use of org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.document.PageDirectiveAdapter in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.
the class JSPModelLoader method setLanguageInPageDirective.
protected void setLanguageInPageDirective(IStructuredModel newModel) {
if (newModel instanceof IDOMModel) {
IDOMDocument document = ((IDOMModel) newModel).getDocument();
PageDirectiveAdapter pageDirectiveAdapter = (PageDirectiveAdapter) document.getAdapterFor(PageDirectiveAdapter.class);
String language = getLanguage(newModel);
use of org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.document.PageDirectiveAdapter in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.
the class JSPModelLoader method initEmbeddedTypePre.
protected void initEmbeddedTypePre(IStructuredModel model, IStructuredDocument structuredDocument) {
// note: this will currently only work for models backed by files
EmbeddedTypeHandler embeddedContentType = null;
IDOMModel domModel = (IDOMModel) model;
if (embeddedContentType == null) {
IContentDescription desc = getContentDescription(structuredDocument);
if (desc != null) {
Object prop = null;
prop = desc.getProperty(IContentDescriptionForJSP.CONTENT_FAMILY_ATTRIBUTE);
if (prop != null) {
if (ContentTypeFamilyForHTML.HTML_FAMILY.equals(prop)) {
embeddedContentType = EmbeddedTypeRegistryImpl.getInstance().getTypeFor("text/html");
if (embeddedContentType == null) {
prop = desc.getProperty(IContentDescriptionForJSP.CONTENT_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);
if (prop != null) {
embeddedContentType = EmbeddedTypeRegistryImpl.getInstance().getTypeFor((String) prop);
IDOMDocument document = domModel.getDocument();
PageDirectiveAdapter pageDirectiveAdapter = (PageDirectiveAdapter) document.getAdapterFor(PageDirectiveAdapter.class);
if (embeddedContentType != null) {
} else {
// use default embeddedType if it couldn't determine one
embeddedContentType = getJSPDefaultEmbeddedType(model);
use of org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.document.PageDirectiveAdapter in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.
the class JSPModelLoader method reInitializeEmbeddedType.
* This is "reinitialize" since there should always be at least the
* default one assigned, before we start checking the stream
private void reInitializeEmbeddedType(IStructuredModel model, EmbeddedTypeHandler oldEmbeddedContentType, EmbeddedTypeHandler newEmbeddedContentType) {
// check program logic
// $NON-NLS-1$
Assert.isNotNull(oldEmbeddedContentType, "Program error: invalid call during model initialization");
// once we know the embedded content type, we need to set it in the
// PageDirectiveAdapter ... the order of initialization is
// critical here, the doc must have been created, but its contents not
// set yet,
// and all factories must have been set up also.
IDOMModel domModel = (IDOMModel) model;
IStructuredDocument structuredDocument = model.getStructuredDocument();
IDOMDocument document = domModel.getDocument();
PageDirectiveAdapter pageDirectiveAdapter = (PageDirectiveAdapter) document.getExistingAdapter(PageDirectiveAdapter.class);
// ==> // PropagatingAdapter propagatingAdapter = (PropagatingAdapter)
// ((INodeNotifier)
// document).getExistingAdapter(PropagatingAdapter.class);
// ==> // ModelQueryAdapter modelQueryAdapter = (ModelQueryAdapter)
// ((INodeNotifier)
// document).getExistingAdapter(ModelQueryAdapter.class);
// since 'document' is not recreated in this
// reinit path, we need to remove all adapters,
// except for the propagated adapters (including page
// directive adapter, and model query adapter).
// to accomplish this, we'll just remove all, then
// add back with a call to pre-load adapt.
// let clients decide to unload adapters from document
// Collection oldAdapters = document.getAdapters();
// Iterator oldAdaptersIterator = oldAdapters.iterator();
// while (oldAdaptersIterator.hasNext()) {
// INodeAdapter oldAdapter = (INodeAdapter)
// if (oldAdapter != pageDirectiveAdapter && oldAdapter !=
// propagatingAdapter && oldAdapter != modelQueryAdapter) {
// // DO NOT remove directly!
// // can change contents while in notifity loop!
