//// As an implementation detail, change wasn't actually rebuilt inside the
//// BatchUpdate transaction, but it was rebuilt during read for the
//// subsequent reindex. Thus it's impossible to actually observe an
//// out-of-date state in the caller.
//assertChangeUpToDate(true, id);
//// Check that the bundles are equal.
//ChangeNotes notes = notesFactory.create(dbProvider.get(), project, id);
//ChangeBundle actual = ChangeBundle.fromNotes(commentsUtil, notes);
//ChangeBundle expected = bundleReader.fromReviewDb(getUnwrappedDb(), id);
// Iterables.transform(
// notes.getChangeMessages(),
// ChangeMessage::getMessage))
// .contains(msg);