// //oldAdaptersIterator.remove();
// document.removeAdapter(oldAdapter);
// }
// }
// DMW: I believe something like the following is needed,
// since releases cached adapters
// if (document instanceof DocumentImpl) {
// ((DocumentImpl) document).releaseDocumentType();
// ((DocumentImpl) document).releaseStyleSheets();
// }
// remember, embedded type factories are automatically cleared when
// embededType changed
// pageDirectiveAdapter.clearPageWatchers();
if (newEmbeddedContentType != null) {
// need to null out or else ModelParserAdapter
// won't get reinitialized
((DOMModelImpl) model).setModelParser(null);
// partitioner setup is the responsibility of this loader
IDocumentPartitioner documentPartitioner = structuredDocument.getDocumentPartitioner();
// added null/type checks for safety.
if (documentPartitioner != null && documentPartitioner instanceof StructuredTextPartitionerForJSP) {
if (newEmbeddedContentType.getFamilyId().equals(ContentTypeIdForXML.ContentTypeID_XML)) {
((StructuredTextPartitionerForJSP) documentPartitioner).setEmbeddedPartitioner(new StructuredTextPartitionerForXML());
} else if (newEmbeddedContentType.getFamilyId().equals(ContentTypeIdForHTML.ContentTypeID_HTML)) {
((StructuredTextPartitionerForJSP) documentPartitioner).setEmbeddedPartitioner(new StructuredTextPartitionerForHTML());
// adding language here, in this convienent central
// location, but some obvious renaming or refactoring
// wouldn't hurt, in future.
// I needed to add this language setting for JSP Fragment support
// Note: this is the one that counts, since at this point,
// the model has an ID, so we can look up IFile, etc.
String language = getLanguage(model);
if (language != null && language.length() > 0) {
use of org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.document.PageDirectiveAdapter in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.
the class JSPModelLoader method getEmbeddedType.
private EmbeddedTypeHandler getEmbeddedType(IStructuredModel model) {
Document doc = ((IDOMModel) model).getDocument();
PageDirectiveAdapter pageDirectiveAdapter = (PageDirectiveAdapter) ((INodeNotifier) doc).getAdapterFor(PageDirectiveAdapter.class);
EmbeddedTypeHandler embeddedHandler = pageDirectiveAdapter.getEmbeddedType();
return embeddedHandler;
use of org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.document.PageDirectiveAdapter in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.
the class JSPModelLoader method initCloneOfEmbeddedType.
* This is "reinitialize" since there should always be at least the
* default one assigned, before we start checking the stream
private void initCloneOfEmbeddedType(IStructuredModel model, EmbeddedTypeHandler oldEmbeddedContentType, EmbeddedTypeHandler newEmbeddedContentType) {
// check program logic
// $NON-NLS-1$
Assert.isNotNull(oldEmbeddedContentType, "Program error: invalid call during model initialization");
// once we know the embedded content type, we need to set it in the
// PageDirectiveAdapter ... the order of initialization is
// critical here, the doc must have been created, but its contents not
// set yet,
// and all factories must have been set up also.
IDOMModel domModel = (IDOMModel) model;
IStructuredDocument structuredDocument = model.getStructuredDocument();
IDOMDocument document = domModel.getDocument();
PageDirectiveAdapter pageDirectiveAdapter = (PageDirectiveAdapter) document.getAdapterFor(PageDirectiveAdapter.class);
// ==> // PropagatingAdapter propagatingAdapter = (PropagatingAdapter)
// ((INodeNotifier) document).getAdapterFor(PropagatingAdapter.class);
// ==> // ModelQueryAdapter modelQueryAdapter = (ModelQueryAdapter)
// ((INodeNotifier) document).getAdapterFor(ModelQueryAdapter.class);
// because, even in the clone case, the model has been paritally
// intialized with
// the old embedded type (during createModel), we need to unitialize
// parts of it, based on the old (or default) ones
// remember, embedded type factories are automatically cleared when
// embededType changed
if (newEmbeddedContentType != null) {
// adding language here, in this convienent central
// location, but some obvious renaming or refactoring
// wouldn't hurt, in future.
// I needed to add this language setting for JSP Fragment support
// Note: this is the one that counts, since at this point,
// the model has an ID, so we can look up IFile, etc.
String language = getLanguage(model);
if (language != null && language.length() > 0) {